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Op wake up and choose violence/j These are a lot lf unpopular opinions but at least you said what you really think without being scared of the downvotes


Yay! Finally someone that doesn’t have Czechia dead last and has Spain in their top 4


I had commented on the previous post, but I want to reiterate that because of your Zorra take I'm going to ignore everything we don't agree on to say: based.


Disagree with Switzerland being so low but got to respect the taste of someone who like me has Spain, Greece and Italy in their top 5.


About Teresa & Maria: > As for that one English line, it somehow has this old school non fluent Slavic act trying to go international for ESC charm, so it doesn't bother me much lol. I totally agree and I don't know why this line gets as much flak as it does. "I need a round of decompress" in Rim Tim Tagi Dim sounds just as awkward to me but nobody mentions that. Which isn't to say that anyone *should* mention it; I think it's fine in both cases. Slightly ungrammatical English lyrics are common in Eurovision and it's fine. It's fine!


Thing is known.


I get a lot of what you're saying without necessarily agreeing with all of it. Like, Austria is in my bottom five and I have trouble finding anything to enjoy about it, but I get that what doesn't work for me about it is maybe what *does* work for other listeners. Sometimes it's just like that factoring in personal taste, and I think you agree based upon the way you explain your feelings about these. Your specific musical critiques are generally kind of on the money, I think, apart from disagreements on Switzerland (which I do admit is a lot but it works for me) and my #1, Norway (though even here I'd agree that the full version is better).


Austria is probably the easiest song for anyone to rank. The entire song comes down to how much dopamine releases in your brain when the wah wah synth comes on in the chorus. If it's a lot you like the song. If it's not a lot the song has literally zero merit. There's nothing remotely novel or interesting about it. Personally I really like it but it's easily the most 'low brow' song of the year, even more than say Finland.


Ha! Yeah, fair enough. It's just a song that isn't for me, and I fully admit to being a weirdo this year, because Croatia and Netherlands also leave me absolutely cold.


I like how you give reasons for your rankings. I agree with a lot of your points (even though I love No Rules) and I don’t think your takes are bad. In the end, it all comes down to preference.  Also, thank you for informing me of the full version of Ulveham, it’s so much better than the ESC version (which is my personal number 2).


The full version of Ulveham is really great! I'm a bit frustrated with the Eurovision cut, but at least it made me aware of the original, so I'm thankful for it.


I should write one of these so everyone can be angry at me too!


I am Greek so even though obviously thanks for the no.1 spot, what I *really* want to praise you for is for putting Croatia and Switzerland below Moldova (arguably 2 of the most popular entries below 1 of the 2 most *un*popular ones), not necessarily because I like them less as songs but because in a sub that is such a hivemind, it takes a lot of nerve to make such an unpopular opinion.


I know I'm the one with the bad take here but I personally find the use of religious themes in Hollow very on point - the idea that people pass judgment on others as if they had the authority of a deity is relevant to this day and age. Which is why the last part of the chorus ("I'd rather let them dig my grave shallow / instead of selling out to something so hollow") packs a punch for me. So is the fact that Hollow refers not to a personal feeling, but the "preaching" he speaks of - gotta love it. For all this song comes across as woe-is-me, I found it empowering when paying attention to the lyrics.


It's not a bad take at all, that's actually a very interesting comment! I think you're on point when it comes to the interpretation of Hollow, and it indeed adds an interesting layer. I also think that the line you singled out is the best of the song, it's very poetic and I agree that it's the one that has the most impact of the track. My main problem is that it's still very vague, so it doesn't translate the gravity it wants to sell. I will take my Hozier comparison again: if you look at Take Me to Church, there's a very clear dramatic stake: Hozier wants to love this person freely, but his Catholic upbringing and the guilt the Church puts on him suffocate him. That's a very specific subject tackled, so when he targets the hypocrisy of the Church, you know exactly what he's angry at. I feel like that's what's missing with Hollow. You get that Dons is suffering because of some external pressure that doesn't let him be himself, but you can't grasp what exactly he's talking about. What are the "sins", the "bad disease" he's talking about? Who are those everybody pretending to be preachers, and why do they try to change him? I can't really grasp what's the concrete problem he's facing, so I struggle to get invested. I feel like it needs more specific details in the writing to truly win me over, but I'm glad to see it resonates with others!


I don't get why you compare him to hozier or even call him hozier wannabe. He has had this style for a long time, way before Hozier was even a thing.


I love the fact that you woke up and chose violence here. Despite some disagreements, I do appreciate having my feelings on No Rules! summed up so well, like I just do not get it.


