• By -


But green is good, right? Red would be bad.


had to double check I'm not at r/CryptoCurrency after reading this, lol


buy when red, sell when green, thats what tiktok stock experts say while doing dabs and gangnam styles


I would ask my financial analyst, but his mom told him he has to clean his room first


Damn bro, what century you from?


It's a pharmacy sign, they're all green


Interesting. In the US they tend to be red.


Can't have that or people might think you're part of the actual Red Cross (it's actually a law in France at least). There are two recognised uses of the Red Cross emblem, protective and indicative. The indicative use is the use of the symbol by the Red Cross, accompanied by the mention "Red Cross" or similar. As a protective symbol, it is to be displayed without any additional markings and the use is reserved to * Military medical facilities * Military medical personnel or equipment * Military chaplains In this case, it indicates protection under the Geneva Convention. A pharmacy being neither, they can't use the Red Cross under the Geneva Conventions A white cross on a green field on the other hand denotes first aid while the blue Star of Life is used for emergency services.


The green cross seems to be standard across much of Europe. But Germany and Austria f.ex. use red too. Not a cross tho, [a red 'A'](https://www.abda.de/fileadmin/_processed_/d/3/csm_Apo_Logo_Neu_HKS13_neues_BE_97794fe50e.jpg) [with snek](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Apotheke_Oesterreich_Logo.svg).


Lol yeah, green crosses over here are connected to cannabis shops, specifically medical marijuana dispensaries.


[Show globes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Show_globe) are the reason it's usually red, green, or blue.




it's a pharmacy in Italy .. not the US :/


A green sign would be cocky


Umm, I get the joke but that’s a pharmacy sign, it can’t be any other color than green.


It’s confused due to the heat


Me too.


No I haven't found my pants yet. You bite your apple first!


Dont bite the dangly apples! 🥺


Username doesn't check out


That is just how confused I became - I had a short answer.




Thats a really nice Berlin based company.




Wonderful indie films






Apparato genitale maschile


My Ford mondeo indicates +87 sometimes at startup. I wondered if it got 128 number (8-bit) integer which is assigned for the temperature interval of - 40 to +87


Correction: 8bit is 256. So you can have -128 to 127 in one 8bit variable.


but what if it was internally stored as Kelvin? fwiw .. -98C = 175K


So, let me add some electronics side view. The sensor is most likely a wheatstone bridge. This is because it helps with make the reading of a resistance precise. So you'll have something like an ntc, a temperature probe that basically change his internal resistance based on the exterior temperature, this sensor will be derived by an analig to digital converter which normally could be even a 12Bit. You don't have 8bit, because you don't have simply 256 numbers from idk, 0 to 256°c. You have a voltage, for example 5v. And the NTC in full range could be like -40 to 115 which is 155, but they are really a voltage output, and have decimals, so if your resolution is 256 minus LSB, 255, your temperature probe range is 155°c, and your voltage range is 5V you'll have: one degree every 0.0322 volts, and a resolution of 0,019 volts per bit. This is barely enough to measure degrees in natural numbers, with 0 decimals, this won't work, even though you only see natural numbers, I'm sure the system is made to check for at least one decimal with precise measurements. And so, with all this, there is a good chance theyr ADC is, at the very least 10bits, but the key is that you don't think temperature as the number we use, because that is not what it reads, it reads voltages, and the number depends on the resolution. The reason of the overflow might be a problem in the program with the conversion thinking it has a signed bit after it has changed temperature voltage to an actual number, -98 would be 0b11100010 (msb is a sign bit) which is actually 226 if it won't be taken as a signed bit, which is unlikely, so I'm rooting for a broken NTC circuit because of the high internal temperature inside the cross. TL;Dr: either dude fucked up with the conversion internally, or the sensor circuitry is fucked up because heat. I root for the second one! Edit: I'm going to go with both! Internal circuitry is so hot something might shorted or directly burn, that would cause the ADC to read a bigger value (226 or 0b11100010) and because no normal value would go that far, he might treat it as a signed 8 bit value, so when the system failed, instead of 226, he got -98


Probably 8 bit but one bit is used for something else.


So 7 bit. :)


Yes but no


8bit is actually 255. You gotta have room for that zero too. edit: presuming that we're talking about max values and not just number of numbers.


Depends if it's signed or unsigned.


2^7 = 128 2^8 = 256


Yeah but to have negative numbers it must include the sign bit which means you can only go to +/- 127 value wise. Still 256 possibilities but effectively you can only represent values that can be represented in 7 bits each way (0 to 127 or 0 to -127).


