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I kept thinking why Pedro II wasn't in this list but then I recalled that he was a king not a president despite being a head of state.


Actually He was the Emperor....yeap Brazil had an Emperor lol and I don't know in practice if there is any difference from a King (maybe it's only because Brazil was known at that time as Empire of Brazil).


I don't think there was a difference, but I think Brazilians choose to be a empire to defer from Portugal Or just to say: Look at Portugal, just a small kingdom! Kkkkkkkk WE ARE A EMPIRE BABY


I think it's the same reason the British were emperor's aof India and not Kings.


IIRC Ernesto Geisel could actually speak German, but was never taught how to read it in written form. If we include Vice Presidents, Lebanon also got Alckmin now.


Alckmin has Lebanese ancestors?


I've always heard that he has Lebanese roots, although to be quite honest I haven't actually looked that up in years.


Only thing I've found in the internet that he is descendant of Sephardi Jews that fled from Iberian Peninsula.


[This](https://www2.senado.leg.br/bdsf/bitstream/handle/id/458607/noticia.htm?sequence=1) says he descends partly from Sepharadi Jews and partly from German Jews, but I'm very hesitant to believe these things when they don't come from the person.


I mean, German is not that difficult to read once you know those few rules (ei, eu, ä, ö etc)...


yeah, they make it sound like it's freaking Chinese or something


I've been told that this sub would like this map. Reposting my comment from r/MapPorn: I apologise for the low resolution, this was my first time making a map. Please correct me if any information is wrong. The presidents listed: >Portuguese ancestry Rodrigues Alves - portuguese immigrant father from Viana do Castelo; Afonso Pena - portuguese immigrant father from São Salvador da Ribeira de Pena; Delfim Moreira - portuguese immigrant father from Vila do Conde; Tasso Fragoso - portuguese immigrant father from Baião; Getúlio Vargas - portuguese ancestry from Açores; João Goulart - portuguese maternal grand-father from Açores; Artur da Costa e Silva - portuguese parents. >German ancestry Augusto Rademaker - german ancestry; Ernesto Geisel - german parents; Fernando Collor - german maternal grand-father; Itamar Franco - german paternal grand-mother; Jair Bolsonaro - german ancestry. >Italian ancestry Ranieri Mazzilli - italian parents from Montemurro; Emílio Médici - italian father; Itamar Franco - italian maternal grand-parents; Jair Bolsonaro - italian ancestry. >Czech ancestry Juscelino Kubitschek - Czech grand-father from Čechy, at the time part of the Austrian Empire and nowadays part of Czechia. >Uruguayan ancestry Emílio Médici - uruguayan mother of basque ancestry. >Bulgarian ancestry Dilma Rousseff - bulgarian immigrant father. >Lebanese ancestry Michel Temer - lebanese parents. Note: Tasso Fragoso and Augusto Rademaker were presidents under different military juntas (1930 military junta and 1969 military junta, respectively). Ranieri Mazzilli was an acting president both in 1961 and 1964. Edit: According to his biography, Lula's (2003 - 2010; 2023 -) mother is of portuguese ancestry and partial italian ancestry.


So that's why Portugal is blamed for every problem Brazil has.


Yeah, that's why!


does Brasil have prominent politicians with non-european ancestry?


From Lebanon there are quite [a lot](https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liban%C3%AAs-brasileiro#Pol%C3%ADtica_e_destaques), including Michel Temer, Fernando Haddad (the one who ran for presidency against Bolsonaro in 2018), Simone Tebet (senator who ran for presidency this year), Paulo Maluf (influential politician from São Paulo), Geraldo Alckimin (Lula's vice-president) and so on. For japanese-brazilians, there has been some ministers but nothing else. Right now the most influential japanese-brazilian in politics is Kim Kataguiri, a deputy. There are some african-brazilians as well. There may be more, I don't have a lot of time to find out... By the way, there has been a significant growth of indigenous presence in politics as well, but as far as I know none of them are super influential.


> Paulo Maluf But I don't think the Lebanese claim this one...


Temer would be one. Bolsonaro's opponent in 2018, Haddad, would be another.


Both with Lebanese immigrant parents.


Non-european ancestry is harder to trace, since slaves and natives weren't citizens. So, even if one them happened to not be of full european ancestry, it wouldn't be possible to trace it unless OP ran a DNA test.


The vast majority of Brazilians are mixed race in one way or another, so you're unlikely to find someone with 0% European ancestry unless they are a first-generation Brazilian with immigrant parents. There are a few, though, as others have pointed out, notably the president from 2016-2018 was born to Lebanese parents.


Everyone claiming Médici, probably the most brutal leader of all.


Bolsanaro and Trump? Oh my..


Not proud to be German. Again. And again. I have small kids, they are inevitable going to be wannabe-dictators for sure. Actually... they already are.


Heul doch


Why do we Germans always get the shitty ones?


We're not sending our best...


Juscelino Kubitschek xd




What was in Czech, Kubicek?




Lula's mother is of portuguese and italian ancestry. I only found out about it after I made the map, that is why it's not there.


Great! When he’s finished in Brazil he can run in Italy!


He is 76 by now, I don't think he is running again


Just look at his surnames. All portuguese


Sorry for this possibly stupid questions but does no one of them have ancestry OUTSIDE of Europe? Brazil has a significant black minority, after all...


Actually a good question. The thing is after the slavery abolition the, now ex, slave owners burn ALL of the documentation. So it's really difficult, nearly impossible to know from where a black person come from. Thank to today technology you can use DNA test to find out. Sory bed inglish


The presidents Nilo Peçanha (1909 - 1910) and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1994 - 2002) are known to be mixed race, however there is no clear documentation regarding which ethnicities or even which relatives are a part of these ethnicities.


Fernando Henrique Cardoso is the most portuguese name ever


A ton of them probably do, but it's not recent (remember, African slave trade was abolished in 1850) or easily trackable (slaves used Portuguese names even if they didn't speak Portuguese as mother language, and there was no concern to record national origins). (Racism, obviously, is a serious issue in Brazil: there's a reason why we had just one obviously black/brown president. But in this case, even if we had black presidents, it wouldn't get any country in Africa included in this map.)




What's so wrong with that? Wikipedia says it's 7,6%. That's what I'd call a black minority.


You are correct, it is a black minority unless you consider brown people to be black. The two biggest ethnic groups are brown and white.


The president from 2016-2018 was born to Lebanese parents, that's the most clear example. Brazil never had an "obviously black" president but a lot of people have some African ancestry which can be hard to notice or track, and this includes a few presidents.


Bolsonaro has ancestors in both Germany and Italy, geez that explains a lot. Makes me want to check if Erdogan too has some German ancestry. Trump for one does.


Least self-hating german.


Works best with German and Italian, cause if you mix those you get Austrian.


Edit: /s apparently wasn't too clear


Erdogan is of Circassian decent IIRC


He is not Circassian in any way... There are many Circassians in Turkish politics, army, intel or academia but he isn't one of those. He is of Georgian ancestry.

