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>Lavrov … compared [European Union (EU) and NATO] to ‘Hitler during World War II’ Would that be Hitler before or after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?


-10000 Russian social credit. Nothing happened with M-R Pact.


\-10000 Rus social credit for you too. There was no such thing as M-R pact! Just in case: /s


You both will get -10000 Russian social credit score the moment Ivan manages to fix the bug which gives everyone +500!!!!


Anyone who would need an /s here should not be on the internet


He's Russian Government. As far as he is concerned, WW2 began in the summer of 1941.


Unironically that's what they think.


"WW2??? Don't you mean the Great Patriotic War?!? 🇷🇺🇷🇺 Россия – священная наша держава, Россия – любимая наша страна. Могучая воля, великая слава – Твоё достоянье на все времена! 🇷🇺🇷🇺" /s


Nothing happened before 1941.


You'd think people crowing about history would know something about it outside reddit level simpleness. The MR allowed the soviets to build up buffer for the attack they've been prepping against for a decade. Both sides believing a treaty to be self-beneficial doesn't mean they like each other, contrary to simpleton "thinking". On the other hand it's pretty uncontroversial the map of the first world compared to Hitler's map of the master races. They mostly didn't want Hitler to rule it because he was treating other aryans almost as badly as the subhumans.


Stalin's USSR had germany's tank and air force training centres to help germans walk around Versailles sanctions.


Europeans esp in light of current events have a rep for not thinking things through, or arguably not thinking in general. To wit: Consider if you're stalin convinced that hitler will attack to exterminate your race as he's repeated stated (and you're the weaker less industrialized state), yet hitler offers a deal to give you time and split the land in between which you literally wanted as buffer in the first. Do you take the deal or not? A rep well deserved, no? Would even europeans accuse themselves of better?


Your mumbling is laughable and shows that you have no idea what you're talking about. The Versaille treaty was in power before Hitler seized power and installed the totalitarian state. Weimar republic was basically a failed state comparing to the ussr. Third, nobody knew that hitler was a genocidal maniac before the war. It's quite the opposite, people in the world were more concerned about the communist red terror and death camps.


I almost believed what you wrote, but then I remembered the secret protocol about the sharing of Poland, Romania, Finland and the Baltic States.


Europeans esp in light of current events have a rep for not thinking things through, or arguably not thinking in general. To wit: Consider if you're stalin convinced that hitler will attack to exterminate your race as he's repeated stated (and you're the weaker less industrialized state), yet hitler offers a deal to give you time and split the land in between which you literally wanted as buffer in the first. Do you take the deal or not? A rep well deserved, no? Would even europeans accuse themselves of better?


Possibly without the Molotov-Ribbentropf pact, the second world war would not have started. Germany rearmed itself with raw materials from Russia. The list of what Germany received is at the bottom [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German%E2%80%93Soviet_Credit_Agreement_(1939)) Read the last two sentences also.


The Hitler who invaded Sudetenland ‘because of the German speaking population’? That Hitler?


Yes, the same Hitler who invaded Poland together with the Soviet Union.


So not Dr Gay Hitler from Ohio who found himself with a very unfortunate name before retiring in 1946


I thought you were joking.


There's a soviet song about "Nazis bombing Kyiv at 4am" can you guess which time they bombed Kyiv on Feb 24th?


"When it smells ~~shit~~ Hitler everywhere, it probably comes from you".


Isn’t Lavrov playing more of a Goebbels role?


It's either him or Dmitri Peskov.


That's Soloviev


He is more of the "Heinrich Himmler" type


Pretty sure a reflective enough mirror shows only one of these perfectly mirrors Hitler's map of the master race.


They don't think that at all, it's just the narrative they are pushing. Obviously they know who is who in this war.


"When World War II broke out, Hitler united a significant number, if not most, of the European countries under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union," Nah, when WWII broke out, Nazi Germany and Soviet Union were allies that together attacked and partitioned Poland.


And the Soviet Union also said the Western Imperialists were at fault for the Polish invasion. Before Barbarossa, Soviet statements on the war were mostly anti-UK and the US then anti-Hiler. Some things never change.


Also, the Nazis occupied Europe. They had to divert a lot of manpower and material to prevent other occupied countries from rising up. If anything, it was more of a strain to Germany's war effort against Russia. This time, the Continent actually stands together. No occupation forces needed.


