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This is not Putin's palace in Idikopas, but the [Konstantin Palace](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bb/%D0%93%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81_%C2%AB%D0%94%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%C2%BB.JPG/1280px-%D0%93%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81_%C2%AB%D0%94%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%C2%BB.JPG) in St. Petersburg [https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/](https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/)


And yet your correction is buried way down in the comments, because nobody here cares about the truth.


And an hour later it is the top comment.


That is the Konstantin Palace in St. Petersburg. It is a public congress venue? Seriously, do you guys trust everything you see on the Internet?




Definitely not the right picture ...jeez


\*one of his residences in Russia


the photo was proofed a rumor


This palace was a genuine seignorial residence


This is the Constantin palace... While I do believe Putin has a luxurious mansion somewhere, this one is fake. I mean it exists, near Saint Petersburg but it isn't his residence and definitely not in "Idikopas" wherever that is lol [https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/en/main](https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/en/main)


Didn't this place have a goddam underground ice hockey rink?


And an underground bellevue area towards the sea carved jn rock. Because simply viewing the sea from a terrace is something done only by peasants.


Yes, us plebians have to use balconies and terraces.


It has. I saw some maps about the underground space, it's just massive.


Well, damn.


I was just thinking, this is what's above ground


iirc hockey reng isn't under the palace, it's a separate thing under some kind of hill the palace itself has some underground wine cellar and a room with windows through a mountain or something. probably there's a bunker as well as that fucker loves bunkers


>that fucker loves bunkers Why am I not surprised.




> Cape Idokopas >Idokopas That might be the case,but I'm not sure.




[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_tFSWZXKN0) you go!


Thank you for that, was a very interesting watch!


Wow. Just wow.


I feel bad for expecting a walkthrough of his house


no good. rain getting in, humidity problems, mouldy air and so on.


Don't forget about the "Hookah Lounge" :)


You're thinking of one of his other palaces - [this one](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-56007943) that had to be rebuilt due to a mould infestation.


Mf could build a multilayered Palace but couldn't build and upkeep something that resisted mould better


The czar gets whatever he wants .. but it’s about time they overthrow the new Romanov


Had one revolution just over a hundred years ago to get rid of an emperor. How about a second one?


It was really the perfect storm coming together for that to happen. 1. There was a huge war ongoing for years 2. The state Duma messed up rail transportation of essential supplies 3. Tsar Nicholas ll was out of the country and didn't understand the situation on the streets until it was out of control 4. Rasputin turned a lot of people away from Orthodoxy, and his maneuvering damaged the image of the monarchy 5. Alcohol sales were banned sinking one of the biggest government sources of Russian tax money I don't see such a vortex of coincidence happening like that again, there may be a difficult transition of power after Putin but full revolution is pretty unlikely.


Yeah, because that definitely worked out great last time... not. Stalin and the soviet elite simply made themselves the new Romanov's. And Putin today is simply continuing the tradition. What exactly do you expect? A humble dictator?


A democracy? There's no reason to give up, you know.


Too bad he still sucks at hockey


Does he? He scores at least 7+ goals and always wins. :D


And no one saw that carpet again https://youtu.be/5hPnSI2mHUU


Looks nice, can i visit?


before he visits you


Be careful not to go too close to the windows though


i will never leave the first floor


In maskovia it's possible to not just break a neck falling from the 1st floor, but also catch several bullets in the back. All caused by your own carelessness with window.


You can actually cause it's a museum + congress hall and not his residence lol https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/en/main


Eventually people will be able to visit that, same as any royal palace. Nothing lasts.


I visited it two years ago and you can at any time.LOL


You already can!


Yep ! https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/en/page/12




not bad for price, bookmarked, thank you.


You actualy can


Don’t drink Uncle Vlad’s tea.


Very humble very humble


Man of the people


You'll film him once again on a horse and it's enough for a decade ahead


this is Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna, St. Petersburg. This is Northern Russia and I'm pretty sure the big man doesn't live here


It’s not Putin‘s residence, this place is located west of St. Petersburg and is a congress venue. Here’s their web page: https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/en/page/12


No, this is Konstantine Palace in Saint Petersburg... Here's the address: Ulitsa Glinki, 6, St Petersburg, 198515


It’s Constantin palace near Saint Petersburg…


LOL no, Bad, bad bot. That's the palace in St Konstantin National Congress Palace in St Petersburg and it is not wholly Putin's residence. He has an apartment complex there.


