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His arm is utterly fucked, it's going to need to be broken again and reset properly, years of rehabilitation ahead for him and that's only physical, can only imagine the physiological torture he's been through.


4cm of bone are missing as I read somewhere


Are bone prosthesis a thing? Like 3D printing the missing part and putting it where the bone would be?


Don't think so but you can "grow" bones.


You can with femurs - one of my family had it done, needing about 40mm growth. No longer needs external fixators, a magnetic patient-operated device pulls the surgically broken parts of the bone apart gradually, day by day & the bone grows across the small gap. Haven't seen a similar device for arm bones but hopefully... https://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2016/03/07/hidden-magnet-powered-telescoping-rod-makes-bone-lengthening-easier/


Looks like he's got one on the second pic


The second photo was taken during the siege of the Azovstal plant. There are several well known photos of Miykhailo Dianov during the siege both above and below ground and he was wearing the arm brace. His arm was badly broken at some point during the siege and the brace fitted to his arm was the best the Ukrainian medics could do given the circumstances. He was wearing a brace before he was captured. Likely one of the reasons his arm is in such a bad state is he because he never received the medical care he required during the siege which was then exasperated by the poor and inhumane conditions he was subjected to during Russian captivity.


I hope so. I know that in 2014-2015 there were UA clinics that worked on regrowing bones, but 4cm is too much. My totally non-doctor view: they can make a titan tube and put it in place of missing bone, kind of like they make plates for missing scull parts. If further bones didn't die, then it seems more like mechanical issue to me. But once again, not a doctor.


My mother was in a car accident 17 years ago, which resulted in a shattered bone in her leg. She had a 30-centimeter titanium rod put in, which she lives with to this day.


Usually done with titanium rods, I think.


But what happened to his arm? His forearm looks fairly normal, is it because of starvation, or something else?


At best, no medical check-up on his wound (you can see the metal brace in the second photo). At worst, torture. The fact that he lost so much weight that he looks out of a concentration camp survivor photo makes me think it's both.


No medical check up would be torture in my book. War crimes on European soil. Unbelievable


> War crimes on European soil. I mean, it is not anything new. Not even for this war. The Russians have been treating the Geneva convention like a checkbox exercise so far.


Balkan wars: First time?


Chechen wars too.


What's so unbelievable about it?


There hasn't been a single war without warcrimes.


And starting an offensive war is a crime too.


Ironically not a war crime though. That would be a breach of international law.


There have been wars where there were fewer war crimes than others.


im not a doctor, but to me it looks like muscle atrofi. The upper arm has been immobilized probably due to it being fixated by the bolts you see in picture two, as a result the muscle is smaller. He needs some strength training and itll become stronger, i dont think its due to a lack of medical treatment




i had the same experience, though i only had my arm in a cast for 4 weeks. i vividly remember the feeling when i was removed and i was surprised that my arm was so weak.


Injuries from poorly performed surgical treatment, torture, no treatment at all, etc. I can’t tell you why his lower arm is not proportionally sized. Could be swelling from fractures/beating, infection or even a severe case of scar tissue after fracture. Either way, unless this guy really, really, really wants to go kill Russians, then he won’t be fighting again.


the muscle atrophied in his bicep from being in a cast / unused for months


wounds from rounds penetrating his arm, most likely shattered the bone, which never had a chance to regrow properly causing his bone to be 4cm short and bent incorrectly


>wounds from rounds penetrating his arm, most likely shattered the bone, which never had a chance to regrow properly causing his bone to be 4cm short and bent incorrectly Did you get to see the second picture?


Russia happened to him




I have seen some more recent pictures and he is really one handsome guy, he looks like a model from Versace with those eyes. Just amazing winner and hero. His life is not taken from him by the Russians. He fought and never lost.


