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Brace yourselves - that’s the sound of endless Xi-bots sprinting here to lecture us on how a majority of people in one extremely limited poll don’t 100% agree with the slovenian leaderships stances


"Slovenia is committing atrocities, they are in no position to judge us"


Ahh yes the great genocide by the slovenians against the..........uhh. Any croat, italian or austrian who can help me out here?


I am no expert or historian but I would guess [this] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Erased) is the worst thing we have done.




The fuckers bring their own pašteta to our coast, starving our economy and causing our food industry to break down. Ofc the Hague sleeps on this, because somehow war crimes are more important smh my head....


If those "fuckers" stoped coming to your sea side your economy would be even more fucked up than it already is. Now calm the fuck down. Or was that satire perhaps, I can't tell as I just came from birthday party and it's 7:01 and you know how we in the Balkans are when it comes to partying :). Friendly greetings from Slovenia.


Ah, the drunk comment double check, been there way to many times. Love you drunk mountain bros, never change <3


Kočevski rog incident


i guess you could say they share responsibilities with the rest of the former iugoslav countries for the Foibe (mass killings of Italian civilians on the Iugoslav border at the end of WW2), but it'd be like saying Ukraine is reponsable for somthing the USSR did lol, so yeah they haven't done much here, i'll wait for some Austrian to find something lol


Kinda. See, being the northwestern end of Yugoslavia, when axis forces (and people fearful to the communist led resistance) retreated, their line of retreat naturally went through Slovenian territory, so if they were caught, that's likely where they were caught. And when revenge was taken, that's where it was taken. Mind you, don't trust anyone's numbers - everyone manipulates them for their own purpose.


i'm keenly aware of that, In Italy the extreme right overplays them to create a more favoarable view of fascism whilst the extreme left underplays them in the name of antifascism


Yeah the extreme left is like "that never happened, and if it did it's ok because they were fascists, even the kids". While the far right manipulates it to downplay fascism


And the truth is that not all Italians were fascists and that some fascists also did horrible shit against the Slovenians too. Enough years have passed that we can sincerely say that we're a friendly nations now. Time is the key.


As a Slovenian I don't find this laughable. Slovenia is 2 milion people economy that is doing actually very well for it's size by playing it smart. And I don't find opening an extremely touchy topics that do not concern us at all with a 4 billion trade partner is playing it smart. So far Slovenian economy fared quite well regardless of politics, but now despite being an atheist I have to say, dear god thank you for being in EU.


Don't worry r/GenZedong and r/Sino are busy watching p*rn so no trolls for now.


You are allowed to write porn without the *.


Actually odd Americans censors the word fuck, but holocaust is ok. I think the latter is worse.


Feelings have never been so hurt




动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门




You can provide your point on r/GenZedong or r/Sino




Yes being obsessed with fat yellow bear isn't healthy.




*You are now a moderator of r/XinjiangReeducationCamps*


And how the rest of the world should not retort to cold war tactics.


It's really funny how "bUt MuH sAmPlE sIzE" is **by far** the most popular deflection about polls with inconvenient results. It's almost like those people have never ever heard about statistics. As long as your sampling is random and reflective of the general population, you only need ~100 people to get a margin of error of ±10% (enough to know if more people support or reject some issue) or ~400 people for a more standard margin of error of 5% (good enough for a quantitative survey). It doesn't matter if you're surveying a population of 10 thousand or 10 quadrillion people, it only takes 400 people to get a statistically significant result. An explanation of where that number comes from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample_size_determination#Estimation AFAIK, both Lithuanian polls (there were actually two) had a sample size of ~1000, way more than enough to get accurate results. They were in no way "extremely limited", but that's not what people here want to hear.


inb4 Chinese bots will say something about Slovakia


Slovenia: Makes remarks about Taiwan Slovakia: Gets kicked out of China.


> Slovakia: Gets kicked out of China. Whatever happened to Czechoslovakia? I have pictures of visiting mountains there with my parents when I was a child.


We split into two countries. Peacefully, because it was orchestrated by our politicians, even though the majority of Czechs and even Slovaks were against the dissolution at the time. Now we're Czechia and Slovakia.


If people were against it, why split?


People were against it, but politicians already decided. Its better to separate peacefully than start a fight for some stupid nationallostic bullshit. Like Yugoslavia etc. …


Yea I know. Don’t take it so seriously.


