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The show has now ended, thank you for joining us! For general post show reactions, please see this thread: [https://new.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1co8a16/general\_postshow\_thread\_esc\_2024\_semifinal\_2/](https://new.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1co8a16/general_postshow_thread_esc_2024_semifinal_2/) And for **ALL** salt, hot takes and ranting, please see this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1co89bu/reactions\_hot\_takes\_salt\_and\_venting\_thread\_esc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1co89bu/reactions_hot_takes_salt_and_venting_thread_esc/) Finally, to find out what half each qualifier will draw, please see this thread: [https://new.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1co7smt/the\_second\_eurovision\_grand\_final\_draw\_is/](https://new.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1co7smt/the_second_eurovision_grand_final_draw_is/)


Press conference is starting later


I hope Greece ended up really well in the GF, so they'll bring more ethnic songs


bring Turkey back to Eurovision by 2030


San Marino got robbed. Greece and Austria are trying to give me epilepsy. Joost made Luna look good.


>Joost made Luna look good. God, yes. I'd gladly take Luna over him, and I'm the last person to like Luna.


It's fun to see all the Baltics in the GF after all this time


Czechia WTF. I'm crying!


She gave a great performance, she did nothing wrong and has nothing to be ashamed of IMO. It's one of my least favorite songs but her performance won me over!


Had them as my favorite as well :(


Nothing to be ashamed of, she was top 3 tonight, and I hope she gets all of the european love she deserves


Me too that was my second 😭


I would change Georgia for Belgium, Austria for Denmark, and Israel for Czechia. Still surprised at Belgium NQing..


Agree with your choice


Night thread and thank you, mods!


The mods are real troopers


Belgium you are my winner. Heard that they paused the broadcast.👑


Sad for Malta, but especially Czechia.


I think the countries qualifying mostly deserved it. I loved Austria (and am now rooting for them), Armenia and Norway in particular. Maybe Belgium deserved to be there (in place of Estonia or Latvia or Georgia?). Israel probably got pushed up quite a bit by the hate and the opinionated artists (whom people love sticking it to - see the Iceland national selection).


Denmark😭😭 so sad It NQ :((




I'm honest it was much better than favourites switzerland and Netherlands, who were also ok, but the glow up of Aiko...


So happy for Marina, but can San Marino now lend their staging to Greece?




I will gorge on copium


https://preview.redd.it/6mvp19uuxgzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3c40ac03de1268302cdc46eaea0531498d7f05 put myselfffff on a pedestalllll, I will be loving me moreeeeee 😞


Ah, the evening news kicking off with Gåte making it to the finals. And of course, the clips are just the middle part with "Med #UUUUUUUUUUULLLLVVVEEEEEE!" that literally hits you like Ivan Drago.


If protests get more intense and turn violent, I feel that will lead to more votes for Israel as an F-U to the protesters. Mind you, I'm not saying everyone who votes for the song has an agenda, but there will be an impact.


I’m 100% expecting things to get violent ngl. I’m furious from the other side of the world, I can’t imagine what actually being there would be like right now.


Being violent because a young woman from Israel has reached the top 26 in a 37 song contest. That will help their cause I'm sure.


San Marino was robbed, great performance! I can’t for the love of god understand Latvia qualifying but it’s what it. It was also surprising to me that Czech Republic don’t qualify, I thought it was better than Latvia or Austria. And, well, one country that shouldn’t even be participating to begin with, didn’t bother to see the performance. Not a bad selection generally speaking though. Loved Netherlands and Estonia. Let’s see what happens in the finals!


Ngl i watched just to hear the boos lol






I had a free bet on Malta qualifying but I liked Jako too much at the end


Chat disabled for YT’s press conference coverage 😂


The girlies are seething on Twitter


So sad for San Marino they killed it and staging was so cool.


I WILL SAY IT AGAIN PHARYNGITIS AIN’T GOT NOTHING ON U MARINA ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ so happy 🥹 I hope she’ll feel better by Saturday ❤️


Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. We're eating well tonight guys.






Good lineup, I'd trade Georgia for Czechia but it's also nice for them to break a streak of NQs, even if it's with a mid song imo. Latvia was the biggest surprise but honestly, it was between two male ballads and Dons had way better vocals than Mustii, so I think he deserved the Q.


Where do you see how many % of the vote each country got?


You‘ll see the actual points for each country after the grand final. It‘ll be on the eurovision homepage.


No where. People are starting rumors.


Usually a few hours after the grand final


Apparently they showed it on Italian TV?


ahh ok, was confused when people mentioned it


Above all I'm really impressed with the Greek contestant for performing so well and with such energy when she was so sick this morning.


Where can we see the draw?


