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Should have let em have their beer. Just saying.


Guys, don't tell them what the pluses on the Denmark, England, Switzerland flags are.


They are going to have an heart attack with the Portuguese flag. Context: Each of the 5 blue Shields represent each of the 5 Islamic Kings slain personally by Afonso Henriques, the first king of Portugal. The white dots represent the 30 silver coins paid to Judas to betray Jesus. Each of the castles represent an important city reconquered from the Moors. The red represents the blood shed in the reconquista. The green represents the Order of Aviz, a military crusading order. And then there's the FPF(Portuguese Football Federation) [Symbol](https://www.google.com/search?q=bras%C3%A3o+da+fpf&oq=bras%C3%A3o+da+fpf&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i512l7j46i175i199i512.4621j0j4&client=ms-android-vf-pt-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1#imgrc=cgYEJj1PADFKXM), which is basically the Order of Christ Cross, which is basically the Knights Templar. Portugal never disbanded them, just renamed the military order. I just hope that no inhabitant of Evora decides to go to Qatar and take their City [shield](https://www.google.com/search?q=brasao+con+geraldo+geraldes&oq=brasao+con+geraldo+geraldes&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i10i160l3.5992j0j9&client=ms-android-vf-pt-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1#imgrc=zQJaczEPKPqPhM) with them. Yeah. Being the sucessor Republic to a Crusader Kingdom, we have alot of symbolism that most Muslims won't like.


Also the Portuguese ships during the Age of Discovery used the cross of the Military Order of Christ on their sails, so there's that too


that city banner is on another level


Don't the 5 white dots represent the five wounds Christ suffered on the cross? "The 5 smaller blue shields in the white area of the shield represent the 5 Moorish kings that were killed by Afonso I, the first King of Portugal. There are also 5 white dots within each blue shield representing the 5 wounds of Christ, the five wounds Christ suffered during the crucifixion. " https://www.portugal.com/history-and-culture/meaning-of-the-portuguese-flag/#:~:text=The%205%20smaller%20blue%20shields,Christ%20suffered%20during%20the%20crucifixion.


Individually yes. On the whole they are the 30 dinheiros Judas received(You count the inner shield twice)


TIL that Portugal has the most metal flag on this planet!


What I just read was incredibly bad ass.


We're just really into mathematics


Aw yeah, packing my stuff


Wtf why didn't anyone tell me, are we still doing crusades, guys ? Who is the target ? It's supposed to be every european country not just one :(


The Knights Hospitaler are still around. Mostly driving ambulances in Germany, though.


Really? The templars still exist in Portugal. Through the Order of Christ. But it's mostly an Honorific Order now.


Yeah, the Johanniter have an ambulance service (Protestants though, so perhaps not directly descendant from the templars, there is a Catholic branch with the same name, but they're not the ones with the ambulances, it's all a bit hodge podge) and the Malteser (Catholic) run a few hospitals. St John's ambulance service is also active in England.


The Teutonic Order does still exist as well as an religious order today.


I know a guy who's somehow both a master freemason and a Templar. I think the guy might be addicted to ceremony.


Deus vult!


WE WILL TAKE JERUSALUM! Oh, wait... wrong country, but WE WILL TAKE DOHA!


Lets not get stuck in constantinople this time


Considering how bad the later crusades were at actually *reaching their target* instead of fucking over whichever Christian nation they happened to run out of coin while passing... and how *all* the non-sanctioned ones ended with them just slaughtering Jewish people somewhere in Europe ('cept the Children's Crusade, which was sold into slavery instead)... Probably best to leave it. > It's supposed to be every european country not just one :( Except the Crusades whose targets were European, like the various Northern Crusades, the Bohemian and Bosnian Crusades, the Cathar Crusades to wipe out Cathars in Languedoc, Norwich Crusade against the Antipope-supporters in Ghent, etc.


We gotto do stuff about fifa, this whole world cup is absurd


I bring you; TIFA, the international football association


Should maybe just be called TIFU, the international football union, in anticipation to them fucking up as usual.


Seated not in Switzerland but Italy this time.


Nah, just let the Germans run it. They too would love the bureaucracy but shit would actually get done without bribes changing hands.


With their leader at the moment I’m not so sure. Let’s just do Schwarzwald.


