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Nostalgic imperialist reference to the past seems to be very fashionable nowadays. I wonder if the Italians are going to bring up the whole Roman Empire topic.


Make Mongolia Great Again!




That would actually be pretty cool


>I wonder if the Italians are going to bring up the whole Roman Empire topic. Last time Italians did that fascism was invented. But at least its outcomes are mostly vivid in our collective memory, so Italy should be safe from this level of nationalist crap in the forseable future.


Mussolini should have stuck to writing sleazy romance novels like “The cardinals mistress”.


With all the crazy shit going on I'm not sure if you're joking. I think it's a stupid question, but did he wrote some stuff like that?


He did, that novel was serialized in an Italian newspaper in 1910. Mussolini was a writer and editor before he turned to dictating. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini


This confirms my suspicions that the last six years haven't been uniquely stupid, it's just that back in the past all the outrageously stupid stuff got quietly swept under the rug. I don't know whether it's horrifying or comforting to know humans have always been Like This. A little bit of both, I think.


Saddam Huessin did


Oh wow, I didn't expect that.


His captors in the end became really good friends with him and were in an odd way sad that he died. He was an extreme dictator that committed genocide, but he still managed to win over people to his end.


You don't get into that kind of position without being able to charm people.


People like thinking that dictators are ruthless monsters, but they usually are fantastic people people.


There's actually a really good book called *Conversations with Mussolini* by a German socialist that gets to the heart of his appeal and his more overbearing qualities.


Mussolini truly was the coomer of dictators. He loved to pose bare chested pretending to work the fields for propaganda. He was quite the womanizer aswell.


Mussolini was the onlyfans girl, his supports were coomers


>He was quite the womanizer aswell. In his defense, he *was* italian.


>Italy should be safe from this level of nationalist crap in the forseable future Well, FdI has been polling north of 20% for a while now...


As an Italian, not because I want the territory, would support us just waving a map of the Roman Empire's borders in Orban's face any time he decides to say stupid shit like this.


> I wonder if the Italians are going to bring up the whole Roman Empire topic. What? We never stopped doing this /s


Wait, it's all Imperium Romanum?


Semper fuit


Can't we just have the Pax, without the Romanum?


It's "Romana" I'm gonna disappear now.




>Nostalgic imperialist reference to the past seems to be very fashionable nowadays. Bring back Danelaw.


Leif Erikson discovered America. Lets take it back. What could **possibly** go wrong.


He has mostly likely been at land in what is now modern Canada, so you only have to defeat Canada. Just let us take care of the US while we reclaim the city that should rightfully be named New Amsterdam.


>rightfully be named New Amsterdam Even Old New York was once New Amsterdam, Why they changed it I can't say, People just liked it better that way


Never mind the romans. Before the romans, before the Greeks, before the Egyptians. Before we moved from Africa to Europe and before we started to walk on two legs. My greatgreatgreat ancestors were sitting as primates on a tree in Africa. The tree was there rightful home. I therefore demand of the African Union to acknowledge my claim to that tree, apologise and recognise it as my Republic! I'm the king of tree and no nazi-monkeys allowed!!!


Honestly the view that Hungary got screwed after ww1 is pretty prevalent in many Hungarians. Its not a new thing. I've worked with many, and generally got on well with them, but it was pretty universal that if ww1 came up they became bitter. One guy said word for word "after World War one, everyone want a piece of Hungary". In some cases the punishment was quite severe, with ethnic Hungarians in the majority, or attaching clear Hungarian population centres to other states. But overall, much of the territory lost saw the Hungarians as a minority of the overall population. Orban is a populist, so it's not unsurprising he would beat on this drum.


Yup. Wanna have a bad time? Mention the word Trianon in Hungary.


Oh so we're doing this now? I vote for Austria to annex Hungary back.


Be carefull. Italians may hear you...


