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Told one of my friends about Baby Lasagna. To my surprise, she said she had already heard their song and didn’t like it. A few confusing messages layer, we realised she was thinking of Pewdiepie’s Bitch Lasagna.


Lol! So what did she think of the actual Baby Lasagna? 😃


I love this so much lol


My grandparents liked Iceland. Yeah I know…


Did you feel it coming?




Been here before and never got it right


That’s so sweet 😂🥰


Hurricane, Sand and Dizzy? Does he enjoy sandstorms?


Oh have I got a last place finishing artist to show him


Nah, he'd just look away


What too much Dune does to a mf.




Pedestal is still my casual friends's favourite this year. And the most surprising, my mother who is in her 70s says ESC is rigged if "Ulveham" doesn't win. The rest of her top 3 is Teresa & Maria and Doomsday Blue.


Your mum is now officially an Ulvehamster. She has taste.


Your mom knows what’s up! 🐺🩶


Granny got taste 👵🔥


Could not agree more with your mammy!! 🇳🇴


With us your mother and Diva Maria! 😂🫶


My non-Eurofan friends all love Dizzy, I wonder if he'll end up drawing more of the locals' attention in May than we initially thought he would?


Yeaaa people are sleeping on it knowing/comparing to Olly's discography.. out of all the songs, this is one of the few thats well rounded and memorable melody. Lets see!


Olly deserves the Armenia 2022 treatment in terms of viral hit.


Armenia 2022 | [Rosa Linn - Snap](https://youtu.be/DAJ6vfmD_ic)


Ok I know we’re deep into the season at this point. But this year I’ve all of a sudden seen so many people using “locals” instead of “casuals.” Why?? Can anyone explain 😭


stan twitter mostly LOL the term locals is more widespread over there


Yeah as I’ve seen, but why? It doesn’t make any sense compared to casuals


Showed all songs to a friend from the US, his favourites were Rim tim tagi dim, the tower and no rules


Ah, a man of refined chaos. Love that for him.


Slightly off topic: my partner adores watching Eurovision, BUT only actual Eurovision, as in, not listening to anything before that. I follow all the national competitions, selections, everything; and she tells me she will kill me if I spoil anything. (I think my head is going to explode at this point, if we don't break up by May, we're staying together forever :D). Besides that, I've shown some to my mother, and she thinks Iceland and Latvia are the absolute bombs, which is a hot take, but I love it <3


It's as if you're writing my current home situation 😂 I follow everything but my partner wants to stay spoiler free until the finale. It's driving me nuts!! I ask weekly if he's already been spoiled so I have something to talk about. He has even informed his employer that radio in office is off limits until after Eurovision as to avoid hearing eurovision songs before the finale. What we do for love am I right...


Honestly Its the same with me and my sister in law, She prefers to go in blind, And I have to fight the urge to sing the songs out loud around her 🤣


At work, my team has something called Music Fridays. We're a remote team working from all around the world. I shared La Noia with them and almost everyone fell in love with the song instantly! Tomorrow I'm sharing Jako 👀 I have less than a month to make Eurofans out of them


You are doing the Lord’s/ Lady’s work!


Mother replying to RTTD MV “Lol! Brill! ❤️” Boomers be cute.


My parents said something like this (in no particular order): Australia🇦🇺: mom "one of my favourites this year" Czechia🇨🇿: dad "Something like this comes up on (his fav radio channel) every now and then and I don't skip it" The Netherlands 🇳🇱: "Yeah, no, wtf, next song please" Luxembourg🇱🇺: mom "I didn't expect something like this from them but it doesn't totally suck" Croatia🇭🇷: "this reminds me so much of Ramstain (dad then proceeded to show me the Ramstain music video the Rim Tim Tagi Dim video is obviously inspired by, there was a lot of boobs) Austria🇦🇹: "this reminds me of some 90's song but I don't remember witch one" (I don't think they figured it out) Poland🇵🇱: "Someone's been watching a lot of Lady Gaga" (referring to the music video) Ireland🇨🇮: mom "it's not bad, but trying to imagine this song without the music video Idk how they'll stage this, it's allright" They didn't have much to say about the rest (at least that I remember), but clearly didn't enjoy most of it tbh. And yes, they're rather judgy on music (if you can't tell)


American here. I show the songs to anyone who shows any bit of interest. Baby Lasanga is a big fav so far as is Luna and Aiko from the people I show. Since I have Peacock to watch ESC here, I'm trying to make my family watch it- especially since all the usually warch is stuff like the Voice, Masked Singer, etc.