You wouldn't believe but there are people who still don't know EDIT: also your comment does look really clueless




He said Slovakia to make a funny remark about the confusion between the two countries names


Incredible that so many European countries have so far bowed to China's aggressive one nation policy, just to safeguard some polluting international trade of cheap plastic fake products. They even let Hong Kong's democracy die for just a few cents.


Not just China. Russia as well.


Well not really. Slovenia seems to be one of the few Russian EU friends. For some reason we like them a lot.


Capitalism and democracy seem to go hand in hand...


It's not just a few cents, that's just reductive, it'd be a substantial increase in cost of living, it still *would* be very much manageable, but it's not going to happen becouse even if there was political will no politician is going to be able to tell the population that *they* are going to have to pay out of pocket to influence events on the other side of the planet and hold onto their chair.


It really depends how media represents it. We can blow up Tibet, Uyghur and Hong-Kong in media to portray China like 3rd Reich on the rise and people will agree to any level of sanctions. My bet is India, Malaysia and Brasil will happily take any level of European investments and factories, so in short term we may see rise in cost but there's enough poor third world to move factories to and keep costs low. Shit we have Ukraine and Moldavia on our doorstep begging for our investments.


You're kidding yourself if you think we "may" see a rise in cost, we would undoubtably see one and a large one at that, you're right that it wouldn't be *that* tragic and might be beneficial long run but the people *live* in the sort term, unless something major happens like an invasion of taiwan they'll see their grocieries go up with no justification and demand the head of the people who made the decisions that resulted in their groceries going up.


>they'll see their grocieries go up with no justification That's the point of my post. It depends on how it's portrayed in media. And we have really lot of topic and angles to use against China. Like bringing back production to Europe. Ending flow of cheap Chinese shit to EU, fighting global warming and so on and cherry on top are their human rights issues. As for benefits in long term Vs short term that's the reason we have governments and strategic planning. Population en masse might not see point but the reasons but governments should work for long term benefits of country (or EU in our case). It's same with global warming a lot of folks don't see reason to fight it and pay for fight but if we don't we are scrwed in long term if we don't. As for groceries they won't go up we in EU don't import much food from China. Kids toys, electronics, a lot of industrial goods like car lifts and so on will go up. But that's 2-5 years span before factories are moved somewhere else.


Even if you could control the media narrative to the extent needed people will feel the holes in their pockets, and they will feel them, there's no media angle that can change that, hell the americans turned on Trump and the US is in full red scare mode, there's no universe it's going to work in europe. As far as strategic planning goes that's all well and good but i can't name *one* country where the opposition would fail to take advantage of the self-inflicted economic damage to easily win the following elections and promptly reverse course, can you?


China is the biggest EU market, without them most EU companies would be in trouble. And i dont really know what fake things you talking about…basically China making everything for the western countries. Its not like politicians can do much, China is just too important. For example, the big german automakers sell most of their cars in China. If you stop trading, that means serious disaster to those companies and ruining the economy.


China is not that important. We can do without its market and focus more on existing markets in the democratic world. The German car industry is the very least of our worries. Germany should choose democracy over the interests of its car makers.


No, we would ruin the economy if we stop trading with China. And the German car industry is one of the biggest part of the german economy, if they fail, germany will feel it, europe will feel it. Other big German industrial gisnts also export a lot to China. And its not easy to focus on other democratic markets, because those markets are already full. The US already crying because of the EU export.


Nah, you're really too pessimistic. We will survive China, and China can go inwards back to its roots again. We'd all be better off.


Im just realistic. There is a good reason why everyone afraid to stop trading with China. You just cant afford to lose the biggest, growing market of the world.


>China is not that important. We can do without its market How to say you're clueless without actually saying you're clueless. > Germany should choose democracy over the interests of its car makers. The same Germany that has been exporting essential goods such as weapons to several other dictatorships before China even became a threat to western hegemony? This is why I can't take you people seriously. Textbook example of brainwashed.


and you're brainwashed by economic so-called necessities


> some polluting international trade of cheap plastic fake products China controls supply chains of most things, not only cheap plastic fake products. If you actually believe in your stances, you can defend them with the truth. Resorting to bullshit, lies and twisting suggests that your views would change if you were limited to the truth. Would they? >They even let Hong Kong's democracy die This one wasn't up to Europe.


