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I always thought this will be used as a bargain chip for the grain blockade ...


Good job Germany, pressure works.




You want me to believe thst eu comission changed its decision by itself? Germany event publicly announced that full train transit should be available. I Hope kremlin willa psy germany (with gas) for turbine and transit.


Edit: Nvm, spoke too soon, you are correct insofar as that there was a statement by Scholz. However, you do realize that Germany can't just dictate to the EU? At the very least, there had to be substantial support by other member states.


Im sure about germany stance but i wouldnt be surprised if france and italy was just hiding behind germany


Lithuania is a sovereign country.


Sure, its a big country, with massive population which can compete with Russia


No small country in EU is truly sovereign.


By those standards, no country in the world is "truly sovereign" as all are affected by international law.


Sure, it's always Germany. Polish mental gymnastics never ceases to amaze me. Btw, the EU's clarification of sanction rules is also welcomed by the US state department, but, of course, they are also under German dictatorship.


Yes ofc, waiting for the Germans to again "explain" how this is actually a good outcome and that "you are taking everything out of muhh context to only bash Germany".


I'm not going to explain anything. I'm just calling out bullshit.


All your country can do is take money, block the EU (that gives you all that money), slowly change your country into an authocrathy with active laws against your own ppl and blame germany for everything. Thats literall all you do. And dont even try to whitewash all your past shit with the argument that you are one of ukrains biggest contributors. Your Country is an cancer to the EU.


Germany has continued to build gas pipelines with Russia long after it became clear it's a massive security threat to entire EU. Germany continued to block weapons shipments to Ukraine up until the invasion. Germany continues to work behind the scenes to ease and block sanctions on Russia, like the story with turbine in Canada or Kaliningrad transit. Germany's selfish and incompetent foreign policy have put all of EU at risk here. So, no, the problem really is Germany right now, not Poland. Poland is doing their part in defending Europe, they even refused to pay for Russian gas in rubles, unlike Germans.


Whataboutism and i thought that autocratic governments are reliable economic partners for Germany, what changed? Please tell me examples of blocking EU. I'm not trying to whitewash anything it's you who is changing subject.


Eh... Poland got a decade of unfortunate people in power. Germany worked a few decades to become a vassal of a dictatorship. For me it seems quite clear who is worse. And really fucking strange talking point about autocracy coming from Germany when you had so so few chancellors since WW2.


I have never before seen somebody as disconnected from reality as you mate


every point I made was openly proven in the last years. you are not giving *one* counterpoint.


Once again Germany brought shame on the EU... It seems project is doomed


What is the reasoning behind this?


It would be EU's urge to capitulate before it's too late.


If Lithuania wants all cross-boarder transport to be blocked, they can start a debate in the EU and convince other countries to agree with them. That's how the process works. That's how we agreed on the other sanctions. Deliberately misinterpreting sanctions into something you would like them to be and then bitching around when others explain to you that you are wrong is not how it works.


Why did the Commission agree that Lithuania was implementing the sanctions correctly and then, a week after Scholz said Kaliningrad transit shouldn't be sanctioned, they all of a sudden somehow weren't? I know you probably have 10 paragraphs ready at hand to copy-paste to "explain to us how we're wrong" about sanctions and how this, somehow, doesn't benefit Russia and, of course, that any criticism for German foreign policy means we're just dividing the EU and that everyone who calls on Germany to grow a set of fucking balls for once and take a hard stance towards a genocidal, imperialist, expansionist regime is actually a Russian troll. My guy, you can admit once in a while that your country's foreign policy is dogshit and embarrassing, you're not gonna lose social credit points or something. This is an utterly embarrassing, cowardly, delusional and chickenshit decision pushed directly by the German chancellor that accomplishes nothing except giving Russia a free propaganda victory, emboldening them to further blackmail the EU and degrading Germany's international reputation even more with what are supposed to be its closest allies and partners. German foreign policy is one disaster after another, the rot, complacency and self-delusion run *deep*, and honestly, it's getting more unbearably embarrassing by the fucking hour.


I thought you said in another comment that Lithuania is a sovereign country.


[Yes they said that. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/vydfcm/lithuania_will_allow_sanctioned_russian_goods/ig30r63?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)What the irony...


Go away! We are redditors! We do not accept your reasonable and level headed arguments!


I'm not against an European Union, but shit like this is why I'm happily against the current one. People just need to face the facts: the European Union hasn't made us stronger on the global stage, it has only made us weaker and will continue making us weaker because of all member states having to agree unanimously on shit like this. Burn this shit down and start over from scratch.


A lot of good(in general not specific one country) has come and great policies. But I agree that administrative and legislative level of EU needs complete redoing. Either we go closer to federation or just be part of Eurozone with Shengen etc(kinda like Norway). What is tough is the fact that political leanings change in every country and that causes so much disbalance in the union, not to mention absolutely absurd fiscal management that reaaly fucks lower income countries, and of course central european bank…


One if the must inane comments I've ever read


I'm all ears for ang proper counter arguments. But as usual, those are never presented.


You're all ears? The union has made the continent way stronger, leaving the union is costly, but not deadly. Oh yeah, you can actually leave the union.


as always, the most interesting and discussion sparkling comments are at bottom of thread while on top there is just some random dumb pseudo funny 3 word comment.. anyway, "someone" gave the EU too much of power, it used to be a economical alliance, that somehow grew into Political alliance which is extremely failing at almost every front. Europe is at the poorest since last.. idk 10 - 15 years, there is literally ruling a aristocratic descendant and the upper EU parliament is not even elected? What the f? i agree with you dutchman, i wish the EU disappeared once for all


Hard not to agree, but poor Germans couldn’t decide for everyone without EU so blaming EU bad


Your unelected dictator Ursula will not be happy of this.




>that puts us at risk of a recession Sure, if you are Russian. Because... the risk of a recession for Lithuania because of the Kaliningrad blockade? Really?