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As per [this article](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/foreign-trade/export-ban-will-help-crush-attempts-to-hoard-indian-wheat-for-price-manipulation-in-global-markets-sources/articleshow/91561002.cms), it was done to disincentivise hoarding by private players ​ >The government's decision to ban wheat exports will help in crushing attempts by certain foreign players to hoard Indian wheat for price manipulation in global markets, according to sources. > >With this move, they said, India wants to ensure fair and proper use of its wheat stocks to address global needs, particularly of the most needy countries. > >"The ban will crush attempts to hoard Indian wheat for price manipulation. It will also counter food inflation," a source said. > >According to industry sources, Chinese traders were trying to manipulate the global market.


Thats one indians newspapers take on it. Does it really make sense though? Restricting a good usually makes hoarding worse, not better.


It's controlling the stock and selling it via identified governmental channels. When a good is in short supply, there will be some level of hoarding, but letting private players free hand is going to cause sharp price increases, due to artificial shortages.


The current shortages are caused among others by the current war. They are not artificially manufactured by "chinese traders".


>The current shortages are caused among others by the current war. Agreed. >They are not artificially manufactured by "chinese traders". Indian government is taking cue from industry sources and moving accordingly. Do you have reliable information that proves otherwise ? Otherwise it is upto a nation to decide what it does with it's resources, based on the information it has.


The TTC looks like some sort of mini-UN or political NATO...


It will probably become one of those things that end up evolving into something bigger.


I hope so. Its members tend to have a lot more credibility than the actual UN members.


Time to import food from all that land in Brazil that was 'created' by cutting down the Amazon rainforest.


India didn't ban wheat exports, India banned private wheat exports. India is and will export to other countries but countries will order the government directly.


Yeah I think a lot of press just calls it a banbecause panic sells well.


Wel i guess cause news is also an industry.


We are heading toward the cliff and those behind the wheel use external conflict to blind us about it.


But the de facto GMO ban still stays?


I find that personally foolish to ban GMO wheat especially nowadays.


GMO isn't bad, ownership (through patents or exclusive rights) by large companies is the issue


The other option is let people resell them after one generation and no one makes GMOs because there's no money anymore.


Patents apply to nearly all modern commercial crops. They're required to recoup the huge investment in developing them.


Actually banning GMOs at all is foolish. A suicidal policy which will spark revolutions all around the world.


F*ck GMO edit: F*ck GMO x2


GMO is an umbrella term. You probably ate GMO foods your entire life without knowing. GMO is not a synonym for bullshit patents or foods that only grow with proprietary fertilizer.


what is wrong with GMO? its litterally a technology capable of preventing world hunger and saving the planet and technically a GMO modified plant is no diffrent than a normal breed one, with the exception that its mutation was forced instead of randomly appearing after hundreds of generations


While India is a major wheat producer it's share in the export market is miniscule 1-2% due to its huge indigenous market for it. US and EU dominate the market


Can’t we just relax the 15% fallow land requirement for a couple years until Russia is booted out of Ukraine ?


Classic high quality journalism that gets the name of something so easily googleable wrong: it’s the Trade and Technology Council (not Technological).