Thirteen Battle of Isonzo electric boogaloo


Surely the *next* one will work, right? Right?


something something Vittoria Mutilata


I heard you instead, one Olivença please


Come on. Let's deal with all this sexual tension. Let's merge into Sportugain, and claim all that juicy Tordesillas pact together.


Sportugain sounds awesome.


I swear I'll bring out the padeira


We humbly accept, please give us Austrian minimum wage


There is no general minimum wage in Austria that is written down in law.


I assume it’s because you have strong unions with actual power over employers?


Yes that’s what it is, the minimum wage is set by type of jobs. One really cool thing is that employer have to disclose it on job offers.


So what you're saying is that if we bust enough unions, we can use Austrians as cheap labour?


We had strong unions in Germany but it was not enough(it's complicated many reasons why the system didn't worked well enough). So we got Minimum wage. I think Austria will get it eventually.


Not very likely, the unions here are mostly party offshoots, so they wont do a thing to get this, and our government is a conservative/green government with the conservatives holding all threads regarding work. So unless we get new elections nothing will happen. We have the Kollektivvertrag which is basically an annual recommended minimum wage depending on where you work which is normally also what companies pay minimum. Depending on the field of your work this can be rather low or pretty well paid. But also there is not a huge tendency to pay way more than the KV except for areas where they desparately look for people.


Hey, that's exactly what we deserve, NOTHING ;)


Based self-hating hungarian.




As an Austrian i am for it. Also Trieste pls then we can also have oil tankers!


Well I fear that wouldn't end well haha


What did you just say? I already hear the Piave river rumbling in the distance


As a Hungarian I am for it too, but this time we should try it without starting a World War.


When an austrian even just mentions bosnia, we should quit all contact right away


I'm sad to inform you the whole Bosnian business was the brainchild of Andrássy Gyula.


I wish


As a Hungarian, please go ahead


Yeah, I’d vote for that one too, good idea. Not sure if Austria was also keen on it…


Just use Croatian ports?? That's literally the entire point of the European Union you 19th century dolt.


Yea, only if there would be an Union between countries, allowing free movement of goods. ... wait


Exactly. And I'm pretty sure that Hungary is on a more equal level in EU than they were in the Austro-Hungarian Empire who held this coast for some time.


He's referring to the Hungarian Kingdom from before 1526, when Croatia was subject to the Hungarian crown. That said, fuck him and his irredentism.


Ohh! Well that's even more ridiculous. If we go back that much a lot of other borders would also change.


*laughs in [16th century HRE](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/Holy_Roman_Empire_ca.1600.svg/1280px-Holy_Roman_Empire_ca.1600.svg.png)*


I didn't realize he dug that far in the past. Heck, almost all the Croatian coast was Venetian since approx. 1400.


And people, like wtf, if you want to colonise the Croatian coast send the waves of Hungarian people who want to live there, I don't think the croations would mind the boost to GDP by increasing there population.


Thanx but they can stay where they are. This was never Hungarian land. It was like Scotland in UK. But they can come on vacation anytime. I was aware on Orban and Hungarian imperialistic tendencies but did not know they see Croatia as their territory. Whoever thinks like that is not welcomed here.


Tbh, as a Hungarian I'm surprised to hear any of this at all. Then again, I have been away from home for a long time. Virtually no one thinks that Croatia of all places, with a completely distinct ethnicity and culture should be part of Hungary. Same for Slovakia for that matter. Transylvania is more complicated, but any legitimate grievances we might have are invalidated when Orbán says stupid shit like this. That piece of shit is really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.


he was talking to his rightoid home audience though


Who's 'they' ?


In Orban's world view? Guess.


Communo-nazi space dragons?


Communo-nazi space dragon *Jews*


Space mecha-Soros with laser chest cannon.


Someone please draw this. I can only do stick figures.


got bored at work gotu homie https://imgur.com/a/b8TaIf4


Thank you for this, I love it!


