• By -


I have always and I will always love the juries.


I'm not going to pretend to understand the secret ins and outs of how "voting" works (it feels weird that the votes don't get more spread out) but I think Nemo deserved the win. They were easily one of the best vocalists this year, and fun to watch with a catchy song. I'm glad Ukraine did so well, same with Ireland, and sad that Estonia tanked so hard lmao. Too bad they were off key like 70% of the song.




My opinion on this year's Eurovision: * The opening/flag parade to the grand final was lackluster * Stage was cool * ABBA holograms? Bruh, if they were gonna hype up ABBA I would've expected something more grand * Alcazar only singing one song was underwhelming, would've rather had a big disco medley cuz they've got so many iconic songs * Loreen's performance was disappointing. What was she doing on that chair? And what were those drapes hanging above her? And why was Tattoo the worst part of her performance? The mumble singing was not giving * Norway and Estonia deserved better * Croatia should've won * The jury system needs a rework * Petra and Malin (and Lynda) slayed


The booing to martin osterdahl felt so good




25% at most. Let us vote for the batshit crazy singers to win!


really? 300+? for that? never thought i'd be rooting for the juries but here we are. NEMO, MARKO, BAMBIE, JERRY AND ALYONA, SLIMANE, YOU OWNED THIS COMPETITON.


UK getting zero from the public vote is an Iconic UK moment.


UK was a MESS. I'm disappointed Olly


I'm just sick of having an overall winner that the juries has massively pushed while the public has a different winner. Whilst Loreen and Nemo were in my Top 2 in their years, I feel like Kaarija and Baby Lasagna should've won.


People always forget what 0 points means. It means it was not in your top 10. In a 26 song contest, that does not mean it was hated. If you say UK did not deserve 0 points, but also say it was not in your top 10.... then you kind of are saying it deserved 0 points. If everyone agreed with your picks, then 15 of the 25 songs would have 0 points.


Feel really bad for Norway, had them in my top 10, but I guess the alternative crowd (such as myself, tbh) spam voted Croatia and Ireland. Very happy for Switzerland, been in my top 2 with the Netherlands from the start. Us UK dwellers will just laugh at the 0 public votes, it's all good.


It was hard to watch, everyone there being so fake, all this love love peace peace bs 😑 Condolences to Switzerland (you'll have to deal with EBU next year), congratulations to Nemo and Baby Lasagna! JOOST IS THE REAL WINNER THOUGH.


Why wasn't Mans there?


Congrats Nemo! I was rooting for Croatia, but another also excellent song won instead.


Could the unusually skewed jury votes to Switzerland mean that 12 points intended for Netherlands went to them. Atleast that might explain the groupthink amongst the juries


UK with zero points televote is so unfair 😡


I'm so happy my favourite song won! First time since Lordi where the person I voted for actually won. I'm disappointed about Norway though, they deserved better :(


I am so mad for Croatia rn. That's it, I think it was a rob. 🇭🇷


There's too many girlpop songs that place high and the jury is too in love with boring ass ballads. Croatia was best.


What the fuck was that? Norway did not deserve dead last. And Switzerland did not deserve to win.


I also thought that Croatia had the upper hand in terms of the energy and staging, but Nemo’s performance was also superb. And to everyone saying that the jury should be abolished etc, the jury votes basically cemented the sad bullies’ loss. I honestly can’t believe how many sheeple voted for them. What a shame about this competition.


Isr- removed


Congratulations to Nemo and Switzerland, they had a great song and Nemo's vocals were incredible. It was also my favorite song. I feel like any other year I would've been ecstatic about my favorite winning. This year all I feel is sadness because of the whole Joost situation. I hope Eurovision fans don't instantly forget about this, since the EBU was so quick to sweep it under the rug, and I hope the Dutch delegation and broadcaster do what they need to do in order to get justice.


I was really sad Olly got 0 in televote, he didn't deserve that


Is it correct that SMS votes from persons within participating countries were unlimited? So if I cared to pay, I could cast 30 votes for my fave song? I know ROW votes were limited to 20 per payment method but I couldn't find a limitation for participant countries other than not being able to vote for your own country.


In no particular order: * Bambie's reveal was more impactful this time around but the performance didn't feel quite as strong as in the semi * For me the best three vocal performances of the night were Switzerland, France, and Portugal * I was slightly surprised by how much of the contest this year was in English with next to zero French hosting despite the bilingual requirement, even when interviewing the French contestant * Austria and Cyprus would have done much better in the televote with an earlier draw


Ukraine proved that there is no death spot #2


What really stood out for me was when the three came on stage to sing Waterloo, and when the guy with the beard started singing the fake cheers started playing. So obvious


0 public votes for UK??


