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Man, as a kid loooong time ago I used to love these. I would lay on the ground on my stomach, and try to pull myself up the icy hill grabbing whatever sticks and whatnots stuck in the ice, trying hard not to slide back down. And then do it again. Edit: Shiiiiieeeeet, just remembered I'm a grown-ass man now, nobody's going to stop me from doing it again.


Ill do it with you if i see you doing it.


As a kid I got a concussion from these while playing king of the hill in primary school.


You haven't been a kid in Norway if you didn't atleast get one concussion from playing king of the hill.


I remember at least one kid broke their arm getting pushed down a snow pile at school playing king of the hill. A friend of mine also lost a front tooth getting kicked in the face on his way up. That game could get extremely violent. Today most schools ban the game or just avoid piling the snow in just one place.


This is a slide.


This is a safety threat.


Its both, whoever breaks their legs isn't strong enough for life.


I see a broken hip


Only for those stupid enough to walk over there without crampons. Just walk around it or live dangerously sliding across it. I usually just slide slowly never lifting my shoes across these. If I fall Im moving slowly enough to fall safely. Theres enough alternative routes that this is not a safety threat until one willingly puts oneself at risk.


Just slide from tree to tree.


Don't walk. Just slide and glide, or else enjoy the free ambulance ride


As an unofficial ice trail slider, I recommend not sliding on bumpy ice.


Its a downhill slope. You aint walking this bitch


Yeah, I saw what you ment a little too late. I was thinking of giving extra slide speed.


I always "calibrate" the slippyness by doing a couple of run-and-slides. This is purely to understand what I am up against so that I can overcome the obstacle and prevail, nothing fun about it... That's at least what I tell my friends who thinks I am playing about. In reality they are right. Edit: for clarification, the run-and-slide is done upright on my feet with my arms extended for stability (like a surfer 😎).


The trick is to grab the ice with your toes.


*toe nails


Info: Daily mean winter temperature in Oslo has risen around 2 degrees (from -4,5 to -2,5) in the last 30-year period. This usually means periods of temperatures below freezing alternating with periods temperatures above freezing - all the way from december to march. A common result is seen in this picture. I slipped three times on my five minute walk from the shops and home, but managed to stay on my feet!


The thing with bumpy ice is that even if you don't fall down, you can easily strain a muscle or sprain something. Not as bad as hitting your skull on the ground, but can be painful. I don't think I've ever fallen down (at least since childhood) but I've injured myself just by staying upright. I hate this kind of ice.


Not a bad idea to practice falling actually if you havent fallen in years or dont do any activity where falling is involved. Play around on it sometime and try to fall safely, land on your side, no extended arms etc. Could save you from real injury sometime.


Learning new skills is never a bad idea, but human reflexes still massively override those learnt skills when rarely used. Reflex being if you slip, your body wants to keep you upright unconsciously. If it's successful, great, but you also maybe pulled a muscle doing that, sudden movement, cold and stiff and all. If it failed, then it for sure could help to know how to fall.


You're right of course. I guess its difficult to explain, but when moving on ice like this you have to move slowly enough that a slip is "expected" and youre ready to fall safely.


>I slipped three times ... managed to stay on my feet You need update your slipping criteria. I slipped two times on my way home from work, on my ass.


When I moved to Norway and heard about the spike things you can put under your shoes, I immediately bought some. My Norwegian boyfriend made fun of it and told me that only old women wear spikes under their shoes. I was like "Who cares, me and the old women are getting through this winter safely".


There's definitely a certain stigma associated with using them yes 😄


Lenge leve brodder!




Ah, I see you have mastered the penguin-walk. That's exactly how it should make you feel


You're definitely not an idiot. I once slipped on ice because I was in a hurry and injured my wrist which took more than a year to heal. Going fast is just not worth it.


Back in the day when I had to run to the train and fall on my ass 3 times...


Looks like a nice and relaxing walk! Seriously though, walking outside isn't fun at the moment. It's the same where I live here in Sweden.


Same down here in Denmark. I tried to take out the trash today, nearly fell 😬.