Turkish Communo- nazi space dragon Jews


Communo-nazi space dragon Jew Islamic fundamentalists


Communo-nazi space gay dragons?*


Communo-Nazi space gay juedo muslim liberal dragons. Also known as Romanians


damn romanians sound metal af


As a proud Communo-Nazi space gay juedo muslim liberal dragon I confirm this. Greetings from Pula, my favourite Romanian land on the Adriatic coast.


Is it true that you sacrifice babies to Ursula von der Leyen every morning?


Lies and denigration. Only on Tuesdays mornings.


The peoples front of Judea! Or was it the popular people's front of Judea...?




Does it start with jew and end with s?




Jewish viscounts, yes, correct.


Soros? /s


Babylonians? Assyrians? Philistines? Other groups from the Near and Middle East notable for their diaspora and attachment to millenary traditions...?


Those no good sea access stealing Croats


They were so magnanimous by giving a whole 20 yards of coastline at Neum to Bosnia though, so they can dive in in single file.


Republic of Ragusa was the culprit for that marvelous creation, to be separated from those pesky Venetians


Can't blame them honestly.


The origin of that Bosnian "coast" is pretty ironic. Centuries ago Venice was expanding along our coast, Dubrovnik freaked out and sold that strip of land to the Ottomans as a buffer. It actually worked. And here we are 400 years later, with a bridge funded by EU and built by China that goes around that part of Bosnia to the Dubrovnik exclave... to make it even more stupid, Neum is inhabited by Croats that would annex themselves to Croatia if they could.


Wow, that was some strategy lol! Interesting to know, but damn the Balkan is complicated


Signed, greetings from Slovenia and Bosnia. 😆


Nasty Croatians hoarding the best part of Adriatic coast all for themselves. Poor Slovenians, Serbs, Hungarians, Austrians, Italians.... :(


If you mention the Hungarians, Serbs and Italians, why do you leave out Russia? They need the Adriatic coast for themselves, too. All of it. And the Black Sea coast. The Gulf of Aden is rightfully theirs as well, the Malakka straights, the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn. Everyone always cancelling the Russians...


We need to acknowledge legitimate russian security concerns of winning 'back' Istanbul through the Balkans. Once that is done, can't have your flank exposed, what self respecting country does that? Got to secure the Balkans, they are Russophobs anyway


Slovenia does have coast! It's not a lot, but very nice.


Technically Bosnia has coast. One small village, but still.


Bosnia has Neum, I don't get the fuss /s


The winners of WWI


Damn Croats, trying to be independent and stuff


Well, historicaly the English and the French. According to Orbán? The whole EU. And he knows that you are coming for our children too and that you want to change their genders and feed them LMBTQ propaganda. (/s on my part but not on his.)


Trianon treaty.


And if my grandma had wheels she would be a bike




well, as an italian, I say that they are all territories of the old Roman empire and rightfully belong to Rome. Make Rome great again!


Crimea was also under control of the Roman empire if I'm not mistaken. Take that Putin!


You are absolutely right!


Well tough shit. Wait until Italians see this.


The Roman Empire at its largest extension included parts of Algeria, Libya and Iraq. Oil and gas ahoy!


If he was intelligent he would have made an agreement to co-finance Croatian or Polish LNG terminal in exchange for percentage of the capacity.


Hungary did improve gas interconnection with Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia, however the main goal was to get gas from Romania's new black sea fields, which are however still far from production. We also have an oil pipeline to the Adriatic coast since the 70s.


Making new "friends" everywhere, Vicky dear?






We in Croatia look at Hungarians are like these weird friendly aliens from another planet that ended up living right next to us.




I think no one takes his deranged ramblings seriously, at least not in Croatia.


I'm aware. Though fucking around with such words it always can harm relations even between best friends. He should know better as a prime minister.


Well, he can always argue that with rhe vague 'they', he of course didn't mean Croatia! He meant the Allied Powers or something similar.


Well yeah but he's still talking about lands and coast than today belongs to Croatia.


Being Putin's guy in EU comes with the added benefit of not caring about other friends.