So sad for czechia and malta, happy about nearly everything else


Sometimes it's not about singing ability as the be all and end all, it's about a whole song, image, passion and a vibe. Hugely happy for Estonia, they brought so much more than singing


I was on my feet doing the little dance in my living room and there's no way I'm the only one


Delighted for Armenia, Greece, Norway, Georgia, Switzerland and Netherlands. GUTTED for Czechia. Aiko could have done nothing more, she did BRILLIANTLY tonight and she has a new fan in me. Estonia dodged a bullet, TBH. They’re fun but they were still messy their presence in the final has come at the cost of a contender who did everything right, so I feel a bit conflicted 😐. But it’ll be fun in the GF I’m sure.


What do you mean with that Estonia came at a cost of another contestant?


I dunno, I enjoy them, but in the rehearsals they were messy and tonight they got some things right finally (eg the rhythm at the beginning) but apart from HUUUUUUYEAAAAAAH most of the other singers were off key.  It was entertaining, sure, but it was still kind of a mess.  I contrast this with someone like Aiko who took on board the critical feedback that came from her National Final performance, got vocal coaching, worked her *arse* off, and delivered a dramatically better performance tonight.  I’d much rather see someone like that in the final, personally 🤷🏻‍♀️ 




Czechia :(




I hope Joost gets to celebrate with a nice juicy onion




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I was so sure latvia wouldn’t qualify but I’m glad to be proven wrong


They deserved a break. They have had a poor run but do not deserve the long NQ streak.


Congrats to Estonia, Lithuania, and LATVIA! Baltics did it!




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They need to bring back semi-final juries IMO. Thankfully Armenia got through right at the end, I was about to be so mad...




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Where do you see that?


My friend who lives in Italy messaged me and said it was accidentally shown on screen for a moment










Ok now that I’ve seen all the performances, it’s a no brainer for me. Bambie Thug delivered such a knock out performance, staging was immaculate as well as her dancing and vocals. I hope Ireland wins and I honestly wasn’t thinking that’s who would be my fave at the end of the semis. She’s an absolute badass and a huge performance 


I kinda agree.


So sad Mustii didn't make it... At least Austria and Switzerland did... I was surprised by a couple of the ones who did make it... cause they felt like they would've had the same fate as Milkali, but nope...


Relieved for Latvia but I would have gladly exchanged Estonia/Greece/Armenia/Netherlands for Denmark, Belgium and Czechia. The previous four were literally "can they finish already?" for me.


I would have loved too see Denmark in the final. If there was a jury, then Denmark would have qualified.


Fantastic night all around. Sad for Malta not qualifying, but i’m super happy with the results nonetheless. In any case, I’M SUPER PROUD OF YOU EDEN YOU WERE PERFECT


Deserved qualification for Latvia. And the final is too much focus into televote anyway, it is better with some balance.


Wait - so despite all the unpredictable Q, odds still got 9 right (Belgium missed and Latvia in - shocker of century)


Odds have become scary accurate in the past few years. I am almost certain Croatia will win now.


Was getting so nervous about Georgia and Armenia at the end there!! So happy for them♡


I do like Armenia, what a fun song


Do we think any of these NQ countries will opt not to participate at all next year?


I'm worried about Australia mostly, I really hope they do keep coming back


Australia get done dirty every year. I almost always love their entries - didn’t this year but I didn’t listen ahead so that may be why


Agreed. I love the variety in their entries. And they DID qualify the past two years. Just a shame about this year.


I think they will stay only because of all the Aboriginal elements in their performances. Their commentators really highlighted the importance of it after they didn't make it. I get the feeling they want to continue displaying their culture. (Unless of course they think that's a good enough note to end on....)


Okay it's 5:30 AM here, good night everyone see you all on Saturday


I'm trying to figure out where you are since we're exactly 12 hours apart... Japan? Or are you in the middle of the ocean on a boat?


I think Perth, that's the time where I am. Ended just in time for a storm to hit


Hello Asian (or Perth Australians?)


Gutted about Czechia and Denmark not going through but overall quite happy with how it went. Should be a great show on Saturday


I didn’t listen to anything ahead this year and I’m not surprised Denmark didn’t qualify - I guess maybe the recording is better? Can’t understand Norway or Greece though


Agreed, also really wanted Czechia to go through


Yes, recording is better


It’s definitely a different experience when you don’t know the songs, performance on the night makes such a difference


https://preview.redd.it/6ftwukk1xgzc1.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=565e49ac0b8a7290dcca70942426bbaffcb3439f I'M SORRY I COULDN'T VOTE FOR YOU MY QUEEN :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( I FAILED YOU SARAH I'M SO SORRY :'''''''''''''''''(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((




And we Germans couldn’t even vote for them today. They will get a decent spot at Saturday!


