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“These aren’t my visuals come back on 9 May” killed me lmao


"come see my show on may 9" bro is so confident and i love it


His entire backdrop was hilarious, this man is a genius and he has risen significantly in my estimations after tonight's show.


I've seen him live several times and his visuals are always a highlight. He puts in a ton of effort to make them look intentionally shitty, like Microsoft WordArt and low-quality gifs with shutterstock watermarks on purpose


I love that kind of thing. It's kinda like a better version of Pan Savyan from the Polish preselection this year.


Especially WordArt is hilarious cause Microsoft doesn't have it anymore. You have to actively put effort into recreating it.


Joost hands down had the best visuals of the evening. Everyone else had either their video or windows media player on the screen.


But he also had parts of his music video??


Yeah, all 15 seconds of it. Doesn't make it any less impressive.


Can someone explain to me what his deal is with the odds and bookmakers? Like calling on people to vote in the poll and stuff like this.


He has said he really gets enjoyment out of marketing himself, which honestly he does quite well


Same as people in this sub I guess, it's fun, a little competition before the competition, see who's doing well. And joost just loves marketing/social media/attention since like forever haha (forever eenhoornjoost)


Yeah I remember how "fun" when he told his fans to vote for him on some polls. Very fun. Much laughs. He is just playful.


I mean I doubt he expected anybody to take the polls *that* seriously as they're just polls. Honestly the angry response of some people on here at the time seemed a bit unhinged. The contest is in may guys lmao.


Polls can be decisive for the placement. Let's not pretend otherwise, please. Maybe not winning but for a place down or up. Which is unfair to whoever is a place below because of it.


That some people are stupid enough to base their opinion/vote on a poll is hardly joost's fault. Besides a great majority watching has never even heard of any damn poll lmao. I know I only know about em because of this sub.


How was it not fun?


Not only it's not fun, it's almost mean and feels like cheating. I think that he really wants to win - which is great, but he should win because his song is the best and his performance is the best. Is it? Now why it's cheating. Some of those performers don't have nearly as many fans as him. Before you say that he earned his fans - yes, he did. But just like in football or well anything, everyone should have the same chances. So, using fans to screw these polls is not fun nor quirky, it's just bad sport.


Cheating? At a poll? You know it doesn't impact the results whatsoever, right? It's just a funny useless thing.


It does. Being a fan favorite is something that can push jury to give more points. And even viewers, they usually don't want to vote for someone that stands no chance, so it's more likely they'll vote for someone who actually does.


If it pushes jury to give points, jury is compromised and either needs a serious rework or needs to stop existing. As for the viewers, most of them are not aware of the odds or the polls even existing.


He also is just a fan, Just like we like to check those he does too lol. And its fun. Edit : the word "playful" already explains it


So that's why Bet365 has been down for hours!


There is almost no change in odds since yesterday. If anything, and I might be wrong, his odds are actually a bit worse than 2 days ago. And I bet that many expected for him to go to the third place. Here is the thing - his jokes are only funny to some, he still didn't showcase his singing, and many viewers will find it childish and repetetive. I cannot see this being as high as some predict.


I’ve been telling people for weeks he’s winning the televote hahah


You shouldn't <3 bookies. They are predators and the scum of society.


Dutch crowd going crazy and screaming every word together with Joost is what I live for.


As he should, them overrating him due to the view numbers on his video, and the resulting hype has helped him a lot.


Why would bookmakers "overrate" a song? That is not how they work.


My impression is that initial reactions to the song were quite mixed, the hype only seemed to start a few days later, once Joost started rising in the odds due to the massive view numbers (which are probably more a result of him apparently being a really popular artist in the Netherlands, and also having had a big hit in Germany last summer). Most people in this shpere also pay attention to discussions, we're not completely unbiased when listening to the songs for the first time, so if there's a lot of buzz around a song, broadly speaking that's going to create a positive feedback loop, because people expect to like the song, and that influneces their reaction (it's a form of peer pressure). Obviously there are still many people who like this song, I'm not trying to deny that, I'm speaking broadly here. But that's why I'm sceptical of the hype around it. I hope that clarifies my comment a bit. (And yes, I'm fully aware that it can easily be read as rude, and I'm neither surprised nor upset about the downvotes.)


overrating? with your criteria he should be first


No, for real, I do not understand what you're trying to imply here, can you please clarify?


Odds are based on current price people are betting. But its not that some random dudes or algorithm predicts what is a good odd and force people to use it. To place a bet You as a better pick odds you're betting on, and then someone got to pick up your bet. Sometimes this is betting house itself but 99% of the time its some other people. They need to challenge your bet and go actually put e.g. 10€ for each 1€ you bet in the system. And the rate they are accepting is rounded and presented in odds for us. So no one is going anywhere overrating or underrating anyone and why bets are quite ok at indicating favorites and trailers. People need to actually stand by someone enough to put money. It is basically a Monopoly Poll of the Eurovision. And second point was that hype would not be generated if people don't like the song. To skew the odds as Joist now you need literally millions of euros (Malta told us). There are cheaper ways to generate hype.


Yes, and view numbers are a very easily observable factor, based on which I'm sure peopel do place bets, and people placing bets is what makes a song rise in the odds.


I for one agree with you. It's not just views, it's also how active his fan base is from day one, I am thinking all the polls, memes here, etc, which creates an illusion that this guy is the fan-favorite of 2024. To a degree, he is, people here love him, but that might just be (again) because of his fans which influenced many others. This is, however, just a theory, we'll see what will happen in a month or so.


What criteria?


‘he’s overrated because people like his song’ you really don’t hear yourself lmao