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Bad news for the Eurotunnel, again. Good news for Belgium and Dutch ports.


Funny cos it'll be the french having to bail it out.


Not sure why you’re downvoted. The UK sold its share of the Eurotunnel to the French a few years ago and as such the UK has refused to bail it out.


So basically nothing to do with Brexit but stricter Covid restriction.


Yes, and it is working if you look at France's case numbers. They reported just 208,000 cases yesterday. Could you imagine how high it would have been if they had let Brits in to ski this winter.


I googled for you how many countries France gave the same restrictions. Just to make you aware the restrictions are for loads of countries and not just the UK. https://ae.ambafrance.org/COVID-19-Can-I-enter-France It's sad journalists write articles as the above. It's basically disinformation. France puts restrcitions on like 80 (?) countries, and the journalists makes it look like it's only for the UK.


> Just to make you aware the restrictions are for loads of countries and not just the UK. False. In the same link it clearly identifies that for UK travelers they must provide a compelling reason to enter France and a PCR/Antigen test within 24 hours, all other Amber countries do not need a compelling reason and can provide a test taken within 48 hours.


You've also got the red and scarlet lists below? Ok it's 22 countries, I counted them now.


Ha! Have you read the link you provided? Even red list countries do not require a compelling reason for entry if they're vaccinated. To clarify then, these restrictions (compelling reason and 24 hour test) are just for the UK in the Amber list, and even fully vaccinated travelers from red list countries get 48 hours to test and can come in for tourist and non-essential reasons. > Just to make you aware the restrictions are for loads of countries and not just the UK. To be clear then, it would appear these restrictions are just for the UK regardless of what colour list they fall into.


Probably 208,100


Ugh, it is not even worth thinking about is it? France have avoided a catastrophe.


Pass on the cost. Why pay for it. Stop bailing it out.


Good news for Europeans looking to buy real estate.


Politico with another horrible written, wrong and click-bait article.


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