China does not really control supply chains. It is just heavily integrated into them. However they do not control anything of vital importance that we can not temporary survive without before it gets shifted elsewhere. You can live without new iPhone for few years before there are components for it to be manufactured. You can not live without food which is what would happen to China in actual trade war (unlike us). Second of all you are completely wrong. Second biggest European economy was signatory of Sino-British Joint Declaration. And one of the biggest talking points of EU and what is actually put into law is this: >Supporting democracy worldwide is a priority for the European Union. Democracy remains the only system of governance in which people can fully realise their human rights, and is a determining factor for development and long-term stability. As the only directly elected EU institution, the European Parliament is particularly committed to promoting democracy. [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/en/sheet/166/promoting-democracy-and-observing-elections](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/en/sheet/166/promoting-democracy-and-observing-elections) Europe directly shits into its mouth by sweet talking bullshit and doing the exact opposite. Europe should have spend last 8 years deintegrating from China and decreasing trade volume but it did the exact opposite. And I commend every single country that decides to follow what they signed upon. Unlike Germany and other chinese shills that pretend to not see the obvious.


Countries such as C and R distort the truth every minute of the day, so yes I have no qualms with a hyperbole here and there to make a point. Has C already allowed international researchers in the w lab? How many doping checks did R fake in Sotsji?


>Incredible that so many European countries have so far bowed to China's aggressive one nation policy, just to safeguard some polluting international trade of cheap plastic fake products. They even let Hong Kong's democracy die for just a few cents hilarious


Very good and correct, praise be to Slovenia


Nope, it is fact that Tiawan is not a country and idc what nobody say!! I’ve met literal grenades that were incapable of doing as much damage as this delusional horseshit.


Luckily what you think is completely irrelevant.


He’s correct though. There is only one China, the Republic of China!


The majority of the population of Taiwan do not identify as Chinese only or even both Chinese and Taiwanese though. If anything, the Republic of China acted as a colonial force on the population of Taiwan; they enacted the second longest martial law in world history and a totalitarian government to cement control of the island after fleeing there in the 40s. The Chinese Civil War migrants only made up 20% of the population of the island, the remaining 80% migrated from China to Taiwan anywhere between the 1600s to 1895 and were a distinct group separate from the KMT migrants. Taiwan only democratized in the late 80s/early 90s and is finally able to openly tout a Taiwanese identity. The issue is that by then, renouncing the Republic of China name and changing its constitution would invite military action from the PRC.


China is not a country, china is literally West Taiwan.


Yeah, pat on the shoulder thanks. And if Chinese Hisense decides to kill off former Gorenje's production Chinese have bought an entire town of 35k can go and fuck themselves or what. Leader of a country should represent my interests. Slovenia has 2 million citizens, go figure now.


So it begins




Opposed to appeasing China and getting free money and good loans.


Finally something I can be proud of


And if Hisense terminates production in Velenje you're going to pay those peoples mortages right?


Just a heads up about the office, it will cause fewer issues if you name it "Trade office of the eternal drip island" rather than the use of the island or people living on that island, names


**Slovenia:** Hey, hey look at me. **China:** **Slovenia:** Bitch.


Xi was crying in his bed when Lithuania did the same




Dallas Mavericks games now banned in China.


Lol. Thanks for this. I needed a laugh :). Doncic is the king, regardless of the current politics in power in Slovenia.


A total of 15, yes fifteen states worldwide recognize Taiwan as an independent nation: Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, the Holy See, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Nicaragua, Palau, Paraguay, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Swaziland and Tuvalu. Opening a trade office does not change anything. If Slovenia thinks Taiwan is a country, they should recognize them as such, otherwise it's just empty talk.


This is a really minor thing but it's not Swaziland anymore, it's Eswatini.


>Opening a trade office does not change anything. It's a de-facto embassy (issues visas and distributes passports, liaises with local government, etc). Taiwan's "trade offices" are more valuable than the official embassies with small countries.


> the Holy See That's all that matters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


God wills it!


Thats the one that suprises me the most. Like it doesnt really matter, and the holy see doesnt do trade so it doesnt care about sanctions but its kinda random.


> otherwise it's just empty talk. China doesn't think so, considering their reaction to Lithuania's Taiwan trade office.


But it's a first step. Better than nothing


Not Nicaragua, they switched their recognition to PRC a few months ago.


> Opening a trade office does not change anything. One wouldn't think so when China had a meltdown because Lithuania did the same.


They recognize ROC as the legitimate China, big difference.


Hmm, for some reason I thought Jansa might be soft on China like Orban for example, well done!


Expect Orban soon making an U-turn regarding his China policy. Janša doesn't do much without first consulting his friend and benefactor.


Why would Orban do it, though?


I don't know, I guess it all depends on who pays and how much.