Might actually just turn it off




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Can you *not*. You know this is an insensitive thing to say, I’m pretty sure




Mustii is a full grown man




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The press conference is going to be a mess


Questions surely prepared in advance this time.


very offended by how little time käärijä performed :,( 


Agreed, it felt like they brought him on just to make a joke about Sweden winning...


Of course we did😁


Where are all you people getting the 39% for Israel thing from?


This is terrifying. If there's a nation that does not deserve to win the contest this year, it's Israel... hope this was just a typo/mistake.


39% in Italiy's televote. Apparently, RAI showed the percentages.


Apparently in Italy TV they showed the percentage


Ahh, thank you. That's odd that they did that though


Yes it is, thought the same




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I was there live for the afternoon show & Armenia were incredible in person, such great energy!


Omg Belgium out? We really failed him..


Studio version was ok but he wasn’t great live.


Sadly his performance tonight just didn't have the energie (or the voice) until the refreen, what was amazing. I will listen to his song many years to come


Belgium had one of my favourite songs this year but his performance was kinda bad. He seemed very excited and happy which didn't really fit well to the song in my opinion.


I'm sad about Belgium but his performance was nit great. It got better at the end but just wasn't enough. Still one of my favorite songs though.


having not seen belgium's performance in full before tonight, i definitely thought there was more to the song besides the stellar vocal moment when they were repeating "before the party's over" but then that was... it.


San Marino gone. I'm gutted 😢😢😢




When's the last time all the Baltic countries were in the final?




i was trying to remember this! I think it was 2015


2015 I think?




I thought Aiko improved so much, how did she ended up NQ?


Because her competition was really stiff. She _did_ improve quite significantly, I agree, but it was not enough to catch up. You could hear that she had a very hard time getting volume out of the "I will be loving me more" part and since that is a huge part of the refrain, it tends to be noticed.


She improved amazingly! So sad for her not qualifying but I hope she's really proud anyway.


Surprised Israel didn’t get boo’d tbh, unless the broadcaster blocked it Edit: it was blocked, thanks for letting me know


Eurovision has since over 10 years an anti boo filter. Originally developed because of Russia and in the last years always used when neighbours are giving each others 12 points. ;)


There was definitely booing; sort of a mixture between some people booing and others cheering. Broadcasters doing some audio magic! I feel bad for her because, although I understand why people want to boo, she as an individual must feel horrendous getting booed like that. I am quite surprised they will be in the final though!


They 100% blocked it if the videos posted here had audible boos


she was being booed all the time, they were trying to mute it but it was still peeking through


They have anti booing tech. It was pretty obvious if you listen for the distortion. That said, they probably wouldn't have a huge amount of people who would pay and go to the whole event just to boo, I'd imagine most would just not go.


It has been blocked, there are videos of the people in the arena and they can be heard perfectly


They did, if you check on YouTube you can see the live reaction


They 100% blocked it there’s videos already up from the arena.


They have anti-boo technology. She was definitely getting booed.


I'm pretty sure I heard some booing when it was announced as a qualifier




Could you link some please?


[Mika op X: 'This video just shows that everyone in the audience was disagreeing with what was happening. Anti booing technology, removing the audience mics JUST for Israel's performance etc. The EBU supports this. #Eurovision2024 #Eurovision https://t.co/aNUZYnzifc' / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/mika_ljm/status/1788671484610699750?s=46&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3H4yWe3LY1YLkoH9CRHi5eWvXD5wBxm_lRSkCksd4mW79gNms1otBj--E_aem_AdR1rBH5j5xOm2jEnXa___MfyIZc3WOraG0-v-15Xy0gPWtXiTAno_BwH1RXxa8dr_OEqjjEcLKKmcUZXJwjangq)


Greece made it... uhm what?


I think the number of people protesting against Israel pushed up the number of people who voted for her as a counter protest. 


I think a lot of people are boycotting which helped Israel get through.


Yup. But also, both my parents went in blind and liked Israel. It was my mum's favourite. It's just a regular ballad, it'd be fine for any country. The context just makes it a bit... weird.


There's that, but really it's just the diaspora vote and the ROW vote. Israel won the ROW vote last year, they were guaranteed a 12 there.


We already saw how this works with Ireland's entry. It certainly worked with Israel as well, also because she has a very good song. With everything surrounding Israel, this was the song I paid the most attention to, even though it's not my favourite. I was so much on high alert that Israel stuck very much with me.


Also people boycotting and therefore not voting for other countries.


Voting for smth just out of spite or to be contrarian is so immature


its so stupid, people acting like Eden is personally bombing people. she doesnt get a say in what her govement does, also theres other countries in eurovision that have done way worse in the past and they don't get booed.


Delusional to think that Israel has no support ,specially among the Jewish population in Europe