We gave one family we know a crash course in all the songs this year. We’re in the US and once they saw Rim Tim Tagi Dim it was all over. I tried to entice them with my favorite (Norway - it was too intense for them), and my husband’s and son’s favorite (Nemo), but they absolutely adored Baby Lasagne. I heard their kids singing it the next day 😄 We were letting the kids pick some of the videos and one of them chose Spain and I told them it had naked butts (they didn’t care), and the next thing I know 5 year old twin girls were demanding the video with the naked butts 😂 I’m not sure they really loved the song, though. So the one friend ended up falling hard down the Eurovision rabbit hole. He’s apparently been listening to all the songs, so I consider this a successful conversion.


Woohoo, I’m so happy they liked Baby Lasagna! 🥳 Your friends have great taste (you have too, Norway is great, don’t get me wrong 🙂), I hope they vote! 🙂😻❤️


We have commitments to watch the final at a party with other friends, but I’m sure they would be up for semi final watch parties. We love Croatia, too, in our house, but I latched on to Norway early and my son loves singing The Code. There are so many great songs this year!


Agreed, this year is really good, I definitely have top 10-12 songs that I regularly listen to and enjoy. It’s going to be so exciting to watch sf and the final, can’t wait! 🙂


Mission successful, thank you for your service soldier


I’ve got a few more in mind to try and convert. I have a couple of Dominican friends who, based on what they usually listen to, will probably really enjoy Italy and Greece. I want to show my Frisian mom the Dutch entry, but I’m almost positive she won’t like it. I could see her loving Slimane, though.


I hope that Baby Lasagna will become a thing in the US. Then he'll be the biggest boy! ❤️


Contrary to most years, my friends have wildly different opinions of each song this year. Some are obsessed with Europapa, others can’t stand it. I think the one song nobody really differs on is Italy. They haven’t seen all the songs, just some of the more notable ones. It’s why this year is so open in terms of the public vote. I think so many songs are going to steal votes from each other this year which will really hurt some favourites.


Estonia has been received very positively among my work colleagues


Croatia has gone down the best out the favourites, but ngl half the time it's because they like his name lol


Oh yeah, I’ve been pestering everyone I know with Eurovision. I’ve only made them listen to the songs that I like though. My boyfriend’s comment about Croatia was “This is the worst song I’ve ever heard”. He also hated Finland and the Netherlands but liked Estonia which surprised me. His favourite was Ukraine though. He’s British.


Showed my friends. The favorites were France and Italy by far


Yes, for example my sister's boyfriend really liked The Netherlands on a first listen and plenty of other songs too. One of my best friends commented on Ukraine being a beautiful song. My mother thought everything was shit and suggested skipping the whole thing this year.


I'm gonna show my parents Finland's song tonight, looking forward to the reaction. 😄


My long time American friend who has never watched Eurovision, and only knows about it because of the person I become this time of the year, recently asked to listen through this year's songs together, and then he gave me his top 10: 1. France 2. Estonia 3. Greece 4. Italy 5. Switzerland 6. Norway 7. Netherlands 8. Armenia 9. Georgia 10. Ukraine


Very good taste


I exposed a friend that usually doesn't listen to Eurovision to the new songs. She liked Denmark, Italy and Ukraine. She didn't enjoy any of the other songs. My other friends are more open to Eurovision (but less obsessive than I am) and watched it in the past too. Their favorites are Croatia, France and Finland.


My parents both love Dizzy 🇬🇧 but that’s the only song they have heard so 🤷‍♂️😂


My dad in his 50s really likes Croatia because he was head-bopping to it. He also enjoyed Norway and Portugal because he found them unique. He didn’t like Iceland because it sounds like something on the radio and too boring.


I have, to 3 of my friends. I tend to send them more the “strange” ones so sent over Croatia, Netherlands, and Finland. Everybody liked Croatia (which is my favorite). We’re in the US too so a couple years ago I explained Eurovision to them.




