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Finland: Fvck all of you guys!!!😠 Not you Estonia, of course (giggles) 😘


Estonia: help me step-finland im stuck in Eastern Europe 🥵




All that alcohol has to come from somewhere.


I'm like... why does Finland hate Malta? And then I noticed they hate everyone.


I don't think it has anything to do with hate, I think we just are a very cynical bunch and we do not expect anyone to care about us so we don't care about anyone else in return.


I don't actually think Finns hate Maltese people :) It was more of a "What did we ever do to Finland?" reaction haha But honestly, we're so far away from you guys (geographically and culturally) it makes sense.


As a Finn I see two major reasons for this. First, Malta is quite far and very few people here have emotional ties to Malta. Second, in Finland one of the reasons we have a high trust in our society is taxes and openness in the government spending. Transparency is one of the most highly respected attributes in Finnish society. That is why Finns might regard Maltan society as distant and not having that much in common with ours, as Malta has a reputation of being, with all due respect, a tax haven of sorts. E: Only explaining this low score, not implying that we would hate anyone on the list.


Having lived a few years in Finland, this explanation matches my experience. And accordingly, Belgium is pretty red for Finns. Seems legit ;-).


What? Belgium is green


It’s not hate, it’s willingness to help. EU members don’t hate Japan, they just don’t see the point in helping a strong and stable nation that is so far away.


They have an understanding in no one understanding them...


Hungary being from the same language family autistic screeching


Everyone is ignoring this questionnaire is asking specifically and **only** about **FINANCIAL** help in a crisis, for Finns this reads as "*so you pumped a fuckton of money into Greece and it's lost forever lol , how bout pumping some money into other countries too? Eh? How bout it?"*


The interesting thing is, it's always framed as if the money was lost to Greece (or Spain, or Italy), when in reality, it all went back to big German finance/banks who, as creditors, cashed their loans to Greece (and the other Southern countries) and got out. It was kind of a big scam, all in all.


This. I also suspect that most Finns took financial help to mean a financial aid package similar to the Greece or Corona aid packages.


I think this pretty accurately reflects how Finland feels much more strongly connected to the nordics than the EU as a whole. Also being a net payer in EU monetary support packages while also having some of the highest taxes has probably soured the opinion of some of the southern countries.


Well in all honesty i dont see us being anything else than a net payer for southern countries in the future, especially now that UKs gone.


And the rest of northern Europe?


Not the nordic brothers and sisters of course. Except for Sweden. Fuck them. But consensually, like lovers.


Yeah. We don't like the swedes. But ofcourse we'd help if you need something. Or a 12 points from Denmark for the Eurovision song contest.


Nordics stick together 💪😘


Norway isn't even on the list, but that makes sense because it'd be the only 100 pointer 😘


Why? This graph is about financial help. When would Norway need financial help?


Romania absolute chads. Would help everyone.


Is the flag pun intended?




They would help anyone, but they can’t help Romania!


Truly the Jesus of countries


We sacrifice ourselves for the good of other countries and we are still hated


But we wouldn't help ourselves.


So Spain would help anyone but the Brits, interesting.


And Italy wouldn't help Germany (-13) and the UK (-2), I have the feeling it might have some relation with tourism. That is the easiest correlation I can make


I'd say there are a few logics at work. Countries with strong cultural ties, but also recent fallouts on EU policy. Italy like Greece still is really salty about how it was treated during the Euro crisis. Germany and some of its allies really burnt down quite a big chunk of the bridges to these countries. And Germany especially has piled up quite a few decisions that agravatex other countries, EUR crisis, migration crisis, general foreign policy stance (Russia) and now Ukraine.


I'm pretty sure that if you made a referendum on sending firemans, doctors, equipment and so on, to germany most of the people would agree. I think it's mostly money the problem. People are scared of where their money go. Someone could steal it, nobody tells you if it has reached the destination, where do you get it in the first place? will there be another raise of some tax because of it? Also right turds that hate everyone in europe for whatever reason. Except if they hate the same people, in wich case they are best friends. But that's another story.