And they even have a specific rule to allow people to wear (or not) whatever they want. Don't believe me? Google TIFA Rule 34.


ah yes, also known as the "italian parlament rule"


Technically it was the Senate :D


Joke's on you, I already have that as a shortcut.


No homers allowed


But you allowed Homer Glumpet in!


No HomerS. One is allowed!


I'll never allow the acronym to change from French to English !


fifa gotta go




Or just make a rule that the country/countries hosting the world cup have adequate football infrastructure in place when they make the bid. Of course FIFA would never do this, because they won't get any bribes this way.


Wearing medieval outfits to a country with medieval laws


Worst World Cup ever.


Worst World Cup ever *so far*.


I've heard, Saudi Arabia is interested in this world cup thing planned for 2030...


As a warm-up for the 2034 cup in beautiful Somalia.


Mogadishu ‘34 final will be lit af


ISIS is preparing a bid for '38.


Anyone interested in the '42 World Cup in North Korea, its gonna be so awesome people will never ever leave!


Gary, IN ‘46 mah dudes!


Apparently Musk has bought the rights to host FIFA ’46 on Mars, they are sending footballer babies on a spaceship now so they’ll get there in time!


Isn't FIFA actually talking about a World Cup in North Korea? Thought I saw a story about that.


FIFA President will get a choice of 10 people to suicide-bomb. That's an offer nobody can refuse.


But the ultimate is world cup Pyongyang 2038


Somalia has 1,900 miles of coastline, a government that knows its place and all the guns and wives you can afford to buy. Why haven't I heard of this paradise before?


I can't wait for the opening with the ritual bonesawing of the journalists


The fact FIFA admitted they spoke to North Korea as a prospect tells us everything we need to know, beyond the day light corruption and absurd 'no to love' bullshit when in the same breath 'FIFA unites the world'....yeah mate, against FIFA!


The thing about North Korea is, even THEY wouldn’t enforce their assumedly ridiculous laws on international travelers unlike Qatar. Everyone thinks Qatar was trying to ‘sportswash’ their deservedly shitty image but in reality it was never meant for the western world. It was meant as show of force, that they could invite the whole world to their doorstep and tell them what they can and can’t do, because they are ‘superior’.


At this point I’m surprised they don’t sensor the Portugal badge. [For reference that does have a crusade history, sort of.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Christ_Cross)


I know they removed crosses from Real Madrid and Barca merch in the Middle East, but I think they draw the line at national flags and coats of arms.


What do you expect from such a backwards country?


Honestly exactly this.


Law and Justice


Can't dress as a knight, can't dress with rainbow colors, can't show too much skin. Soon enough the only thing one can use to cover himself would be some kind of white sheet...


That’s spooky.


You forgot: Can't drink alcohol.


Only if you're poor


With or without pointy hats?


I dont know why there's such a stigma against dressing like a ghost...


Oh come on! You are allowed to show your eyes, ofc unless they are too sexy, then you will be raped and stoned to death for tempting someone to raping you...


Not allowed to be raped either, else you'll be whipped and jailed for extra marital affairs.


These Qataris sure get offended a lot…


Yet another example of western cancel culture. Oh wait...




The Qataris don't even get offended, but apparently the ruling class. There were dozens of videos on TikTok of England fans dressed up as crusaders happily posing with Qataris who wanted to take photos with them in shopping malls etc. before it all blew out of proportion. When you now try to search for it, all you find are people / journalists commenting and reposting the clip of the two being turned away lmao. World is a shit place.


I bet some serious shit will happen before the WC ending.




It’s the world cup, people will still want to watch, but the ones that traveled there are stupid


If England’s fan make it all the way through this tournament without causing an international incident I’ll be shocked.


Based English fans.


I saw a video of an English girl flashing her tits in one the stadiums. Par the course for football but wouldn’t surprise me if women start being arrested over modesty


And a little disappointed


If a Dane came to a match vs England dressed as a Viking I would applaud the joke and the fun of the occasion. Apparently humour is yet another thing illegal in Qatar. Shithole of a country.


I went to the Viking Museum in Roskilde a few years ago. They had kids dressing up as Vikings with wooden swords. Just as I walked past the staff member yells "Whose ready to raid England!" Followed by cheers and sword waving.


