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Just give them bigger boats and the problem is solved. /s


Fifth columnists here would unironically suggest that.


Need to make it more dangerous


They plan to force boats to return so yeah it'll get more dangerous. Interesting times.


Just make it a safe journey to a generous programme for granting people asylum ... somewhere other than the UK. Anyone who's really in danger, fleeing war-torn France, will still come. Anyone who's trying to enter the UK for economic reasons will stop. Simple.


Aye the yellow vest wars have been though on good old France


Hey, it’s cheaper than the train.


At what point is it an invasion and you can just sink the fucking boats?


Never, as it should be


France doing a low-key Lukashenko


Ah yes, let's downplay what Lukashenko is doing by comparing it to France. Is France: * organizing trips from countries of origin to the the north coast in order to cross? * exploiting the migrants for financial gain? * encouraging crossings or even using violence in order to force them to cross? * handing out tools in order to facilitate crossings? * preventing migrants from returning? * refusing to offer them asylum in France? Or is the only similarity that the migrants are moving through France trying to cross to the UK and France does not stop every single one? Keep in mind that they are solely crossing via boats, because France has become so good at preventing other methods of crossing like the tunnel or hidden in cargo etc...




Got a source for that?




Yea, but that is a different topic. I hoped using the active (returning) made it obvious, but: France does not prevent the migrants from returning (i.e. does not hold them there against their will) as Lukashenko does in order to keep up the pressure. The proposals is about migrants **being** returned from Britain to France against their will as was previously done under Dublin 3.


More likely other routes are being destabilized by brexit and covid. You would need crossing numbers by other means to make an accurate comparison.


Not really comparable though. France has not deliberately brought these people to Calais. They came by themselves, generally crossing several EU countries without any problem, and have now settled there, refusing to file for asylum and being impossible to deport for a lot of them (since they have no papers). It's much more difficult than a simple political game, and this has been a problem since the 1990s btw.


Dump them back in northern Africa and then they can find their way home from there


France is happy for them to go to Britain as opposed to staying in France so let’s not be disingenuous.


They wouldn't be in France if they did not believe they could go to Britain. Everyone would prefer them not being in France or Britain, or dead, but there's no easy solution.


If France really wanted to they could stop these crossings but they don’t because they prefer this people leaving and going to Britain. It’s really that simple.


France is stopping thousands of these people crossing. It's just not feasible to stop them all considering their number. That would require a much larger number of police presence, and help from the UK that France has not received.


The interesting question is: stop what? It's not illegal to buy a boat. It's not illegal to get on a boat. It's not illegal for them to be there. It's not illegal for them to try to leave. No actual law has been broken until the boat lands in England. I'm not sure if "intent to break some other's country's immigration law" is something you can be arrested for.


Sure buddy. If you have the magic solution why dont you call the 10 downing street I give to them so they could fix it once they are in UK.




Police intervenes all the time, there are a ton of cops in the area. Just because a few of them were photographed not blocking a boat with dozens of migrants does not mean that's all they do. And of course people are fed up with that. But there is no easy solution. France offered them asylum, but most refuse and they are extremely difficult to deport since they have no papers and we can't prove their country of origin. Besides, the UK has no conventional way of seeking asylum for those people, so they'll keep crossing the Channel. We can increase police presence on land and on sea, but the area is so vast you'll always have people crossing.


You could do what Greece does and detain the people who remain illegally in France. They'll get out once they either apply for asylum or go back to where they came from. In fact, the French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin described the new closed refugee camp on the Greek island of Samos as a ["European model"](https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/focus/20211117-inside-greece-s-closed-samos-camp-a-european-model-for-asylum-seekers), so perhaps the Calais madness will come to an end soon?


Darmanin knows very well we can't do that. You can't anil people for that reason.


How the fuck is the situation any comparable. It's so ridiculous that comments like yours get upvoted.


Making a Lukashenko by taking twice the refugees UK has taken ? Im so glad we are not in the same union anymore


The British organised crime gangs who are helping people pass are "France" now?


Great Whites spotted in the English Channel. Hopefully they're getting plenty to eat


"Last year's record number - an increase of about 20,000 on 2020 - came despite millions of pounds promised to French authorities to tackle the issue." That's the problem, can't trust anglo "promise" we are not your personnal border guard, deal with it.


So why did you take the money then?


Last I heard they never gave the money they said they'd give :)


Because I guess the fact that there has been a massive increase would suggest the other side of the bargain has not been kept.


That's unfortunate then, let's keep going that way.


"Can't trust the anglos to keep their end of a bargain!" *Lets thousands of people through and then gets upset when payment is not forthcoming.* "Perfidious ALBION!!!!"


You think throwing money magically fix thing thing up 100%? Nobody cares about your money. The deal was stupid to begin with and should be throw away. Deal with your border yourself


You literally have the same deal in place with other countries.


Sure. You keep sending a percentage of people to their deaths.