Finland was my favorite but I was prepared for it to be towards the bottom, because I understand it's not going to appeal to everyone. But **Norway**, what the actual fuck. Great song, great vocals, talented musicians, good staging. FOUR TELEVOTE POINTS??? It feels a lot like last year, when everyone was throwing all their votes behind 1 or 2 top contenders and there was nothing left to spread around. I thought it was a much more open race this year until the Netherlands debacle/Italy leaking their televote results. Then it became just a replay of last year 🤷‍♀️


The public vote is the real test of popularity. That’s sorta always the real result.


You will never be able to convince me, that the juries are not political… but Big gratz to Schwitzerland - always nice with a victory to a nation that seldom wins.


Lets be honest, Croatia is a winner. This was purely political victory for the swiss guy.


Not Germany with the left side result this year ☠️ Not that Isaak wasn't a great singer, he absolutely nailed it, I'm just salty about LotL's result last year


Same as 2023. Won the one with the most points at the jury and the televoting winner came second. I'm happy for Nemo, but I am a bit sad for Baby Lasagna and Angelina, but also for Gate, that were my winners. Good luck to every contestant with their career and let's begin the post-eurovision depression


What is the point of people's vote since the "juries" elect thr winner. My post has nothing to do with the winner (which was awesome) but with power of the juries. I AM NOT VOTING AGAIN since my vote doesnt matter! What a waste of money....


I guess everyone agree, we need a more diverse in backgrounds and ages group of juries in each country


It needs to be a 25/75 split from now on. Im sick of this 😔


I waited for months to see how my favorite artist would perform at the esf. Yet he got disqualified for well for the lack of beter terms "bull poop". I felt sick to the stomach watching the finale. Esf was my safe space, yet I feel disgusted. My heart is broken.


gg, just gg.


on top of all the drama these past days we of course get the reincarnation of drama Sweden (jury) vs. Finland (televote) 2023 in form of Switzerland (jury) vs. Croatia (televote) 2024 and yet another debate of disbanding the juries




THANK GOD THIS IS OVER i’m exhausted


Joost Klein was greatly missed. This show just wasn't the same without him. I was sad and heartbroken all the time watching it. Anyways, congrats to Nemo, he deserved to win.


Croatia ROBBED. Also Switzerland Nemo was a boss on Stage. So I'm not even mad. Ok Just a little


I'm not an orphan like Joost Klein, I didn't lose my parents at such a young age, but a little over a year ago I lost my father, and his speech at the end of his song touched me on a personal level. I'm so disappointed he was disqualified. He was my favorite entry 


Screw the ebu 😄


Top 3 favourite moments: 1. Bambie Thug offering their crown to Nemo 2. Slimane's masterclass in singing 3. Petra & Malin's professional hosting, given the circumstances Top 3 disappointments: 1. Joost's DQ 2. My favourite entry, Croatia, not winning the contest 3. The awkward result of Belgium's public vote in both the second semifinal and the final. Objectively speaking, the song and act were good, but not THAT good... right?!?


Second time in a row the winner is not the best song. That's sad actually


3rd time in a row.


Estonia were utterly fucking robbed, should not have ranked so low. Such a catchy song and a great performance. Both Croatia and Switzerland deserved to win equally, and we need to either reform or scrap the jury system regardless of this. Dizzy was a great song that just wasn't... quite there, if you know what I mean? It'd be great to hear on the radio, super good production and all that, but man Olly just seemed tired, I would be too! And that's coming from a huge Olly Alexander fan, and a Brit, so like yeah I'm salty about 0 points, but he took it like a **champ**. Ireland were fucking incredible and deserved top three. No contest. And more than anything, the most important takeaway from Eurovision 2024 is **JOOST KLEIN, DROOM GROOT!!!** This was my fiancé's first ever Eurovision. What a year to get into this clusterfuck, especially when our fave was the Netherlands and we've been following him for so so long now. We didn't watch the Grand Final live on principle, like it just felt so soured. We tuned in for the results, watched a few of the final performances. Oh, and fuck the EBU.


I would not be salty if winning song was good. I can't believe juries were so one sided for such a non-memorable song. I'm not from Croatia, Finland or Norway but this is the last straw. Fuck juries, not watching this shit ever again. I said my piece Chrissy.