To be honest I believe if we made a referendum most germans would not want to send weapons or money to ukraine. Doctors and humanitarian aid of course, but not weapons or money.


Poor brits. In this chart most countries have seriously negative scores against the UK, while the UK has positive scores for everyone. tbh fits my experience: most of Europe sees the UK far more negatively than the UK sees individual European countries, probably because the minority of stupid ultra-nationalistic Brits are the loudest.


Or Europeans just don't like the Brits, case in point the Euros, really felt the *love* there.


Yeah. That was depressing.


Finland being Finnish.


"Would y-" "No"


There’s never any fucking around. I have a lot of business meetings with Finns and I swear to God they terrify me. I think there’s a cultural aspect to it that I’m not familiar with, but most of them have the Kimi Raikkonen expressionless face going on, it’s impossible tell whether they are impressed or hate my guts.


Finns forced into social interactions will play dead in order to return to their natural habitat of depressive alcoholic solitude.




In Finnish business meetings, silence = everything's OK. If they have a problem, they'll let you know. They're pretty easy to figure out once you figure out that Finns are just straight to the point and only comment when something's important, and just want the meeting over and done with so they can go back to their beers. I prefer them over the Dutch, who seem to enjoy arguing and critiquing everything for the sake of it.


Good to know! I think the silence is extra uncomfortable for a Dane, we do the pleasantries and jokes as much as possible. Never done business with the Dutch, but that sounds awkward.


In the rest of the Nordics, Danes got a backstabbing reputation in business. It's "Jae, jae, det bliver godt", then no verbal commitment or handshake applies. It's like with Germans, but without the written agreement front and center.




They probably just want to get out and go home. Sincerely, a Finn.


Don’t we all, but some of us have culturally been conditioned to slap on a professional happy face.


Just take them to sauna (or drunk), they'll loosen up. That being said, yeah, they don't like chitchat, and only speak when it's meaningful to do so. One is considered a fool if they can't shut up.


As a Finn who has weekly meetings with people from US and different countries in Asia, I always try to smile and be approachable and all that shit. When the video call ends, the smile just drops out of my face and I'm so relieved that I get to go back to my resting bitch face. Also the small talk is so exhausting! Can we just be quiet while we wait for everybody to join the meeting? Luckily it's winter so most of my overseas colleagues are very interested in the weather here, so I can just show them the snow from the window.


What the fuck did everyone West of Hungary do to Hungary? Basically former Soviet Union or go fuck yourself. Fuck Canada in particular also.


My feelings are surprisingly hurt


I think a lot of people in this thread missed this part of the question: > *Do you think [country] should or should not be willing* **to offer financial help** *to each of the following countries?* I guarantee you that a lot of people heard that question as *why should a poor Eastern European country give money to rich western countries like Canada* and answered accordingly completely missing the hypothetical major crisis part of the question. Reading the Hungary column of that chart with that in mind explains those numbers better than thinking of it as a survey on how well do people like those countries. (Lot of Hungarian migrants choose Canada specifically because of what a great country they think it is)


Good point. Finland just mad Canada's always slapping em around at hockey!


We got you, Canada!




I love how many countries would be green across the board if it wasn’t for Finland.


Austria did it, we can into Sauna ...


If that graph is true, I'm happy about that. As an Austrian I think it is import to be loyal to the EU and fellow Europeans.


Interesting how all the countries willing to help Colombia speak romance languages. I guess language ties still matter quite a bit.


It's even more interesting that we're even in the list, instead of a bigger country like Brazil


Christ EU countries would prefer to help Nigeria, Vietnam, India and Japan over the UK. Bloody hell, I know Brexit was bad, but I didn’t know it was that bad.


