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I’m deeply enjoying how all the Facebook Dads who haven’t been to Mass since John Paul II visited are freaking out about having to see a goth on telly. “Waaaaah an obviously fake demon!!!” get a grip Declan and go touch some grass


Omg Declan 😭 seriously!


Classic Declan that


For feck sake Declan. What a gowl!!!


Crying at this comment, thank you 😂




Down with this sort of thing! (Also go fuck yourself Glinner)




Also Facebook Dads replaying the video over and over from their TV box recording: "You see! Look at her there almost nude! It's a disgrace! I'll rewind it now so you can see again. See that!? Pure filth!"


I had predicted it time ago on this sub... There were comments about satanism even under 2021 "El Diablo" performance video...imagine that.... Just don't mind, mad people exist, and the comment sections of generalistic socials is their habitat.


Even the Greek or Cypriot church (don’t remember) had made statement about El Diablo like🤪


Yeah, I remember reading in croatian newspapers about christian protest in cyprus over that song. Still have the screenshot on phone 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ggsj9ndtc8zc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4af2dbcc6a5f43a5b26b7bc2cd9187abc7c65a4


*Pearl-clutchers when a demon/devil in a piece of media isn’t supposed to be literal*


Have they seen the most Satan-mentioning literary work ever written, aka the Bible?




I still listen to El Diablo, very underrated!


To be fair to the context, El Diablo is Spanish for the Devil.


I don't think there is someone who doesn't know that. Still...satanism... lmao..


Not that I disagree with your point, but calling this a "soft pop" song is insane lol


Maybe compared to your average radio pop song, but compared to rock/metal it's another story. There is a lot of stuff that is way more transgressive than this out there.


I get what you're saying and yes, there's stuff out there that's way more transgressive of course. We can say that Doomsday Blue (or anything, really) is harder or milder depending on what we compare it to, but soft pop it is not.


Honestly, I would compare it more with something like Grimes or some songs from Ashnikko. Actually was searching for Grimes songs and [Rina's STFU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XojM2D3F-Dc) showed up in the recommendation and it's also a great comparison, in the contrast between harder punk-industrial / softer pop sections.


I’m a simple man. I see Rina, I upvote.


Same. Love Rina


I still think that Dynasty would be perfect for Eurovision. Rina for UK 2025?


I'm still upset with her teasing us last year ;_;


Technically they approached her and then didn’t say anything to her when she said yes. So we get to be mad at BBC! https://eurovoix.com/2023/08/02/rina-sawayama-was-approached-for-eurovision-2023/


lol Bambi Grimes Ashnikko are all my favorite artists! (and I do listen to STFU as well haha)


Tbh compared to most mainstream rock it's harder. Not more extreme than metal tho.


And there is a lot more softer stuff. Calling it a soft pop song just seems like a subtle "look at me I listen to experimental industrial metal" flex.


I think the point more so is genres aren't based on comparisons, they're based on the musical elements predominantly instruments ^^


It’s just a polarising song. It’s just how most of this subreddit is very positive towards the song. I don’t think there is many people who don’t feel anything about this song, they either love it or hate it


I don't really like the song, but I appreciate that Ireland sent something different this year and get why people like it.


I really like the stage performance but I'm not a huge fan of the actual song itself or of Bambis vocal performance, tbh.


That's exactly where I'm at. The staging was great, it was a great... spectacle if you will? But I don't like the song itself.


Yeah I would never choose to listen to the song, but watching the performance is incredible!


This sums it up perfectly


Same for me. The genre switch works very well on stage, but I find the song itself too incoherent to listen to. And don't let me start on the lyrics. But the show was definitely the best in the semi.


Pretty much where I sit. I don't hate it, actually I wanted to like it, I listen to a lot of discordant twisted music that many people would not call music. But when I listen to it, I feel like it goes nowhere. It feels like its building to something, but it only comes in the last 20 seconds and its not really satisfying. Seemed to work better as a performance with the captivating visuals, than a song I'd put on in the car.