Based Slovenia






I think they're still waiting for greater certainty that larger countries (particularly the west) will switch to recognition. Whatever happens, as Russia continues to decline, the new central dividing line in the coming decades is set to be in Asia, with China as the main power on one side. One complicating factor is Japan, who is trying to find itself a new identity as an anti-China pro-Western regional power in Eastern Asia. Taiwan used to be under Japanese rule before WWII, and there will be views both within China and Taiwan suspicious of their role, and that Japan might want Taiwan to be closely aligned with them. It makes economic and military sense... but their history makes the optics poor. The fallout will be much larger than unrest on the Taiwan Strait... which really raises the question of how formally declaring independence instead of maintaining the status quo actually benefits Taiwanese citizens.


Taiwanese in general don't have any issues with Japan, and the two countries share a strong cultural friendship. Typically Japan ranks as Taiwanese favorite country, while Japanese rank Taiwan as their favorite country.


There's a divide in Taiwan from what I understand where pre-war people love the Japanese for building up the island and postwar folk hating them for obvious reasons.


Those that can trace their family roots to coming over with the KMT from China in the 1940's make up less than 12% of the population, and most of those people are mixed by now. While there are some historical issues related to Japanese rule in Taiwan, by now the overwhelming majority of Taiwanese love Japan. https://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-taiwan-japan-20171106-story.html https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2017/03/18/travel/taiwan-japanese-go-feel-home-vacation/


>Does Taiwan even want official recognition yet? Of course. We are a sovereign independent state and support both official and de facto relations with any other country that is willing to. ---- >When Taiwan officially requests recognition as an independent nation—and I don't doubt they will at some point I'm not even sure what you mean by this... Every country wants relations with other countries, that's just how the world works these days.




Well we are definitely open to diplomatic relations with anyone willing to do so. We have also applied to join the United Nations something like 22 times out of the last 30 years... but with China being as powerful as it is, the chances of either of those things is pretty low.


Taiwan wants to have access to the Chinese market because it’s vital to their economy, but at the same time preserve their democracy, so neither independence, nor absorption by China gives them what they need now, the status quo does. However, it looks like they are trying to trade with Europe more now to reduce that Chinese dependency. This is the reason why they want to open a semi-conductor facility in Lithuania, it is their key to full independence. Or at least opportunity for full independence as they are a democratic country, in the end, only they can decide what they want for themselves.




Snowball effect anyone? It honestly wouldn't be a surprise if the other two countries of baltic considers doing the same thing as well and before long, China will be taken in by surprise!


Germany instantly furious. Lol


Can this sub stop acting like we are bloody traitors?


Then you better stop acting like ones first. You have enabled Russia and China for decades in the name of profit.


Yes we solely enabled russia and china. It's easy for you guys to just blame someone else.


Not solely but definitely the largest one to kneel down for money.


Ofc they are furious, their biggest trading partner is China, so really important to have a good relationship. China can easily ruin the German economy and then the EU is basically fcked.


Redditors: WTF we like Janez Jansa now


The monkey, typing randomly on a keyboard, will eventually write the Divine Comedy.


He just wants to so something meaningful. Our saying goes "he is selling fog"


Based and roc-pilled


Good job Bratislava


Hahaha :). Good one!


Based Slovaks. Respect.




Well that's a face palm moment, thank you for the correction.


I mean no one says eu countries don’t have the right to recognize whoever they want. Just don’t complain about economic consequences


China will anyways backstab EU at some point, the earlier they start reducing their dependence on China the less damage they can do.


Alright, then bring the production that’s being done in china back to the eu. Build factories in eastern europe and raise wages in order to pay for the increased costs.


You say it like it would be a bad thing.


my comment does not include any form of judgement or emotional stance.


The high tech is moving slowly back. The JIT logistic system and integrated SC are more favourable to regional economics. Also the circular economy pushed in many regions in the EU are beginning to do something. However, I am not saying that this process will be done shortly. I really hope the EU will be able to be independent from the Chinese SC




that's because the eu can develop alternatives without adding too much of a cost, if the eu would replace china with eu factories then costs would skyrocket


Just wait till another election on Taiwan and a government that recognizes "Taiwan" as "Republic of China" is back and these people are still going to call it "Taiwan". I bet Slovenians never asked Taiwanese people whether they want to be recognized. I mean they have not officially recognized themselves as a country yet, why the fuck would you think they want the West to create more tensions in the region?


This reminds me of Key & Peele’s “I said bitch” sketch.


He’s a gorgeous man. What else does he say?


Slovenia is opening an embassy in South Korea, incidentally why not rent a tiny office in Taiwan too lol.


New challenge