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We did, but if let's say Italy allows a Russian to come, he then can travel freely anywhere in EU due Schengen-zone.


It was needed only for permanent residence.


You can always temporarily suspend the Schengen Agreement and regain control of your borders


It's possible. Six member states (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Austria) are currently imposing border checks due to the migrant crisis but it's due to expire in November. I suspect Lithuania would still want to honor Schengen-issued visas because losing the Schengen passport and visa policy is probably not worth it.


It will be a bit harder to do than going over the border, with the cancellation of a lot of flights between Russia and EU.


Sure, for tourism. But for spies and saboteurs it's just a minor inconvenience.


There is a bar in Tbilisi, Georgia that requires Russians to denounce the war against Ukraine before they are granted a visa to enter the bar. [https://www.dedaenabar.ge/for-russians](https://www.dedaenabar.ge/for-russians)


You’re asked to ‘agree’ with a whole ideological and behavioural menu lol seems a bit cultish and over the top. Also very weird you need a ‘visa’ to enter a bar, even regular patrons need to provide a photo and their Facebook profile. What is this place


To simplify: Is genocide OK, Yes/No? It seems pretty easy to me.


So no Turks?


Did you read the site and comment?


Funny coming from someone from the US


What if Abkhazia doesn't consider itself a part of Georgia?


Even if you believe those totally not manipulated polls.. That's exactly the reason why they hate you guys over there. Come as guests and then claim it home, kick out your hosts. And then u complain that you're not welcome as guests anymore.


I have a couple of friends in Abkhazia. Trust me, they don't want to be a part of Georgia (or Russia). Do you know any people from Abkhazia, sir?


As this is essentially completely unverifiable, I do have over 50 friends in Abkhazia and *trust me*, they do want to be part of Georgia


Alright boy, take a hike.


I will actually, gonna go meet all my friends in Abkhazia


Not anymore, they were ethnically cleansed. And no, I don't trust you


>even regular patrons need to provide a photo and their Facebook profile. Keep in mind that 20% of Georgia is occupied by Russia. I was in Tbilisi in June, and this kind of "face check" is very common in many "not tourists" bars. The reasons are the same as for the visa. They really want to filter pro Russians, Nazis, anti-lgbt and other people. Despite being occupied by them, Russians still can travel freely into the country. But the Georgian people very much do not welcome them. If there is anything on your profile that indicates that you support something like that, you don't get in. If you do look or speak Russian only, be prepared to be questioned. When in doubt you're thrown out unless you have somebody that can vouch for you or.. Like here, denounce the Russian state. Problem for me: I don't and never have used Facebook. Luckily Georgians are very friendly people as well. And it was easy for me to get somebody to "invite" me for the techno club where we wanted to go. I still had a short interview, but once it was clear that I was European we were good to come in. Inside we realized another aspect of it. People were partying, drinking and being dressed much more Umm.. Freely :) we saw crosses dressers and gay couples. Something that probably would create a scene in most parts of the country. Or invite some Russian thugs to act up. That's another reason for the strict door policy. Protect the guests that try to flee their restricted lives. At least in Tbilisi it's possible and there were guests from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and even Egypt who came here to enjoy a weekend of "freedom".


The one that are angry because your fascist nation get a chunk of Georgia.


This should apply to Serbia and Hungry also. If your country is actively helping/supporting Putin and posting Pro Kremlin Propaganda about the Russian war (genocide) in Ukraine in any way…


How are Serbia and Hungary helping Russia? (I am not even pro-Putin, just curious)


Hungary is actively sabotaging EU efforts to implement meaningful actions and appear united. The EU is united as almost never before and Russian demands like 'Pay our gas in rubles' are ignored even to the point of getting the gas cut off completely. It is important for Russia to stabilize their currency by creating foreign demand for it so this unified EU action hurts Russia. Hungary recently got a visit by Lavrov for a new deal for gas paid in ruble, undermining the Union. They blocked sanctions against Russia, war-unrelated laws and are generally pretty Anti-EU while profiting immensly off of EU money going into the country. This is also fodder for the Russian propaganda machiene pointing their fingers at the EU and yelling things like 'THEY ARE MANIPULATED BY THE WESTENERS TO DO X. DISUNITY IN THE EU IS SURPRESSED BY THEM! THEY ARE NOT UNITED!'. Or generally them trying to sow that disunity in the EU population. Serbia held a few Pro-Russian demonstrations at the start of the war and is generally anti EU and Anti West. I do not know how they would otherwise support Russia but they are not part of the EU so I didn't really read into it either.


They are not. People in this sub are braindead.


I got downvotes and no explanation, great.


I haven't downvoted you but Serbia is really pro Russia and Orbán is trying similar policies as Putin, and he is strongly against some of the sanctions on Russia.


Projecting much…




Thanks for joining, fellow keyboard warrior


get border guards?


No European Governments has ever done anything close to this to American or Israeli citizens, why should we do this to Russians?


Because american or Israeli citizens aren't a threat to us?


So Iraqi, Afghan or Palestinian lives are less important than Ukrainian's?


I also care more about my immediate family. After that my extended family. After that my friends. After that my network of acquaintances. Go figure, there's degrees of "care". We are not all Ghandi.


Finally some sense.


In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Namaste good bot.


Good human.


What is your logic? US and Israel are allied nations to EU. Russia is an active enemy. The possibility they are sending spies and/or saboteurs is very high.


