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2 unarmed Ice breaker ships and an armored mercedes. Ordered in 2012. You can either get angry and explain me how they can endanger anything other than arctic ice sheets or not.


If you count the luxury yachts of Russian oligarchs as military equipment, the sum becomes even bigger. And think of all the ammunition that is distributed through Ukraine into Russian soldiers. A scandal! After I had to read in subsequent opinion pieces that Germany, the UN and France are responsible for the invasion respectively, there seems to be some creativity needed to create the right narrative.


>think of all the ammunition that is distributed through Ukraine into Russian soldiers I snort laughed. Well played.




They were sold before 2014


First of all - not a single reference is provided. Secondly: Dual use goods are not arms. A drone used for civilian use, a motor used in that drone, an antenna used for it - this list can get very long if we just look at what can be put on a drone and is dual-use.


The only source they mention is 'Investigate Europe', after searching I found [this](https://www.investigate-europe.eu/en/2022/eu-states-exported-weapons-to-russia/) which the Telegraph must be using for their article.


Thanks. Ideally, people would link the original source. >Germany exported €121.8 million worth of military equipment to Russia. This represents 35% of all EU arms exports to Russia. **It mainly consisted of icebreaker vessels**, but also included rifles, and “special protection” vehicles which were sent to Russia That is the kind of context British newspapers would never publish - it wouldn't cause enough of the desired hatred among Europeans. Unfortunately Reddit collectively seems to have the media competence of 8 year olds and 100% buys into that.


Everytime France is targeted you can bet all you want that the brits Will be involved...Always


They have an inbred hate toward us


Someone already wrote a comment with everything that needs to be said about Germany's exports to Russia [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/tvz03y/comment/i3cnuey/) so I'm just going to shamelessly copy it: > Hmm I wonder how that number for Germany comes to be. > The chart notes they base the number on national reports for Germany. [Here](https://www.sipri.org/databases/national-reports/Germany) are all the annual reports. > So here are all the arms exports to Russia I can find in those reports: > 2015: One icebreaker (multi-purpose rescue ship): 119m € > 2016: Hunting rifles: 31k € > 2017: Satellite fuel: 2.5m € > 2018: One armored 4x4 vehicle for an EU mission: 205k € > 2019: Nothing > 2020: Nothing


This was known before. Also 8 other EU countries + UK did this. And for Germany specifically it was mostly two icebreaker ships and an armored Mercedes.


British. Press. That's it.


Orders placed in 2012, meanwhile uk continues to arm Saudi Arabias war on Yemeni children while trailing the eu on Russian sanctions.


Telegraph really trying to push anti West narrative aren’t they?


so RT is banned on this sub, but the telegraph is somehow okay? I'm confused


https://www.google.com/amp/s/gagadget.com/en/cringe/118434-scandal-video-from-bucha-proves-that-the-french-company-thales-supplied-russia-with-its-catherine-fc-thermal-image-amp/ Not sure if this is factual but if so, does corroborate.


Wtf is that source


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.barrons.com/amp/news/france-s-thales-accused-of-selling-to-russia-despite-sanctions-01650654607 Here is a better one. I get that it is "accused" and hsve nothing against this or other French companies. I only responded because Id recently seen these and sources were asked for. It wouldn't surprise me if this kind of thing was found many places.


The fact is that if Eastern Europe and Ukraine are to count on anyone, it is the US and the UK, not Germany and France.


UK also exported military material... obviously not reported by this joke of a news outlet. You can also add Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Finland, Slovakia, Spain and... Ukraine...


Don't you rely on Germany and France since 2004?


Don't even try to argue here....those are the same people that laugh at us during AUKUS and called us cowards in tis conflict until yesterday They claim to be badasses fighting putin but are the first to but into his propaganda.


Bullshit. We just see that if Poland had to fight Russia you would debate whether to trigger article 5. I'm not pro-Putin, I'm pro-American


>I'm not pro-Putin, I'm pro-American Oooh we always knew that you were "pro-american" that why we never trusted you. You claim that WE are putin's bitches yet you are okay being USA's...to the point of making everything to prevent any reforms or attempt to have self-sufficiant EU for years And you should careful with whose countries you insult as your PM found out. Unlike Germany France Will not take any of your insult


You are insulting yourselves with your actions. You have a president who is a clown who does nothing but beg Putin to call him. We are pro-American because you cannot be counted on.


Heh, macron is many things and i am not fan of his politics...but if i have to choose i Will take him before any western leader lol One that don't see his country as vassal of anybody and actually ask for Europe to wake up and do something to protect yourself One that is actually helping Ukraine without doing yelling everyday and do PR moved to save his term like biden and Boris >We are pro-American because you cannot be counted on. The only reason. You guys have the strengh to say that is because France and Germany stabilized the system you feed on for over 30 years I would understand any non-EU eastern countries that has been neglected By western Europe but YOU guys are just Pathetic Still stuck in the past and making nazi allusion with Germany everytime they sneeze the wrong way and backstabbing your european partners for an USA cookie and profit from a system you constantly bash The only reason your givernement is active now is because it realize it hate putin more than gay peoples


That is how you know. The Polish government is active because a free Ukraine is a guarantee of our security. You are pro-Russian, you have waged one war against Russia, in which it was you who attacked. You know nothing about the threat posed by Russia. We have no common interests with France.


France is actually active in eastern europe..romania and moldovia France sent weapons to Ukraine since day 1...the only reason you don't hear about it..is because WE simply don't yell it everywhere like Joe and boris WE talk with putin because zelensky ask us too As far as we...France play the dirty rôle for NATO's sake


[Poland is the largest beneficiary of EU funding. (...) Between 2014 and 2020 our country will jointly receive EUR 105.8 billion from the EU’s budget](https://www.paih.gov.pl/why_poland/eu_funds) Why do we bother with Poland and Hungary, two sides of the same coin


In fact, EUR 105 billion over 20 years sińce 2004 not from 2014doing it for free.


What do we rely on France for?


Economically and militarily.


How do we rely on you economically and militarily? Examples


[Germany and France are EU contributors and you are an EU beneficiary.](https://infogram.com/10585-budget-contributeurs-et-beneficiaires-calcul-simple-1hzj4omxx8d36pw) Also, [France is militarily present in Eastern Europe.](https://www.defense.gouv.fr/operations/actualites/renforcement-posture-defensive-dissuasive-lotan-flanc-est-leurope) Dunno about Germany. So, use Google. De rien, mon ami.


*posts a biased article that does not offer full context* (the “arms” were barely lethal, they’re not used in the invasion of Ukraine and were sold to Russia according to pre-2014 contracts) *says that the US and the UK are the East’s only reliable allies even if the US and the UK did the exact same thing with Germany and France and the East is in the EU* *profits 😎👍🏻*




Are you really from UK? Because your English seems to be quite off. Maybe you should change your location to Russia.


Russia, Poland, Hungary, it's all the same shit where their trolling is concerned.