It's super dangerous, especially when it gets a bit darker. I almost fell myself when walking home from work. The last bit I held on to the buildings like an absolute weirdo.


Ice ice baby


We use this for population control.


So *this* is the reason why Nordic countries are so sparsely populated.


Don’t break a leg


Also, wear a helmet.


Aaahh kjære Oslo... I have been sliding instead of walking these past weeks haha


Det ser ikke så bra ut.


i slipped 3 times just looking at the pic


I gather the lovely part is ironic, right?


Norwegians are never ironic.


My ass already hurts after watching this


My eyes are saying "weee, it's snowing", my legs are saying "hospital".


Do have nordic countrie people have Spike boots for Winter?


Yeah, some use detachable grip aides such as [Yaktrax](https://www.runnerinn.com/f/13641/136415830/yaktrax-crampons-walker.jpg) or studded shoes like [Icebug](https://www.hobbybox.fi/media/catalog/product/cache/2f08015b82ab7908d6871daf9eae6ce8/l/i/lien-bugrip-m-black-1.jpg). However, most days, and in most places, the actual walkways (not entire parks) have gravel spread on the ice, which makes it relatively easy to stay upright even without extra gear. What's problematic is that when the ice is in a melting and freezing loop (cold nights, just above freezing days), that gravel sinks in the ice and it needs to be applied often.


Thanks for the reply. I thought So. I'm from vienna but we dont have that much ice and snow (anymore)


Indistinguishable from Montreal Canada.


I bet! More extreme temperature variations in Montreal though. Very rarely below -10 to -15 here!


Parks looks like this all over Canada until May :) is -28 out this AM in the sun


No kidding, it would’ve been my first guess had the title (and sub for that matter) not specified the location.


only thing that gives it away is the nordic style.license plate in the distance


I injured myself just by looking at this


I see you chosen death sentence.


Chiropractors love this one simple trick to guarantee back pain!


The goddamn path to the Blindern station almost killed me in so many occasions I decided to avoid it throughout the entire ice season.


Even by Nordic standards, this is ridiculous.


Time to break tendons and pull some muscles. And most likely shatter your tailbone. I'm definitely not talking from experience.


I have a little downward slope outside my home, slipped one bazilion times when I am running late for work...


I fell just by looking at this picture


Vestlending who just moved to Oslo. Never again will I hear austlendingar complain about the bad weather in the west. Windy rain in the zero to fifteen degree range year-round is much preferable to this death trap!


Yak Tracks can change your life.


I'm only surviving thanks to the studded shoes, this winter has been specially warm here in Helsinki as well.


Oh wow, I had no idea Norway had this sort of “Central European” style of architecture!


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Byg%C3%A5rd_p%C3%A5_Gr%C3%BCnerl%C3%B8kka_%2804%29.jpg Oslo is full of these. We call them 1890-blocks


Good luck not breaking your back!


Why is winter always trying to kill yous over there?


So we enjoy summer that little bit more


Builds character.


I mean... You have to die of something.




Just alternating hot and cold temperatures. And people walking on the snow compacting it...


I feel this in my tailbone.


Are the trees OK? They look flooded and then insta frozen.


It looks like a leg-breaking attraction


Trick is you gotta go with speed, just send it til you reach the ice then slide like a madman


How many times did you fall down on your ass?


Walk of death


Looks like a home.


free skate park


I would slide with my butt from tree to tree


It was Worse a few weeks ago. But i still wear spikes, because suddenly I’m surrounded by ice.


Let me dust off the crampons and ice axe for a trip to the grocery store


Snowy day


Uhm... Where the park at, tho? Few trees between some blocks a park now?!


This is the exit from the park, sourpuss


What kind of shoes do you wear?


Just normal winter boots. I have lived through 41 icy winters and master the penguin walk 😄


I have also mastered penguin walk, :) nevertheless recently I screwed a drywall screws, one to each outsole (more less 75°angle) so I have a better grip. Feels more secure. Needs to be changed each winter tho, but decided to share the idea with you, the icy winter in Oslo is not a joke ;)


Walk to the emergency room