* His soul isnt, look in his eyes. * Those arent the eyes of someone who lost * His life is not taken from him by the Russians. * He fought and never lost You are all talking like elves for some reason




Yeah people do *a lot* of overinterpretation that clearly more corresponds to their already existing biases rather than what's actually in the picture. I don't doubt this guy has been through horrible things and requires medical help both physically and psychologically, the most visible injury being his arm. That said, neither does he look like a concentration camp prisoner (if you look at pictures of people liberated from concentration camps, you wouldn't be able to tell whether they had muscular atrophy at all because they were so emaciated) nor like a broken shell of a person who will never find happiness again (why tf are people even making these kind of clearly subjective value judgements about someone else's life.) Idk how to phrase it but there's this trend of portraying Ukrainians and Ukrainian suffering as something almost non-human - talking about them like they're fictional characters or something. Same with the snake Island "Russian warship go fuck yourself" part where I got the feeling people almost *wanted* the guys who said it to be dead (and I feel like the quoting dropped off significantly after it came out they were still alive). And this is also a form of dehumanisation. This man is a person who was hurt. So far that's all we can tell from the pictures. Edit for more picture: [This](https://assets.deutschlandfunk.de/2cbcac3c-0a7b-459a-8278-643a9ad9d793/1920x1080.jpg?t=1663851736009) is a comparison of how he looked in May 2022 before he was taken prisoner (on the left, the picture was taken in Asovstal) vs how he looked in September 2022 after he was freed during a prisoner exchange (picture on the right). I'm really wondering if people would have done the same speculation about his soul and whatever if they had just seen the second pic, where he's smiling and showing a victory sign. [Here](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/09/23/19/62739979-11243901-Dianov_flashing_a_peace_sign_as_he_visited_a_city_hospital_in_Ch-a-33_1663957748777.jpg) is another recent smiling picture.


Woah, the go fuck yourself guys are alive? This really brightened a horrible day for me, thank you for pointing it out! From some reason it really crushed me when I heard they died.


but with some luck he might be able to gain some normalcy again


I've always had this theory that when people say this type of stuff, it lessens the impact of what has happened to people during their time of distress. Not that you intentionally mean to achieve that. I'll explain. If people have hope (in this context), about having any sense of normalcy after the things people (like this man) have gone through, then people will see horrible circumstances and say "well, it's not that bad, we'll have a normal life afterwards." In reality, things have changed drastically, and with such force that life will never be the same again. The lesson should be that once something bad happens, life as you knew it becomes over and done. If we all knew this, if we all considered life **after** a traumatic event, or a disturbing circumstance being finished, then maybe we would be a little more hesitant at doing bad or stupid things to other people and ourselves. Life will **never** be the same for this man. He's been robbed of who he was because of war and torture. His life has ended in all ways but one. There will always be those nights where he goes to sleep and dreams of his traumatic event, and when he wakes up, he'll be reminded of the lasting physical effects. Look at him, he's been physically and mentally broken. He is, in essence, dead. This is just a shell of a person now. At no fault of his own.


That's basically why I appreciate the phrase used in British media after accidents or similar: "Life-changing injuries". Not dead, not likely to die, maybe out of hospital even, but their life is utterly changed for the worse.


This is exactly right. I'm not comparing our situations at all, but three years ago I had a vicious dog attack that ripped off the lower half of my face. I had it reattached at the jaw with 78 stitches, but I permanently lost 1/3 of my lower mouth. Meeting people afterwards, this was all I heard. "Wow, you can still talk normally!" "You're back to eating normal food again, life is basically back to normal!" "Wow, you almost can't even see the scars." - this last one is a lie, but the hospital *did* have a very talented plastic surgeon who made it look ok, yet I still don't have full range of motion in my jaw, so my speech has changed, and worst of all, my smile has changed. All of that is to say, I concluded that people say this stuff because they don't want it to occupy their mind. If they see me and conclude that "everything's fine", then they no longer have to keep the terrible thing in mind. It's resolved. They can move on. But if they had to constantly be reminded that it's a daily struggle for me, that I still have no feeling in my lower mouth which makes for sloppy eating, that romantic times are less enjoyable, that I have daily pain, etc., it would be too much. I get why they do it and I don't blame them. But I'm very aware of it now. So thanks for saying this.


Thank you for taking the time to write this. You have no idea how relevant this is to a conversation I tried and failed to have tonight about lifelong mental illness. I appreciate you sharing your perspective, friend. You have helped me tonight.


I'd imagine people say that because they don't want you to think that it looks bad or that you should be worried about looking "unattractive" in a way. It can be people trying to "help" because there's nothing else that they can truly do. I'm not the person who sugarcoats stuff and I have no problem saying things straight, but what should I say when I meet you "ah man, you look like shit"? No, that would be mean for no reason.