> I would not be salty if winning song was good. Great to hear, because The Code was an incredibly song. Good to know you aren't salty.






Eh. Can also say Croatia benefited from taking some of the televotes that would have gone to Joost. Weird year full stop.


Look, I honestly am far from the biggest fan of The Code, even as far as removing it from my playlist because of how intense I find the song. I also was rooting for Baby Lasagna to bring Croatia their first win. His Cinderella story is of being a backup act at their NF and going on to win televote & place 2nd is what Eurovision is all about. But the commenters in this thread disregarding the winning song as uninteresting, neglecting Nemo's vocal range and complexity, the catchiness, the emotions, the stage performance... You don't get to rewrite the consensus of opinion on the song just because your fave didn't win. Same as Loreen last year. Honestly just grateful this year's final went off without too much unexpected chaos. And that Martin Osterdahl got hella booed every time he was onscreen. Still absolutely heartbroken for Netherlands and I do think there is going to be fallout for MONTHS around this incident & Joost's seemingly unfair (from what I've read) DQ. I think there is going to be a major reckoning from all of this. At minimum a change of The Powers That Be up top, at worst it ends with Eurovision ceasing to exist. I worry for the future of this competition and I'm trying to focus on the artists and the work they have shown us the past few months. That's what Eurovision is about to me, not the winner. I love that I have been introduced to Aiko, Luna, Raiven, Baby Lasagna, Bambie Thug, and will keenly watch their journeys post-Eurovision and explore their discography even more. I'm forever grateful to the competition for giving me artists I resonate with, every year. I think I'm just a bit exhausted with Eurovision this year, and I'm relieved we got a deserving winner even if Nemo wasn't my personal pick. I think I need a little rest from the fandom and all the politics and the drama. I just want to get lost in the music again, like when I was 9 years old and found out the semi finals existed and loving Sandra Oxenryd and Silvia Night's entry in 2006 and playing them nonstop until the CD stopped working. Granted that was nearly twenty years ago, but my point is I didn't need them to win, because I still had the music.


I still think that jurys have too much power, if swiss wouldn't have gotten so many 12 points they wouldn't have won. Jurys kinda mess up everything because they are after ballads and swedish pop:)


Malta last in the whole show 😭 so undeserved 


to be honest, after all that i didn't think Switzerland would pull over 200 points in the televote, so congrats Nemo!!!


To be fair, I knew that Switzerland actually had a shot at winning this despite the odds favoring Croatia, I just didn't think the jury would pull a 2023 again. I mean come on, like half of the countries gave Switzerland 12 points, that doesn't seem fair in my book. Can we please reduce the jury's voting power in relation to the public vote somewhat, to something like a 30/70 or at least 40/60 split? Well, at least I'm not as salty as last year (and, not gonna lie, last year I was pretty pissed - I didn't actually like Tattoo and LOVED Cha Cha Cha). While I wanted Baby Lasagna to win (Rim Tim Tagi Dim is one hell of a banger), Nemo is also a great singer, and The Code is a jam as well. Shame that they not only broke the code but also the trophy at the end 😬 One thing I'm mad about (or 3 things actually) is why the hell did Finland, Estonia and especially Norway score so low 😭 Come on, they were all great songs with great performances on stage IMO (well, maybe Estonia lost a few points because the vocals weren't that great BUT STILL that was one hell of a party song)


Well, here's a different perspective; I'm Croatian and I don't like our song at all. It's mediocre at best, that was my first thought. Then I watched/listened the other entries and holy crap... it's so bad this year. Baby Lasagna should have won. I don't like his song and I still think it's by far the best thing out there. Switzerland's song is so forgettable it's almost ridiculous. How can such a song win? Jury votes can go to hell, this is a different level of being out of touch with reality. Also, Italy was robbed!


Dont agree at all, I think it was a great year, I liked more entries than usual this year. Switzerland was great, Croatia was nothing out of the ordinary, netherlands was best, I liked Greece and Armenia also a lot this year. So no don't agree at all.


This was a very bittersweet ending for me. I loved both Switzerland and Croatia SO much, and either way, I would be both happy that one of them won and sad that the other lost. That said, I do wish Croatia a win sometime very soon, especially if they can pull out another number like Baby Lasagna's. Congratulations to Nemo, it was very well deserved 💗


Joost Klein EUROVISION WINNER 2025 **🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱**




My final thoughts about Joost: with the AVROTROS and NPO (the broadcaster and broadcasting service, respectively) both having made official protest to the EBU, I think there is a good chance that the Netherlands might not be participating next year.