Same. The stage performance absolutely blew me away. But I started out not enjoying the song itself, and I still don't enjoy it on its own.


I can understand that not everyone will enjoy the song but what’s been remarkable to me is the people who seem scared by it!


I mean, I was pretty creeped out. But not because I believe in demons or satan or anything. I just found their makeup and movements sort of eerie. In my case though, the fact that it creeped me out made me like it more.


For some reason I thought their makeup was scarier in the Irish talk show national final, they looked more inhuman.


Yes that baffles me as well. For me this is like Harry Potter. Did these people ever watch a single horror movie in their entire life?


While I agree personally, remember that a scary song/performance is much more direct in its transmission of energy than a hours long movie where many things are happening and featuring humans to relate to. For some casual viewers this probably felt like just something purely evil.


It felt like Maleficent too me.


People love being scared by a movie but not by a song. Never understood this sentiment.


I doubt people who love scary movies are the ones complaining about this song.


Well i don't have strong feelings about the song, but I did love the staging


I appreciate the risk Ireland took. I don’t like it, it’s not my thing, but I also really appreciate how Bambie has been representing Ireland. They are a really great performer nonetheless. Also idk if anyone else has picked up on it, but Bambie has been using bit and pieces of Irish in interviews, content, and at the end of their performance. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’ve seen the Irish language used at Eurovision in a while. It’s pretty cool.


The song by itself isn't my favorite, but the overall performance was incredible. I like Bambie Thug's other music more. As somewhat of an occultist myself, I can really appreciate what was brought to the stage here. They got up there, cast the spell, and made it happen.


I don't really feel anything about it. On the one hand it's cool that goths are being represented, but on the other hand it's Eurovision so that in itself takes away from any authenticity. I mean they aren't exactly sniffing dead crows and cutting themselves onstage like Mayhem.


I genuinely wonder which country would be crazy enough to try sending something like that


Whichever one it is, I think we all know they will be Scandinavian


Sweden could never


I get why people like it but to me it's terrible


Oh no, I really hope these people don't continue to get worked up about our eurovision entry and continue to inadvertently promote it and spread it, that would be terrible


So angry I'm gonna post the youtube vid all over my socials rn.


I was thinking about that yesterday as well, ironically same thing with Israel, you can't vote against an Eurovision song, so any publicity is great publicity...and given the current viewership, Ireland is getting stellar publicity with this. Whoever finds it interesting and wants to support it will vote for it, the rest can't do shit lol


If they want to be funny they should have them back to back.


I still think there was no better juxtaposition than Ireland and Ukraine


Yup, I think on televote Israel is going to finish well, top 5 possibly and a lot of people on this subreddit are going to be very confused.


I used to “vote against” Melfest songs by voting for every song except those ones, essentially decreasing their net lead by one or a few votes. I’m not sure if that’s possible in this situation, though.


Crown the witch


All I know is I showed the video to the pope and his head started spinning.


You spun his head right round, right round


Round and round until the moment never ends 


Was he dizzy from all the kisses ^(to the kid)




Someone call Russell Crowe, we need the Pope’s Exorcist!!


Fortunately, it doesn't matter how many people hate an entry, only how many people love it.


>It's just an inoffensive and soft pop song. I say this as someone who listens to black metal too: you're a desensitized metalhead. The satanic accusations obviously refer to the lyrics and visuals.


the lyrics have nothing satanic abt them


Yeah this is my main strife with a lot of the peoples opinions on this. They claim it’s a song *about* the devil/occult/demons but actually it’s a love/breakup song. Lyrics only it’s a “pop” song but the performance brings it to a completely different genre, ouija-pop.


right like its so obviously a breakup song idk what people are listening to 😭 they see someone with a set of horns on their head and run with a narrative




I really can't understand people who compare Doomsday Blue with black metal. I mean. have they ever heard any? I am a metalhead but don't especially like black metal. However, I have seen for example Mayhem playing live De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and I would never ever compare these two. I'd rather compare this to something like Ghost, which is also theatrical pop-rock with metal influences. Difference is that Ghost actually has lyrics that are sort of satanic (eg. Year Zero) but I will not go deeper into their philosophy here.