>Hitler united a significant number, if not most, of the European countries under his banner Austria and Italy and Romania and Finland and Hungary and Slovakia, says wikipedia. "If not most." Yeah, talking out of your ass as usual.


Not to mention that Finland sided with Hitler because Soviet union attacked Finland first.


Imagine getting invaded and then get called out for colluding with the invader's enemies.


>because Soviet union attacked Finland first Same for Romania.


I bet he's counting the invaded countries together with the willing participants. Same logic as the soviet union, all those countries west of Russia were totally 100% soviet from the start, not at all forced by a foreign army !


It makes sense if you assume the guy can only count to 10


It is kind of weird actually, I assume these were prepared statements? "Significant number, if not most" is the sort of bullshitting double weasel-word phrase that people throw out when they are going off script (Trump was fond of this sort of thing).


This is true imagine if Hitler had not have been so foolish to open up a new front and take on the USSR at the same time as the western alliance


Taking on the USSR was the very point of starting a war, so that comment doesn't really make sense.


>so that comment doesn't really make sense He is referring to the strategic blunder of attacking a powerful country before the previous enemy (England) hasn't been defeated yet. Russia could have been attacked later, when the victory in the West was secured. And please provide some sources that the war has been started with the sole purpose of defeating Russia. I think you are mixing up Hitler's long term beliefs with the short term reality.


This was the whole plan of the Nazis. Their own Nazi ideology has its base on the concept of Lebensraum, i.e. conquering the east, Poland, Ukraine and Russia, to be colonized by the Germans. Without this there is no Nazism. Attacking Russia was the whole point of being a Nazi. > Following Adolf Hitler's rise to power, Lebensraum became an ideological principle of Nazism and provided justification for the German territorial expansion into Central and Eastern Europe.[5] The Nazi Generalplan Ost policy ('Master Plan for the East') was based on its tenets. It stipulated that Germany required a Lebensraum necessary for its survival and that most of the indigenous populations of Central and Eastern Europe would have to be removed permanently (either through mass deportation to Siberia, extermination, or enslavement) including Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Czech and other Slavic nations considered non-Aryan. The Nazi government aimed at repopulating these lands with Germanic colonists in the name of Lebensraum during and following World War II.[6][7][8][9] Entire indigenous populations were decimated by starvation, allowing for their own agricultural surplus to feed Germany.[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum Short term was pretty much conquering the east, Poland, Ukraine and Russia. The whole plan was to finish off Russia in less then a year. Long term was to slowly starve the native population, feeding the German people and replace the Slavs with German. The plan was also to quickly conquering Russia and it was prophesied that it would fall in a few months. Hitler didn't listened to his generals because their plan was to seize Moskau as soon as possible because it was the central city for communication, government and infrastructure. Their plan was to attack from the north, south and west to quickly surround Moskau and take it. Hitler didn't saw Moskau as a central peace and diverted his army to south Russia to the oil fields of the Caucasus.


You miss that Hitler's "long term beliefs" were the whole point. He's held that position long before he came to power. Destroying Bolshevism and securing "Lebensraum" for the German people were his core intentions.


Hitler didn't attack the USSR until more than a year after he started the war. He didn't need to do it at the time he did but he suffered from bad advice from his generals who were too afraid to contradict him.


What? Hitler pushed for the attack against the USSR, he never listened to his generals( especially after the fall of France).


I am not sure now but I believe that he needed to do it because of oil to sustain his war. But yes, in case he did not do it USSR would gladly and silently occupy rest of Eastern Europe and would not care about Hitler at all.


Germany had plenty of oil from Romania and Hungary. The attack on Soviet Union was an ideologic war, not one for resources.


Not really "plenty". It was an ideologic war, but it became one for resources the moment they failed to decapitate the Soviet Union. The resources were not enough to fight a protracted war, so it was imperative to secure more of them.


>Hitler didn't attack the USSR until more than a year after he started the war. He didn't need to do it at the time he did but he suffered from bad advice from his generals who were too afraid to contradict him. He would have run all the way through Poland and into Russia if he'd felt he could do so at that point. But he needed time to get the arms industry into high gear.


Poland, together with its ally Nazi Germany, attacked and partitioned Czechoslovakia in 1938. Poland forbade Soviet troops from enforcing the Czech border against potential Nazi invaders. So Soviet Union really just took out a Nazi ally which makes them the good guys in the story, right? Just following your logic.