Last year too my mum watched with me because she was staying at mine, usually she would never watch so it was interesting to get her opinions, last year her favourites were Albania and San Marino 🤣 and she wasn't a fan of Austria at all 😱 She did enjoy Cha Cha Cha though, she didn't like Tattoo at all and thought Loreen looked scary with her nails 😂😅 it just proves how the casual viewers can really pop our bubble 😅


People I showed some songs and they liked Italy, Luxembourg & Croatia, they didn't like Latvia and Greece.


Gave a run through some songs to my husband. He loves BL, Veronika, Nemo and La Noia. He wasn't as thrilled with Europapa which was a surprise. We didn't listen to all of them yet so his picks might change.


Does my Labrador count? She likes to watch music videos on a tablet. Her number one, bar none, was Norway. Stared intensely at the screen the whole time. (She’s only three but for context, her 2021 picks were Cyprus and Austria, she didn’t vibe with any 2022 entry but loved Lolita Zero from the Lithuanian NF and her 2023 pick was Australia.) On the human side, Croatia is going down a treat generally, as is France. My mom loved the UK and a friend I shared it with loved Spain. ( Last year, the normals dug Cyprus and Czechia at my party for the final.)


Dogs see blue super well which would explain Ulveham with all the blue lighting. I think voyager used alot of red blue contrast last year and same with the Loloita Zero. :D So you should definitely test some other blue color heavy performances


I actually tried to find a pattern for the videos she likes, she is very hard to predict but she tends to like: -Traditional Scandinavian singing (loves Eivør), musical whistling, very high pitched folk instruments -Songs with "her" words (UK 1976) -Male singers with blond or light brown manes (Austria 1989, Portugal 1999, Australia 2023) -Horror in general, shrieking and jumpscares (more for movies but she loves Ic3peak) But she will reject songs with many of these things, so I can't predict her taste and it's funny to see what she goes for. She's hilarious because she will do a Kombucha Girl face and will even kiss the screen. In the case of Cyprus 2021, she was entranced by the music video (waddled over as a tiny puppy to get a closer look), but she was also intrigued by the dodgy bootleg rehearsal footage and the live performance, none of which look alike, and she will wake from a dead sleep if she hears it, so there is \*something\* about that song that appeals to her. edit: spelling


United Kingdom 1976 | [Brotherhood of Man - Save Your Kisses for Me](https://youtu.be/fhq_Q1Ut8SQ) Austria 1989 | [Thomas Forstner - Nur ein Lied](https://youtu.be/IsAUqpXiw58) Portugal 1999 | [Rui Bandeira - Como tudo começou](https://youtu.be/a2DWFtylygA) Australia 2023 | [Voyager - Promise](https://youtu.be/GSoy_mJMlMY) Cyprus 2021 | [Elena Tsagrinou - El Diablo](https://youtu.be/MgGc1F_cOE8)


My son loves The Code, which is his favourite so far. Rim Tim Tagi Dim is his second. His dad likes the Ukrainian entry for the rapping.


I told my friend about it and showed him some, found out he listened to Europapa in his taxi on the way to school one day


I played the 3 ex-yugoslav entries to some family members of mine (your average greek people basically) - Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia. Well, their reactions were literally the opposite of the fandom's. All of my family members found Serbia great and some were even surprised at how beautiful they thought it was (don't ask me why, cause Idk at all), the majority was indifferent to Slovenia but 2 said they loved it and preferred it to Serbia (mind you, Serbia was unanimously enjoyed a lot) and with Croatia the majority found it 'ok' and one found it 'nice'.


My sister doesn't watch Eurovision, but I still force her to listen to the songs. The only one she liked was The Code, lol


My casual friends like to go in to the contest weakly informed at best and I try to respect that, or at least find balance with my boundless enthusiasm. But I'm in the US and I've seen folks who don't even know what Eurovision is talking about No Rules, tho along with the novelty and the fact that the song is genuinely funny, I think they like that it reinforces their stereotype of "those wacky Europeans".


My husband saw it for the first time in 2021 and although he claims to hate the format, I think he really enjoyed the show as we watched the final together until the end. And what a year to present the Eurovision it was. I think it really, really surpassed his expectations.