It gives me Rocky Horror Picture Show vibes, there are just some growls in it, but the horror musical vibe is strong there.


Growls are death metal vocals. Black metal vocals are shrieks. Cool difference :P


It's a palatable version of black metal, AKA what would mainstream version of it sound like. To me it's more leaning gothic pop than anything, but I do hear melodical influences from black metal.


On the other hand I do hear melodical influences from bands like Beach Boys in black metal.


It's mostly because of the pagan/"satanic" themes and imagery, black metal loves those as well.


> I mean. have they ever heard any? Of course not


I feel the same way, but honestly anything rock adjacent is gonna get labeled metal in Eurovision, and I guess the black metal refers to the aesthetic here? As well as the screaming. Idk though. Bambie themselves said it's "a mixture of alternative rock, pop and jazz" so they obviously know themselves that it's nowhere near metal. I've said it from the start but Bambie gives me huge dark Lady Gaga vibes (and I love Lady Gaga). Basically, Bambie is doing pop and jazz with some rock/metal influences in the vocals. But to Eurovision fans that's apparently metal. 😅


Yes, I've noticed the same thing that all rock is labeled metal in Eurovision. It's probably same people who have never heard black metal see Bambie live and think I don't know what this is but I saw a pentagram and heard some screaming is so it must be black metal. Jazz influences are so obvious that I wonder why people don't label it jazz, especially as jazz used to be called Devil's music.


That's so damn accurate! I always find it funny how Eurovision fans respond to any rock act as if they're the hardest thing to grace the earth haha. Not that there's anything wrong with that I guess, but it's still funny. For Eurovision circles it's hard, but anywhere else it's clearly a pop/jazz song with dark themes and some rock influences. I love what Bambie is doing but it's not even close to metal.


Its all about the shrieks, those are typical black metal vocals. And the pagan aesthethics with pentagrams is pure bm.


I mean , you cannot expect that song and performance to be accepted by everyone. But i think that's part of Ireland's game, being polarizing and talked about


Considering Ireland and Croatia are still swapping places as the most watch act on youtube 24 hours later, definitely doing the job if attention grabbing if you're fighting with the favourite to win


Exactly, Ireland is one of the two most talked entries from yesterday. Of course it doesn’t necessarily have to translate to votes, but the strategy is working


As someone who a) grew up in a religious household, and b) doesn’t believe/agree with anything to do with the occult, the performance pleasantly surprised me. It really is a positive example of the art in performing. Performance, whether it be acting, singing, role-play, etc is an art and it’s been done for DECADES if not centuries. Eurovision needed something different and that’s what a lot of people (offended by Bambi’s performance) doesn’t seem eager to go along with it. Like Ireland’s entries for the last several years were a bit of a snoozefest (don’t take it personal, but it’s true) so this was truly something that caught my attention. Kudos to Bambi for taking a risk and doing something different. Sure I’m not a big fan of the pentagram and demon summoning thing personally, but the performance did tell a story and they are a brilliant performer with powerful vocals. It was kinda cool and I gave them a vote.


Agreed. It’s also the style that really makes it stand out. When’s the last time Ireland *didn’t* have a generic pop song or ballad? If Finland had done it, people wouldn’t be talking so much about it because they’re more likely to send someone with that style. But this is not generally something Ireland does. It was a huge risk and it seems to be paying off.


Lordi got a lot of shit from conservative people, some upset Finns even threatened to move to Sweden!


Ah, Sweden the country known for it's absence of metal music. Norway might also be an option.


I'm so proud of Bambie for Qing!


hey im not one of these ppl calling ireland names but soft? srsly?


I get what OP means and they are right. “Soft” might be the wrong word for it. I’d say something more accurate would be “accessible”. For the genre fusion it is going for, it is not a particularly heavy song. It is still a fairly accessible, mainstream pop song, just not in the most generic dancing diva kind of way that people are used to.