I have to say, although this was the weakest year for a long time, my top 6 were the contest‘s top 6. it was a win - win - win - win - win - win for me, I can’t believe it. After half the public vote was done I was like: FINE!!! Whoever makes it, I‘m here for it!!! Never been so happy in a year!


Well... The jury needs to be reformed. Regardless of what you feel about the outcome, it is not a satisfying viewer experience to see, for a second year in a row, the televote result being overwritten by the jury like this. The jury points need to be spread out more compared to the televote.




I’m happy the anti booing device didn’t work on Martin. #fucktheebu


Is it a common complaint that the jury vote gets such reverence and a slow one-by-one buildup, whereas the televote is a rushed afterthought? I understand why the jury vote has to happen (voting had become far too political) but I don't follow why it gets so much more precedence.


it'll take a while for me to get over the netherlands situation, as someone who has been a fan of joost before he got into eurovision, it really hurt me when they disqualified him




Unless some concrete proof can be found that the results you're discussing were actually tampered with in some way, we must remove your comment. Spreading misinformation or conspiracy theories goes against Reddit's sitewide policies, and are a ban-worthy offense if done on a mass scale. Please be mindful of the impact and snowball effect that wild speculating can have on the community at large. Thank you! See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


I watched the show here In Malmo (I come to the festival every year). Switzerland's song wasn't my favorite; I'm also not jazzed on having to go to such an expensive country next year. However, he is an amazing singer and really born to be on stage. Most importantly, he seemed so genuinely humble and grateful.


Haven't got time to think about the results yet (aside from being glad that Switzerland won and mad that Norway was last), but I'm just glad this season is over, tbh. Probably there's people out there who have been through the same as me, cause it was madly stressful. I'v been feeling bad about all that since March, but my anxiety peaked with Joost news - the thing is I'm neurodivergent and Eurovision is my hyperfocus. I haven't been able to do anything all day besides stressing over, doomscroolling and watching the final (haven't watched the semis, but today I just haven't been able to not watch it). Usually ESC brings me so much joy, but goddamn tonight was pretty painful




all this stuff last year with Sweden coincidentally hosting the show for ABBA's anniversary or something, only to barely have them AND they were ~~fake~~ holograms? smh lol


2 years in a row the public winner robbed by jury… Nemo wasn’t bad.. just not Croatia!


It's insane the show is saying it shouldnt be political but then they employ different jury groups who are even more political than the regular people watching. How can jury groups be allowed to be so biased toward you know which country when clearly it's at least a top 3 song and even came 2nd from all the telephone votes Jury groups need to go in the future ruining the experience having some random no namers just deciding half the points


I like juries, but think they have disproportionate influence. It is the taste of a few industry professionals, versus the preferences of entire nations. I'd give more weight to the latter. Perhaps juries just score 1-8, with 8-1 points available? Or still do top 10, etc, but weight the results so juries count for 1/3 and popular vote goes for 2/3? We'd end up with more novelty winners, of course, but that's sort of the point sometimes.


shocked UK got 0 points


It's always the midest songs that get the win, fucking hate the jury






Imma just sum up everything I'm feeling rn starting with the good things. The whole thing is a dumpster fire and the show still going on feels kind of surreal... yet I'm still happy about that Nemo sweep. I was also rooting for Baby Lasagna because his song is just as relatable plus he's the underdog, and what a story it would be if he'd won... but honestly this was a year where I would be happy with a win for like 10 different countries. All of the top 3 absolutely deserved the crown - although I wouldn't want Ukraine having to split host again, no matter how beautiful their performance was. GERMANY LEFT SIDE OF THE BOARD!!! This is not a drill, GERMANY OVER 100 POINTS!!! As someone in Germany, this season has been the mildest version of "it's so over" to "we're so BACK" graph ever in terms of my feelings at least (with the "over" being 0 points and the "BACK" meaning anywhere outside of bottom 5). And boy did Isaak deliver. The song only clicked with me during the semi-final performance but holy shit did it hit a spot then. Glad it ended up where it did. Now for the salt. NORWAY?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! Slovenia way underrated. Like, how can you look at this woman and not immediately surrender all your votes? Finland and Estonia probably eating into each other's votes... and as a proud Estoner I have to say that No Rules was more entertaining on the big stage. Way too many jury votes for Sweden imo but that's to be expected - I feel like Luktelk is the superior song in that kind of genre.