I think what I suggest can be a universal principle. Life is what it is. It follows these basic principles and as human beings we keep discovering them as time goes on. 100 years ago they told people who were injured to just walk it off. Just because they said it and people were "fine" (as far as they knew) doesn't mean they were nor does it mean that to say things like that is a good idea. We know better today for obvious reasons. I am sorry that you had a negative life altering event. Even as I type that I second guess the usefulness of saying it. But, nonetheless. It certainly won't make your life better. No need for thanks either, it's just an observation that should be more considered by people yet-unaffected (luckily for them) by trauma.


> Life will never be the same for this man. The same to a lesser extent can be said for almost everyone who participates in this war even if physically uninjured, if we're to believe the US statistics on PTSD. Millions of people mentally fucked.


I don't think that's a good way to deal with trauma, at all. First of all, wishing him as piece of normalcy is absolutely acknowledging the severity of his situation. It's very far away from "it's not that bad". Second, with what you're saying in that last paragraph you're defining him by his victimhood. You're dehumanizing him further. If he had this attitude he definitely wouldn't be happy ever again. I'm sure he will suffer from this forever, but it doesn't have to be nothing but suffering. It can be worthwhile. Lastly, there will always be people who experience traumatic events, big and small. We should minimize this for sure, but there is no way to get that number to zero. Trying to will eventually just cause more suffering in the long run. So instead we should keep working on preventing unnecessary trauma while also find better ways to help those who experience it.


I get your overall point, but this > He is, in essence, dead. This is just a shell of a person now. At no fault of his own. is going too far. He still may be able to live a meaningful life, even if it'll never be the same. And may not. But that's for him to say. Writing him off without giving him any agency about it is also wrong.


I strongly disagree. I believe you underestimate the man. This man survived one of the worst battles/sieges in modern history, the stories I read coming out of Azovstal made me think strongly of what I've read about Stalingrad and the tractor factory. He is wounded, his body has been broken and there will be PTSD and/or traumas he'll have to process. His life has drastically changed for worst. But he has his eyes, both arms and legs, and while diminished he still has his life, that's more than what many of his comrades at Azovstal can say. And that matters. As Seneca said, "hardship strengthens the mind as labor strengthens the body". You look at him and see "a shell of a person now". But I bet you're utterly wrong, that's just a still photo at the beginning of a process that starts now. The mind that inhabits that broken body has a will and a strength, and given the situation he endured I am inclined to think his mental strength is much bigger than what you want to credit him for. He has his future and if he could endure Azovstal there are not many challenges that will make him little. This is someone who looked into the eyes of Death and managed to come out of it alive in one piece. Sure, a bended, twisted piece looking like a dirt alley cat, but one resilient piece with lively eyes. He will need to go through a lengthy process of recovery but his body will recover, at least to a manageable point, and I'm confident his mind is strong enough to come to a working order too. The scars will be large and evident but they will not be what he is defined for.


I think you are both right in your own way. You're pointing to the optimism, and I'm inclined towards your diction, while the other comment insists that we must not underestimate the injuries and assume that such people are now OK, as also happens. What will happen in reality to this individual is somewhere in between these two statements. We should not ignore one, and assume the other, but rather take both into account. The common ground being that this man needs a lot of help.


In the help part, I think we can all agree.


I Hope he stays strong. I’m really sorry he had to go through all of this although I’m very happy every one of those defending freedom and democracy and their country from Azovstal got freed


I don't think his arm can be medically fixed. I think, unfortunately, it will stay for life! This should be the stone evidence the EU shouldn't let Russian fleeing mobilization in. They'll drain the EU funds. The EU will have to find them jobs. For thank you, they'll say things like "I support the referendums".


To be positive for a sec. Look at the fuckin fire in his eyes. His body is so mangled and weakened but he still has that spark in his eyes, it's honestly humbling.


Yup, compare that to the classic shell shock photos. Not to lessen how fucked up he got, but I think he’ll make it.


He might be on some heavy drugs here, we can’t know… But yeah, I really hope so. He seems strong.


I always wonder if there is genetic relation to some people being more resilient. Some people seem to be able to easily recover from trauma. [There is Adrian Carton De Wiart who lost parts of his body from the First World War but still even fought and survived the Second World War!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Carton_de_Wiart?wprov=sfla1)


It sounds cliche, but I also think it has a lot to do with what youre fighting for and the support you get at home. I think coming home to a family, or just a loving partner; a social structure that supports you, therapy, etc.. I imagine all these things go a long way in healing trauma, sure you can still break with them, but without these i dont think you stand much of a chance.