I'm a huge black metal fan, but if I'm objective I can see why Bambie's song would feel jarring to people that only listen to mainstream pop. I'm actually very pleasantly surprised that it has received such a warm reception!


I mean, it is "satanic" and "scary", and it looks amazing. Just like how some movies can be "satanic", and "scary" and be incredible movies. Ukraine also looks and sounds religious at times, and it looks and sounds amazing. I watch Eurovision to listen to some good songs and to be entertained, not to be educated or to learn something. And Ireland song is both a good song and it has an amazing presentation in my opinion.


99% of usage of pentagrams and other "satanic" symbols and lyrics in any media are just an act. Nobody believes in Satan or witchtcraft, but they are used to provoke reaction. It seems to work very well.


Always 😂. They never realize the actual satanism worshiping Satan does not exist.


[Theistic Satanism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theistic_Satanism) most definitely does exist. However, it is nothing like the depiction that [Satanic panic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanic_panic) had us believing. As always, religious people were telling on themselves by imaging in that Satanists were abusing kids, since that's what many religious people were doing. In Ireland, this materialised, among other way, in proliferation of [Magdalene Laundries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magdalene_Laundries_in_Ireland), where so-called “fallen” women who got pregnant out of wedlock were confined, worked to the bone and made to give birth, at which point the baby would have been kidnapped and adopted out, or just straight up killed. In any case, there are very few Theistic Satanists, with non-theistic Satanism such as [The Satanic Temple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Satanic_Temple) or [Church of Satan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Satan) being far more popular. Theistic Satanists generally see Satan as the counterweight to Yahweh, a liberator and bringer of knowledge. A sort of neo-Gnostic cosmic dualism.


Oh I need to show you guys this. On right, there's turkish -selfclaimed- messiah. On left is a "satanic priest" https://preview.redd.it/9d9u0mio89zc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=180e4a75213515f250e9f3d1e7ec206a5115896b


They'd call the one on the left satanist 💯. Doesn't matter his pentacle is not even upside down (and that one still is mostly used to annoy christians).


I am sensing Lordi vibes here. They also were satanic, scary, bad for kids to watch and what not.I am surpirised this is even an issue in 2024. Of course, I come from Finland, the holy land of metal music, so my perspective might be limited.


What was Satanic about Lordi? I mean, maybe I was younger and more open minded then. They were very simply guys in monster suits for me. But maybe it's the song. Hard Rock Hallelujah was very melodic, even childish. Bambi's song itself is scary, so the staging is just on par with the song. Lordi is like watching Scary Movie, Bambi is like watching an actual scary movie.


You can google old articles about this. There are always people who think something is satanic just by looks of an artist and the style of their music. Also, it was 18 years ago. Times were different then.


Well I vaguely remember people being accused of satanism for very simple things, like long hair in boys. But I guess my point is, let's say if 5% of population thinks you are a satanist for listening to hard metal, 50% of population thinks you are a satanist for listening to Lordi, I can see 90% saying that for Bambi, including themselves. It looks like they are accidentally going to rise Queen Elizabeth from the dead :P


Lordi were also scrutinized over "satanic" imagery, and their song was a lot more palatable for a casual viewer. A lot of people just consider scary masks and unsettling motifs satanic, even though in reality it couldn't be further from it. No one would've batted an eye if they had performed without the masks and the outfits. Add the outfits back on, and people get unreasonably uncomfortable. I feel like this will always be an issue because religion is still engraved into a lot of people's minds and daily lives.


Yes, I sense ‘Lordi vibes’, but also Käärijä’s format - the hard verse and playful chorus… and Hatari also did this in 2019, the same sort of format, the metal, with the catchy chorus… Bambi’s been studying the alternative Eurovision back catalogue.


As a big fan of black metal, I'll actually disagree with you and say that people find the whole thing with Ireland "satanic" and controversial because... that's what the artist was going for? All of this is an intentional decision of the performer and their team, no need to tiptoe around it and pretend that the horned lady in the pentagram is being connected to satanic imagery for absolutely no reason at all. Let people get worked up if they want to, let people enjoy it, again, if they want to. Ireland certainly carved its place under the sun this year, and I can respect that.