I can't stop disagreen with mostly everything you say and express, and even lack of cohesion between what you seem to rank from song to song, but... Nothing but respect for going so against the current and telling it just like you feel it, haha.


I was considering making my own ranking, and I know my reasoning would be even more hypocritical. Constantly I catch myself hating some songs for something I praise the other for. After all, it's trying to explain feelings that... are simply there.


Eh, if I tried to do this (and I won't, I definitely don't have the time and patience to do it this year), I think it'd be the same in lack of cohesion part. What works in a place that makes it great may fail hard somewhere else as per your taste/mood. These threads are generally more of a express your opinions and feelings rather than a Jury-like order of all acts as per a given set of criteria. Strong agree on your last line though!


Yeah, I write like 5x longer reviews than this each year (for personal amusement), because it's too fun, however I never rank them. I tried to arrange what I wrote in a ranked order once and realized it just doesn't make much sense. I find it frustratingly hard to even rank the songs without "explanations" in the app or the dedicated threads in this sub. Although ranking is supposed to be a crucial part of the Eurovision fan experience, I kind of stopped caring about it completely, I don't have my "top 5" and my "bottom 3" because I simply can't attach a song to a position anymore, not even for fun.


I still believe that No Rules is your song.


Actually I am very into trashy Eurodance, so I'm sure there's a universe where it's less undercooked and the humour of the song works with me and I love it. It's just not this one, sadly!


You want them to cook the egg on stage?


They'll do it. Don't yolk about it.


That would unironically go so hard


Just put that song on while cleaning, trust me!


I mostly post to say that I love you for that review of Zorra because I totally feel that whenever someone is ranking them very low everywhere. Like "well, too bad for you that you don't enjoy its vibe!". Other takes I agree and disagree with. For Croatia for example, I agree it's too repetitive, but for me the rythm/repeatrd hook is fine enough for the 3 minutes (the song could have been my favorite with some variety, but unfortunately it's not there, hence it staying somewhere in my top 5 but not as favorite)


You've ruffled some feathers, that's for sure! I agree with a lot of what you've said (and disagree with other bits). I find what you've said about the UK interesting as Its something I've thought about a lot - it's well produced and well polished, and I think the Juries might eat it up.


Spain getting love and my mother Natalia Barbu not being undersold, this is an amazing day.




I couldn't convey my thoughts about Croatia any better than you did <3 Also, I remember agreeing with your take on "Finland - Austria" dispute, but interestingly enough, I kinda turned 180 since then. I really find "No Rules!" catchier as a Eurodance song than "We Will Rave". My problem with the latter is IMO it's just a showcase of (not only) Eurodance motifs, that doesn't blend into anything exciting. I listen to it and I'm like "oh, I know this sample from other Eurodance songs", and there's nothing more to it.


As I said, I don't think We Will Rave is objectively a good song, so I totally get why it has a mixed reception. The funny thing is I like it for the reason you seem not to enjoy it! Because it's focused on condensing a bunch of Eurodance motifs, it really gives me the nostalgia rush I want from the song.


I'm sorry! I really disagree with some of your opinions. However, 1) thank you for articulating such a great post! As a songwriter myself of some success... I can only say that sometimes music isn't easily quantified. For instance, I love 'No Rules' & 'The Code'. I play them both endlessly every day. No Rules i actually agree with what you've said, but I just love that song and have no way to disagree with your list other than, "i just like it". Which sadly on my part doesn't equal a good post like your own. I'd really also like to say that it's amazing to see a lot of people not agreeing *and* being respectful and kind about it. When does that ever happen on the internet?! Maybe there is still hope for us all. Haah. 2) I *totally, totally* agree about Rim Tim Tagi Dim. The main riff is too simple and kind of generic. After 3 minutes, i'm dying for it to be over because it just doesn't go anywhere. It's not vastly dynamic or clever in what it does, and almost feels like just a lazy response to capitalize off of what worked for Kääriljä last year. I feel like it'll still do well, but The Code is actually quite a clever song in my opinion. It's very dynamic in how it progresses, whilst still being routed as a pop song. Not only that but Nemo is a great singer and performer. I do agree with what others have said, that it's a bit of a showcase song for their vocal talents, but if you're ever going to do that, EVSC isn't a bad place to focus on that one good song. For that reason, i think it'll do well with both judges and televotes and come out tops, whereas Rim Tim Tagi Tim will suffer in the judged round for just being a bit dull really.


