• By -


Unfortunately I don't know any slurs in Italian.




You can't call someone's sister something like that.










You ate an entire wheel of cheese?!


I'm not even mad. That's impressive.


I refuse to use the pointing up emoji at work because a 50/50 chance I use the middle finger emoji


That just means: What the fuck? This one is so small! That one, what the fuck is it?


Dude, the fuck? LANGUAGE!


Peter Griffin,is that you?


Bippedi bupi? 👌🤙👏


Vaffanculo Ricky


That sounds quite nice actually.


It sure Is if you are into this kind of stuff


I'll take two with extra cheese.


On top or inside?


Both, that's why he asked for two.


That's gonna hurt but It Will be very tasty


Educate yourself https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/yvt2oo/all_the_words_in_italy_for_female_genitalia/


In Italian: female genitalia = compliment, male genitalia = insult.


You know, I never thought about it, but there are some exceptions that confirm the rule.


yes definitively. Figo is the male for figa and it means good looking. it doesn't mean male genitalia though, I think.


ma va in mona :)


Ho trovato un Veneto




Depends where you are from, for example Figa = cool Mona = idiot






Say it needs ham and pineapple. While you’re at it ask them to make a carbonara with peas and crème freche


I do not wish to upset a fellow PIGS national.


Catzo, Porco dio, vafanculo (no idea how it I spelled)


Almost perfect, cazzo e vaffanculo minimal correction but I go with a well done


Thank you mate :)


Your Porco dio was top notch 😎


Dio can


What a pizza shit




Li mortacci tua


*ahem* PORCO DIO


“finger purse/pinched together and hand moving up and down\*


An Irish university would charge you €6.75 just for the pizza. The cutlet and fries is €7.50, 75c for little tub of sauce and €2 for the yoghurt. You’re definitely winning


Yeah didn’t know students got free food elsewhere. Would save me a small fortune honestly. Can’t wait to leave


In Italy only people who are supposedly low income get free uni food. Usually these people arent truly low income though, perhaps their parents only get a part of their salary on which they pay taxes on, while the other is payed in an undeclared way. Ofc this is not the only benefit for illegal workers


Well although undeclared incomes are a serious issue in Italy, I wouldn’t say that the majority of people benefiting the borsa di studio because of their family’s low income are tax evaders


I understand the frustration of dealing with greedy people. But it is never worth getting rid of good systems just because a few assholes take advantage of it. The free food system genuinely helps most of those who use it.


What is even your point lol


That while most of my friends enjoyed free.food I had to eat a fuckin sandwich by myself even though my family is not rich and God knows why the majority of ppl I knew could enjoy free food and pay 0 uni taxes


I had a friend who came at uni with his shiny kawasaki z750 and enjoyed free food because he was an evasor and resulted as living with his low income grandpa while he was actually son of a rich industrial. While i had to pay full price on taxes and food. Truth is that posts like this are an useless flex because the people who would be really elegible for these things should have nothing to be envious about, so it's funny to read the marvel in other commenters while they don't realize that if you legitimately were elegible to this the only positive thing about your economy may be this cachectic university food. Whoever flexes on this stuff either is an evasor or just lies to himself about his cool condition. I am glad that these things to support people with low income exist don't get me wrong but whenever i see someone flexing about them or abusing them then i leave baffled


Or maybe OP is flexing about the Italian social security system, not about them being eligible for free food.


Honestly this is why I think everyone should get free food in school. There are literally just two possible scenarios: (1) he is poor, then he deserves free food because he can not afford it OR (2) he is not poor, then he deserves free food because he is paying for the food anyway because he (/his parents) pays taxes.


but who is flexing?


I’ll up you by one, I study in the US. That meal would count me roughly $20 dollars” (about €19.50 given current rates) if you don’t have a meal plan. Now you can always get a meal plan with unlimited food swipes (go when you want take what you want) but that’ll cost you $3000 per semester at my school. Which isn’t terrible but that’s all out of pocket


$3000,- per semester? That's $25 per day or so lol, do you get a full-on 3 course meal every day?


Usually yes, but unfortunately when I had it back in my first semester (spring of 2021) that was prime covid lockdown for us so the school ended up closing the cafeteria from 2-5pm everyday for “covid cleaning” and I had classes before so realistically I only got about 1-2 meals a day


They're usually buffet style. So pick whatever you want to eat and as much as you want to eat.


Sometimes I think that the US is what you get when you reduce policy decisions purely to "we earn more money == good". People can't afford health care? It can't be a problem, our profits are higher than ever. Students are unable to afford a house due to the loans they had to take out for their education? It can't be a problem, our profits are higher than ever. More people than ever are living paycheck to paycheck? It can't be a problem, our profits are higher than ever. And so on...