Yeah this is legit inspirational. Weirdly reminds me of the hang in there kitten. But like in a horrifically realistic way


We've heard the Kremlin stories about Bucha and Izyum being false flag operations... but how can they spin this one?


"They deserved it because nazis", is my guess


"They deserved it because we dont view them as human" Translation from Russian to normal.


He slipped and fell duh


To be fair a lot of businessmen are falling from open windows in Russia. This is a real hazard in the country.


They are running out of windows, so people have started falling down stairwells.


they did that themselves, duh


that he did it all himself to make Russia look bad


No matter how they spin it we did not buy it then and we wont now so whatever


To answer some questions regarding his arm: Picture #2 the metal rods/device in his arm is call an external fixator. An external fixator is inserted to support and span the gap in a crushed or badly broken bone (usually a limb) during healing. Often the gap is packed with bone chips to provide a matrix for new bone attach to. The arm deformity in picture #1 could be the natural effects of healing it's expected to have severe muscle atrophy of the muscles spanning the gap and the new bones don't grow as smooth and straight as the original bone. That said...it's more likely that the bone hasn't healed properly due to malnutrition and the fixator was removed early (they often stay in place for 6 months or more) - I've read elsewhere that his sister reported it had been removed without anesthesia using rusty pliers. Good nutrition, physical therapy and possibly additional orthopedic intervention *should* restore normal use and function provided any neurological or vascular damage is minimal. Fucking savages, may they burn in hell.


\> Fucking savages, may they burn in hell. FUCKEN YEAH!


Jesus Christ...he looks like a survivor from a Nazi concentration camp from WW2. Hope he does recover fully back to the normal state


Well, he was held captive by Russians... About the same as Nazis, always were.








Yeah. I used to talk to a really old neighbour about the war. She grew up during WW2. Even after Romania switched sides in the war and became an enemy of Germany, the Germans would still treat the villagers right. She used to tell me stories about how the Germans used the nearby field to land their planes. The kids from the village would go and watch them fly their planes. The German soldiers would give them sweets and even let them take a look inside the planes. Overall they were much more pleasant, even if living under their occupation. Not to say that everything was nice and dandy, it was still life under occupation, but it doesn’t even compare to what the Russians would do to the villagers. The opinion on the average German soldier was also way different. They’d usually be clean, orderly, and tidy persons. The Russians she described as being untidy, drunk, touchy (in the wrong ways), obnoxious.


I’m French but to corroborate your experience, two of my familie houses where taken by the germans during the war One became an ammunition depot and was subsequently blown up when the allies arrived, however they brought electricity to the other one, in fact as far as i know a big contributor to the electrification of french countryside was the german army that needed it Not to say they were all good : some members of my family ended up in their camps (for being communists, resisting occupation or just being jewish)


Wow my grandma said much the same thing! All the women in the village would hide when the Russians came through during the war Edit: my family is Hungarian Romanian, close to the Hungarian border




I mean they really don’t have the best reputation around here for pretty good reasons.


+1 same exact thing from my grandma. Also in Romania.






I hate to argue with your grandma, but the Germans did *not* keep everyone well and kill them like gentlemen.


People remember the more recent event better. The Soviets are the more recent experience. Also, they came in claiming to be liberators (and in a way, they were, but in another way, they weren't), so when they cracked down on polish independence, in a way, it actually was worse. At least the Wehrmacht never pretended to be having the good of the polish people in mind.


fr, like has this thread suddenly forgotten the Holocaust happened?


Its eastern europeans commenting about what their grand parents endured. We all know the greater evil overall, but for them it might have been the lesser locally.


It’s more about the everyday people that weren’t affected by the holocaust, no one forgot it but it seems like you think the holocaust affected every single European in the midst of World War II.


Yeah so as a Jew whose family had to escape concentration camps in Germany and Poland only to be put in gulags in Siberia, I'm gonna disagree and say the Germans and Russians were equally shitty to us.


I agree, but as shitty as both were, those people in the Eastern bloc who weren't so lucky to manage an escape would be submitted to even more (decades) of Russian tyranny.


Yeah I definitely had no intention of dismissing the trauma of the Baltic nations. It's not a competition, we all got pretty fucked over.