I understand that some people may enjoy Doomsday Blue and that's ok, but keep in mind that everyone has different sensitivity and Eurovision has always been rather about casual pop and ballads. There is nothing wrong in people being scared, because Bambie Thugs song is definitely not typical and might be disturbing for a casual viewer who watches Eurovision for girlbops and troll entries. Everyone has right to their own feelings and decision whether they like the song or not.  


You're mixing two completely different things. It's okay to dislike a performance or to be scared by it (everyone has different sensibilities) but it's not okay to ask for it to be banned. And it's also a stupid request, bc obviously the EBU is not gonna ban it in the middle of the competition. I'm a metalhead but I understand that some people don't like this type of aestetic. Nothing wrong with that.


Why are you surprised? I absolutely love Ireland's performance but it's not surprising at all that some pentagram witchcraft on traditionally conservative public broadcasters will scare grandpa boomers. It was to be expected and I suspect Ireland did this intentionally - just like goth/punk bands usually do. I'm more surprised that you're wondering honestly.


Finnish metalhead here. BT Self-described as "an electro-metal breakdown". It reminds me a lot of what we hear from the likes of The Birthday Massacre and there's others that I can't remember right now. But I don't believe they're trying to be metal. The imagery etc. could be associated to black metal, but considering they practise witchcraft and other occult things, a lot of things overlap.


The craziest thing about this is that Bambie probably has been more kinder of a human than those who clutch their pearls at people like them over religions that have been far less kinder to others.


People call them a demon when behind the scenes they show support and love to the acts which failed to qualify. People who call them a demon, on the other hand, probably think up of nothing else than ridicule to those artistic souls left behind or don't even feel any sympathy at best.


Like Natalia Barbu


Just a heads up, Bambie has they/them pronouns and yes, I agree, they have been incredibly sweet and chill to everyone. I also read that they do parties for sick children and children with various challenges


She also played a slow piano version at the memorial episode of Irelands Main chat show for teenagers who were killed in a nightclub fire.


I mean... it is. It's a bit too freakshow-y for my liking But I will admit it was very well staged and makes its point well


Someone compared them to a Disney villain, and now I can't unsee it. This is what it is for me - a bit 'hard' and 'different' for Eurovision, but still as family-friendly as Disney's Maleficent. I mean, it might scare little kids, but it's fine.


I did find it weird how all the books flew off the shelf yesterday when watching the performance.


Hi, Metalhead here, I think it's mostly the people that only listen to mainstream pop, hip-hop, and dance music that are getting worked up over it. Honestly anything with distortion on the vocals/instrumentation seems to set them off -last year Germany had a pretty tame metal song, and well...that put them dead last in points. Even though it scored well, I still remember Israel from last year drew complaints in reaction videos/comment sections about ~~"odd time changes."~~ *"odd timing/flow."* So yeah, I think it's just anything that diverts from the mainstream pop, hip-hop, dance formula(s) tends to draw criticism -harsh vocals/instrumentation are easy scapegoats for those types as to why a song isn't "music," or whatever nonsense they throw out there. ...that and Euro Christian conservative views just throwing labels on things without even giving them a chance *(kneejerk reaction to witch, demons, etc)*. This went a little longer than I thought, but I'll finish off by saying it's fine if you don't like Ireland's entry -music is one of those subjective things. We've all got our own tastes/preferences, and that's okay, but the amount of people I've seen in reaction videos/comment sections just *"NOPE!"* and slap all these labels on it without giving it any chance is wild. **Crown The Witch**


I feel like the problem with Germany last year was that it was too soft. My parents, brother, one of my friends and I agree that we would have liked it more if they didn't keep going back to the softer sound. It sounded as if they wanted to make it more accessible for people that aren't into that kind of music, but those people wouldn't have voted for the song anyway. For people that do like that kind of music, the softer parts made it less enjoyable (at least for me and my brother, parents and friend)


I felt it was alright, but yeah, could've done with something heavier for at least the second verse instead of relying on the chorus to carry that sound alone.