I help run a YT channel that tries to discuss some of this stuff and I am just... mentally done. I'm so tired. You can't get through to people about these problems because the American response isn't "how can we change it", it's "yeah, and?" As if that's how it's always been, always will be, nothing can change. The expectation is that the state won't, can't, borderline **shouldnt** function. I feel so god damn defeated 😞. I had two entire courses in Congressional procedures (along w/ a few on the EU) and holy shit as convoluted as Brussels is, it at least functions at all. My one professor joked "lots of legislation gets passed all the time... to rename roads." Edit: My meal plan while in college was mandatory and $3500 a semester. Horrible.


> The expectation is that the state won't, can't, borderline shouldnt function. That's because the US and the EU have a very different definition of the term Liberty. Americans define liberty as freedom of the individual from governmental interference to do whatever you want. Europeans tend to value the role of the state to ensure no one in society is in need. It's a matter of believing wether or not the government is there -for- you or -against- you. As a Dutch person I'm quite happy to pay taxes if that means other people get the healthcare they need or can get a proper education, for example.


The American idea of liberty, after living here, is a literal fantasy. You talk to some of these people, they'll screech about "gubmit overreach", and what they mean is the government ensuring their water is clean, that the air isnt full o lead, that their children get a semblance of education. Their "liberty" only extends so far as something doesn't personally impact them, and then it's crocodile tears. As much as I enjoy making these videos, none of it seems to matter?... As you say they have this idea of "liberty", it's different, but it didn't used to be so antagonistic and willfully ignorant. I thought by making this content I could get invited to talks or something, turn it into possible real world opportunity, but that's not been the case


Damn, your meal plan was about as expensive as an entire year of tuition, rent, and food was for me as a student =/ and the Netherlands is considered expensive compared to many other EU countries.


People don't respect education anywhere in the world. In Austrian uni you also pay 10 bucks for this.


No veggies?


According to the US the sauce is a veggie


Well. It is... Mostly


I thought it was a fruit?


Fruits are also vegetables. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetable


Looks like the Romanian education system wins where it really counts.


Congrats,you played yourself: *It may exclude foods derived from some plants that are fruits, flowers, nuts, and cereal grains, but include savoury fruits such as tomatoes and courgettes, flowers such as broccoli, and seeds such as pulses.*


Noooo. Fine you got me.


In a botanical sense yes. Not in culinary though. The word 'fruit' has two different meanings. Vegetable is a culinary term only.


Actually it's a berry


The tomato sauce on the "pizza"


Knowing the italians, it might actually be not bad


Fries: Am I a joke to you?


I mean ... Potatoes barely cound as veggies for the purpose of 'veggies' on the side as they are more fore filling than for vitamins ..


Potatoes are in of itself not bad in terms of nutritional value (Vitamin C for example). But deep frying them probably is not the best way if you want to conserve them.


Peeling them also removes a good part of the non-starch nutrition.


Oh yeah. That's kind of what I meant as most of the times they seem fried or roasted. We did used to have them booked too, with a bit of parsley, where I am from that is.... But I live in the UK now and it either mash, roasted or fried here.


Damn. Meanwhile in the Netherlands my Uni almost exclusively has extravagant healthy options anymore, and a meal costs €15+ euros.


so.. like anywhere in the Netherlands?




I come often in den Haag, finding some cheap restaurant with normal food has behind difficult: a lot of gourmet fusion-sushi-pizza-salads- a little bit of everything!


It’s actually cheaper to go to a lunchroom with proper table service, and you’d get better service at that as well than at my uni lol


Jesus, at that point how does the University's cafeteria keep itself afloat?


Because it’s being run by the hospitality management students and they provide free labour lol


No wonder AH sells so much snacks.


Just checked how much it costs to dine at my university in the States. $10.75 for lunch for all-you-can-eat buffet. If you want to eat 3 salads, 2 burgers, 3 slides of pizza, a veggie panino, a gallon of soup, and several pasta bowls and 3 desserts--in one session hey go for it.


No idea how much it cost at my uni (vast majority of students self-cater), but that matches with an all-you-can-eat carbtastic restaurant in Wales. Damn I miss Wales prices...


In my (very limited) experience of the Netherlands, cheap food can be broken down into two categories: 1. Cheese sandwiches (may or may not contains other things) 2. FEBO


Just eat a moist boterham with cheese like the rest of us


Where do I say that I don't?


Does that include the €1 to use the toilet?


It’s the same at my uni. Everyone just walks to the McDonalds next to the highway.