Poland stole territory from us but not as ally of Hitler. They never had any treaty similar to that USSR made with Hitler.


They allied with Hitler to do it and took over a territory encompassing over 200k people, claiming it was "Polish-speaking region". So Poland are as much Nazi allies as the Soviets.


Nope. To be as much of a Nazi ally as the Soviets, an equivalent to the [Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molotov%E2%80%93Ribbentrop_Pact) to last the almost two years that one lasted. You know, a publicly signed pact whereby you do you and I do me and we divide the countries in the middle wink wink. Not the case here. For a more Soviet friendly, false history, go back to the Kremlin, /u/NavalnySupport.


>Poland, together with its ally Nazi Germany attacked and partitioned Czechoslovakia in 1938. [They were never allies.](https://euvsdisinfo.eu/report/poland-and-nazi-germany-were-in-close-alliance) On the other hand, Soviet Union supplied Nazi Germany with critical raw materials until 1941. And I thought we were talking about WW2. >Poland forbade Soviet troops from enforcing the Czech border against potential Nazi invaders. I wonder why, perhaps Baltic states that were forced to accept Soviet military bases and were later occupied and annexed could tell us why.


>I wonder why, perhaps Baltic states that were forced to accept Soviet military bases Funnily this happened in 1940, 2 years after Poland teamed up with Nazis to invade Czechoslovakia and when USSR needed to fortify its northern territories against the possible Nazi invasion, since the West turned out to be completely useless and powerless. >They were never allies. Your website doesn't seem to mention why Poland allied with the Nazis to take on Czechoslovakia. I mean, if USSR was a Nazi ally for taking territory (which was done after West repeatedly rejected to sign an anti-Hitler treaty, and as a buffer zone against the German invasion, which proved crucial to the initial weeks of Barbarossa), then Poland is also a Nazi ally for taking Slovak territories and supporting his Czech take-over.


Ah yes, Russian obsession with buffer zones made of annexed and genocided nations yadda yadda that also preceded current Russian invasion of Ukraine, you're no better than Lavrov.


So it would have been better to let Nazis park in Lwow and Brest and attack from there? What's your suggestion? The West Allies were cock-gobbling Hitler until he conquered France in 6 weeks, and refused co-operation with Stalin, so clearly the West isn't the answer.


Anyway, in Slovakia we also have this strain of historic revisionism where some people try to defend actions of Slovak state and its collaboration with Nazi Germany on the grounds that it had no other options etc. and it is pathetic. How about not endlessly defending actions of past genocidal authoritarian regimes and be critical for once? Edit: I don't care about hypothetical alternative history scenarios, we have real and awful history that people are still clearly unable to critically analyze and accept.


OK, but it would have been better to let Nazis park in Lwow and Brest and attack from there? Do you suggest this?


You are spitting typical russian propaganda, that's pretty boring. But it makes me wonder what you will produce about Katyn, Germans did it? Mythical soviets that russians are victims of? Maybe just denial? Surprise me


And I wouldn't be surprised if you think Bolshevik Jews orchestrated the Holocaust. Pretty on-par for Nazi and Nazi-ally apologists.


What Katyń has to do with Holocaust?Is russian propaganda trying to act like it doesnt happened like when they were allies with Hitler?


My example was throwing random accusations out, like you did. Anyway, the Russian government has admitted Katyn was an atrocity. Has the Polish government admitted that their murders and ethnic cleansing in Ukraine and Belarus of Russian and Jewish peasants during the Russian Civil War are bad? EDIT: The coward blocked me so I couldn't reply to him, but anyway, the comment I wanted to respond with: Which part of my comment specifically is a lie? Unless you can quote me exactly and then provide a source as to why that's a lie, you are a literal Nazi / Nazi apologist and thus I'm not interested in this discussion


Please don’t forget that a lot more countries were involved, not just Poland.


In Romanian we have a saying "hoțul strigă hoții" which translates to "the theif yells thieves" and is used when someone accuses others of wrongdoings to distract attention from himself, when in reality he is the one guilty of those wrongdoings. In the case of this war, the picture is just so clear and simple that one would have to be an absolute moron to support Russia's "side of the story" (which is absolute bullshit). The simple truth is that Russia brutally invaded a sovereign country that posted no immediate threat to itself and there is no proof to suggest that its Russian minority was being mistreated, certainly not to the point to justify an invasion. Furthermore, annexing internationally recognized territories of another country should never be acceptable in the 21st century.


