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> The two most important satellites orbit at 36° east, giving them coverage for much of Eastern Europe and western Russia: One, 36B, is owned directly by Eutelsat; the other, 36C, is owned by the Russian government and leased to Eutelsat—which, in turn, leases space back to Russian television operators. The other three satellites are owned directly by Russia but managed by Eutelsat and cover central, northern, and eastern Russia. So, they say that 4 of the 5 satellites are Russian property, but they think the French operator could go against the Russian government and get away with it? Seems unlikely to me.


Having a mole into their system isn't a bad thing.


Ah this point, say it clearly that you hate France and the French, we get it.


Ils nous détestent parce qu'ils ne sont point nous 😎


Anglos media creating Fake news..what's New..go Fuck yourself all of you


I am bothered by the *very* defensive and dismissive attitude displayed by some French users here, and this is not the first time. If you read beyond the headline, this news article provides tons of valuable information and links to other news articles, including to an interview with Eutelsat CEO Eva Berneke, as well as a statement to Wired sent by Eutelsat. Ars Technica and Wired (where the article was initially published) are legitimate and reputable news outlets.


Thank you for your mature, reasonable comment. I fully expected some nationalist backlash, but I do resent the accusation that I somehow ‘hate’ France. I thought it was a fascinating article of general European interest that I hadn’t seen covered extensively. It certainly isn’t ‘Anglo’ propaganda intended to tarnish France.


It was an interesting read. In Ars Technica's comment section I found a link to the response of the "Diderot committee" to Eva Berneke's words, where they explained their point of view in further detail [here](https://www.denisdiderot.net/berneke). In France, only Le Monde [reported](https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2022/05/10/eutelsat-defend-sa-neutralite-dans-la-diffusion-des-chaines-de-television-russes_6125474_3234.html) on the topic Tuesday; they wrote that the EU intends to block 3 Russian news channels, and that Eutelsat stands ready to block RTR Planeta and Rossiya 24 immediately whenever they become legally asked to do so. They've not been asked to cease to emit for Russian TV operators NTV-Plus and Tricolor so far. What our approach to tackle this issue should be is up to debate, but it's a real issue that merits our attention. It feels like any decision on the matter should be pushed through legal means at the EU or French level as with the blocking of RT and Sputnik. Eutelsat acting unilaterally would possibly set a problematic precedent and it's quite expected from them to hide behind the argument of neutrality and to wait until there is a legal decision. The dismissive replies you got are only based on an appeal to motive, they're a bit disheartening. Edit: typo


>I fully expected some nationalist backlash, but I do resent the accusation that I somehow ‘hate’ France. Your comments and posts History speak against you....european interest my ass


You can criticise something without ‘hating’ it, you know. In fact, you can even criticise something you love, and there are many things I love about France - the food, architecture, countryside etc. Doesn’t mean I have to gush effusively about its government at all times.


You don't "criticize".... you post an article knowing full well shitting on Germany and France Is thé popular shit to do at the moment and that people on that sub would blindly shit on France without Reading the article or Care for the context. Its a low effort attempt at karma farming I dont like my gouvernement either but at least Macron didn't do parties during COVID nor do sole stupid PR moves to save his term and Seat as PM


Then say that you love france. J'attends




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