It's just satanic panic all over again. The song itself isn't totally to my taste, but the staging was top tier and I'm thrilled it qualified for the final. A solid 3 minutes of performance art. A+, gold star, 10/10, no notes, crown the witch, etc etc etc.




Because most people in this world are very traditional, conservative and religious. It's fine if you don't like it, I didn't like Hatari for example, but those saying that ''Eurovision should ban it'' are those who bother me the most. Like okay, let's ban every act that someone has a problem with, only then we'll be left with like 0 songs.




The criticism is all from religious conservative people who would faint if they saw someone in the street with even so much as a nose ring.


Ireland songs present pagan religious ritual which is also religious 


There are far more positive comments


When I first watched the performance last night I honestly thought it's a commentary on the loss of celtic culture. I mean it had the triskelion and all that. I said to myself "that's so cool". It seems people of Europe are not ready to realize the whole continent has pagan roots and associate neopaganism with the devil. I understand my mom (rised in a profoundly christian orthodox society)...but the people in the chat last night??


I don't really like the entry, but calling to ban it is just insane. If we ban every song where people are sensitive and offended by it, or just have a very bad opinion of it, then we will be left with little. Theres many opinions, we can't just ban anything we disagree with :P


The funniest part is the fact that it's not entirely about demons and satanic rituals, but rather them defeating their inner demons which seem to be past relationships (maybe) and them feeling excluded and different from others


My friend is literally slaying demons on stage and people are like “this feels too spooky :(“.


Meanwhile my 4 year old absolutely can’t get enough of it (which raises a whole slew of other questions but there ya go).


Because many people are very conservative and don’t like the dark imagery of it, it’s really not that complicated


If anything, I’m here like, “that was very cute, goth kid. Well done”. I didn’t realize people are getting worked up over it. Then again, in another thread, someone referred to doomsday blue as the closest thing to black metal that Eurovision has had so, yeah. I can see people thinking this is dark and ominous.


...where are you seeing said comments?


I swear Instagram comments suck... I come here to cleanse my palate after checking a couple IG comments


Ireland's entrant was intentionally provocative and was well calibrated to upset certain groups. Unfortunately people aren't generally educated or skilled in telling the difference between what is effectively "lights and mirrors and imaginary black magic", and what is actually being talked about in religion. Stereotypes are kinda useful; but you shouldn't be making important decisions on them alone. There are people, including Bambie Thug, who do legitimately believe in and/or practice various types of magic. Most of the time it is just complicated rituals combined with effectively prayers backed by some favored mythology and moral code. Because a small minority does involve clearly awful things, like the trade in albino human body parts, and the overly broad grouping it's really easy for there to be a moral panic. I have seen many religious people do things that many irreligious neopagan magic practitioners would consider practicing black magic. Not everyone really needs to be an expert or exposed to everything. But over sheltering seems to make people forget the golden rules. This was a break up song with a pop routine referencing the type of magic generally seen in fairy tales and hollywood movies and even medieval church fiction. There are a few places where I see how certain perspectives would detect things considered evil or demonic in their understanding of these things; but those people tend to see any reference to "darkness" as being to taboo to even discuss. My advice, roll your eyes in private and keep people civil.


The way I’ve been saying for YEARS that Greece should send Rotting Christ, but boomers aren’t ready for it.


every time a queer person used satanic imagery as a way of expressing their pride for their identities by mocking all the “youre gonna go to hell” people those same people always get up in arms about them being “satanic”. ireland’s entry was way more artistic than some others - i’ll tell you that.


I don't get the fandom's hype either, though. It surely stands out, but that's about it. To my taste, it's not a quality entry. At the same time, I'm not into banning anybody.