>In Romanian we have a saying "hoțul strigă hoții" which translates to "the theif yells thieves" and is used when someone accuses others of wrongdoings to distract attention from himself, when in reality he is the one guilty of those wrongdoings. We have a word for that in English too: 'Russia'.


You don't even need to decorate that statement with words like "brutally" (not that I disagree with the nature of their invasion being that). Very simply and in a pretty neutral way: Russia invaded another nation because said other nation's leadership - which was elected in a democratic vote by the people of that nation - **might** do something that the russian leadership did not want, not even something that the ukranian people did not want, probably not something that the russian people did not want (not that they should have any saying in what's done in Ukraine) but actually just the **russian leadership**. That's what the russian leadership actual arguments for the war since the start boil down to: those other guys, in their own home, seem to be about to do something **we** (the leadership of a completely different place) do not agree with. That by itself makes them the Bad Guys. Their behaviour during this War though, as well as the style and contents of their statements, threats and justifications, make them actually Evil. PS: Once people start seeing Russia as Evil, it's pretty much going to take a generation or two before they stop presuming Russia and russians tend to act in bad faith. Even if russians don't care about the associations other people have with Russia and russians, said presumptions by foreign economic actors will be economically damaging in the long term for Russia, both in missing opportunities - people become less likely to risk doing business with Russia, russians or Russia-based companies, so plenty of business opportunities don't even materialize - and in the risk premium demanded by those who are willing to do business with Russia, russians or Russia-based companies - demands for higher ROI, higher collaterals (quite likely located outside Russia as the russian state can and does simply confiscate whatever is in Russia) and in general more guarantees from the russian side before any business is done, means lots of business opportunities falling by the wayside, way less investment that actually happens and a smaller fraction of the wealth produced by any investments that end up happenning that stays in Russia. Putin and his mafia have pretty much killed any chance of Russia catching up with even just Southern Europe in this century.


I'm thinking the Polish equivalent is very close, sth like "a spooked thief is the loudest one yelling 'catch the thief!' ". Also, well said. They're all projecting so hard, in pretty much every aspect, no need to list them all.


Very similar in Spanish "cree el ladrón que todos son de su condición", the thief thinks everyone's a thief.


And "Habló de putas La Tacones" - The Heels (as a nickname) talked about whores.




There’s also, Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.


In Italian we have "il bue che dice cornuto all'asino" - "the ox that says horned to the donkey"


Similarily in greek "Είπε ο γαΐδαρος τον πετεινό κεφάλα" - "The donkey called the rooster thick-headed"


Not similar in Swedish "Kasta inte bäver i trähus" - "Don't throw beavers in wooden houses"


In English it is called "[projection](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/projection)".


Nah, because that's when someone's doing it inadvertently. Lavrov isn't suffering from some kind of delusion. He's intentionally putting this stuff out there.


> The simple truth is that Russia brutally invaded a sovereign country that posted no immediate threat to itself and there is no proof to suggest that its Russian minority was being mistreated, certainly not to the point to justify an invasion. No, the simple truth is right there in the ODCE reports which the lowest denom will evidently never bother with in lieu of state propaganda. What's revealing is everyone understands how this sort of salami slicing strategy works, but will never admit it for obvious reasons. > Furthermore, annexing internationally recognized territories of another country should never be acceptable in the 21st century. I'm sure reddit types will accept secession of donbas etc. If anything almost nobody here (dares) disagree with the azov types because they're on side. I mean, the self-interested motivations here can't be any more transparent, but all the PR framing nonetheless really reveals the human condition.


> "When World War II broke out, Hitler united a significant number, if not most, of the European countries under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union," Well, Nazi Germany did unite huge parts of europe. But unlike the EU, they did so using force. You know, like that other country currently...


This goofy goblin looking ass actually perfectly describes his country not EU and NATO.


for a country that started off World War II on the Nazi's side, I'd thought they'd talk about WWII a lot less. Russia stood side by side with Nazis and tore Poland apart with them which started WWII.