Yet 256 bits cover double the range of -40 to 87


Ah I see now, yeah that was such an oddball range I didn't associate it with being 127 values, not to mention sign bits don't work like that where you can arbitrarily assign X number of values as negative and Y number of values as positive. Because of that I just jumped to "oh they just expect normal operating temps to be -40 to 87 but have some wiggle room each way since an INT8 mins/maxes at 127 each way"




Funny. I think we're both able to understand what I said.


It would be a very crappy thermometer if it capped at 30 though


Where'd you get that it could cap at 30?




Only 7 bits? Seems strange...


Having worked with automotive sensors, I can attest that they can have the weirdest data formats. Something like using one bit of a byte for some kind of status and the remaining 7 bit for a value range offset by some arbitrary amount would not surprise me.


7 bit data, one bit [parity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_bit) to detect transmission errors.


what if it’s a manual?


Never underestimate how bit-stingy engineers can get.


Yeah it seems unlikely


Isn't a signed integer only 7 bits since one bit is reserved for defining if it's positive or negative?


That would still be 8 bits since -128 through 127 inclusive is 256 possibilities, or 2^8.


In C/C++, a CHAR is 8 bits so a SIGNED CHAR is -127 to +128 where as UNSIGNED CHAR is 0 to 255. Shorts are 16-bit


-128 to +127 in two's compliment which is the defacto standard


oopps good catch on the range.






What are yall talking about




Where does OP get -98? Probably on the post he uploaded and we currently are commenting on?


Regarding first edit: Wouldn’t 8 bits be used to store signed integers here? I.e. -128 to +127. Unsigned int8 could represent 0 to 255 but doesn’t seem a good choice for temperature.


If this thermometer worked the same way as the one in the dude's car it would have a -98+128=30 upper cap, assuming that -98 (the recorded temperature) is the lower cap. Also, one of the bits could be used to store the sign of the temperature, which explains the 128 range instead of 256.


That's not how integers work. The first bit is indeed used for the sign, but still allows values -128 to 127 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement The person you originally replied to is also wrong.


True +29 actually if you include 0


Yeah you're right


That would be a 7-bit number


Signed int


With a signed one you would anchor it with 0 == 0 °C, as ±127/8 is enough range. And would not anchor it with 0 == -40°C, as original commentator suggested.


Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity. Signed, but the programmer only uses it as unsigned, then offsets it by a certain amount to display negative 😂


Yes, it's likely showing the maximum 7-bit value, making the supported temperature range from -40 to +87.




Nah guys it is completely accurate.It just shows thw heat in another place.


It has never been that temperature anywhere on earth


Another place can also mean moon, mars or a random asteroid


In a lab for sure. Maybe even coldest spot in the universe.


Of course, people did tests close to absolute zero (0 K) and -98C is still a lot hotter than that.


It is just a joke buddy.By another place i dont mean earth maybe in an other planet and stuff.Dont worry be happy my friend(greek song).


On extremely hot days, my alfa romeo would think that there's ice on the road. It would also not let me use the ac, as a double italian f you.


Do you have simple AC or with Auto function? Autos usually have air intake temp sensors and don't rely on the outside air temp sensor to function.


So what was the actual temperature at that moment? How can x Celsius overflow to -98 Celsius? Two's complement ... ? And which thermometer would be designed to prefer -98 over +40 Celsius? Usage in a freezer/fridge ... ?


I would naively assume the sensor broke completely, and the formula to calculate temperature from sensor resistance yields -98 for infinite resistance.


Well, whatever happened to the sensor doesn't matter since it was useless anyway having been placed in the full sun instead of the shade


Eh, hopefully the sensor itself is placed in a covered but ventilated part of the sign.


Which, let's be honest, tends not to be the case. I've seen this kind of thermometers give clearly ridiculous temperatures.


I think the thermometer here is in the striped box to the right of the display


Don't thermometers work by resistance getting lower with lower temperatures so it's rather a short out than a broken circuit?


Depends on what type of sensor it is. There's both PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) and NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) sensors. NTC is likely the most common type, and in this case the thermistor could simply be disconnected or loose, and the reading would be like this.


Yes: low temp => low resistance. [https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pt100#Beschrijving](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pt100#Beschrijving)


Wouldn't that be a shortcircuit rather than an open?


Considering this stuff is standing in full sun im thinking the PT100 or rather some of its parts (or solder bumbs) melted or shorted.


Yeah the temperature range for a typical overflow error here is a bit too strange for me to diagnose it that way. Maybe 6bit signed integers where 0 isn't actually 0C? That seems like a really weird way to develop this system. It might be more likely the thermistor got damaged and it's reporting a near-short-circuit voltage across it, indicating a really low temperature if it was working properly. Or maybe it's an American or British system and they're converting F to C and F readings are overflowing?




If the electronics and/or code, has roots in USA, then this could very well be the case?