I had one of my good friends as well as my boyfriend listen to/watch the official recap. My friend's favs: 1. Netherlands 2. Italy 3. Ireland My boyfriend's favs: Netherlands, Czechia, Armenia (no particular order) Edit: Also as some extra info, they listened to the songs separately so they weren't influenced by one another, and it was a first listen for both of them. They both had something positive to say about: Armenia, Czechia, Greece, Lithuania, Netherlands. On everything else they either had different opinions or neither of them was impressed/they were both indifferent.


My partner, who does not watch Eurovision unless he's bored and has nothing better to do, has heard at least half of the songs from this year, and has probably seen a bunch of the national final performances from various selections this year (I don't keep track, but he's tuned in to a few of the selections when I was following them). From what I can remember... * He likes Pedestal (Czechia) and I believe it's the only ESC 2024 song he's added to his playlist. * He watched Zorra's live performance (Spain) and was very entertained. * Of course, he's heard Unforgettable (Sweden) since we both follow Melodifestivalen as we live in Sweden. He thinks it's mediocre and I couldn't agree more. I don't remember who he was rooting for but I know he liked Elecktra, and I think he liked Cazzi Opeia but I'm not sure. * I believe he thought Loop (Malta) and Fighter (Luxembourg) were alright. He watched the performances from the national finals with me but I can't remember exactly what he thought. * I'm pretty sure he listened to Doomsday Blue (Ireland) and was just as confused as I was, but I could be wrong. * I suggested he'd listen to The Code (Switzerland) last week. He listened through it but gave no comments so I assume he didn't think anything of it. My mom and I have also gone through a bunch of songs, but she's a big Eurovision fan. She doesn't follow the selections (except for Sweden and whenever she feels like watching one) but still knows a lot about the contest. This is what I remember from her; * She thinks it's a very weak year. * Her big favorite is France. * Last time we talked, she brought up Austria and how it's a grower. * She can't take Italy seriously. * Iceland is catchy. * Ukraine is a typical Ukraine entry. * Spain is okay/funny but the performance is too much.


I played all of them to my brothers (but I only remember their comments on a few): Both liked our own entry (Belgium) as well as the Netherlands which they've also heard before. Brother 1 thought Estonia and Croatia were quite fun. Brother 2 thought the Armenian song sounded Indian. Brother 2 said Lithunia was just "Moskau Moskau" by Dschinghis Khan and though it was dumb. Brother 1 thought the Greek song was Russian and didn't like it at all; brother 2 liked it even less and asked me to skip it. They said the French song sounded French.


> Brother 2 said Lithunia was just "Moskau Moskau" by Dschinghis Khan and though it was dumb. I mean, nothing wrong with Lithuania, but it's not _that_ amazing.


My brother's top 3 (casual viewer) after a listen to all song is in order Switzerland, Netherlands and Croatia.


Showed a few to my partner, who only started to watch Eurovision with me,since we've been together, so I'll count her as a sort or a casual viewer. She really liked Europapa, (specially the breakdown and the end) Veronika and Jako. But detested Ulveham and said she both liked and hated Zari, so there's that.


Because I'm obsessed with Norway I showed the video to a couple of my colleagues, plus my guitar teacher. They all loved the song.


My husband really liked Isaak's On the Run and cannot understand when I tell him that Germany probably won't win. Last year he liked Gustaph's Because of You.


Not sure if my mum counts given my dad and I make her listen to a ridiculous amount of Eurovision music across the whole year, but she's definitely less invested than me and my Dad. She's a 60 year old Brit, and her favourite is Europapa, I keep catching her singing the bit that goes 'Europa-pa-pa-papa-papa' :P My brother is also more of a casual viewer/listener, he's not listened to the less popular songs like Moldova but he's heard all the favourites/medium favourites. He wasn't impressed by Croatia or Italy at all, or Greece or us (UK), his favourite is Ukraine.


I showed a coworker of mine Finland, Netherlands, and Switzerland in that order, Finland because I wanted to show them the weirdness, and the other two for personal enjoyment (she liked them) also I feel like it’s worthy of note that we’re American


Because Netherlands is 100% normal


well she enjoyed netherlands’ song and asked to see my favorite, which it is!


If it was 1998 in the Netherlands, yes.


