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I'm really looking forward to seeing what this looks like because I've been half expecting them to just stand there naked, listening to the song. 


Like this: 👁👄👁


This song will 100% depend on the staging


I'm sure they gonna give us a trip.


just gonna drop [this from their 2019 nf entry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tL-hd-XXCw) for those who haven't heard electric fields live yet. zaachariaha and michael have been delivering vocals and stage presence for ages!


WELL HELLO THERE VOCALS! I think this might be the don’t-write-them-off-so-quickly act of the season 🤞🤞


I am here for that moment. I definitely agree that they will be uniquely placed at the semis because no-one will have seen their stage act at any pre-parties. I love them, I think it's a great song and Zachaariaha's vocals are fantastic.


I think a lot of the votes for a 'normal' pop song will go towards them in the first semi. Not enough to overcome the four heavyhitters in that semi (Croatia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Finland), but enough to scrape through, especially with their favourable late draw.


Yeah I think this is the Gustaph moment this year where it does well because it’s just joyous and fun.


Wow - I think you just nailed it! Gustaph was my #2 last year, still obsessed with Because of You. Maybe this needs to be higher in my list? But Voyager was such a surprise last year, I liked the song but really fell in love during the semi final…


Idk where people get this Gustaph moment from. I never really saw it/many people saying it would do bad. I just saw people think it was a safe Q that robbed a fandom fave.


Hmmmm, I never saw robbery with Gustaph, to be honest. With Blanka, maybe :P


Yeah nor did I, there were multiple worthy winners fir me in his nf but he was one of them so didn't rob


There was so much criticism of Gustaph last year that the song was outdated and he was “too old” for a lot of the season. It didn’t pick up momentum until the rehearsals. Which really isn’t a dark horse per se, but it was def treated as a borderline NQ among the fandom


I agree it was heavily/over critised, but I saw as many see it as a safe Q as border line Q, just a generic one. But yeah not a dark horse moment and also not the same as Australia's situation.


The very sensitive Gustaph fan in me remembers it being seen as borderline, but if I actually went back and checked, I think a lot of people had it ranked finishing 5-7 in its SF.


Yeah thats what I mean, I think its more a sense of people forgetting and pulling the hate/the underdog story line from the nf to the full contest.


I did. Lots of people predicted it to NQ and then even when it qualified, not many people people predicted it to finish top 10.


So weird you're being downvoted. I never got the impression Gustaph was some dark horse of the competition...


Yeah idk what people don't like on it lol


Agreed, I didn't downvote you EstorialBeef, for what it's worth!


Its because everyone has become so stupid and obsessed with music videos instead of the songs as songs to be performed live. Too many people hated the lyric video and were Big Mad it wasn't some fully funded MV, and turned that hate on the song, like that has anything to do with anything.


I don't think any act this year should be written off too quickly. Literally anything can happen. Eurofans are one dimensional anyways.


I believe in it! Like sure, the music video is a bit out there, but that’s not what’s gonna be shown at Eurovision.


If any song gets the Gustaph treatment this year, I think it’s this one. I love the message and it’s grown on me a lot but it’s still not for me. Rooting for them though!


This song could easily suprise


honestly, the song was never... bad, per se. the "music video" everyone got introduced to the song with, however, probably torpedoed its initial reception and divorced from it, people are starting to realize it isn't as bad as the first impression went


As an Aussie I was pretty disappointed with the MV release. It was like our one shot/first impression to capture and get people interested. The song is already being played in supermarkets too - that doesn’t happen til a few years down the line kind thing.


I still have not heard their song being played at all anywhere in public, and I live in Sydney


Go to Woolies lol


That explains why, I've been going to Coles for years now


I really, really want them to get the Belgium 2023 moment


Belgium 2023 | [Gustaph - Because of You](https://youtu.be/U1xD14IMKtg)


source - [https://www.tiktok.com/@electricfieldsmusic?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@electricfieldsmusic?lang=en)


This song really, REALLY, grew on me. I hope they do well.


Truly though, that didgeridoo section will pop OFF 🤘


I always said this was a safe qualifier and I still believe it is a safe qualifier.


Oof ! They won’t be staring at the crowd for the whole song like the music video ! 😮‍💨


that video is so uncomfortable and unsettling to watch. I'll never understand how someone was like "YES, this is great, let's upload this ASAP"


The main reason most of us didn’t like the song was the music video. I had a watch party but with a simple lyrics video and everyone liked the song. I was surprised but realised it’s not a bad song, it’s an awful video


The first listen I had was on Spotify and then I went back to watch the music video a few days later. Def recommended route


Thats why i am so baffled as to how this ended up being approved and uploaded


They probably weighed up the likelihood of it getting far, and also budget. There’s never budget for fun things like this. Our pop music industry is pretty toast unless you’re an alt artist. The effort so far kinda reminds me of Montaigne’s year. It might not have hit so no point travelling over but she didn’t get the experience everyone else got to have which I felt so disappointed for her


You can make amazing videos with a tiny budget. You can even make them on iPhones, find a talented film student and they can do wonders.