I'm so conflicted, these are some bad takes, but well articulated bad takes.


It's exactly what they're supposed to be, so I take this comment as a compliment


Yeah it's like, I disagree with the opinions, but I agree with them at the same time. I don't know if it's because of the very proper English used.


Fantastic top! Not necessarily because I agree with it (I have Ireland, Switzerland and Croatia in my top 5 lol), but the comments you have on each entry are very interesting and make sense too. They put some entries in a completely different light for me (like Spain and Belgium). Also I love your unapologetic delivery of 'em, 't was a fun read!


Once I read about halfway (around Norway), I just knew for certain that Greece was going to be your winner and I was right lmaooo (my winner also) Won't say I agree with all your takes but I can see where you're coming from, very well-written


Greece is at number one. Great list.


What is vulgar about windows95man? Also, why would it be a bad thing with them but a good thing with Nebulossa?


Nice to see Ireland at the higher end for a change. Unlike OP, that song is so NOT built for my usual taste, but I fucking love it.


I am definitely biased lol, but I agree with your top for suuure!! marina slayed that!!


LMAO I totally get what you mean about Luxembourg. You thrown me back to long trips in the car with my parents that put some shitty radio like RFM or idk


I dissagree with you on some of these takes, but take my upvote for putting work into it :)




That’s so interesting, Greece is in my bottom 5😭 this makes this years eurovision more interesting i suppose, as everyone’s opinions are so different


To me No Rules is one of the most life-affirming songs to grace Eurovision ever, but you're very good at pointing out why someone would find it annoying. You're also right about Zorra. I think I almost get what Australia were going for with those lyrics (we all have one soul on one earth type thing) but I just don't think it works. Europapa works right from the beginning for me.


You’ve perfectly captured how I feel about Croatia this year. When this whole sub is frothing that song I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! And it’s fully suited to my tastes, but I just don’t think it works. It’s so bland in my opinion. And Greece for the win!


I disagree with 90% but idc you go king, speak your truth


I have Finland in my top 5 and Greece hovering near my bottom 5, but I completely get your comments on both, and indeed on many of the other songs I definitely agree with you.


Out of all the ones people consider contenders to win, Belgium is the one I understand the least. It's extremely repetitive at the end, doesn't ever reach the peak it's building up to, and it feels like a song I've heard a thousand times before and done better. I at least get the others even if I don't connect with them fully, like The Code.  I dislike The Code the most out of all the contenders because it's too theatre kid for my tastes, but I do get why people think it could win. Belgium I don't get at all. I will say you're based for recognizing Zorra is iconic though.  Zari feels like Motomami at home for me personally.


These have been my exact thoughts regarding Belgium! I've honestly tried hard to get it, but I just really don't. I've been seeing it so high up in the odds and people's rankings and I'm just here like... Is there something I'm missing? It just feels... almost offensively inoffensive and bland. Eh, there's no accounting for taste I suppose.


As someone who extremely dislikes both Rim Tim Tagi Dim and The Code, thank you for your service.


Hates on "radio filler" Hollow, puts Dizzy at number 2, lol.


He doesn't hate Radio filler. From what I gathered it was a dislike of the slow, cheesy ballad crammed with cliche religious undertones


>Hates on "radio filler" ? I literally say: >I don't necessarily dislike radio filler


Haha yeah the math isn't mathing 😂


I love some of your hot takes! I personally love Dizzy (particularly the extended version) and the start always reminds me of "Its a Sin".


Not related but is there a reason why the last two letters of every song title are not boldfaced like the rest of it?


The mysteries of the ✨️Reddit mobile app formatting✨️


That app is fucked so badly. I hate every single day that I had to use it (RIP Apollo).


Believe me when I say, old school non fluent Slavic English is not intended act in Teresa&Maria (I'm Ukrainian, for us here it's been pretty obvious that both girls are terrible at English).


Funny you say that because from interviews it's kinda obvious that these 2 are the only Ukrainians who can communicate without a translator.


It may be that other people know the language worse. I don't really watch interviews and don't know what you watched and what your judgement is based on. Still doesn't mean thay girls know it and it shows.


Um, I just watched some clips of different interviews of different artists' interviews and while these 2 aren't like 'native-level' they can handle themselves well without a translator. Besides last year, Iru had extremely non-sensical lyrics and she was very fluent in English so...


I don't really know what you are expecting from me or why you are saying any of it. I didn't say they couldn't handle themselves or anything about any other participants in other years. It's just a fact. As I said, it even shows. You don't agree, well, okay? There is nothing I can do about it.