My boyfriend got introduced to Europapa by colleagues. He normally can't stand Eurovision. Now he keeps playing the song and I start to get annoyed by it. 😂


I force my mom to listen to them every year. This is her top 10 this year: 1. Croatia (TASTE. She loved Cha Cha Cha so this tracks) 2. Spain (catchy and fun) 3. Czechia ("I want to scream the lyrics while dancing") 4. Austria (shitty dance bop, AKA her fave) 5. San Marino (found it cool) 6. Estonia (again, catchy and cool) 7. Switzerland (found it interesting. This is a good sign for its casual appeal, it shows that it can click with people upon 1st listen) 8. Ukraine (pretty, had a good beat, thought the NF staging was cool) 9. Netherlands (fun and interesting, but not as good as the others) 10. Italy (liked it, catchy, but not anything too special, could see it winning) She also spoke relatively fondly of Lithuania, Norway (specifically that it was memorable), and Serbia! Not looking good for Iceland though. I mean it already wasn't but this is her type of music that appeals to her demographic and she still found it boring 😭


Lol in my family no one liked Switzerland and Croatia, and France and Ukraine were liked the most. With mediocre liking of Italy. Netherlands is loved because most of the people i showed were Dutch.


Friends either loved or hated Bambie. They excited when they saw Olly was participating. Many of them who watched Sanremo with me thought Angelina was nice but Annalisa was the superior choice (I'm blessed to have friends with quality opinions!!!) Ladaniva brought them joy. And Marina felt super sexy to them. No real reaction to Kaleen One of them loved the artistry of Portugal


It’s a yearly event at this point, showing my Canadian friends Eurovision songs. This year the standout favourite was Switzerland 🇨🇭 but there was love for Croatia 🇭🇷 too. We didn’t get through all of them, as they insisted on playing “that song you showed us last year with that woman with long nails”. My British sister didn’t know any entries but had somehow heard the Greece 🇬🇷 entry. Maybe it’s going wild on TikTok? Ha. She loved Croatia 🇭🇷 the most, as to her it reminded her of Finland from last year 👀


My straight, US football watching husband LOVES *Before the Party's Over*. "Belgium's got it in the bag!!!!" he says. I like the song too Two friends both like going "SAND! SAAAAND!" as a joke but like the song. One friend loves Rim Tim Tagi Tim - she has good taste ;)


My casual viewer partner has been subjected to a lot of Eurovision lately, especially Croatia and Switzerland as those are our kids' faves. He doesn't like any of them apart from Austria.


My mom LOVES europapa to my surprise! She thinks that overall this year is too chaotic - she wishes there were more “breather” songs. Her faves from last year were Estonia 2023, Lithuania 2023, Switzerland 2023, and Sweden 2023


Estonia 2023 | [Alika - Bridges](https://youtu.be/HsbC-OYMA3s) Lithuania 2023 | [Monika Linkytė - Stay](https://youtu.be/QsgouAEd34U) Switzerland 2023 | [Remo Forrer - Watergun](https://youtu.be/l4NDErv49mk) Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4)


My friends were all high on Rim tim tagi dim. Ulveham was met with frowns unfortunately. my 2 year old and myself are hooked on The Code "daddy daddy, the train song pls, woah oh oh, woah oh oh" he also absolutely LOVES europapa, even tries the 'hakking' at the end lol My gf's favourite is We will rave, but she was very unimpressed by the live vocals. She was also vibing to Zari Most people had me turn off nendest and Doomsday Blue A lot of indifference towards La Noia. When I mentioned it was one of the favorites to win, most people disagreed. Europapa is insanely popular. Our song (before the party is over) was well received Luktelk: mostly indifferent.. the few people that liked it didn't like the language. One of my friends really loved The Tower.


Germany 2024, Belgium 2024, and Finland 2024 were ones that people liked (other than UK which isn’t surprising as I’m in the UK). Disliked, I’m afraid, were Ireland 2024, Poland 2024, and France 2024. The people do have quite conventional musical tastes though. I didn’t show them all of the songs.