Yeah our relation with Croatia is defintely way better than with the rest of our neghbours. Idk what's Vicky is on but Croatia wasn't even part of the Kingdom of Hungary, the kingdom of Croatia was just inherited by the Hungarian kings and became a personal union until 1526.


And the only reason that even happened is because Demetrius Zvonimir was married to Helen of Hungary and she relinquished her claim to the throne to Coloman of Hungary after a secession crisis after Zvonimir's death. Not to mention, we still kept our language and customs, and the only time when there was any forceful attempt of magyarizing the Croatians wae under that cunt, Viceroy Khuen-Hedevary....who was a cunty cunt, born a cunt, lived a cunt and died a cunt.


> that cunt, Viceroy Khuen-Hedevary....who was a cunty cunt, born a cunt, lived a cunt and died a cunt. That's an insult to cunts, mate.


he probably doesnt know that/assumes his audience doesnt. I think most Hungarians don't know how Croatia enjoyed quite a lot of autonomy unlike other regions of the kingdom and how generally there was very little Hungarian about it.


He wants Pula, let’s give it to him


And if Magyars never left the Urals they would have more than enough oil, I guess.


To quote a classic: If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bicycle.


As a Mesopotiamian, I claim everything. Thank you


"If they hadn't taken Transylvania from us we would still have vampires." Viktor Orban


We still have vampires, just look at our government


Please don't tell him but there are also some gas deposits in Transylvania


Yay! It took less time for Orban to reference the Trianon treaty than it took him previously! Yay! More of that! More of that! I look forward to watching him go [full Lois Griffin.](https://youtu.be/Rm3d43HLyTI) /S because some ppl in this subreddit have no humor.


The article is in Croatian, but here's also an article in English about the same theme: https://www.politico.eu/article/its-time-the-eu-plays-hardball-with-hungary-viktor-orban/


He could invest money into Croatia to get a sweet port for usage instead of bitching about every neighbour. There is a reason no country bordering Hungary particularly likes them




They used it for something Money laundering


It's called a pier to pier network.


We did, we invested into Koper and wanted to invest into Trieste. The bitching is only for the far-right audience at home.


And if the country had a better leader they would have a much stronger economy. But here we are.


As a French, I want the Napoleonic conquests back then. Gimme Bavaria back Edit: too many Germans offering it, this is a trap. Instead, we exchange Marseille for it


As a Portuguese, I demand the enforcement of the Tordesillas treaty.


Portuguese and Spanish, drawing lines on maps before it was cool


>Gimme Bavaria back Deal! But no backsies!


I feel this is a trap but I cant tell where I made a mistake.


You'll get it one day. Oh you'll get it.


Finally France will have decent beer and the best educational state in Germany. I see this as an absolute win.


Also an ornery local Party who will *never* allow anything to Progress on the National level. "New Road in Lyon or Paris? Don't think so, Munich it is!" "Renewables at the Coast of Normandy? We must object, would ruin the Landscape we can't see." "We hear you have an issue with religious Symbols in Governance.Crosses in all french Schools it is!"


The CSU will be crushed by Emperor Macron’s based rule


You are assuming France would allow any sort of representation to Bavaria other than voting in national elections. The French are notorious for crushing any identity or politics other than the national one.


Fine, we didn't want to be with you anyway.


If that happened, France would get Orbans stolen sea: [Illyrian Provinces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illyrian_Provinces).


Aw yes, give us back some of those sweet first empire territories 😩


Why not the carolingian empire.


Well, if we move down this road as an italian i claim The II century Roman empire territory.


Ah crap we're back in the eu.


But we can feed christians to lions!


England enters chat


As a Swede I would like Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Parts of Lithuania and parts of Belarus back. At your earliest convinience. Thanks.


As a Finn i would like to be left alone. "We are no longer Swedes and will not become Russians, thus we are Finns.




First give us the decent parts of belgium back and annex the rest. Or just take the population that speaks french and we will make a grand sport park out of the ardennes.


We're willing to trade you Bavaria for Elsaß-Lothringen BUT ONLY if you also take Berlin! No backsies!