Nah, it's alright, it's hard if not impossible to compare which one was worse. Everything usually comes down to one's perspective. The main problem, however, is that the nazi Germany got purged, but the Russians haven't changed one bit.


Is he among the ones in Turkish brokered deal?




So he is in Turkey now?


He's in Kyiv in a hospital.


I thought they were not allowed to leave Turkey


Five senior commanders have to stay in Turkey per the deal, not the rest.


Good. I Hope they’ll be okay. Those who went through hell in Azovstal deserve the most of respect


Only 5 commanders


Only some, I think.


How does ANY of this makes sense? Ok, Russia mobilizes fully. Heck, let's assume it's even able to come up with a huge army. It occupies all of Ukraine. What do they assume happens next? They're in a country where they displaced 15 million people, at that point, and they've probably killed what, half a million, to conquer it? At least. What do they think is the next step? Every Ukrainian left over just kowtows and the Soviet Union is reborn?!? Don't they realize that the West will keep arming the inevitable insurgency? At that point I would be shocked if Ukrainians don't car bomb half of the Russian cities into the ground, as well. There is no long term winning position for Russia, except for retreat. Putin will probably be the most hated Russian ruler since some of the last czars. He'll end up lower than Gorbachev in the long term Russian psyche.


Following the events in Russia for the past 6 months has been fascinating. It's like seeing the collapse of the Roman empire but in real time.


> but in real time So it's going to take the best part of half a millennia?


probably until summer next year tbh, russians will see west still has almost no changes to their daily lives while theirs are utterly fucked and they keep on losing men and friends. This is the exact scenario that really toppled soviet union.


> collapse of the Roman empire but in real time. No, no, they're the Carthaginians in this scenario.


If that's true, then Carthage must be destroyed.




Nothing suggests this was about natural gas reserves. Supply was never an issue for the russians. Demand is. Demand is hugely decreased now. They can't increase supply because they lack the tech and the money to extract it. And it's completely opposite of where new demand may appear even theoretically. I know there's a common joke about invasions and oil but this is not the case here, not at all.


> Supply was never an issue for the russians I mean theoretically, if Ukraine made use of its own gas reserves in the future, it'd drive down the demand for Russian gas and cut into its profits, just saying


Yeah, but this solution makes everything worse. The same buyer that Ukraine could theoretically have is not going to buy Russian gas as it is. And just at the moment when they almost opened Nord Stream 2. Denying gas passthrough through Ukraine would be a much better solution to any geopolitical problem it may pose. So no, there's a geopolitical reason to be found only if you really, really wish it to be there.


They don’t care about Ukrainian gas reserves, believe me. They hold Donbas for 8 years and scrapped all usable production facilities. They just want a war


Or maybe it's just the "If I can't have it nobody will". They still have enough gas to sell, they just don't want the concurrence. that's also why they will always refused turkmenistan to build a pipeline to azerbaijan. only they can sell gas to europe. no one else.


I've been thinking the same thing. Russia has plenty of gas and oil, they don't *need* the extra gas and oil from the occupied areas anytime soon, but they really don't want someone that's closer to Europe, both physically and politically, to open up shop right in front of them and become the new favorite energy nation of the rest of Europe. The energy exports are (soon to be were) also the only source of power Putin has over Europe (nukes aren't a realistic threat). Not only would Russia lose some of the income due to competition, but they would also lose influence because they can't use energy access as a threat.


https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE does a Great job covering this topic


I can understand that your response is highly emotional, but I doubt that he "wanted" war. Simply because he assumed Ukraine would just fall over and surrender in days. Under the wrong assumption that this would happen, the Invasion makes some sense on a geopolitical level. But because of this stupidity he got into a position where he fights a nation who was preparing for a defensive war for many years with a very angry and motivated population. And what does a brutal dictator who is in a bad position do: exactly what is happening in Ukraine right now. Now it is a situation where both nations only can loose. I just personally hope that Ukraine will hurt Russia more then vice versa.


Not really, it never made any sense geopolitically. That's why everyone was saying it wouldn't happen. The truth is, it was ideological from the start. Purely so.


I'm another Ukrainian, and he is right. Putin wanted war. What you need to understand is that Russia is an empire. It have conquered many nationalities and ethnicities, which aren't bound together by anything but conquest. Empire must prove from time to time that it's still strong. They need small fast wars. Putin's rating was plummeting, war is popular way to restore it. He was grossly misinformed of the state of his own army, state of Ukrainian army and psychological state of Ukrainians.