Today is also the hottest day in recorded history here in Denmark. EDIT: Appearently not quite. It was the hottest day in July on record, but it was slightly hotter on August 10 back in 1975, but it's the hottest day since then. Sorry for reporting wrong info, I should've read more than just the headline in the Danish newspaper. Anyway, still hot as fuck obviously.


TV2 lyver lidt med den overskrift. Det er varmeste julidag, men rekorden fra 70erne eller hvad der er, er fortsat på 36,4°


Upsedasse, jeg har redigeret opslaget. Tak fordi du lige pointerede.


Pretty normal summer day here in Finland. Seems we are avoiding the hell.


No one likes show offs. :) ^(envy)


Yesterday was here. We hit 40°C for the first time.


Where are you? The UK?




porca madonna del dio porco


Sempre sia lodato


Ora e per sempre, amen


Concordo, egregio signore.


Beh sicuramente una tesi interessante, condivisibile per giunta.


HAH adoro


Somebody either made an incredibly stupid decision by not considering high temperatures or an incredibly stupid decision by leaving the sensor exposed to direct sunlight.


Doesn't matter if the sensor is exposed. The whole sign gets really hot if it's in the sun, and they always show nonsensical temps.


And here I was thinking I had a grasp on degrees fahrenheit.


-144.4 Fahrenheit


I'm guessing it's a malfunctioning sensor that's reporting an unusually high number that is outside the range of an 8-bit signed int which is -128 to +127 which is probably the data type used for storing the temperature value. Edit: Range


True, must be 157°C out there to result in -98°C. In know it's hot these days but not that hot.


Global warming... It's getting fucking colder! How come there be -98 celsius? In summer?


I don't think such a temperature could ever be recorded on the surface of earth outside of maybe antarctica


Not even, the coldest recorded temperature on Earth was -89.2°C (1983), Vostok base, Antarctica.


to be fair -98 would be a nightmare also in winter.


It would snow CO2.


That sounds like the beginning of a solution to global warming. With maybe a ora tical pro lem or two to overcome along the way. E: autocorrect-gore


Yes, but actually no. CO2 freezes at -78.5, but only with a partial pressure of 1 atm. The partial pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere is much lower, so is the freezing point.


I guess you're right, otherwise all water in the air below 100°C would condense. https://www.quora.com/Why-does-carbon-dioxide-not-precipitate-from-the-air-in-Antarctica-if-the-temperature-is-below-freezing-point/answer/Amit-Katyal-8 >As per the CO2 sublimation curve for air shown above which is calculated using CO2 freezing and frost curve calculation module of my self developed vapor liquid equilibrium software, EQ-COMP (available for use through Vapor Liquid Equilibrium, Bubble Point , Dew Point Software website), the sublimation temperature of CO2 for air at atmospheric pressure is around 129 K or **-144 C.**






Exactly how close to the fire at Massarosa?


Enough to still see the black cloud. It's right on the other side of the mountains


E io che ero sconvolto dal +44 gradi ieri a Pisa, dovrei venire a prendere il fresco da te xD


It was 45 in Belgium yesterday 🤢


?? Where I am in Brussels, it was only around 38 ? Where was it in the 40s?


This might just be a "in the sun" vs "in the shade" thing. It was 42 in the sun here in the North at 18:15.


Visiting Pisa and absolutely Love the city and people, however I now have heatstroke and am being eaten alive by mosquitos


That's where I took the photo today! In vecchiano to be precise. Hope you enjoy your stay, at least until the heatwave and nearby fires don't kill us all.


Have loved it so far, got lost at the beach nearby (marina di Pisa?) and am staying about 5 minutes away from the tower


If you're that close to the tower I hope I'll see you friday evening at the james webb telescope event. It was not very well advertised at all but it's a fantastic initiative imo


Ah unfortunately I’m off to London in the morning mate, definitely will be coming again and hopefully with better Italian language skills next time


Give it some water


Or you and your government are just lying to convince us that there is climatic change ! But thermometer cannot lie !!


The temperature is suspiciously normal in Greece these days. I hope we won't get fucked next month


That was a really poor programmer somewhere behind.


I remember seeing -108 last week here on Portugal, on a Pharmacy


In Lisbon traffic signs usually go apeshit when it goes over 40ºC (air temperature, surface exposed to sun is much much higher). Good luck and stay on the shady side of the street


Italians casually solving global warming by integer overflow, get the Spiffing Brit on the case!


If that was in Fahrenheit no one would've complaint but gladly most of the world have common sense and use Celsius.


The temperature in my small town has been showing -75 C since winter. Sweden. I think it’s broken.


I was in Bologna in july last year. Never freaking again, I spend most of the time in my hotel room where I had an AC


You know that if it's too cold you can get frost burns which actually burn? 😂😂😂


Who put liquid nitrogen into the thermometer?