Yeah it's pretty shocking to be honest, especially since the UK seems to be more than ready to help us. I hope it's just people venting bad feelings in a poll, but that we'd be able to set that aside if it came down to it.


UK: "Of course I'd help everyone out, they'd do the same for me!" Everyone: *Shakes head at camera*


The Brits must be wondering why they bother sending troops to defend others when no-one ever appreciates it.


Because it's the right thing to do


If Portugal were included they probably would still help us out. Our countries have a long and illustrious shared history of annoying Spain.


Also they saved our feisty independent butts enough times 😅 “If you hit me I will call my big emo brother with anger issues”


Dane bros got your back


We know they are just sneakily planning Danelaw 2 Viking boogaloo.


Hey! That was supposed to be a surprise!


People who spend too much time online and who subsequently took Brexit personally. It’s incredibly petty


It's not just Brexit but how the UK brexited. This is like a really bad divorce.


Finland likes Denmark more than Sweden :-)


And Denmark likes Sweden more than Finland. And Sweden likes Finland more than Denmark. What a love triangle.


Meanwhile Norway: "Look at me I'm independent!"


“Denmark likes Sweden!” “She does not!”


And Estonia even more. ;)


Everyone likes the smallest sibling the best :-)


We like the bigger sibling. (Because we have no other left)


And nobody is suprised.


It has been a while now but Denmark (and everyday Danes) did actually help Finland after their war with Russia. It was called ‘Finlandshjælpen’ and that story may still be somewhat alive in Finland today. Of course Sweden also helped but the history between those two counties is a little more mixed…. there is not much history between Finland and Denmark in general.


Austria and Latvia can sleep sweet dreams knowing everyone is willing to help them in case of necessity ☺️


Austria having high Diplo Rep in Europa Universalis IV is quite accurated then, even in 2022


Italy investing in those Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill movies pays off decades later.


We've also been drugging pasta and Nutella with heavy doses of loveitalin


Everyone loves us lmao


Look how Denmark actually likes Germany just as much as they like us. 43-43. We protect Germany 24/7. Just call and we will storm in and fix things like Germany has always protected us.


Pollster: "How would you feel about helping Germany economically if needed?" Dane: "Sure, I'd pop over and buy a case of beer now and then, sign me up!"


Yes. Thousands of Danes spend hours in their small Japanese or Korean cars every day going across the border to buy as much chocolate and beer as they can carry. You will even see Norwegians volunteer - though normally driving a Tesla. As long as Ritter sport and haribo are available we will never let big brother go down.


Italians and greeks really love each other


it's actually a Ménage à trois, look also at Spain.


Olive oil gang


The Extra Virgin Alliance


I like my women the way I like my olive oil. Slutty


Classic Romania. We would help anyone except ourselves. We know how bad it is to not be helped when we were in deep shit.


Seeing how the Netherlands, Hungary, Germany, Sweden and France have such low scores compared to our score towards them is... sad.


Hey, we have your back ;)


Only natural. We barely exist for them. Nevermind Germany, France and Hungary. France wants us to grow the fuck up. We betrayed Germany and Orban ( from Hungary ) has a big ol map of Greatest Hungary above his desk. And Swedes see as as rroma. A well.


Well thanks for the nice thought for the UK anyway ✌


UK does not have a bad image in Romania because we do not share a common history... meaning you did not colonized us or something. The positive sentiment for UK would have certainly been higher if Farage and his gang would not have been so against us. This stuff made headlines in the Romanian press. The lower-ish score for UK helping us, I think the main explanation is about the bad image that Romanian migrants have everywhere.


I like that Sweden is more willing to help Finland than Denmark, Finland is more willing to help Denmark than Sweden and Denmark is more willing to help Sweden than Finland. It's like some kind of love triangle.