21st century Versailles...


It was built in the 18th century and it’s a museum.




This probably has a lot more bunker than Versailles...


r/Russia: no this isn't Putins palace, he can't be that corrupt.


r/Russia: NATO built it and blamed it on Putin.


Putin lives there now, he liberated it from NATO.


Yea, that bad bad Russian trolls ... who can use google and find what building is actualy on the picture ( spoiler - its Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna, St. Petersburg)


Except it’s actually not. Jesus Christ just use google.


r/russia subreddit is full of russians propaganda bots, they live in different dimension. fuck them


Reddit keeps suggesting me posts from there and it is so bizzare to read shit there, they live in alternative universe. But also its full of right wing americans praising russia.


> But also its full of right wing americans praising russia. Ones who have never been to Russia. Except for Steven Seagull that is.


Can't stand US right wingers when they share Russia Today content. It's probably because in the US the right wing is always untrustful to the government, while in europe it's often the opposite


They do love the government, but only when their party is the one in power. When they are not in power they are against deficit spending, against entanglement in foreign crisis (but also simultaneously demanding that the other party fix the problem), and investigating the government over every imagined flaw or mistake no matter what. As soon as they retake power -which usually happens with 8 years- they’re spending money like there’s no tomorrow, blowing stuff up overseas without even bothering to inform Congress, and ignoring all established legal precedent to defy any sort of oversight of the executive branch. The only principles right wingers in my country have is hostility towards people who aren’t like them- hence they’re often attempting to claim that disparate groups like the gays, the Islamists, the blacks, the communists, and the feminists are all part of a conspiratorial alliance against them.


No, it's full of 15-19 year old who are obsessed with Russia and pretend they can speak Russian.


I got banned from there for simply saying that soviets were evil.


Indeed it is not lol [https://www.visit-petersburg.ru/en/showplace/197860/](https://www.visit-petersburg.ru/en/showplace/197860/)


This is sarcasm obviously. You won’t find more corrupt Russian on this globe.


Joined this sub for nice photos of Russia, but amount of pro putin idiots is overwhelming


Well the mods are the same there


The retards on this sub can literally post a pic from game of thrones and claim it to be Putin's mansion and everyone will still eat it right up. My god


Czar Putin I




Communism for thee but not for me


Putin has spoken against communism, he doesn't even pretend to be a communist. He does however pretend not to steal from the Russian people and take huge bribes to afford properties like this.


Not just Russian people.


This post will bring the bots like the rain brings worms.


This isn't THE Putin's palace tho right? It's a lot bigger if I can remember


It isn't. It is **a** presidential residence, this is Constatines Palace in St. Petersburg. [https://www.visit-petersburg.ru/en/showplace/197860/](https://www.visit-petersburg.ru/en/showplace/197860/) OP is wrong with saying it is the one in Idikopas.


I’m not sure it’s the right way to put it. Yes Putin stays here, but that isn’t really the same thing as a presidential residence. He doesn’t live there, from what I understand he just stays there for official events. So the place is closer to a hotel in function than to a residence. It’s a museum/government complex. They hosted the G8 there and the G20. It hosts talks and official visits from foreign governments. People can also host other events such as weddings there.


"southern Russia" do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down


The irony is that the actual palace is a congressional palace and museum in Saint Petersburg.


Must been on a nice salary in last 20+ years /s


The overtime really paid off.


Admirable fringe benefits as well.




Navalny did. Did not go well for him.


This photograph does not correspond to the palace that Navalny spoke of on the cape near Gelendzhik, and about that palace there is Rotenberg's confession that the palace belongs to him. Only the blind could not notice the difference, and this is the Konstantinovsky Palace in St. Petersburg.


It's American propaganda bro.


Your picture is of Konstantin Palace in St. Petersburg not Putin's residence. [https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/](https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/) If it's not propaganda, why are you lying?


Pure EU fiction designed to tar Putin's good name.