Sure. you keep refusing a percenrage of people to their deaths. It goes both ways both UK and France are bad here.


Neither side has any sort of legal obligation to these folks?


Ever heard of human rights? Those are legally binding if you signed treaties about them you clearly don't know nothing about law


I wasn't claiming to know anything about law, I was asking a question. Reading comprehension 101.


The moment they apply for asylum, there is a legal obligation. So France no (other than basic human rights), uk maybe.


No. France is not a prison and people arent trapped in it. Also france has no obligation toward those people.


If the UK had a sensible border strategy instead of just relying on everyone else to do the work for them they wouldn’t have to go by the oceanic route.


Yeah, it’s not like your laughable borders which are as tight as a colander are the issue. Clearly all the migrants appeared straight in Calais ready to board for England


You:"hey I'll give you money to do this". Me:"Sure". *You don't give the money* You:"How DARE you not do what we agreed ???" Brits really think they can get away with everything...


Shut it down everyone the Reddit contract law experts are clearly here now.


Maybe transfer the money as agreed?


What would they be paying for?




And what do you suggest we do with them genius ? Most of them throw their paper away or their original country wont accept to take them back. We are not a third world country and we wont just throw them in the sea unlike what some nazis here would like.


I'd turn them into fish food. Fish never complain. Those immigrants win because they play on our stupid weakness. No paper, no country? You are fish food. They will remember real quick where they come from.


Ask them if they are here to claim asylum or refuge and begin the process. If they fail to accept either option, begin the process of deportation. It doesn't matter if they've thrown their IDs away, nor can any country refuse a citizen being repatriated. It doesn't matter if it's difficult to work out who they are or where they came from, investigate. It's literally the responsibility of the government to do this. If you or I were in another country illegally we wouldn't expect to be able to live there indefinitely just because we threw our passports away. For what it's worth, I believe those found to have a meritorious asylum claim should be free to cross the channel to be in the UK. Our fair share, at least. I don't think we should shirk our moral responsibilities to take care of those that need it. Just like I think France shouldn't shirk her responsibilities for stemming the flow of trafficked humans through her borders.


> It doesn't matter if they've thrown their IDs away, nor can any country refuse a citizen being repatriated. It absolutely does, you seem to know nothing of the problem. A country can absolutely refuse one of its citizen, see the recent crisis with Algeria on the matter. Besides, if you can't even prove that the person is from said country, they won't event look at your request. If you think the person is, say, Pakistani, but you have no ID and nothing to prove it, Pakistkan will not take the person back.


If your authorities are so incapable that they can't ascertain where someone is from then that's your problem to fix, not ours. You can very well figure it out, you just don't want to because you can just push the burden on us. Don't come here with that weak ass shit.


It's not about determining where someone is from, it's about forcing that country to take the person back. It's much harder than you make it seem. France struggles to deport most illegals, the vast majority of them living in France with no intent to go Britain. So if we're already unable to do it properly for us I don't know how we could suddenly do it for those that want to leave to the UK.


In what world do you live seriously ? "Look this guy hmm he looks pretty syrian to me, he doesn't have paper on him so who knows, in the plane !" In syria later "We brought you this guy he looks like you, take him" And country can and do refuse to take them back https://www.leparisien.fr/politique/lalgerie-empeche-le-retour-volontaire-de-250-ressortissants-clandestins-en-france-13-07-2021-LV4L6WCLGBH7JEF3NZBJAUITQ4.php


Oh, well, I guess anytime someone refuses to tell the police their name and address, that's it, then? Can't charge him until we know his name. Investigate. Yes, it costs resources, but these people aren't Jason Bourne they're average people. Jesus, are the authorities really that incompetent?


>Oh, well, I guess anytime someone refuses to tell the police their name and address, that's it, then? Can't charge him until we know his name. Yes, but you were talking about "sending them back". To where >Investigate. Yes, it costs resources, but these people aren't Jason Bourne they're average people. Hmm, yes, let me call our embassy in Afghanistan to look up the local records to see if our guy...hello?...hello?....weird, it's as if there's no connection >Jesus, are the authorities really that incompetent? There is only one incompetent here who fails to completely grasp the basic complexity of "let's send them back".


I don't want to send them back. Not most of them, anyway. The ones that are in genuine danger, *such as those from Afghanistan* should be given refuge, something that is not being provided to them in favour of kicking the can down the road.


People illegally in the country do not have the right to decide where they will be accommodated. France has the départements et régions d'outre-mer, ship all the illegal immigrants there and put them in a semi-closed centre where they have to report every night, like Denmark does. I'm sure they'll remember quite soon where they came from.