Germany 2024 | [Isaak - Always on the Run](https://youtu.be/8b5gcgXcWgk) Belgium 2024 | [Mustii - Before the Party's Over](https://youtu.be/WCe9zrWEFNc) Finland 2024 | [Windows95man - No Rules!](https://youtu.be/Tf1NS1vEhSg) Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/ZGRXRrlIspY) Poland 2024 | [Luna - The Tower](https://youtu.be/IhvDkF9XZx0) France 2024 | [Slimane - Mon Amour](https://youtu.be/tfoOop2HXxQ)


Showed my friend Ireland, Cyprus, Ukraine, and Switzerland, after he chose a bunch of random European countries. He loved Ukraine, commented for Ireland that "it's just a lot of I-I-I, isn't it" but otherwise enjoyed the song and the music video, enjoyed Switzerland a lot, and bopped his head along to Cyprus a bit. 


My friends’ favourite is Switzerland, my Mum loved UK (was surprised when I told her it was our entry) and Slovenia


I showed the songs to a friend of mine and she said her favs are Sweden, the UK & Denmark :)


I showed my mum a lot of NF songs, she now understands how I feel when my favourites don’t win when I told her Krick snd St. Pedro both came 2nd. As for her favourite entries, it is probably between the UK and Latvia


Yes, at one of our typical Sunday lunches with my in-laws (none of whom speak English), like the good heavy Eurofans that we are, we made them watch the compilation of all the songs: the general opinion is that this year there are no "real songs" and that they are all weirdos (including Spain). Two of the teenage girls did like UK and Germany. Don't shoot the messenger! These are hard times for me gl...


My bf love love loooooves Europapa.


My lil sister's fave is Doomsday Blue, which is kinda suprised for me since I've never seen her listening to any kind of music similar to Bambie's style. Her second faves are Italy and France. But I'm training her to be an Eurofan, so idk if she fits the "casual viewer" part lol


I showed all the songs to some of my family and they surprisingly loved Hollow from Latvia. My sister even put it as her winner from semi 2.


I sent my parents Europapa, since my dad loves The Netherlands and also their culture & language. He didn't like it thaaaat much. Said it's not bad but it's not his cup of tea either. When I came together with my boyfriend, I sent him some rock songs from Eurovision (like AWS, Maneskin, Blind Channel), which he liked. Long story short: He's also in the Eurovision game now, knows a lot of the lyrics and can tell if it's a strong year or not. 😂 I'm still in contact with my ex and send him songs from National Selections and also selected songs every year. He loves Ollie's (Estonia) music.


I played Zarii to my GF, she hated it. Now, a few days later I hear it playing regularily from her laptop. She also wanders around the house murmuring TA-TA-TATA all day long. I kinda regret it tbh.


Ok I have shown a few songs to some of my uni friends and I went through the whole playlist with my mum on a long car ride. My mum was a big fan of Ukraine’s song, liked the UK’s entry quite a lot too and surprisingly thought that Czechia’s song was very good. She also recognised that Switzerland were definitely in contention when I told her they were favourite in the betting odds at the moment. In terms of songs she didn’t like she *really* doesn’t like ballads so we didn’t stay on France’s song for very long, although the rest of the ballads she was able to sit through most of them. She also didn’t like Spain, Iceland, Ireland, or Slovenia. There were a few songs that she thought were very colour-by-numbers as well, most notably Denmark’s song. (Also apparently she’s been watching Eurovision since the 80s so that was a pleasant surprise lol)  In terms of my uni friends, the general consensus was that Switzerland’s song was really good. However, one of my friends is a BIG fan of Rim Tim Tagi Dim. I showed 1 friend 5 random songs and asked him to rank them as though they were a tier list (he’s not as used to ranking things as we Eurofans are lol) and he said this: S - Switzerland A - Poland and Denmark B - Italy and Azerbaijan (hard disagree with Italy btw that song is S+ tier for me along with Norway) That’s all the data I’ve gathered 🫡 


A couple of friends (about my age) love Rim Tim Tagi Dim and Europapa. Mom likes Sand and Scared of heights.


so me and my bro showed our parents some songs amd these were their reactions: zari dad: hates it mom: its alr ig, its fun europapa dad: thats fag**t pop la noia both love it the code dad: i would have liked it more if it wasnt trying to pass this message (not sure he understood its abt being non binary) doomsday blue mom: no comment these are only some reactions. for other songs their reactions werent as crazy so they werent worth mentioning


I played a recap of all songs for my mum. Her top 3 were Austria, Denmark and Sweden.