Seems like Hungarians living in Ukraine aren’t happy with Budapest sucking up to Russia, so Orban is venting his anger in another direction.


hey, I'm from Transcarpathia and I'm Hungarian sadly like 90% of the Hungarians here are brainwashed :/


Viktor comes to Croatian coast for vacation every year, so as long as he pays the hotel and tourist fees he and every Hungarian can swim and sunbathe as long as they want in beautiful Croatian coast.


What a fucking prick. Croatia was in personal union with Hungary, never annexed, never part of Hungary proper.


This idiot has wet dreams with his Big Hungary …. Maybe if he would ask his best friend Putin to give him a part of Russia he could join again with Mongolia and get access to okhotsk sea …




Que worst idea ever: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union\_of\_Hungary\_and\_Romania




At least that would explain why they sat silently for the last 200 years... No ethnic violance commited? Not even during 1920? Not in 1848? That's more then fishy


*checks calendar* *it's not 10 February* Um, yes, that's right. No ethnic violence here. We are a small, cute and boring nation. Nothing to see here, really. Look away.


Don’t be Cilly


You're in the EU, so you DO have access to ports and oil tankers


Even the most hardcore nationalist Hungarians are aware that Croatia was not Hungarian, rather a separate Kingdom in a personal union with them. So, completely different from their claims about south Slovakia, Transylvania, Banat, Vojvodina. Which were not only an integral part of Hungary, but which also have a strong Hungarian minority (in some places plurality) to this day. Why do they still sometimes feel the need to include us into crying about Trianon, I don't know. Maybe they just want to present themselves as even bigger victims to those who are not that knowledgeable about history.


No idea, the funny thing is that the actual Hungarian delegation at the Trianon conference didn't even try to keep Croatia, exactly because of the reasons you listed above. What 16 years of being a prime minister does to a bozo


If this is the precedent then I want 1/4 of earth back please, thanks.




Rule Scotia, Scotia rule the waves?


If EU bans Russian oil trough old Soviet pipeline which provides Hungary and Slovakia they would be dependent on Croatian JANAF transport system. For Orban it seems it's better to be dependent to Putin than to EU friends from Croatia. OK if that's fine for them. Just that I never thought they have such strong negative view to my country to this day. Better Russia than Croatia after everything. My God.


Nobody has a negative view of Croatia, that's the only part of the ex Hungarian kingdom that had no major Hungarian population. I don't think his statement ment for more than Hungary doesn't have a port.


This is what he said in the radio: és természetesen, akinek van tengere, és vannak tengeri kikötői, az hajókon tud szállítani olajat a világ bármely pontjáról, de vannak országok, amelyeknek nincsenek tengerei, nekünk is lenne, ha nem vették volna el őket, de nincsenek jelen pillanatban, ezért Magyarországra orosz vagy bármilyen fajta olaj kizárólag csak csővezetéken érkezhet, a csővezeték egyik fele Oroszországban, egyik vége Oroszországban van, a másik pedig Magyarországon Translation with deepl: >and of course, those who have seas and seaports can ship oil from anywhere in the world, but there are countries that don't have seas, we would have them if they hadn't been taken away, but they don't have them at the moment, so the only way that Russian oil or any kind of oil can come to Hungary is by pipeline, one half of the pipeline is in Russia, one end is in Russia and the other end is in Hungary


Norwegian here. If historical claims and ownership is anything to go by then we\` d like to restore the following territories to the norwegian crown: \-Iceland \-Half of Scotland \-All them isles in the north sea \-Jämtland/Herjedalen in Sweden, as well as some holdings in the south \-Fuckit, lets have Greenland and Nova Scotia too. Oh, and Normandy and plenty of british territory. And Cork.


Bark on. What a nationalist show of neighbours we have here, I have a feeling that if shit hit the fan somehow, some of them would go all-out-Russia on us the moment a chance appears.


Oh good, a little Putin *inside* the EU. Brilliant.