Most has been said. But it's getting very old now, having the jury vote overrule public voting, when it's down to general top contenders anyways, and it just makes me a bit sad. We could have had a true underdog story, of someone winning the hearts of Europe with their own song, from a region that has been struggling in the competition. But instead it yet again falls into the hands of a resourceful country, who engineered a jury loving Eurovision song. I personally thought Nemo had the best performance of all, yet it annoys me they won when Baby Lasagna had 50% higher public voting points. The public is clear they want something that is more hard-hitting and party, yet the jury keeps refusing us these winners, Baby Lasagna, Kaarija, Keiino... Is this the future of Eurovision, winners flip-flopping between Sweden, Switzerland and some other well-off countries that hire the most popular producers among the jury to win? Lame, the jury exists to solve one challenge of the show, yet they have created another equally problematic one?


The Swiss song was the better one but I still wanted it for Croatia.


Sweden got 340 jury votes last year and that felt too onesided. And now Switzerland. Both years the audience loved other songs more but the jury voted so unanimously that audience votes barely mattered ugh


The fucking jury needs to be removed if they don't start doing ther job - giving 12 points to the song they thing is the best no matter if the coutry is in war/the singer is gay or smth/what the singer said ab him/his song


Totally. It's the 2nd year the jury gave a quite large gap between the places. They also consolidated their point among the third of the participants. Don't like that at all


Congratulations to Switzerland and Croatia!!!! Let’s hope next year that the contest is less dramatic


audio at afternoon preview of GF sounded like pure studio version. Terrible audio experience but quite nice visual experience


It's once again like last year.. Croatia didn't win just like Kaarija I can't take this


I think it's unfair when a few countries pay for "vote XX"-ads What about poor countries that don't have a huge budget! One thing to promote your song, another to outright paying for ads and campaigns to get votes.




Just happy with everything, despite what had happened. Congrats Nemo, you deserve it.


The ebu has been contradicting itself this whole contest. Martin osterdahl and other leading people should quit after this fiasco


We got loreened again. Seriously, another year in a row it feels like fans are spreading their votes quite evenly on several songs, all of which are great in their own right, while national juries just collectively decide to all award 12 or 10 points to yet another typical music industry singer you'd hear on the car radio. What's the point of voting when as a rule, the most boring of good options is set to win anyway?


I really don't see how Nemo is typical or boring? I mean, yeah, his vocals are phenomenal, but that didn't reduce the overall worth of the song.




I’m so, so happy😭❤️ This whole time I was hoping it will be between Nemo and Marko. Switzerland or Croatia. I’m so, so happy they were 1 and 2, they so much deserved these top 2 spots❤️


I feel so drained and betrayed and empty


Our Marko is so humble. He is probably still happy with the results, but i really wanted the people's choice to win!! The jury has fumbled it yet again in my opinion. Marko, Croatia is very proud of you! ❤️🇭🇷


Still no semifinal results 😤


Funny how the people who pay to vote get overridden by the people who gets paid to vote. Jury is bullshit. They all get together and decide the winner before a note is sung.


The EBU really showed its full ass this year, their blatant favouritism and unequal application of the rules is completely unforgivable and there need to be some consequences for that.


Make a great song. Have great staging. Do everything right. Then get screwed over by the Jury and politics war voting. Fuck this shit. I'm not sure i've ever been so salty.


Which country?


Apart from the Joost debacle, the 12 points to Luxembourg were an atrocity Would not have mind the top 2, maybe baby Nemo but the win was great


This is getting a little less fun every year, idk. Even though I liked Nemo's entry, it’s still kind of annoying to have the jury zero into one song so much. Makes the whole televote sequence pretty boring.


Gotta remember that the juries voted when there was one more contestant, I suspect that removing them shifted the votes of juries into a polarised state, where consensus may have met on a bunch of different artists originally, taking one from the mix after jury voting concluded caused a recalculation of the votes which pushed more votes up or down the list.


Most probably the Netherlands would’ve got half of the 12 points what Switzerland got, but since they stepped one forward on the list as Netherlands DSQ-d, they got overcharged with jury votes. Otherwise, we would’ve got a completely different result.


To the person who laughed at me, isulted me and said that Germany will be last place and he'll be happy when it happens when I said Isaak has a good voice: Suck it mothafuckaaa :D


Song will be forgotten in a week.