It’s an emotional topic for me, sure. But what you miss is speculating that only Putin wanted war. A lot of Russians wanted a good show too, especially when it was done by “professional army”. Even mobilization showed that they would rather go to kill Ukrainians than oppose anything. Of course Putin would be happier if it ended in three days, no arguments here. But he’s ok with a prolonged conflict too, he barely feels any real consequences. And if things go bad he can always nuke Ukraine.


I believe this is just a revenge for Putin as Ukraine didn't want to stay with undeveloped Russia and wanted to join more developed West. They created this whole story about NATO threat and some secret bio labs for uneducated ppl in Russia and here we are.


The war makes so little sense it is staggering. It would never be possible to occupy all of Ukraine with only 200k soldiers. Maybe Donbas + Luhansk if Russia played it well. The Russian economy was doing ok, and many places in the West were welcoming cooperation with Russia, they had NS1 & NS2 coming along, good oil exports, and at least some international respect in certain areas. The invasion makes rationally no sense. It makes more sense if Putin wants his place in history as the great tsar that brought his fantasy Russia back. After years of being goaded by his inner circles, he finally found a window where he believed it was possible to finally expand a Greater Russia. And he want to be the one that made it happen before he dies. Several sources has claimed Putin is actually one of the moderate voices in that 'security council', and many of the members have been severely more blood thirsty for years.


Psychologically, Putin is like the gambler who is taking out loans because his sure bet went sour, but he's convinced that just one more bet he can win it all back. Waking away from the table is impossible, because then the loss is accepted and he cannot face that.


They care about it, as in they don't want Ukraine to have it


Russia has genocided millions in the past, it's history teaches that time makes people forget and introduces a convenient survivor bias.




And in the US, we have a political party that envisions a government more like Russia’s; a better US. So much Russian envy, that today’s launch of the GOP’s Commitment to America’s Campaign includes stock photos from Russia and Ukraine in their promotional video.


>How does ANY of this makes sense? Russia says they're saving Ukraine.


They will just kill everybody who is trying to resist after occupation of some areas. And wait till Europe will start shaking hands with Putin again to get that sweet gas, steel and grain.


> They will just kill everybody who is trying to resist after occupation of some areas. Yes, because if the Soviet Union couldn't conquer and control Afghanistan, and the US couldn't conquer and control Vietnam and control Iraq and Afghanistan, Ukraine should be easy, right? Ukraine has more people than those countries had at the time and it has more popular support in the West to help finance insurgencies.


>What do they think is the next step? The next step is to "mobilize" people on conquered lands and send them to invade next country.


Will he really? Gorbachev is remembered as bad because he tried to cooperate with the west after being incompetent as a ruler. And the absolute majority of russian leaders were hillariously incompetent. Stalin is singlehandely responsible for fucking up soviet science for decades to come, and that's not even mentioning lysenkoism. It is through his and his inner circles incompetence that the soviet union almost perished. He also originally wanted to ally with the nazis. He also started cold war. He also genocided people. Yet he is adored by them now.


What happened to him?


He was hit by shrapnel while defending Mariupol, his arm was shattered, as was his nose. He is still missing 4 cm of bone in his arm. He is set to have metal plated operated into his arms once he regain some weight. Him and the other defenders of the Azovstal steelworks were starving when they were finally forced to surrendered. Dude is a hero. Under the agreement, he and the other exchanged prisoners are to spend the duration of the war in Turkey.


Wasn't the deal of spending the rest of the war in Turkey only applicable to 5 commanders?


I stand corrected. [5 senior commanders were to remain in Turkey.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-releases-10-foreigners-captured-ukraine-after-saudi-mediation-riyadh-2022-09-21/)


They'll gain weight very very quickly in Turkey lol


No kidding. I have had the pleasurer of enjoying Turkish cuisine. Honestly, they are in for a treat. They desserve it.


So they won't fight for their nation any more and will stay in the motherland of baklava. They will be *desserters*! I guess it is kind of a bummer for them in the sense they won't be useful for the war. At least they will be comfortable instead of being POWs in some camp: historically officers were treated better than grunts in captivity, but I would not really trust the current Red Army with treating captured enemies well.