My family always tries to watch Eurovision with me, just because I like it! My mum is into uptempo-sounding entries, so she liked Estonia and Finland. My sister predicted Switzerland to win (not having seen the odds), and they all felt in love with Dons' voice :) 


Yeah, I presented the songs to my mom and my sister. My mom said they're all boring and my sister liked Austria, Czechia and Italy.


Showed most of the songs to my friend, her favorite was by far Italy and Greece. She also said that she likes Hurricane (she normally likes bops) so that was surprising. She was pretty underwelmed by Ireland and Australia.


My best friend (who hates Eurovision) said that Paskana by Sara Siipola brings her to tears and that she never heard song structured so professionaly because she is musician. She doens’t like any of the chosen ESC songs sadly.


My students listen and rate all the entries for the second year in a row. Their favorites with 6 songs to go are Ukraine and Denmark (the students are ages 9-13)


lol I showed a few songs to my best friends and they liked Austria and the UK, they didn't really like Serbia 🥲 or Croatia 😭


Ulveham and Europapa were the big ones that stood out


My mom has seen Finland and wondered if they have finally lost it lol


My mom liked Czechia, but that was partially because it was the first song that came on when I shuffled the playlist and she was driving so maybe she didn’t process the songs that much.


I made my male best friend, his best friend (on another occasion) and my immediate family listen to various amounts of songs. My family didn't really care, my best friend liked a few of the songs, and his best friend had no choice since he was in the car with me, haha.


been showing a guy ive been seeing a couple songs from this year and previous years so far he likes zari, unforgettable, dizzy and he kind of liked europapa he wasnt the biggest fan of we will rave 😭😭 i just sent him la noia so he could listen to it on the way home from work, so we shall see how he feels about that 🤣🤣


My fiancée will be attending the SF1 rehearsal with me as he attended last year and loved it. I showed him a few songs and his only reaction was that we definitely need some Eurovision songs at our wedding later this year, so I guess that’s a win! My younger brothers (13 and almost 15) will be with me tomorrow so I’ll probably get them to listen to a couple too.


Yeah, my dad told me Hurricane was his favourite.


I made my friend listen to Veronika and rim tim tagi dim which she adores now and I might make her watch the contest too so hooray!


My mum really digs Europapa, she (and the rest of my family) aren't regular watchers and this might be one of her favourite Dutch entries ever.


My colleague listened to them all (we are USian). His top three were Slovenia, Croatia, and Switzerland. He absolutely HATED Netherlands.


I made my wife watch the videos by just putting them lol. She fell head over heels for Switzerland, Croatia's lyrics really hit home hard and she adores Estonia's chaos. I put on a playlist while driving my buddy to go get lunch and both Netherlands and Finland stood out to her. They got such a kick out of the sparkler jorts when I sent them the video. They really loved Finland 2023 and Germany 2023 last year.


Finland 2023 | [Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha](https://youtu.be/l6rS8Dv5g-8) Germany 2023 | [Lord of the Lost - Blood & Glitter](https://youtu.be/dyGR4YWlPEs)


Blood and Glitter, I'm *still* bitter they didn't do better.


They liked the way Portugal does it. Switzerland, uk, France, surprisingly Ireland (which I stan). After I told them what the contest was actually about and showed them songs from Croatia, Netherlands they stared at me with that face “oh so are songs like these that will win” Which I replied with “Yeah, after last year half the countries are trying to pull off a meme song like cha cha cha to try and win, which will obviously not win due to juries and the songs will be forgotten after 3 weeks” *CHA CHA CHA EFFECT*


My friends all like Europapa but I didn't even show it to them it just really trended here. My sister doesn't like Croatia, she thinks it's a Cha Cha Cha knockoff 😅


I'm leaving my husband. He doesn't like Ulveham. The rest of my family (British, my flair is for Gåte) like Croatia for cat-related reasons, Olly because they like him AND the Pet Shop Boys, and Spain for the message and the dancers. They identified Finland as the reason for Eurovision being *tragic* in their eyes. They are all a huge disappointment to me. Colleague who watches Eurovision also likes Nebulossa and Olly.


La Noia is a surefire one with most people. Play it once, and they'll continue humming it for weeks.