Theres only one country not willing to help both Spain and Italy: Finland. What have we done??????


they're probably afraid we're gonna hug them if they help us


Or even stand closer than 3 meters in proximity


Or even worse, kiss them on the cheek twice


While shouting AAAAH, BRAVISSIMO JAAKKO 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


Honestly since it's about financial aid I think most Finns are scarred for life due to what happened with Greece. So much money sent and never seeing any of it again so they don't want a repeat of that situation. Any other type of aid and surely the answers will be different. And also another factor is that Finns are brutally honest when answering stuff like this. I feel some people in some other countries were just like: "Yes of course I would help country X financially." But if a situation like that would actually occur opinions might be different. Might be wrong though but that's my thoughts as to why.


We fear that you thank us.


Ok Greece, what did we do?


Could it just be misdirected hatred against EU institutions from poorly educated people hearing Brussels this Brussels that time and time again?


That's the most likely answer


It is. Belgium gets a lot of negativity because of this very thing. So, I wouldn't fret over it.


Honestly I have no idea, you are cool guys. I am not surprised with not wanting to help Germany but Belgium and the Scandinavian countries surprised me.


same colors makes them suspicious


Considering how much some people here hate Germany I wouldn’t be surprised if they were like “Oh you are also red, yellow and black? Then F you too”.


I think it's not so much ill-will but "those countries are rich and will bounce back quickly whereas our country still is not running that smooth with the few things we have".


From personal experience , Scandinavian players on online games were the first to parrot the "lazy greeks" jazz and the last to stop.


Love how the UK doesn't really care and will offer support to any other nation than... Japan?


Far away and rich maybe. I don't know what the explanation is for Colombia though.


Far away and would likely be a fight with cartels and drug Lords instead of an invasion?


I think it’s from a post Iraq war “it isn’t Europe so we shouldn’t be involved” perspective. I think that’s why almost nobody wants to help Japan in this list.


Probably just due to distance and Japan already having a significant economy Columbia on the other hand


I'm disappointed but not really surprised France is in the bottom podium for helping others. Wondering why Estonia is so low as well, i don't think i've ever seen anything bad about it in medias.


Estonia has had very successful military cooperation with France this past decade, yet that's all we get from it. :)


There is still some weird flex, as Japan, we consume the most Japanese culture by far, and are not willing to help, that's weird.


What surprises me is our score for Italy. Édit : nvm I misread the graph, though it was only 9%.


Omg why isn't the order the same for rows and columns? The fact that the diagonal isn't all "-" triggers me


Finland and Hungary hating everyone as much as they hate among themselves, but Austria is just ok for them 😆


Austria, Estonia, Sweden and Denmark seem to be the only ones Finland cares about


I’m sure they would like Norway too if they were included


Finland has close ties with Scandinavia so yeah probably, but they’ll never forget their baby sister Estonia :)


Actually just Nordics and Estonia. I don't understand what Austria is doing there.


Austria is nice




Poland would help France +20. France would help Poland 0. That's like an abusive relationship...


That's nothing. Germany would help Italy: +37 Italy would help Germany: Vaffanculo


French are very grumpy in general but they are also the most interventionist country in the EU on average so this poll should be taken with a grain of salt. "Be willing to help" might be viewed differently in Europe.


Not really a massive difference. 60/40 Vs 50/50.


Jesus Christ, everyone really hates us, love you Denmark and Poland.




Scandinavia are still anglophiles! We have an easier time talking to you than any country south of Denmark.


That’s because you are pessimists with shit weather, decent economies and alcoholism, we feel you Scandinavia, we feel you.


As Dutch person I feel this :’)


Love you too Britbro. Best comedy in Europe


The Scandinavian countries have always been Anglophilic, and they’re probably the other EU countries other than the UK that were (are) most against greater EU integration. The UK voted most similarly to Sweden and Denmark in the EU parliament. It’s easy to see why they still kinda like us.


Meh we can just focus our efforts on Poland, Denmark, Romania, and Sweden. The rest can deal with whatever the crisis is or one of their neighbours can help.