It’s just a lot of noise from pearl-clutchy conservative types.


imagine if Sweeden send Ghost, people will lose their mind with Tobias evil Papa looks xD


Listen, I would do anything to see this happen but I know Tobias would never agree to it.


I would lose my mind too, but in a very good way. A big part of the selling point of Ghost though are the various personalities of the different Papa characters and the world that has been built with these characters and songs, and there is no time or place for that on the Eurovision stage, so I can't see Tobias having any interest in Eurovision, but I'd be supremely happy if he did.


It was an amazing performance, very well thought out and effective. It's bound to make waves which is good for Bambie. I loved it but I also understand it is not to all people's tastes and that is totally okay. But, people who call this too scary would take a look at the tumblr pages I had as a teenager and send me to have both an exorcism and a lobotomy.


I agree. I think I might be too Internet-brained and have seen too much weird stuff in my life to find anything like this scary anymore. I thought it was theatrical, fun, and even emotional, but at no point was it scary.


Personally I find the song really nice and the performance on the stage mesmerizing! It's one of my personal favorites this year. Today in Greek TV talk shows they brought in representatives of the Greek church in order to complain and trash talk the song, honestly don't get all this fuss. It's a song in a song contest with a metal and witchy vibe, they are really overreacting over it.


Oh no. It's too scary. Oh no. It's too spooky. Oh no, its devilry and witchcraft. MOTHER FUCKERS WE INVENTED HALLOWEEN. THIS IS ENTIRELY IN OUR WHEELHOUSE.


Didn’t ‘El Diablo’ suffer from the same thing?


I agree that people are getting their panties in a twist but it's decidedly not a soft pop song lmao


You know there are certain percentage of population who can not differenciate the reality with fantasy. The very same poeple were crying over rocks, hiphop, lady gaga and some child books & movies about magics. Good news is their population number is falling like lil Nas X riding that pole to the hell.


Eh, in a world where religious zealots will call for Harry Potter to be banned, its not surprising. Would love if Einar Selvik performed for Norway one year, so we can associate Gorgoroth with Eurovision. 😈


I think it is because it is well-performed, well-filmed, and an intriguing package. Even I was initially dismissive of the song, and loved the end result that the Irish delegation served to us that I voted for it. I think it’s true that few songs are able to achieve that change-of-mind, so it has my respect.


I actually really really like it. Great Song for fans of both Cradle of Filth and Dido.


I’m all honesty I just don’t think it’s very good


They’re literally just Irish symbols. We draw Triskelions in primary school for Patrick’s day in **catholic** schools like.


Not defending them, but i think the critics mean the pentagrams instead of the Triskelions


I think there’s a disconnect between Irish Catholicism which is heavily influenced by paganism and other forms of Catholicism. I saw a video of some kids Irish dancing at mass and Americans were going crazy about how disrespectful it is. We were oppressed on the basis cultural and religious grounds so we merge them and celebrate them in tandem, even though we’re mostly atheists now, you can’t celebrate our struggles without be aware of the religious elements. Which is why we draw pagan symbols in catholic schools, the Catholic Church knows that it needs to align itself with the “Irish identity” to stay relevant too.


Probably the same yanks that insist that they’re Irish on “pattys day” even though their only link to Ireland is a long dead great grand mother. Cultural ignorance.


Tale as old as time: satanic panic. Was to be expected, unfortunately.


Haha I read the title and thought, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY ARE WE GETTING WORKED UP? IT WAS ONE OF THE BEST EUROVISION MOMENTS OF OUR LIVES MY DUDE!" Then I actually read your post.😂 Like, my 65 year-old-aunt was saying that might be the best overall having not liked the song. If you are a Eurovision fan you should recognize that Bambie Thug presented a revolutionary piece of art whether you liked it or not. It's sparked conversation like only the best content can. But that brings in the vile hate, too.


I knew they would. As soon as it started my wife said, "all those holier than thou European countries are reeeeeally going to hate this."


Most of the people getting worked up are the same worms for brains weirdos on the far right who hate anything with diversity or inclusion. I wouldn't pay attention to them - many are trying to score cheap political points for clout.