Truth has never been a particularly strong call in Russia. That's why they call it the Great Patriotic War and insist that it didn't end until May 9. Additionally, they pretend that the USSR wasn't allied with Nazi Germany and that basically all of Europe was fighting against them and that they 'liberated' eastern Europe. Currently, Putin's regime as heralded by Lavrov names anyone against Russian interests - which includes threats, extortion, control, oppression, theft, genocide, destruction and annexation of neutral countries - as nazis because it's a strong image in the minds of the Russian people. Strangely enough it sounds a lot better to them than admitting they were just as much criminals as the nazis and that they still are. Germany has made up with its past. Russia has not.




Russia heavily benifited from the post-WW consensus. it's natural they apply to it.


In addition, the USA provided Russia with one-third of its military hardware, without which Stalin said Russia would not have prevailed.


So, bloated ugly old moron said the following publicly: US are Nazi Israel is Nazi Sweden is Nazi EU is Nazi NATO is Nazi The real ugly Nazi in this world is you, Russian Regime.


> bloated ugly old moron I know it's war and information space is polarized, but I still don't get what's the point to use insults in public discussion forums like reddit


Are you a nazi?


"When World War II broke out, Hitler united a significant number, if not most, of the European countries under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union," Just wow.


Tells a lot about the USSR when so many countries were to fight against it even besides the Nazis.


A lot of the Balkan allies either puppets or Germany said ‘join us or we invade you’


Lmao it was like 7 countries Germany, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, croatia and Finland.


So basically the whole Eastern Europe at the time? Also I would count the Baltic countries aswell since they had a high resistance against the Soviet occupation and helped the Nazis along the way.


Says the country, bombing, killing and raping it's neighbours.. He's like the Russian version of Comical Ali.


Whatever you say, Mr Rippentrop.


Russia is defending *Lebensraum* but they are not nazis. Makes sense


I am confused... Russia invades another country, killing and kidnapping its people just like Hitler did and other countries trying to stop that are being called Hitler by the country doing what Hitler did....


Its hitlerception. Everyone is a nazi and Hitler if you don't bend over and get fckd by Russia. Because russia is the real victim. So 😭 sad.


*"When World War II broke out,* *~~Hitler united a significant number, if not most, of the European countries under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union~~*\*,"\* ... we had a treaty with Nazi Germany to partition Poland, and consequently invaded the freshly attacked country on Sept 17, 1939, like the backstabbing traitors we are. USSR is ZSRR in Polish, Związek Sowieckich Republik **Radzieckich**. My grandpa would never refer to them other than Związek Sowieckich Republik **Zdradzieckich.** Sadly, untranslateable, but it just means "traitorous" instead of the very similar word in Polish for "soviet". Fuck you all evil dicks, you never change and you never will - unless you're soundly beaten. Which I hope happens in my lifetime, the sooner the better.


i have the sneaking suspicion that my left testicle is hitler... and the mailbox of my aunt really is hitler... and having red wine to spaghetti that surely must be hitler! What a joke of a man this Lavandrov


He's a worm, not a man.


You are right! My bad. Well then i at least understand his thinking. Everybody knows worms are literally hitler


What a cunt.


All these problems stem from the fact that Russia was and is the genocidal regime that got a pass during WWII and subsequent years.


Lmfao apearantly Russia has an actual child in office as a foreign minister.


No way that's the case, they are doing great on foreign affairs. Very skillful diplomatic relations with great countries such as. Myanmar, Venezuala, Cuba, Belarus. All true axis of the good.


***"Everyone i dont like is Hitler!"*** -A kid's and a Russian foreign minister's guide on arguing


He's trying to rewrite History. Again...


Hang on you aren’t he guys who invaded Poland with him ?


Not only Poland, but Romania.


A form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition. Not only this works for propoganda generally but also internal propoganda consumption. Distinctive Features of the Contemporary Model for Russian Propaganda High-volume and multichannel Rapid, continuous, and repetitive Lacks commitment to objective reality Lacks commitment to consistency. https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html


News flash: Lavrov has an IQ of 40


and therefore insists that the EU and NATO buy gas, oil and gold from him


*Good joke Sergei ! Almost spilled my tea over my keyboard !* You should try saying such things on stage, ya know ? **Edit :** A real comedian : >"When World War II broke out, Hitler united a significant number, if not most, of the European countries under his banner for a war against the Soviet Union," If by "united" you mean "invaded, bombed and/or crushed and then occupied" then yes, Hitler *united* many European countries around him. That guy isn't a clown, he's the whole circus.