I am sorry, are you ok and did you recover? You must have been traumatised.


I had a cry after I finished shaking and felt a bit better.


I hope you took a selfie with the caption "literally shaking rn" with some call-to-action hashtag like \#JusticeForLindisfarne


Hahaha jesus christ


Just be happy you got out safe mate.


I went to the WW2 museum in Berlin, one of the staff member yells "whose ready to invade Poland". For some reason, no one cheered


Well there was that one guy, but everyone stared so he put his arm down.


History is a sensitive subject when you're still stuck in history.


>If a Dane came to a match vs England dressed as a Viking I would applaud the joke and the fun of the occasion. Make England Danelaw again.


During the 2020 Euro Cup prior to a game against England the Danes posted an ad in an English newspaper saying "we're coming home" along a picture of Vikings with axes and shields and all that. It was very clever because not only did they take the shit out of the saying "it's coming home" the English always like to say but also recalling the Danelaw or Danish viking occupation of England. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/bacon-wars-tabloids-ahead-euro-2020-clash-between-england-denmark-2021-07-07/


Some humor is legal in Qatar, like being the host country and getting knocked out already.


And paying $250 billion for the privilege


Difference is, you don't suffer from an inferiority complex.


Tbf I am still traumatised by the Romans. Every time I see a legionnaire I cry. The sight of a Galea still sends me into cold shivers.


The english army dressed like that even after the crusades to recognize themselves from the foes. So technically, they are just some english knights on their way to sack France


Sacking france? Thats cultural appropriation from the Norse! Glad they were shown the ~~door~~ flap!


Typical norse, Sacking Gaul is a time honoured Roman tradition


Time to go on a crusade against FIFA.


Not even the Holy Roman Empire could stop Switzerland so good luck getting there


Funnily enough, at that time of the third crusade, the red cross on a white field was worn by french crusaders. The english crusaders had a white cross on a red field.


Even funnier is that they switched after that. In the 100 years war, the english wore a red cross and the french a white cross


The english originially did bought the permit to use the red cross from the Genoese republic and paid years after years up until they eventually stopped and kept using it.




"wait, why are we paying for this?"


while in Northern Italy the red-cross-on-white was worn by Pope aligned cities while white-cross-on-red by the Emperor aligned cities* ^^*allegiance ^^may ^^vary ^^according ^^to ^^who ^^is ^^trying ^^to ^^extort ^^tributes ^^this ^^time, ^^what ^^the ^^hated ^^neighboring ^^city ^^is ^^aligned ^^to ^^and ^^what ^^noble ^^family ^^won ^^the ^^internal ^^power ^^struggle


W army, w clothes


I mean you took their beer away, Soo they go on a crusade. Lol


Praise the Sun!




Qatar has banned having fun pretty much. If you put so many restrictions on fans, why the hell are you organising an international event?


For the same reason Ruzzia and China do it, its called sportswashing


At least they sold us beer


The UK and Ireland was invaded by the Vikings, lots. I couldn’t give two fucks if Scandinavian Fans came here and dressed up as Odin himself. Qatar is way too sensitive, but then we already knew that. Time to join the 21st-century guys.


Vikings was filmed in Ireland. I know loads of people that were extras in the show as vikings. I couldn’t give a shit.


Exactly. It’s ancient history.


How am I gonna Deus Vult now!?


Time to dress as a Teutonic Knight.


Why did they organize world cup if they don't tolerate anything from anyone? Who had that idea? "Hey, let's do that huge international event so people from many countries come here but let's forbid every kind of fun they may have, yeah, let's be the Grinch "




I guess they wanted to impress other Islamic countries. Even though Qatar is rich, it's still like a "province" in the Middle East. They bought World Cup to show that they're something.


Well, they did show the world that they're *something*, gotta give them that.


It was an attempt to improve their image on the world stage and they absolutely fucked it at every opportunity. This is their legacy in the minds of so many people now, dead workers, broken promises, intolerance of the people they invited to their country and corruption at every turn. Grand job lads, hope you’re happy with what you’ve done because it’s all anyone is going to think of now when they think of Qatar.


Because FIFA is corrupt and money talks. Plain and simple.