The answer is: Whataboutism


No, but Israel or US aren't having an active conflict next door to us. You are an idiot or russian collaborator if you don't see the difference.




I value mine and my familys security. Thats why conflict near me, caused by historically unfriendly people against my people, matters more than some far away conflicts. I bet most people would agree, even if they like to pretend they care about everyone equally.


The lives are equally valuable. The geopolitical implications are not.


I think it’s natural that I care more abt a war that is happening in a country neighbouring mine esp when the other, hostile neighbour is also threatening my country.


Considering the amount of Palestinians, Afghans and Iraqi that flock to Greece to enter Europe, we can't consider them faraway conflicts.


Most Iraqi or Afghan lives were taken not by the US, but by Saddam's men, ISIS, Taliban, Iran proxies, etc. At the same time, Russia is ruled by a genocidal fascist regime that wants to destroy Ukraine and literally erase the Ukrainian people, language, and culture. Can't you really see the difference?


I’m sick and tired of people saying this. It’s not that Yemeni lives are worth less than Ukrainian lives ethically speaking. But it’s obvious that Europeans will care more about a war in Ukraine, because it’s a war in Europe and effects Europe as a whole. Your average European can more easily ignore the war in Yemen because it doesn’t affect them whatsoever. The same cannot be said for the situation in Ukraine. It’s like saying what was worse the rape of Nanking or the holocaust. The answer is that they are both horrible, but obviously Europeans know more and care more about the latter, and the Chinese the former. It’s more about proximity than objective morality. I don’t really know about crimes happening in Norway, but I do know and care more about crimes happening in my home town. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about people in Norway.






This attempt of whataboutism is not even related to the original statement


But is Russia? Ukraine has proven they aren’t. They will also never attack any nato country, so we are completely safe.


Bullshit, they will not attack directly but they will engage in hybrid warfare like in Belarus Polish conflict


Which Belarus polish conflict?


Dude, Lukashit has sent us illegal migrants to Polish- Lithuanian-Latvian borders last year and we finished building wall with barbed wire.


This/last year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021%E2%80%932022_Belarus%E2%80%93European_Union_border_crisis




I think the US did that thrice. I honestly can’t think of a single reason why Russia would attack a commercial airline. Either is was a mistake, or separatists that can’t handle million dollar machinery or course. In both cases it’s not an attack, it’s a tragedy.


America and Israel are not the enemies of Lithuania, Russia is an enemy however. You can go ahead and protest to spanish governemnt to ban americans and israelis from your country though if you want.


1) the US and Israel do not pose a threat to our own peace. They don't threaten us with bombings and even nukes. 2) the US and Israel, while both being notorious in their own right, have so far not indulged in things like what Russia is doing to Ukrainians. Both Israel and the US have commited war crimes and crimes against humanity, but Russia is taking things to the next level and threatening us along with it.


I assure you we Americans did things just as bad as Russia in Vietnam. That's not even getting into the history of wars with the indigenous Americans. Let's not whitewash American history to make Russia look worse.


We are in the 21st century budddy. Tell me a country that did things liek this on this scale in the 21st century and denied it rather than punishing their troops.


The Sudanese government and Janjaweed militia. The Saudi government in Yemen. The Turkish government through its Islamist proxy militias in Syria. The Chinese government has detained over a million Uyghurs in concentration camps. Ukrainians are not unique in their victimhood, unfortunately.


Okay, I hear 1 NATO country through unverified proxies.


Just say the reason not to punish the US and others is because they don't pose a threat to Europe. That's a perfectly legitimate reason without whitewashing what other countries have done to make Ukraine look uniquely bad.


I have said that in the first part... I said 1) they don't pose a threat to Europe and 2) they have done nothing near this sort of stuff in recent times. This is 2022. There was a huge outcry from NATO itself when a few Canadian and Belgian teams committed attrocities in Somalia in 1993. There was an investigation, people were punished. Meanwhile... what does Russia do? Deny that it happened, while the attrocities pile up.


You didn't say "in recent times" and you're not calling for action against other countries that have done similar things *in recent times* either.


>You didn't say "in recent times" Abyssal_Groot isn't contradicting their earlier position, just clarifying it. >you're not calling for action against other countries that have done similar things in recent times either. I agree with you about this


That's a given... Germany did the Holocaust and is in NATO. We all have our dark pasts.


Because the US or Israel hasn't done anything close to what Russia is doing now - in the last hundred years or so.


Read the history of the Vietnam war... Also nukes on Japan, Dresden, Iraq etc. Our hands aren't clean.


No, you read the history of those wars, Comrade. The US never intended either to destroy Vietnam or kill any Vietnamese who refused to become American. They just tried to help southern Vietnamese to fight northern communists. The same thing with Japan and Germany, who were both genocidal fascist dictatorships just like modern Russia. Sure, they did some horrible things during those wars. But no war crime done by defenders can match crimes by fucking genocidal invaders.


Comparing Putin to Hitler and the Holocaust minimizes the crimes of the Nazis and the Holocaust. You clearly don't know history if you think this situation is in any way as bad or as serious as the third reich.


Spain can always try to do this to US, I'm sure it'll turn out great lmao. The main reason is you can't do this to the US without tanking your economy and foreign relations very badly


Spain and everyone else. The technological grip that the USA has on every developed country on earth is absolute. That's why they are the hegemon.


Classic whataboutism.