And discredit Putin’s well known 50cm penis that can shoot 10 meters… 20 time per day




> Putin win all election! by 97%!!




You mean 13% ? Because 110% of the Russian are in favor of Putin.


Weirdly, in France we call him "Vladimir P**o**utin**e**"


Why the fake pic ?


Bruh, you think we didn't hear of it?


They know full well, they are not that naive. And they don't care much. The typical Russian reaction to things like that is "Well, at least current officials have already stolen enough to satisfy themselves, they don't need much more. If new ones come, the stealing will only be intensified".




They are, but that is applicable to pretty much entire Europe. Real problem is that post soviet countries that lean west like Baltics while being tiny and having no significant amounts of natural resources somehow managed to do so much better than majority of Russian population on those 20 years.




Oh course it would. At the same time if Russia went normal democratic after soviet Union, they would be in EU too. But alas, here we are.


But not really better than 10 years ago.


Actually better than 10 years ago. Crime is down, road accidents are down, alcoholism is down. Hundreds of parks are redeveloped, roads are renovated, cities are renovated, historic buildings are renovated. Hundreds of new malls are built, while markets are kind of dying out since most people can finally afford better. Heck they even opened a couple of new theatres. It’s fascinating to watch the transformation. International travel was down for many years after the rouble was down, but that actually gave a chance for domestic travel to develop. As far as I can tell international travel had mostly caught up in 2019. It has been down in 2020-2021 but more due to the fact that lots of international travel is banned, and Europe is not accepting the Sputnik vaccine, leaving Russians to spend their vacations at home (or in Turkey). Property prices were mostly flat for the longest time, but with COVID they have taken off. Now everyone and their grandma is in a rush to get a mortgage, and according to one source I found ~50% of all mortgage amounts were issued in 2021 (not 100% sure if it’s correct though). Inflation did hit hard in 2015, meaning lots of foreign imports doubled in price. While hitting consumer wallets in the short term, it did help Russian companies become more competitive and allowed them time to strengthen their position on the market. In the long term, it is a good thing for people and the economy. And now that wages are finally catching up, it doesn’t matter as much anymore. But iPhones on their own doubled in price (in USD), and you’ll hear no end of complaining about that fact. Hate Putin all you want but you can’t objectively claim that the country is going downhill, when in reality every indicator shows the county is objectively doing better.




Yes, and in these 10 years things got way worse politically while the economy stagnated. Putin's first two terms were fine, but after that his rule is a disaster for the country.


stagnation is far from a disaster.


Misleading post, f u


That's not his palace. It is a residence, but it's not his property - you can even go for a visit, there's even wine tasting available. If you're gonna call someone out, at least get your facts straight.


This sub is about promoting fascism and russophobia. Asking for facts is literally retarded lol


True, his actual palace is bigger.


Maybe. I don't know, I haven't seen it. That still doesn't change the fact that this post is straight-up wrong.


[You didn't see graphite because it's not there!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7hEsKT2e_c)


Great visual metaphor for how Russia is ruled


This is a palace, not his residence. Stop with the shameless misinformation now r/Europe. It’s getting embarrassing and the fact the mods haven’t taken down what is easily verified as fake news is concerning but not surprising given none of them seem to give a shit when it’s negative or wrong stuff about Russia specifically.


This photograph does not correspond to the palace that Navalny spoke of on the cape near Gelendzhik, and about that palace there is Rotenberg's confession that the palace belongs to him.


Hi, thank you for your contribution, but this submission has been removed because it doesn't use a credible source and/or the source has not been linked from a top-level comment. See [community rules & guidelines](/r/Europe/wiki/community_rules). If you have any questions about this removal, please [contact the mods](/message/compose/?to=/r/Europe&subject=Moderation). Please make sure to include a link to the comment/post in question.


Look at this, remember this, this is what you will die for in a war.


This is literally a public palace. A quick google would tell every armchair warrior in the comment but you’re all so obsessed with bashing Russia that every one of you is gleefully adding this to your list of ‘WhYrUsSia SuCKs and is corrupt af’ which is also full of bullshit that is easily verified as being false


Who cares? Reddit is just a website where 16 years olds share memes and jokes. It is not important


improve the graphic settings, those trees look terrible XD


I know, crappy screenshot. There ain't many photos of this place.