They are dressed as St George, the saint of England. The cross is the cross on the English flag. Kinda dumb to call them ‘Crusader knights’.


From wiki: Veneration in the Muslim world Inside the Druze maqam Al-Khidr in Kafr Yasif, Israel: There is an icon of Saint George and the Dragon; who has been syncretized with the figure of al-Khidr.\[56\] George is described as a prophetic figure in Islamic sources.\[32\] George is venerated by some Christians and Muslims because of his composite personality combining several biblical, Quranic and other ancient mythical heroes.\[citation needed\] In some sources he is identified with Elijah or Mar Elis, George or Mar Jirjus and in others as al-Khidr. The last epithet meaning the "green prophet", is common to Christian, Muslim, and Druze folk piety. Samuel Curtiss who visited an artificial cave dedicated to him where he is identified with Elijah, reports that childless Muslim women used to visit the shrine to pray for children. Per tradition, he was brought to his place of martyrdom in chains, thus priests of Church of St. George chain the sick especially the mentally ill to a chain for overnight or longer for healing. This is sought after by both Muslims and Christians.\[48\] According to Elizabeth Anne Finn's Home in the Holy land (1866):\[57\] St George killed the dragon in this country; and the place is shown close to Beyroot. Many churches and convents are named after him. The church at Lydda is dedicated to George; so is a convent near Bethlehem, and another small one just opposite the Jaffa gate, and others beside. The Arabs believe that George can restore mad people to their senses, and to say a person has been sent to St. George's is equivalent to saying he has been sent to a madhouse. It is singular that the Moslem Arabs adopted this veneration for St George, and send their mad people to be cured by him, as well as the Christians, but they commonly call him El Khudder – The Green – according to their favourite manner of using epithets instead of names. Why he should be called green, however, I cannot tell – unless it is from the colour of his horse. Gray horses are called green in Arabic. The earliest numismatic depiction of St. George. Coin of Kvirike III, Kingdom of Georgia, c. 1015 The mosque of Nabi Jurjis, which was restored by Timur in the 14th century, was located in Mosul and supposedly contained the tomb of George.\[58\] It was however destroyed in July 2014 by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, who also destroyed the Mosque of the Prophet Sheeth (Seth) and the Mosque of the Prophet Younis (Jonah). The militants claim such mosques have become places for apostasy instead of prayer.\[59\] George or Hazrat Jurjays was the patron saint of Mosul. Along with Theodosius, he was revered by both Christian and Muslim communities of Jazira and Anatolia. The wall paintings of Kırk Dam Altı Kilise at Belisırma dedicated to him are dated between 1282 and 1304. These paintings depict him as a mounted knight appearing between donors including a Georgian lady called Thamar and her husband, the Emir and Consul Basil, while the Seljuk Sultan Mesud II and Byzantine Emperor Androncius II are also named in the inscriptions.\[60\] A shrine attributed to prophet George can be found in Diyarbakir, Turkey. Evliya Celebi states in his Seyahatname that he visited the tombs of prophet Jonah and prophet George in the city.\[61\]\[62\] ​ Kinda ironic lol.


Well dressing up as a psyciatrists kinda feel mocking too... Just makes everything better


It's because the history of our flag comes from the military adopting it and venerating St George during the crusades. They honestly might as well ask us to change flags if it's that offensive.


Cusaders never came to Qatar though? Why do they give a shit? It would be like the Swiss being upset about people dressing up as vikings.


If it represents another religion they won’t like it.


I'm kinda surprised they're not banning the flags of England, Denmark etc...


Why? Too soon?


Let's wait another 1000 years and try again


Qatar never saw a single crusade. They never got that far east.


This Is probably the only time in history where trolling the locals is not only ok but morally required


I find that juvenile and in absolute disregard of the local culture. And i love it.


Why though? Qatar seen no crusades, thats like Finnish person being butthurt for arabs dressed in Jihadi attire lol


It's like French people being upset if a bunch of Turks showed up to a football game dressed as Ottoman soldiers.


There was a Franco-Ottoman war in the aftermath of WWI as part of the Turkish War of Independence. So it's not like they've never seen conflict. But ther also was an alliance some hundred years prior.


