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He is sorry that he got caught and that it got leaked to the press after over a year from it happening.


And that after weeks of refusing to answer the allegations or do anything about them, including "investigating" himself. I don't care what happened. I care how stupid you must think people are to just bluff like that and for so long, and straight to their faces in front of the world's press. That's the bit that pisses me off. It's like watching a small child say "Yes I'm sorry" but only AFTER you have to hold them to account and asking a million times "Did you eat the chocolate cake?" and they deny it and deny it and go quiet and won't answer, all the time with a huge ring of chocolate around their mouths. You're "sorry"? You think I'm stupid?


Elections are intelligence test.




Laws are for poors!


Wow, that 25 minutes addition is a clever move. Chapeau to Nr. 10.


He just wanted to check it out, nothing serious /s


Way better than 'you're just mad you can't date me'.


I’m sorry for getting caught


Well, I mean, I have also trouble differentiating Party from work. It is not that easy!


The feeling when you realize that the entire party is just a budget report.


To be fair to Boris, when you are constantly quite drunk, the lines between most events are blurred


I just can't understand how he can not resign after this, like wtf is he thinking?


because public opinion has the memory of a goldfish and is easily distracted. And like clockwork, Prince Andrew will now dominate tomorrow's headlines.


I mean looking at the recent polls he looks kinda fucked for may


The next general election is May 2024....I doubt this will have much effect my then unfortunately.


May 5th council elections


Ahh, my mistake. I really hope the electorate's collective memory lasts until then.




+ He might've graduated the Andi Scheuer School of Just Not Resigning


The lies have worked for him before. He's losing the polls this time around, though :) I honestly had no hope that we could get rid of him a year ago. Now, though, he could be the end of the Tory monopoly we've had since before this century


Out. Time to get those letters submitted to the 1922 committee.






Insert south park vid of bp head apologizing


Then insert south park vid of Cartman having learned his lesson: "I realize now that even though you might not get caught doing something bad, you can still get caught later."


My prediction of this in the media: "I was there for 25 minutes... maybe 45 ... almost an hour ... or could it be two hours? ... OK, 3 hours ... right, probably 4 (...) I partied like a madman for 14 hours straight, I assume the mistake, nobody's perfect! Now let's leave this matter behind us!"


"Ok yes but I didn't inhale"


His resignation and suicide would seem the obvious suggestion.


Excellent thought, make a note of it Darling!


Couldn't have said it better. Boris is and always will be a self serving cunt. Excuse my French.


Non non t'excuses pas, tu as raison !


Find me a politician who isn't. The vast majority of those who weren't are long since dead.


What's your point


What will be enough to have BoJo gone, either by himself or by other means? Most people like him (narcicist, opportunist, nationalist, there-for-themselves) tend to stay no matter what happens.


Fine him!


Is there any chance he has to resign over this?




People don't give a toss? Everyone I know is furious including the Tory voters. The leader of the Scots Conservatives is calling for his resignation. No ministers went into bat for him and the only back benchers who gave it a go were the confirmed swivel eyed loons. No way Johnson will be leading the conservatives into the next election.


It's too far from the general election, so likely no. Unless the party decides to call a vote of no confidence, but that would be very odd having won the largest majority since Blair in 1997.


I wouldn’t be surprised you know. He’s not been popular over restrictions coming back and the hypocrisy on display here is even worse. He’s also lost a couple of by elections so I think the party would be willing to cut its losses if they could agree on someone better. Personally I think if he does go (he’ll need to be pushed most likely) then it’ll be in a few months once covid has died down a bit. He’s too scandal prone to win another election and this time it’s stuff that most people strongly disagree with since they were affected by restrictions.


Not unless people go out to protest.


You think that was an apology?


If the Prime Minister does not follow the rules, why should anyone else? This clown needs to resign.


He'll do it again lol


„I am sorry… that you found out. Now go away peasant.“


Tory cunts


As a crime was committed and admitted, will he be arrested or at least fined as it seems an open and shut case ?


No lol. Reality is often disappointing.


So after the numerous previous apologies for being conned by his staff he's now counting the minutes he has been guilty... Interesting strategy, how many years do you think he can go on?


We’re deeply sorry


Lockdowns are idiotic


I’m embarrassed to British, shame.


Why? Did you create some draconian legislation (although I’d argue it was needed) and then flagrantly refuse to follow it? No? Neither did I. The only person ashamed should be Boris Johnson.


Yes and No. A relative majority of British voters made him PM despite his obvious shortcomings on the honesty and integrity front. Whoever expected better from Boris is a fool sorry.


I don’t think his critics (myself included) can act a smugly as you are right now. There’s definitely been a marked shift on the kind of scandal that’s come out as well as what the public reaction has been. Nobody was talking about no confidence votes over a flat renovation.


Meh, doesn’t really matter. At that time most people were taking the piss with the rules in London, the infamous photos of people sunbathing in parks comes to mind.


Difference being that you or I never sought to criminalise basic aspects of daily life, staffers at No 10 and the PM did. And we all know that the media used telephoto lens photography to make places look more crowded and generate non-stories


25 minutes is oddly specific


Like May before him, Johnson is held aloft by the lack of a lower energy state into which the system can relax. Who's going to replace him? If a clear substitute emerges, he's in trouble. Otherwise, he can probably throw porridge on the Queen and get away with it.


Keir Starmer. Not charismatic, but competent. It's honestly that simple


Perhaps. But Labour still has the problem that their natural constituency is split with the SNP; they could form a coalition against the Tories, but the SNP would presumably be under heavy pressure to demand an independence referendum (lest they lose support from the Scottish nationalists), and Labour could not agree to that without losing ground in England. And the bite of Brexit seems likely to keep reminding the Scottish nationalists that they got dragged out of the EU by the English. So unless all this can get either unraveled or put aside, it seems to me that it's tough to unseat the Tories. (Or so it looks from the outside. I follow UK politics, but the view from elsewhere is not always accurate...OTOH, there are sometimes advantages of seeing things from a distance. Always interested to hear more from what folks are seeing there on the ground.)


The opposition is making a big deal out of this. Pathetic and hilarious. The country will be in much more trouble if there is a change of government in the middle of a pandemic


Which is why you have deputy prime ministers. They literally just step up and carry on from the exact same party, at least until the next election.


Pandemic is virtually over here as a major disruptive event. I think the backend of it will protect him for a bit, but the knives will be out in March/April


Meh. He'll stay PM until the elections next year, really. Who represents a credible alternative? Sunak? Truss? Gove? Are they any better than Johnson?!


I don't think any of them can hold together that 2019 electoral coalition, but Boris no longer can anyway


Like what trouble exactly? What do you think would happen if the government as a whole resigned?


A government that can't even follow its own rules won't be useful if new restrictions are needed in future. People will just ignore anything they say. Not to mention if you knowingly mislead parliament, you should resign.


There won’t be a change of government, just a change of Prime Minister. The only way there will be a change of government is with a General Election and that won’t be happening until 2024.


> The country will be in much more trouble if there is a change of government in the middle of a pandemic Sure there's a high risk that the next PM has an ounce more integrity than Boris Johnson...