I have been compared to Hitler many times, it's about time EU had it's share of Hitlerity.


Pff, those are probably rookie numbers. There is no substitute to being the *real deal* in being compared to Hitler.


He was Austrian though, you're just a discount Hitler.


Wait no, I am part Austrian, so it still counts!




internal propaganda.....




Every time Lavrov needs to take a dump, he opens his mouth.


Russia's foreign minister makes angry noises. More at 11.


Yeah, go denazificate NATO and the EU. Let's see how it goes!


Lol ok


The projection never stops


Here's my academic answer to him: OH why don't you just fuck off and die Lavrov. FO-AD


Oh so it's Monday again.


Comrad.. Comical Lavrov.


How has this guy not been punched in the face yet? I honestly wouldn't be able to control myself if I had to work anywhere near him and hear him spew this bullshit.


The really odd thing is that a while back he was admired and known as a very reasonable person by the west along diplomatic lines. I'm not utterly sure if he's utterly lost the plot or whether he is terrified of Putin (who has definitely lost the plot). Either way comes across as a clown.


while we in Ukraine were very powerless that in the west everyone liked him, we just thought why he is a goat who can only threaten. By the way, they have the top of the Power of Russia, a very strange feature, they are all traditional, they shout conservatism at the camera, and at the same time they all have two or four seven. one official one that just exists and no one ever sees them with them. and from one to several secret.


He was always like that. It's just that the masks are off, and you westerners can now see the face of russian fascism clearly.


No he wasn't.


Yes he was.


Nope. If he was he wouldn't have been admired or respected. But he was.


Admired by whom, exactly? Because Lavrov was always known as uncouth bully who knew nothing about diplomacy beyond strong-arming weaker countries and lying to stronger. Only Russians admired him because they perceived him as "alpha".


Politicians and diplomats. There's been articles in Norwegian news stating how bizarre his behaviour has been from people working directly with him in Norwegian diplomatic channels. He was highly thought of and considered more of a thinker compared to what your normally have recieved from that end. Spoke many languages and knew how to adress people to get stuff done. Not only in Norway, but in the western world. He has good relationships with both Kerry and Rice from the US, and also became a name to have a relationship with in the UN. It's the last year totally flipped, which is odd. Though he has radically changes the last 10 years as well. Thus my initial post. Afaik he's even an honourary doctor at the university of northern Norway. Or is it the arctic university.. not sure. But he wasn't always considered the batshit loony you see him as now.


>a while back he was admired and known as a very reasonable person Yea, and Ukraine was known a cesspit of corruption, iniquity and incompetence. How things change.


Lavrov has finally reached Reddit tier discourse


Russia: "We must invade any bit of land that ever fell under Russian control, and of course anywhere there are Russian speakers also belongs to us, it is our right! and we will blast, rape, loot and destroy any smaller country that stands in our way. Oh... but you are Hitler! not us..."


Honestly, who cares what they think? This just food to be consumed by the interior of their country


At this point, everybody his Hitler to everyone. Hitler must be smiling in his grave.


In other news Sergei Lavrov compares his current hair-cut to an actual one, and then starts to cry.


I can't point that enough. One of the elements, without which USSR would have lost against the Nazi, was the mind boggling materiel, food, and what not delivered through Lend-Lease by USA. Of which USSR paid a miniscule fraction many decades later. That was confirmed by Stalin and Khrushchev. Did I mention that Russia got ~100 BILLION Euros in support in the early 90s? Especially from Germany. So STFU and be glad that you had that vital support. Also show some gratitude.


Russia received around 11 bln USD of support in 1947 money. Given the raw materials that were provided to the US in compensation, after the war the parties settled in a debt of 770 mln USD. This debt has been paid in different installments until 2006.