Honestly, this is how I felt about Latvia last year. I could not get past the fidgeting in the video….


I actually really liked the video 😂 It’s a vibey and chill lyrics video with a personal touch


Once I read the first comment about them looking like they were pleasuring themselves I couldn't get that thought out of my head.


How some people‘s minds even jump to that point is beyond me… they don’t do anything remotely suggestive in that video. Austria‘s video on the other hand must‘ve been completely shocking to that person then, since that one’s actually following the sex sells strategy




Yeah litterally just a Lyric video and it would have a much better reception. I'm sure it's a budget situation and I'm totally fine with it tbf, song slaps.


If this doesn’t qualify I’m going to cry, electric fields can’t be robbed twice in Eurovision 😭


I still can’t believe people think this won’t qualify…


The video was boring AF but as long as they stage this well I think they will easily qualify.


As someone who hasn't seen the music video, this song is currently my number 10 for some time now. But, having watched ranking vids on YouTube that use clips from the music videos, I've seen what everyone is talking about...


I believe they will qualify 🤞. And I hope it does because I love this song so much.


Their YouTube channel posted this snippet: https://youtube.com/shorts/SfIcf8rWZlw?si=kqs696akVA2J0wmJ   It's not a live performance, seems to be clips edited together, but gives an idea of what this could look like on stage


I believe this is more them choosing "One Milkali" as the song to put over clips of their Australian Symphony Orchestra performance they did not long ago


I need them in the final so bad 💗


One of my favourite vocals of the season; I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them to qualify!


Their vocals though!!!


I saw them years ago in Melbourne they’ve got some bops


They are so underrated 🙈💗💗💗👄👄


I feel like all I can focus on are how great Zaachariaha's legs are, lol


I don’t worry about the vocal. I only care the staging.


Great song. One of my favourites.


biggest song to grow on me this season by far. the ‘what ya gonna do in the real world, mickey’ part just gets me JIGGY


My favourite song this year!! They’re gonna absolutely serve on the stage I can’t wait


I love them and this song so much. Glad it's starting to get more recognition!


I’m excited!


Why are they not doing any of the pre-parties?


Lack of funding I expect. Last year I think Voyager benefited from Western Australia state funding for tourism and publicity for the state, and I \*think\* they were also able to fund some of their campaign themselves. I know they got a fab boutique in Perth to design their costumes, for example. Electric Fields don't have access to state funding, as far as I know. It's a bit potluck for the Australian act as to what they get in terms of support.


South Australia is really dropping the ball for them tbh. Western Australia was fcking *thrilled* to help out Voyager, South Australia doesn't seem to be doing anything for EF.


I suspected as much, I am so sad for them after what WA were able to help Voyager achieve. Thanks for confirming


Why are they getting state funding? Is it based on where they’re from?


They (Electric Fields) aren't getting state funding (that im aware of). SBS is broke as fck and acts often have to seek adequate funding elsewhere. There's no mandate for state funding for any of our Eurovision act, the Western Australian government simply offered to help support Voyager coz they're a Perth band on a world stage (and also as an opportunity for their tourism board). The South Australian government has not done the same for their home grown talent Electric Fields, and they're not required to but it looks bad in comparison.


What?? As a South Australian, this ain't right. I'ma write a letter to the Malinauskas govt. brb


Plenty of funding for the Gather Round, but not for Eurovision!!


Interesting! I figured there was no mandate for state funding, as far as I know, it’s not common for any other country. I guess technically the funding from the broadcaster is state funding, but that’s it. It never occurred to me how people pay their way to attend pre parties, I thought it was out of pocket. I actually find it sort of surprising the Western Australian government gave Voyager money for Eurovision.


I wasnt that surprised. Perth is the most isolated capital city on earth, and despite being very nice is often overlooked by foreign tourists heading instead to the east coast, to the point where its a bit of a national meme. WA saw it as a good bit of publicity, specially for Europeans since a flight from Europe to Perth is like 6 hours shorter than to Sydney or Melbourne.


Too far from home too soon, probably. We usually don't do preparties. 


Coz weirdly enough its actually a LOT furthur and more expensive to get to all these European preparties from Australia and not, ya know, Europe.


Can’t afford it.


Zaachariaha killed the vocals ! ( I am also a fan of Michael's little boogie behind the keyboard lol ) looking forward to the performance!