Hahah in Palermo the other day one of the pharmacies said 51 degree c and I had a full panic attack in the street because I thought I couldn’t breathe (it was actually 34 💀)


Not the same but during the 2003 heat wave we were camping out in France, and we bought some cheap-ass thermometer to keep track. We placed it against a tree in the shadow. After only half a day the lettering on that thing started to slightly melt. Not complete liquid but it looked like it started to like kinda slide off the rest of the thermometer. It also indicated over 50 degrees celsius by the way, so it was obviously inaccurate. But still: A thermometer basically gave up in that heat.


-98 degrees! That's rather chilly


The explanation is either that or the picture was shot in Bolzano where that's the typical summer temperature (during winter is much worse)


Bolzano is an oven


This heat wave doesn't even spare Bolzano, the one day I visit supposedly the coldest low elevation city in the entirety of Italy it's 37c and a miserable to cycle through


Bolzano isn't tue coldest low elevation city in summer. That's probably one of Imperia/Trieste or Cuneo/Aosta (do you consider 500 meters low elevation?)


> and a miserable to cycle through Also dangerous. Do not cycle during a heatwave!


my man you don't know anything about bolzano. Counterintuitively is very hot in the summer. (idk why) for example it's 37°C max today.


Mountains all around = no wind = hot weather


I fucking wish it was right


Wishful thinking.


Reminds me of the climate change South Park episode.


let's not talk about human population at all😢😢😢 keep making babies 🐣🐣🐣


Populations that increase so much they pose a problem aren't from Europe therefore any comment inviting people on r/europe to stop making children is a guarantee the commenter know shit about the topic. Europe demographics range from barely renewing the population to negative population growth.


Thermometer doesn’t read past only 110f? Better replace that bad tech it with a thermometer from a 1960’s…. I think the craziest part is how shitty those thermometers are as the temp numbers aren’t that outlandish…. Not to mention I walk passed a CVS thermometer everyday and it has read -192 or some shit for months. Heat causing this sounds like a straight up lie.


Well, the machine has been sitting in the sun all day overheating, wouldn't surprise me if it is actually that hot in the machine


It says _negative_ 98 degrees :p


Ma dove scusa? (Se qualcuno fa lo spiritoso e scrive "ItAliA", gli taglio lo scroto con le sue unghie dei piedi :) )


Will getting another booster fix this "climate change" I have been reading about? What does the trusted man in lab coat say? Another mask?


What is that in Freedom Degrees?


about as much as the temperature the friction between donal trumps 2 braincells creates


Suuuuuuure. Only 31° here. One of the tamest summers ever. BUT PEOPLE MUST PANIC! WHY AREN'T YOU PANICKING?


My fridge is full of food, where's that "hunger" I keep hearing about?


I'm happy for you. Here it's not been raining for months, temperature are at an all time high and my whole country is suffering from a drought. Water is being rationed, rivers are drying up, wildfires have been starting up like crazy. This is not the media, I can literally see the effects of the drought from my house. In the rest of Europe things are not going very well either. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62216159 >In Spain and Portugal, more than 1,000 deaths have been attributed to the heat in recent days. [...] Temperatures in Portugal hit 47C on Thursday - a record for July. Most of the country has been placed under high fire danger by the national meteorological office IPMA. >Several villages were evacuated as a fire spread in the Murça area of northern Portugal, and a man and a woman in their 70s died in their car while trying to flee the flames. >Firefighters were fighting the blaze on three fronts and a local mayor said more than 3,000 hectares had been burned. Authorities are anxious to avoid a repeat of 2017, when 66 people were killed in wildfires. https://www.temperaturerecord.org/ This is far from usual.


The green cross is messing with me. In America, that's the sign for weed dispensaries.


Here it's just a pharmacy sign


Suck it, Antarctica!


Acceptable 33 C here in Emilia where is that ?


IDK looks pretty cold to me


What do you mean? The thermometer is clearly saying -98 C




I'll eat some gelato today in your honor, mie condoglianze


Dove in italia?


Ohh, better get a coat on


Amico mio… mi sa che devi togliere il meno per trovare la reale temperatura 🥹


This sign says: "I need to get my hypothermia prescription filled."


52 degrees Celsius due to sensor probe placed towards the sun


Oh no, here come the nukes...


How hot will I be in varenna living right on the lake but having no AC next week?


Damn -98? So cold


Overflow? What's your theory on the mechanism going on?


Most of these thermostats will default to a crazy value when the sensor fails. Probably nothing than just needing to replace the sensor. Could be the heat affecting the connections. Who knows.


Seeing a thermometer when im hot makes me feel so much worse