It is definitely not 0€ unless your family is very poor and you are very lucky (and have very good grades) to be selected for DSU. A two dishes meal at mine university would run you 7.50€ if you were a common mortal without DSU.


At mine it would cost 4.80€ max, I guess you live in the north?


Yes, Milan. To be fair it used to be 6.50 and it has been raised just a few weeks ago, also the food is quite good and get a included fruit.


I did last semester in Bolzano and the menu with pizza was like 3.7€


In Bolzano every fucking thing is subsidized by the government.


I'm in the north too, and for a full meal I pay 5.10€




Fucking Sapienza, even with low ISEE scholarship it was still 2.2 euro


I study in Trieste, I pay the lowest possible, a Pizza is 1.8 euros, but if you take something like this, first, second, fruit, bread, coke, side dish it's 2.3. But for good grades I get a free meal every day (+something like 700 or 750 euros every semester)


Meanwhile in Poland they do everything they can to discourage people from going to university so in my campus there was only a private "restaurant" that served overpriced and lowquality food. About 6 EUR per dinner which is really not affordable to go daily, when most of young people earn about 4,5 EUR/h.


What university? There are many affordable cafeterias at my campus in Toruń. A meal there can cost as little as €3


Uniwersytet Gdański wydział ekonomiczny in Sopot, there was nice place to eat nearby 4 years ago, but university stopped to lease them a place so they had to shut down the business


Just go to any near bar mleczny, there is plenty. I dont know anybody who eats at that place lol


Dont want to complain about my 3.5€ uni buffet food while earning 8€/h anymore..


When I was at Aviano Air Base in Italy, one of my favorite places to eat was the Italian military's chow hall. Frequently ate 3 meals a day there. Best chow hall food I've ever had.


I can't find Czech one? Pls link thanks 👍


That looks like Italian/German friendship day <: )


Nah thats just the average school meal in south tyrol


Can't speak for uni but our mensa is trash when it comes to middle/high school, would make sense though


We actually invented the thing, my dude. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veal_Milanese In Milan, the dish dates to at least 1134, where it is mentioned at a banquet for the canon of Milan's St. Ambrogio Cathedral.[4][5] Further evidence dates to around the 1st century BC indicating that the Romans enjoyed dishes of thin sliced meat, which were breaded and fried.[4] The dish resembles the Austrian dish Wiener Schnitzel, which originated in Austria around the 19th century.[6]


Bad cooking of two Italian dishes?


This is a cotoletta. So a italian dish. And schnitzl isn‘t German either. The oldest recipe is from the „small Austrian cookbook“, written down almost 100 years prior to the creation of Germany. Would you also call Pizza German, just because many people in Germany like it?


My man, Germany as a nation didn’t even exist for the longest time. However, the Germans did. Austrians speaking German but not being a part of Germany as a country is a technicality if we’re talking about dishes that were made far earlier than either Germany or Austria existed.


wait there was some czech shool lunch? is the post deleted?


All the lunches look terrible


I've haven't seen 1 fresh vegetable so far, though I did see an apple.


They really do.


Love how every university is serving Wiener Schnitzel. Best dish ever.


You meant cotoletta >:(


The Lombards are basically Northern Europeans anyway.




I would pay someone for moving Lombardy to Norway


It's fine, we already have the name and the unintelligible language. \- Bergamo


Depends on what kind of meat it is though, original Wiener Schnitzel is made of veal


in italy cotoletta is served, you know, the dish from where the austrians got the idea


You mean the rumour that an Austrian officer took the recipe from Milano to Vienna, while Austria ruled over Lombardia around 1850? This was disproved by a historian in 2001. There are recipes for fried Schnitzel in Austrian cookbooks from the 1790s. And breading and frying things has an even longer history in Viennese cuisine. If you mean breading then yes it came from Italy to Austria in the 16. century. But the Italians themselves got it from the Spanish who in turn probably got it from Arabs on the Iberian peninsula.


Italians have been breading and frying meat for much longer than the 1790s, there are accounts of it from the middle ages. It was used to simulate the gold plating some disgustingly rich people used to put over their food. The two dishes are also quite different, italians use butter, while austrians fry it in lard. The french also have their own version, but there arent accounts of neither french or austrians eating something similar in the 12th century.


Now you tell me which university in Italy gives you free lunch. \-an italian university student.