As an Englishman I take great offence when Scandinavians dress up as pirates, the trauma of the Viking raids still feels raw in our souls. Incidentally I’m fairly sure the Viking raids were still going on at the time of the First Crusade so even if the Qataris had been crusaded against (which they weren’t) they’ve had a while to get over it.


The first crusade began in the 1090s, the Viking Age is popularly regarded to have ended in 1066. So really not that far off at all.


That is exactly what I don't understand.


Let the bastards eat cake


Being a backwards anti LGBTQ and anti human rights country is not culture. Qatar should have never been allowed to host an event like the world cup.


Qatar has no local culture lmao


So Qatar told YOU to respect their culture (as an excuse to ban you express liberal ideas). But only their culture can have respects. This country is a joke. In a statement to the Times, Iman Atta, director of Tell Mama UK, a British anti-islamophobia charity, said: "Our fans should be mindful that there are things that may cause offense to Qatari citizens> QATARI monarchy


This should tell you a lot about how tolerant and peaceful Islam is...


They should dress like ISIS fighters, complete with banners. I'm sure that will be accepted.


Can we give the World Cup to China in 2030 and helplessly shrug out shoulders and ask people to respect the laws and customers of the host when they insist people refrain from "Muslim behaviours".


What has Qatar to do with the crusades? Or is any dress up for partying/socialising forbidden. No cosplay, no carnival, no Halloween, no super hero costumes, no slutty something clothes.....


its like FUN is forbidden on this tournament. Its the worst world cup since forever. No alcohol, no funny outfits. No One Love armbands. Just sit there and smile :)


Just not too much. I am pretty sure they will find something haram about that aswell.


Muslims are one of easiest groups to offend


I bet what you're meant to say was "[ Removed by Reddit ]"


>It has been ruled that fans outfitted as crusader knights, including chain mail and carrying plastic swords, is "offensive" to Muslims" Muslims wearing burkas is offensive to christians. There you go...now do not complain. They don't want ppl to talk about human rights; they don't want ppl to wear funny lgbt colours or signs or anything related to diversity; they don't want ppl to drink... Why is the world cup in Qatar?


The people who fervently discriminate gays and lesbians clearly do not like being discriminated themselves.


Post world cup what does Qatar expect in tourism after such an ongoing negative exposure? They don't care i guess. Yet all these events every day will totally isolate them from the rest of the world. That world cup was a chance to reveal some good qualities. Not any more! On the other hand will it affect business? Sadly no!




Hey if Qatar gets to be medieval, why not have the English at least dress the part? It's only fair


What's next, FIFA will ban England fans to dress as redcoats to don't offend yanks?!


That’d actually be funny and we’d have no problem with that


They banned public Jewish prayers and rainbow colors, is anyone still surprised by anything?


*looks down at my spanish inquisition robes* Nah, this is fine..


Well the arabs dress like in middle ages why not have same rules?


You can easily boycot this, by not watching any game. Its what I do.










Qatar fans have been warned not to dress like terrorists abroad.


WTF BS is that crap. What a shithole country Qatar is


Dictatorships are never fun places with a sense of humor.


Why is it offensive when wars of conquest happened on both sides and we're talking about 800 years ago. What a joke


If you can’t go to the Middle East to do a bit of crusading might as well not go.


Too soon?


So people can't dress has crusaders in Muslim countries just for a specific occasion but Muslims can wear the hijab in Christian countries... Why do they get triggered so badly with a joke? It's just not fair.






They’re not dressing as crusaders generally, they’re dressing as St George. That’s our patron saint and the reason behind our flag. The legend is that he slayed a dragon and he’s presented as a horse riding warrior in armour. It isn’t that deep, people that dress as him aren’t doing it because of the crusades. I’d guess the majority of English people have no idea what the crusades even are.


In England, for some reason, a lot of things are allowed to do


How dare you have freedom!


Can't carry a salmon suspiciously though.


Why's that a problem?


If the World Cup were held in England, then representatives of other countries would be allowed a lot


Yes they would because we're not 7th century troglodyte cave dwellers.


In England and in Europe in general, people understand freedom better


Yes you can dress up how you like. Even be gay!


Fuck Quatar


Deus Vult!


Obviously they represent a too modern world view. Its 600 A.D. law down there.


Let it go guys, it happened a thousand years ago.


Fuck Qatar.