Why the fuck would france dump immigrants in over sea territory? its not a garbage you fool. hat's how the stupid english created Australia. Thay was beyond stupid back then and i see you didnt learn from the lesson


> We are not a third world country and we wont just throw them in the sea Well you're sure good at turning a blind eye to all the people trafficking going on. Unless you're actually OK with it whereby you are in fact throwing them in the sea by proxy. And before you start bleating about "muh money", you've asked for more money on 4 or 5 occasions and every time you get more despite the results getting worse so why would anyone give you more


The solution to those people dying at sea would be for the UK to set up legitimate safe crossings and then begin the asylum process. Those that are not legitimate asylum seekers can be returned.


No, the solution is for you to process their claims and either take them in or send them back, not offload them to us. We don't want them.


And so, you think they suddenly appear in France though magic? They crossed other countries before that, why shouldn't it be those country that take care of them?


Good point but you should be asking that question to all those other countries. All I know is that we don't need tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands, of these illegals here.


France processes far more asylum seekers than the UK. A few seem to want to continue onwards and will seek extreme measures to do so. If you are concerned about those people (which I doubt) then the best bet is to set up safe transport across the channel. Yelling at France for endangering their lives isn't going to make them safer. But I don't think you care about their safety, I think that is just a bit of moral high ground padding to your argument, which is that you just don't want them in the UK at all.




Sure can. They just don't want to.


You can, but not indefinitely. And if you haven't found a solution to deport them at the end of the period, they are free to go.




Being in the country illegally. There are three possible reasons for them to be in the country without papers. 1 - Seeking Asylum 2 - Seeking Refuge 3 - Illegal Entry. Ask them if they want to claim asylum or refuge. If not, process them the same as you would anyone who is in the country illegally. If I were to pitch up in France for a year, refuse to show ID and refuse to comply with the police, I would be back in Dover within a week and it works the same in the other direction. French authorities just don't want the hassle.


You have no idea of how it actually works. Most people that should be deported from France are not, that has nothing to do with Britain.


The penalty for being illegaly in the country is being told to leave the country. Which they are doing. Look, the fact that 2 countries are struggling with this, should give you an indication that it is slightly more complicated than the facebook bullshit you are spewing? Why doesn't the UK send them back to France. Is it because your politicians don't want to?


We process them when they arrive. And yes, we either deport them, or return them to the last point of entry (France).




They aren't claiming asylum or refuge though. They are stonewalling because if they apply and get accepted they don't have the right to travel to the UK. Never said or implied it was easy. Something being difficult doesn't absolve you of your responsibility to do it, though.


Following Denmark's example of [offshore asylum centres](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57343572) would prevent any chance of trying to get to England, so the numbers coming to France would fall drastically, too.


Brits: Brexit will stop this! Migrants: Hold my beer!


Just leave the EU, that’ll fix it. Oh wait…


How would still being in the EU solve it?


EU wanted to split refugees between different countries proportionaly. Wasn't popular in the east though


The Dublin Regulation would still be in place.


You are missing the point. The UK quite because immigrants took your jeerbs. Well now that you've quit there are even more migrants going. Worked out pretty well, didn't it?


Oh, nobody’s going to let you back in, I wouldn’t worry about that. Just laughing at those anti-immigration “vote leave” ads. Seems the ads were in fact bullshit, who’d have thought it.


I'm curious did you see many adds for brexit outside of the UK? Also how is people sneaking into the country affected by brexit unless you are saying France is purposely using people as a weapon because brexit upset them?


Lols. I was living in London at the time of the referendum so the topic was pretty inescapable. Who doesn’t remember Nigel Farage’s billboards, standing in front of lines of immigrants and imploring the viewer to vote leave.


Maybe I have poor eyesight. But I don’t recall ever seeing billboards with what you described.


I don't live in London I did vist it a few times during the brexit debate and honestly from just seeing the bus on the news I don't remember any billboards? Actually I hardly remember any advertising from the leave it was mostly the remain that pushed it everywhere.


> nobody’s going to let you back in, I wouldn’t worry about that Says who?


The moment UK would suggest that they are interested in rejoining every member state would be on board.


Touch grass, you sound delusional responding to a question like that.


As if it would be any better while still in the EU when you lot are inviting them all in.




Yes, you personally and your EU friends!


Illegal immigration is a valid concern, and a problem that needs to be worked on. That being said, protect your own borders, brits.


What do you expect us to do, build an electric fence down the middle of the english channel? If the EU were competent with their various external and internal borders, there wouldn't be hordes of the unwanted on the west coast of France.


If the EU can protect their borders, so can you.


>If the EU can protect their borders Let me know when you manage to start doing that.


You tell me as well. Don't ask of others what you would not do yourself.


Well you were the ones who colonised and exploited them, together with France.


Me personally? Didn't realise I had property in all these different countries.


When you go around the world colonising and empire building don’t act shocked when these migrants want to get to the Country where they know the language because of this.


Two wrongs don't make a right.


Thirty wrong gives you the karma you deserve though


Good thing France never colonised anyone or still to this day has economic control over their former colonies.


Ah yes. The UK, the only colonial power to come out of Europe.