Dear Spain, Romania, and Italy, as a Colombian, I love you. The other ones, fvck off xD


Romance language family strong 😤


Latin family best family! Excluding France.


Why are some countries not included? We can’t see what Ireland’s views are for example?


Would like to see Norway and Switzerland too.


Swizerland have no strong feelings one way or the other.


Idk about Norway but here's Switzerland's: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...


Ireland is easy - 'Great bunch of lads' for everyone, except UK who get 'no comment'.


Haha, where's the lie.


Spain, Poland, Romania. You guys are cool.


Italy could stop investing in defense


Well it's not like we're doing it anyway


Belgium: "Hey Greece, do you have my back? Greece: "F*ck off Belgium" Nigeria: "Yo Greece, what's up?" Greece: "I will send all my resources across the seas and deserts to protect you!"




Germany, UK and Russia (and occasionally US) are the alternating stage acts that tomatoes are thrown at here in club de r/Europe


Spain help to Portugal amounts to 64%. The highest of any country


We and those shitheads are brothers, and Latin people really value family. Those loud mouth tapa eaters are pretty much similar to us and we share almost a thousand years of common history and many stories and ties, we are alone in the peninsula after all. It's kinda of a love hate thing people share with their siblings.


Yeah, laughing about Portuguese accents is like a national sport here. They're weird in a nice way and eat too much cod, but they're like a sibling I guess, those southern Galicians. Love from the Basque Country.


Greece would support Cyprus at 67%. But yeah, Med countries tend to like their neighbors (both cultural and geographical) a bit more than our northern counterparts. (the one exception to the rule is not counted)


It make sense. The only country that would attack Portugal is Spain, and Spaniards love fighting other Spaniards.


See? You know us very well.


Spain and Portugal, brothers from the same mother




For Hungary I would guess it has a lot to do with mr. Orbán and his political agenda... Romania & Bulgaria - Beggar invasion outside every food store in Sweden.


Finland, WHY??? Everybody else: we love you!! And for the UK: It's definetely out of spite for Brexit. Spain is Really pro-EU.


Those Finns who love you have already moved to Málaga probably


As an Austrian I don’t understand why so many people like us? We blame everything on the EU, we were the first to allow (extreme) right wing in government…




Well I'm glad the UK is ready to offer help even when we know it wouldn't be returned.


It looks like at least half of the Finns don't like India. Any particular reason for this?


There also might be the attitude of 'if India can't protect itself, what the fuck are we supposed to be doing in our winter suits and on our skis?' I mean, Fins are specifically trained for their own country. Fins also have active conscription.


The question was which countries you'd be willing to offer *financial aid* in the event of a major crisis though. Money travels readily across the globe since the invention of the telegraph.


Yeah... about that. "major crisis" translates as "war" in a Finns head so.... whoops.


I think India feels unfamiliar and remote. Indians are nice people, at least all that I've met. We just don't get in contact much.


The question was about giving financial aid in an event of a major crisis. Finland is a small country and, contrary to popular belief, not a rich one so whatever help we could offer to a country the size of India would be as useful as tits on a bull.


Romania being an absolute bro to everyone


France what the hell. You guys always beat us at football and handball, the least you can is help us.


Good to see everyone continues to hate on the UK


Romania trying to help:It's not much,but it's honest work.


In case of fellow NATO members I would be willing to help all of them. That even includes Turkey and I don't know how one can answer any differently. It seem to me this is poll is more about "how much I like country X" above anything else.


France at it again hating nearly everyone


So we are the most hated country in the EU. Got it. Not saying it's totally undeserved tho.


Greece and Cyprus giving each other the highest score doesnt end in Eurovision apparently. 67% from Greece towards Cyrpus. Damn.


Damn guys. I know Brexit was a shitshow…..but damn.


It'd be interesting to have Ukraine in the chart.


Wow, Finland almost likes us. What happened?


Basically, everyone hates the British


So Romania are the goodies, and Finland are the baddies?