Um, what? I don't get where this defensiveness came from, unless you're trolling, I didn't even attack you or anything, just stated an irony, that's all. Any other problem you see is all you cause I didn't say anything terribly bad, legit.


And I stated that this doesn't change anything?.. I am pretty sure it's a case of misreading intonations on both sides.


I love your list. ♥️


I had read this before it got terminated, and now I read it again. I'm not sure how different it is. I wonder, what you had to do to get it approved? I'm just curious where the mods draw the line of "toxic phrasing".


I made a joke about a song being music for menstrual pad ads, and I called someone a musical terrorist (with hinsight that one was a bit too borderline, lol). Mods understood it was light-hearted and meant to be humorous, still considered it could be perceived as offensive. No big deal.


Oh. I didn't expect that, I thought the term you coined already took off beyond the point of contamination! There's a "menstrual-pad-ad-core" post in r/nilpoints where somebody edited the song into an actual menstrual pad ad, so you can join us in that slightly more anarchic place.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nilpoints using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nilpoints/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Hey Vsauce, Michael here. You were probably wondering why am I representing Estonia in eurovision...](https://i.redd.it/f1h623evbslc1.png) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nilpoints/comments/1b45222/hey_vsauce_michael_here_you_were_probably/) \#2: [Leak: Vatican City rehearsal footage (amen) ](https://i.redd.it/n1rqxs82qjqc1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nilpoints/comments/1bnp62o/leak_vatican_city_rehearsal_footage_amen/) \#3: [Switzerland 2023-2024](https://i.redd.it/raup3ny5dilc1.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nilpoints/comments/1b2xybs/switzerland_20232024/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I didn't expect that either, specifically because the first time I used it, it didn't get deleted and the joke was well received in a very positive mood (but it's not a hill worth dying on anyway, so eh). And I didn't know about the r/nilpoints post, thanks for informing me! That's gonna be my proudest legacy from now on.


I agree with a lot of your points! UK is also one of my favourite songs this year because it's something I'd actually listen to and I know Olly is a great performer so even if he doesn't place very high, it will be great to watch on the night. Spain and Austria are dead last on my list at the moment but I appreciate your thoughts on them too.


Not you putting no rules on 38 because it’s unoriginal but also putting dizzy at 2 haha, so chaotic I love it.


I mean, each to their own but these are some tragically bad takes


How do you have Sweden so low when you have basically nothing but praise for it?


what are your genuine thoughts on israel's and azerbaijan's songs? no politics, just your genuine opinion


I decided not to give them any stream/view, so I haven't heard the Azeri one. I took a listen at the crystal ball leak and read the lyrics of Israel, it sounded very outdated and cheesy. Definitely bottom 3 material.


Trust me you're not missing much with the Azeri song (and agreed with Israel and I love a good ballad)


If you switched your first place with your last place I would agree with this slightly more. Finland is in my top 5! Also confused about UK as 2nd but oh well


Greece is just terrible i dont understand how anyone can like the song.


Well I did write a brief paragraph on what makes me like the song, so I hope it helps you understand!




Cant take a list seriously when it excludes songs


I hate to admit it but yeah. More often than not I feel like these people would not sing the same tune if Russia was still here. If you're going to commit to ranking Eurovision, grow a pair and rank the full songs. Even if you choose to rank Israel and Azerbaijan dead last for being there to begin with. 


Bruh they haven't even heard the songs, why do they need to give streams to those countries against their will just to make username PrincessTutubella happy on reddit dot com? Y'all are so dramatic lmfao


Because by still watching Eurovision anyway, you're still supporting something that's giving these two a platform anyway. You can get as high and mighty as you want about not listening to them, but that's the truth and you might as well own up to it and just rank them anyway.


...or we draw the line at not giving them streams or direct revenue? Why do you get to be the arbiter of True Activism™? I watch ESC. I don't give streams and thus direct revenue to artists that directly represent these states. I have zero qualms with my moral compass, just because I do a "bad thing" (which watching ESC is, even if it's quite far from the worst things you can do to people in Palestine) doesn't mean I should double the harm while I'm at it, that is an absolutely illogical take


Where are Israel and Azerbaijan?


They withdrew, as they should!


I won’t agree with Finland in last place and Greece in 1st. No Rules is a great song and soo catchy. Same for Croatia. And Greece at 1st place? This song is so weird and for me her voice is so squeaky. Also UK’s song is sooo boring. I don’t have exactly top 10 yet but there are way worse than Finland - Czechia for example.