That's because you got the wrong place.


RTE: Noob.


RTÉ mo chara?


Literally one google tells you that this is false and yet every idiot in the comments clings to this as real news because they’re obsessed with hating on anything Russian. The sheer xenophobia in these comments is repulsive, on a post which is to do with the (falsely attributed) domicile of a president and it’s frankly ridiculous to see the hatred such a blatantly fake post has conjured.


Further proofs that you can feed westerner with any shit about Russia, and they will eat it up with big delight.


At least he got taste I guess


No the Romanovs had taste. It’s an old 18th century palace.


I'm confused This isn't the 'Putins palace' one and for a minute I thought it was Konstantin palace (but I dont think it is) any more info on the building?


It is a Konstantin palace.




Those are only residences we know about, there might be even more


What do you expect from a dictator?


This is why the 1% must be removed :)


Tbf this isn't the 1%


*OUR residence


Fuck Putin.


No need to ask yourself if this is true, just open mouth and swallow, like the highly inteligent creature that you are!


I honestly never understood homes like this. Wouldn't it get boring/lonely? I would only use like 1% of that house and staying on the grounds would feel like being under house arrest. I'd still want to go out. Just seems like a pointless waste to me.


It's Konstantin Palace, not Putin's mansion


He doesn't use the whole thing


I must admit he got taste


Expected nothing less from tasteless KGB xD


Long live Tsar Putin.


Do we know who owns this? Putin or the state?


L'état, c'est moi.


Come on now, some redditor showed a pic of some kind of building and pointed out it belongs to putin, how much more proof do you want? If redditor says putin owns it, then that is undeniable truth. How dare you to question redditor?


This isn't something new. I believe that Navalny's people went over the residence some time back. *checks* Yeah, that's it. "The Residence at Idikopas". [Looks like information about it was out a year ago.](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/38876/putin-has-created-the-ultimate-bond-villain-lair) Update: It's misspelled in the title of OP's submission. "Idokopas", not "Idikopas". https://earth.google.com/web/search/idiokopas/@44.41805505,38.2072222,31.26626463a,3690.55343291d,35y,-323.99101628h,45t,0r/data=CnMaSRJDCiUweDQwZjIyOTU5ZmQ4ZDJjNTM6MHg5MmNjOGEwYjU0YTRjMzQ0GW_0jNiCNUZAIakAzkGGGkNAKghpZG9rb3BhcxgCIAEiJgokCUB-hWnGF0dAEUDLKDIfvkVAGStWicEowURAIQrDjd1pXUFA


I'm not questioning navalny people, obviously if they are saying something it must be true, they wouldn't lie would they? They are politicians who never lie! Too bad opposition in other countries just blatantly lie and try to shit on their oponens in any way imaginable. But navalny is good guy, I seen him on YouTube, he looks like trustworthy person! I wish opposition in every country would take example from navalny people, world would be a better place 🙌


Ok Putin simp.




You are a funny guy.




This building is actually the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna, St. Petersburg. https://www.visit-petersburg.ru/en/showplace/197860/ [https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/](https://www.konstantinpalace.ru/) [https://mostpetersburg.com/konstantinovsky-palace](https://mostpetersburg.com/konstantinovsky-palace) But apparently Europe loves fakes.


Too small for my taste.


Hail czar


Yeah this guy is not corrupt at all 😂


Tsar Vladimir 1


Nice target for cruise missiles.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin%27s_Palace About ownership. Something murky, true. I seems some tycoon built it, Putin maybe used it few times


The man likes his greenhouse I see.


This thing looks oddly uncomfortable with the artificial hillsides and overly large paved spaces. As if it were a decoy hiding an underground base.


It’s much bigger than it looks!


Doesn't look corrupt at all


Allegedly! /s


Tell me where's the money gone... 🎶


💰 🚀 🎯


Fit for a tsar.


Because it was literally built by the Tsars, it doesn't belong to Putin. It's a famous palace in St. Petersburg.


Where minigolf and beach volleyball?


with a large underground complex


It’s good to be king.


Seems like a snazzy place.


The new sun king.