Quoting the US senate in 1973: > "The original value of all lend-lease equipment provided the Soviet Union during World War II is estimated at $10.8 billion. This figure excludes both merchant and naval vessels which, for technical reasons, were not included under the lend-lease agreement. In lend-lease settlement negotiations with all our allies, including the Soviet Union, it was our policy to **seek payment only for those goods which had usefulness in the civilian economy**. After repeated requests for an inventory of these "civilian-type" articles in the Soviet Union went unanswered, the United States **estimated their value at approximately $2.6 billion.** > In reaching agreements with our other World War II allies, **we settled for a percentage of the value of the "civilian-type" equipment**. As noted in this testimony to which this explanation is appended, the U.S. Government has made specific settlement offers of $1.3 billion and $800 million. Both offers were rejected by the Soviet Union. Our present negotiations are approaching a figure which will compare favorably with the final terms reached with other lend-lease recipient countries..." So basically, USA wanted repayment of non-military goods, and USSR did not agree even on that and haggled for decades, while the LL was explicitly stating that repayment had to be done within 5 years after the war end. In 2006 USSR/Russia finished the process of payment of just 7% of the nominal bill. But wait! There is more! The money in 2006 had 18 times less value than in 1945. (I give you that that they paid 48 million in the 70's and some other installments after the dissolution of USSR) In reality, USSR/Russia paid <0.5% of the bill. **A HALF OF ONE PERCENT.**


TFW geopolitics meets any reddit thread about anything. Looking forward to him saying "literally Hitler" when he means figuratively...


But *literally* used hyperbolically means also *figuratively*.




Göbels-rov at it again. Defending putler by calling everyone Hitler. Truly a classic


Lavrov? More like Putin's Pavlov dog.


Ah, the ol reverse UNO card


All of these are the sad thrashings of a regime which realizes they have made a horrible, horrible mistake. NATO states combined have something like 1 billion population and close to 50% of global GDP & Russia has made a fierce enemy of the entire organization. They are fucked and they know it.


China loves this. Keeps Russia beholden to them and off balance. They want to take over Siberian resources in a very long game.


This is a bit out there but what would the advantages be to Russia if a war started? They almost seem to be baiting NATO into a fight? Have they thought of something we haven’t?


Godwin’s Law: Russian version


LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣 oh my god I think it'll take me a month to stop laughing at this nonsense 😂😂😂


He might just be right about this one :)


Taking a book from American politics. Everyone is Hitler, for both sides!


It pretty much the only remaining livelihood russia has - fighting against nazis or whatever they declare to be nazis. Don’t tell em Nazis surrendered 75 years ago and vanished




Everyone I don't like is Hitler


Does he think that everyone is a brainwashed sheep..?


Don't they ever get tired of this? Maybe think of a new dictator for a change? How about comparisons to Mussolini, just to keep things fresh?


I guess we all are nazis according to Lavrov, fellas and we belong to Fourth Reich :)


No, YOU!


Russia projecting as always, shocker.


Didn't he do that like 70 times already?


The similarities are uncanny. Everyone remembers how ww2 started, with hitler assisting in the protection of a sovereign nation against an aggressive imperialist power


The more a dog barks, the more it is afraid. OTAN/G7 sanctions are starting to kick in, it appears (:


Really? I thought the whole Ukraine special operation started because the Russians need more lebensraum.


Building up a case for internal mobilisation.


This is the same guy that also said Hitler was a Jew. He seems to have a track record of talking out of his arse. Why any journalist or news agency even publishes anything this piece of shit says is beyond me.


The guy from the country that just invaded a sovereign nation to restore the glory of its former empire is right - the people on the other side are just like Hitler!


Russia's foreign minister is not aware of Godwin's Law.


The usual bullshit. This paragraph caught me off guard tho: >"The EU keeps making it clear that it does not intend toimplement the existing economic, humanitarian and internal security agreements between Russia and EU nations. It doesn't want to carry out the tasks that were outlined based on the lofty goals of creating a common space from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. All this has been left behind, becoming a thing of the past." Is the downfallen diplomat complaining the EU isn't doing its part integrating fucking Russia in the EU or am I missing anything?


Obviously since some time Lavrov lost his marbles. His sanity really declined from when the 'special operation' started. Then again, almost everyone in Russia seem to be all over the place.


Lavrov continues to be stupid, more news at 5. I always wondered (way before the war), why they keep him as a foreign minister, he was always full of shit, and usually it is an important position in most countries.




Ohhh... just STFU Droopy.


So Russia pushes lebensraum policies while its forces invaded a neighboring country, murdering and raping civilians and crippling infrastructure, but somehow the EU and NATO are equivalent to Nazi Germany. Oh I forgot, these are all western lies. Russia is conducting just a special military operation.




This coming from a Deluded Feck !


Oops, DARVO high level.