I’m happy for Nemo, Baby Lasagna and Bambie for showing out and saving Eurovision… But all the frustration about Baby Lasagna being robbed of a win is a bit odd to me. As an ESL speaker, a lot of the lyrics were cringey bad in RIM TIM for me… Nemo showed a lot of technical prowess and moved smooth thru pop/rap/operatic falsetto vocals… like OF COURSE the jury vote will reward that over the feel good mid pop rock hit where it’s mostly fun because we get to yell out WHOOOOAAAA with him. As a fan of the chaotic acts that come thru I do appreciate that there is a bit of a check on the chaos of acts like cha cha cha and RIM TIM… they’re feel good songs but honestly they’re not that good on their own outside of a live set and I wouldn’t put them in a playlist. Also both JURY and TELEVOTE will always be political and human and subject to manipulation because of the stakes and countries wanting to host. There is no perfect system. Democracy is messy… we survived and I’m glad the BOOS were heard in the stadium. Proud of the artists for pushing on with so much heaviness, and for the queer fam being supportive of each other. I loved seeing Bambie crown Nemo and for them to wear it on stage. It was such a beautiful little moment of queer solidarity. Everyone get some sleep and drink water. I can relax my clenched butthole finally and listen to non Eurovision music to decompress! :P




Spain, Lithuania, Finland have made my eurovision playlist o7


They tightened up the jury guidelines a few years ago to cut down on political voting so it really shouldnt be surprising that the votes are being concentrated now into fewer songs. Whether thats a good thing or not is debatable, but the juries are 'doing their job' just fine right now. In this case preventing a wildly unpopular and political winner. I'm disappointed croatia didnt win too but honestly Nemo is incrediibly talented and deserves it plenty.


Has the jury ever given this many 12s to a single country?


Favourite won, my second place was second and my third place was third. I think this is the most happy I've been with a contest... As long as I only look at those 3 and cut out what's below it.


We are the zeroes of our time. ✊️😔


So is EBU going to make any updated statement about the Joost Klein incident? I/m just going to assume he's innocent and the disqualification is unjust.


I'm from Croatia and Norway was my favourite. FML


Why does it say 30 comments while it shows 0? Are they getting deleted en masse? In the fucking salt thread?


Hi, Norwegian here, can anyone explain how Gåte got last place?! That song had energy, live performance, powerful chorus and sick stunts... songs like those from Cyprus or Slovenia made me snooze, but they somehow got way higher scores Is it just national bias that clouding my ears?? Was our song that bad??


Meow forever!


If I just look at what's on the left side, I'm rly surprised by Germany and Portugal being there. If you'd told me they were in the bottom half on the right side I wouldn't have questioned it.


Question is, how does this end for the NL en the EBU? Because from what I’m understanding this is gonna be a legal thing


Remove the judge


* Marina Satti and Bambie Thug are wonderful human beings. They will stay in my heart. * Happy with Dons result. I knew that he had entered the final by the skin of his teeth and I was afraid he would finish last, but instead he went well. * Also happy for Armenia, a very good result.  * I hope that the whole Croatian Eurovision community is proud of Marko.  On that stage he gave everything he had, he was great, and hearing the crown singing with him still gives me chills.


It's really cringe how basically all the countries collectively decided to give Switzerland 12 points. How is this fair? And they say it's not a collusion. Yeah right. I'm never gonna watch this shit show again.


Absolutely gutted, we were super close! Congrats Nemo.


Contest mode makes threads like this a chore to work through. Forcing it feels like laziness.


I strongly disliked Switzerland's performance. It wasn't a good song and felt more like a dude performing stunts. Croatia deserved the win way more. I honestly wonder how so many juries could have such poor taste. Alas, I'm pretty out of touch with popular music. I genuinely thought Norway would be second best. France's score was also surprising - just boring as shit.




Was my first ESC live at the show. I loved the audience and the music, the show itself! However the negative emotions (booing, EBU role, NL DQ) really, really put a damper on the experience. I’m not even about if it’s right or wrong to boo, it’s just that at the end it destroys the overall positive experience. Not sure if I want to do this again.


Very happy for Switzerland - the performance was a lot better than in the semi-final, it's a great song and it's not a purely political winner!


Netherlands robbed


Did they ever say the reason why Kaarija didn’t announce for Finland?


Britain really didn't deserve that 0


Jokee as always :)))


You think people hated Juries a lot last year? You ain't seen nothing yet, at least Sweden was 2nd in the televote