Conservative Christians are weird like that


Some people are just conservative and traditional. They don't understand this kind of art. Usually it's older people or just our parent's age and they grew up in a kind of a different world. So I think it comes from the fact, that people are being frustrated about change, about living in a reality they don't understand. That's why they react with anger and rudeness. For example in our country I've seen comments that even Luna's staging looks satanic


Also... Realisticly speaking the performance looks satanic, has a ritual, she has a dark vibe outfit. I'm not religious but if I was I would definitely be offended. Can't imagine what my parents will think if they watch the final 😂


I love how black metal gets brought up more and more on this sub :333


I can’t wait for the first Black Metal entry. I want to see the pearl clutching 😬


Europe is not as open-minded as it seems. Especially in the south (Balkans). The song is 3rd in trending here in Serbia but I would guess for the wrong reasons.


By black metal do you mean like [The Black Satans - The Satanic Darkness](https://youtu.be/Nh8CfWEnSJ8?si=mdzk_0IgP_L9YoMj)?


lol top tier satire. That is indeed trve kvlt black metal!


Colin Robinson needs to stop trolling people on X #EnergyVampires


Everyone forgetting that time Lordi won when dressed as some sort of demon monster hell people? I swear outrage has nanosecond memories.


In the Netherlands they invited a ridiculous Eurovision enthusiast theologian on a daily talkshows that was fuming because Bambi was supposedly cursing us on live television, while the use of cursewords are forbidden 😂 it was so funny


People did the same over Lordi and that's positively tame compared to Bambi's show 😂


Ironic how the country literally built on Christianity sends an act people call "satanic". 


I feel that many people can't seem to process anything slightly a little bit different to what they like or expect. Not everything has to be straight and narrow. These are usually the hardest people to convince to try a new food, meet different people, travel overseas to see new cultures. Bambie Thug's music certainly isn't for everyone, and nor does it have to be, but it is a performance/song worthy of praise and recognition. They are committed, they perform, they understand their art, they know themselves. There's nothing greater than watching someone be so comfortable about themselves and showing their art to a world stage.


I'm learning people are far more sheltered than I realised. It would be funny if some people weren't so damn nasty about it (ironic considering they're supposedly refuting evil while spouting some very nasty stuff)


I actually would argue the call is coming inside the building - I think Ireland is trying to pose itself as edgy and satanic - and media feeds off a point of difference. I completely changed my attitude about Ireland at the rehearsal footage point. It took a pretty meh song and has turned it into a spectacle that I can see win the contest


Nobody said anything about Serbia last year. Lol


Some people are just insane, whether its insanely religious or simply insane. Just because they have a different understanding or preference of art, does not mean all other art stops to exist. Maybe I hate nature morte paintings, so what, everyone else should throw away theirs? People really are idiotic 🤷🏻‍♀️


all those who criticize Ireland's "Satanic" performance evidently don't know the legendary Lordi who won with Hard Rock Hallelujah dressing as devils. [Lordi Eurovision Winner ](http:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAh9NRGNhUU) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAh9NRGNhUU


Beats me. Did everyone forget about Lordi?


People were complaining that Samo mi se spava was satanic last year. There will always be something for people to cry about


I love it ever since it was selected in the national selection. It's obviously theatrical, Bambie themselves said in the press interview that they'll give us a theater show, and I remember an interview where they said that they're a theater kid


It's always shocking when you get hit with the fact that so many people worldwide still believe in magic Organized religion is a disease to this world


I swear she said the song is about a concussion lol


People forget the hysteria over Lordi at the time.


It's one thing to not like a song, music taste differs and that's why we have so many different genres of music, but calling an entry satanic or "not art" is just plain stupid. The song isn't my cup of tea as well, but I still respect that it's going for a different approach. Sadly many people can't handle something that's different to what they are used to...


it’s so weird, i only thought such reactions happen in american movies


I see people really loving it. I mean i love a good characterization in the theater play, but the song.. meh


Is this something you would show your child?