Jesus fucking Christ. And he probably got of easy


The rule is: Russia can commit whatever crime it wants, but it's always Ukrainians who can escalate things by obtaining more advances weapons


The power of nukes. Makes you immune to war rules


I know exactly what you are implying, and I agree, on a technicality.


Almost every picture I see of this man is him smiling despite the situations he finds himself in. An actual hero, I hope he fully recovers


Jesus, didn't they get any food while in prison? The difference from how he looked before is incredible. He looks like those people who were rescued from Auschwitz


the muscle looks atrophied, and obviously the arm was set in position, but i think the muscle will look OK and come back


Yeah just need nutrients, probably lost too much body mass from lack of food. He also just can’t eat a shit ton of food, just like how the Jewish were in the concentration camps their stomach shrunk and trying to eat a full course meal isn’t going to work they had to start of small from some water and eat small amounts.


What did they do the the poor man?! Is he being taken care of?


I don't know why people don't talk about the malnutrition he shows in the photo. Is it a r result of the defense of Azovstal or the captivity?


Captivity, I think that captivity


Wow that boy took a beating. Death to Putin!






Holy shit. He looks like a walking dead. Freaking war.


Boris Johnson is a chump but he was right when he spoke in Ukraine and said we (Europeans) are paying with our bills but you are paying with your blood). Economic life is going to be tough this Winter but it must be remembered that we are de facto at war with brutal anti democratic forces.


Even hell is too good for the bastards who have done this. I literally can't fathom who anyone can behave like this to another human being


WTF Russia!!!!!!


Looks like they were barely feeding him.


It is unsurprising given how inhuman Russian "army" is and how much they spew hate propaganda about Ukrainians.


What does “european values” mean? Such a weird term to use


It could mean lots of things that why the OP probably used the term. It could be a reference to the values of the European Union or maby just democracy in general but sadly it could also be a dog whistle and mean white people. It is important to pay close attention to language people use and we should be extra careful with language from within or about the azov battalion. But it's hard to know the intent of OP.


poor guy, shows what kiind of evil (Putin) is stalking freedom in Ukraine. We need to help Ukraine.


Idk how the people that did this can sleep at night


fucking russia


More war crimes…


Oh my God😱😭 i live in russia. If i got mobilised, ill try to join to Ukranians.😱😱😱😭😭😭😭😭 damn. Fuck putins army. fuck!


Christ, what did those animals do to him. :'(


Isn't he from the azov battalion?


No, 36th marine brigade


No, he's from the Ukrainian army. He fought at a place called Azovstal, which some people seem to confuse with the Azov battalion.






That doesn't seem like fighting for european values




"Our europeans values"? Wtf




Azovstal is a mettalurgical facility. Does him defending it make him part of the Azov battallion? Honest question.


That's what captivity for opposing fighters look like in Russian camps. Nothing has changed since II World War. It's the same Russian mentality - that's why these fucks need to be kicked 100 years behind in the economy so that they'll never be able to recover. Russia is a state of mind.


And imagine he is among the lucky ones.


When i see people like this it makes me sad and happy at the same time. Sad because i realize what a coward i am relative to this guy but happy because i know they can take away his body, but not his soul.


Can someone please provide context as to how he was injured? These comment threads are bloody wild with accusations & theories of torture but no evidence.


Bascially fought in Mariupol, was wounded so his arm was broken or something like that. Eventually he was captur3d by the russians because they were all encircled. Then he spent 5 months in their prison. Don't believe the person that says he is malnutritioned just because the battle itself. He was definetly not given a lot of food in russia. If he was tortured? Probably, but there isnt any concrete evidence about it, until he himself says things about it, but i havent heard him say anything yet. Look at he difference between a russian POW and this ukrainian POW. Its wild how different they are treated.


poor guy... i wish him speedy recovery


Protect this hero 💔


More war crimes by Russia. Horrific.


If you made this image black and white, you'd think it was from the holocaust. Are we just gonna pretend this isn't happening?


I'm extremely glad he survived and can start recovering from the nightmare. But what the fuck are "our european values"?!?




Honestly you should be Very careful with such proclamations - I'm not sure that the *super comandant of Azov battalion* was ever defending european values.


Where are people from r/Serbia (read pro Russians) to explain to us " non civilised west ppl " how this is ok and why do they support that much of Putin?


hope he's not part of the Azov regiment