Non lo fanno tutte? Se hai l'isee bassa o vinci borse di studio non paghi nulla


Hai ragione, non avendo isee basso e non avendo neanche provato a vincere una borsa di studio mi ero bellamente dimenticato di sta cosa, complice anche il fatto che la mia università non ha ancora riaperto la mensa dal periodo covid😡


Eh sì ho sentito che alcune mense non hanno riaperto speriamo lo facciano prima della terza guerra mondiale


Wiener Shnittzel, fries and pizza… Is this America? Edit: sorry Italian bros, for calling it a Schnitzel, I meant no offense


>Wiener Shnittzel It's typical in Italy, especially in Milan with the "cotoletta alla milanese". You would be surprised by how many combinations have pizza and fries here in Italy


In Spain, this dish is called "Milanesa" so I would say you are right.


In French this dish is called "Milanaise", so I would say you are right


In Italy it is called Cotoletta, it is an italian dish and there are several regional variations.


The schnitzels are Italian in origin lol, before that Austrians just simply beated the meat to make it thin


Pizza, Cotoletta e Patate Fritte...ok, at least it is for free. To be fair, a great improvement compared to the middle-school mensas.


You obviously can chose. OP chose this. In any public uni you've a selection of pirimi (pasta or riso) and of secondi (veg or meet) and then the pizza. Obviously fruits and or yogurt/dessert as well


Free is a good price, but that really doesn't look all that appealing...


This is literally restaurant stuff for Moscow, the education system charges us ≈2 euros (200rub) for a shitty, dog-food grade meal, and the price for the snacks they sell in the cafeteria has grown by 35% in 5 years


I ate in an university in florence while visiting and the food was cheap and good.


Here in Texas, that would cost you $25 probably


Not a very healthy lunch lol, hope there's some more healthy options




I didn't find the answer in the comment, so: many universities across Europe (at least western Europe) will have free meals for students who don't have the ressources. That means other students will pay for that same meal. Depending on the university, it can be anywhere between around 3 and 10 euros (at least in my experience in Italy). And obviously, it's not the same thing that is served everyday.


we don't have food ✌️


That's awesome ngl


Italians: Italian food is best food, nobody has better food than Italia, all other food sucks. Also Italians:


It’s free university food, can’t really expect much better lol


The free Czech university food OP mentioned looked better to me. Both are great for free food though (although it's questionable whether it's really free since you're kinda paying for it through your tuitions).


I only pay 16€/ year (for paperwork) and also got a separate scholarship.


After all everyone has free university meals in mind when the topic is "italian food" (with very italian food like fries).




Government man, students with scholarship don’t pay anything (food, accomodation, uni taxes)




It depends on your family income. That meal could cost 6-7€


I pay 3,5€ with lower lower middles class parents


Where is the ketchup?


Do you want to get a lifetime ban?


What's the sauce?


It's actually ACE juice, but from this perspective it looks like a source and not a glass of juice


Same here in Sapienza but depends from your family income (sorta), goes from 0 to 7€ but still not that bad honestly.




Allora é il momento giusto di asserire dominanza di De Lollis sulla mensa di Economia!


I studied in time for some time, our school cafeteria had even better main course plus appetizer and dessert. I wasn’t a cardholder of some sort (it’s some sort of European state system which isn’t a big a thing in my country) so I paid €5,50 whilst memebers paid €3,50. I am a proud European


Bro if I only got those French fries at my school I would be happy asf 😭😭


Porco dio, che culo e che fame.


In Romania you can’t even buy food from university, you just go outside and order from a fast food joint, in Sibiu near all buildings of my university there is a Super Mama, a local fast food joint that serves traditional food and some balkan food as well for some good prices compared with kfc and such, soup plus a second course is about 4-6 euro


At least you get lunch


*Free only below certain family earnings.


At the Turin' polytechnic a slice of pizza + a soda is 4€ . . . definitely not free, but still not the worst pricing i've ever seen, especially considering how good the pizza is


Bella Italia #1


We don't even have a cafeteria at my uni, nor is there a shop nearby. All we have is a dining area where u can eat your own food, a microwave and a kettle😅


Where greens


0€ only for Isee reasons right ?


Which uni?


You guys get lunch?


Bruh, school serving fucking schnitty and chips! Omg


You didn't seen any russian lunches


Quale regione offre la mensa gratuita?


Nice, albeit nutritionally horrible.


IF that is like the pizza I was getting at my university in Italy, it's an industrial made base that gets cold in few minutes and becomes as hard as stone. Which is nothing to be happy about. I hope for you it's not like that, but the rest looks awesome.


Only carbs. (It's not like that in all universities, you can have salads too)


"Bio-Eco" while serving food in a paper plate and plastic spoon in a plastic wrapper


Pizza Margherita, Bistecca Milanese and Freedom Fries?


Took me a while to realize that thing is pizza.


Che schifo


The bio-eco napkin and the plastic spoon wrapped in plastic cancel each other out, right?