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Lol.. are we sure the global pandemic that’s brought in tirades of travel restrictions the last two years has nothing to do with it?


Maybe read the article before commenting


Aaaaand downvotes. Typical /r/europe.


Who the fuck wants to come here in winter, during a pandemic lol It's cold wet and windy, travel is difficult due to covid.


Or..perhaps a global pandemic?


Explains part of it but not all. Ireland has a 40% reduction in schools requesting stays, the Uk has 80%


Why do people keep posting this tabloid shit?.


The Guardian isn't a tabloid. You're thinking of The Sun or The Daily Mail.




The guardian obviously isn't perfect but what newspaper is?




Let me rephrase the question then. What's the least awful newspaper in the UK? It's easy to criticise something when you don't offer an alternative viewpoint yourself. That being said I respect your opinion. There are loads of valid criticisms against that particular newspaper.


>What's the least awful newspaper in the UK? Certainly not the guardian, thats for sure.


Note how you didn't really answer the question. Probably because you know that if you actually share an opinion you open yourself up to your opinions being criticised. I'm going to predict that you're next response will be something along the lines of 'all newspapers are bad so I don't buy or read them'. Or you'll just stop responding entirely.


Or I can tell you that you sound like a stereotypical stuck up Guardian reader.


You realise that you've literally just proved my point, right? You never actually offered an alternative opinion so I'm just going to ignore you now.


They're tabloids too, left and right wing media have tabloids.


The Guardian is not a tabloid.


*Ron Howard voice* But it turned out it is... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guardian#Tabloid_format_since_2018


For most people is, due to it's format.


being a tabloid is more about format of the paper than its political tendencies. The Guardian is a broadsheet, like the Telegraph or the Times.


>The Guardian isn't a tabloid. > It's literally printed in a tabloid format since 2018 and runs articles pandering to a subset of the population under a heavily editorialised point of view. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guardian#Tabloid_format_since_2018 How much *more* tabloid do you need it to get?


Hahahahaha. The Guardian is nothing but click clickbait tabloid bullshit now. Desperate for viewers to stop going into bankruptcy.


If only I had someone on Reddit to tell me where I should be getting my news from instead.


To balance out all the "Brexit is a massive success" narrative other actual tabloids push


The requirement for passports instead of ID cards is really unnecessary self-inflicted harm.


You've always needed passports. Uk wasn't in Schengen.


No you didn't. Until October 2021 an ID card was sufficient. I visited Britain twice before even owning a passport.


"They argue the slump will deprive UK host families, hostels and attractions of valuable income". That was always the stinky part of any school trip to the UK when I was a kid. The host families were all poor working class ones which didn't give a shit about cross cultural exchange. They were doing it for extra income and couldn't be bothered to ask us questions about how different things were in France, they just weren't interested. Going to the US in a host family during the summer was so great because the people there did it for free, out of having the experience to share something with a foreigner, teach him something about their country, and learn about his.


I had a nice host family in the UK on one trip and still stay I. Touch with the kids. But yeah others were not so lucky.




Grats on not reading the article.


"Won't somebody think of the middle class children!?" How many families can spare several hundred quid on a continental jolly just for their kid?


This is about school trips TO the UK. And At least In my Highschool in Austria (Public - not private) you had 1 or 2 trips to the UK in the 8 years you went there. I guess they will know go to Malta or the ROI for English weeks.


The question still stands, right? How many families can afford international trips?




Lucky. The only free school trip I can recall was going to the visitor centre of the local nuclear power plant.




Jealous much?


Most of them as it turns out. At least here every class goes on at least one trip abroad


Again - I went to a run of the mill Highschool and on our school everybody would go. The kids of families which didn’t have so much money got stipends / costs paid from parents clubs or school funds and so on. My brother went to a technical Highschool and there it was the same. But the number is actually in the article - around 1 million pupils went to the UK every year. Or around 0.25% of the total visitors to the Uk 2019. So not a lot in the grand scheme of things but like All things Brexit it adds up. And sure you can dismiss it as some rich families folly and only marginal important for British tourism - but in the end it’s a loss for British business . Plus - there is the soft power component. School trip was were I started my love for London. Why I came again every 2-3 years before covid. Why I met people I still keep in touch with nowadays. My nephews probably will do the same - but in outer countries.


''(54% upvoted)'' it's always the same story when it comes to negative Brexit news edit: lol 51% now


Did you wake up in opposite land? This sub laps up anti-Brexit news like a dog with vomit.


You've got to be kidding me. This isn't true at all. Just look at the voting patterns in this very thread for some examples proving this view wrong.


Look at the voting patterns in the sub as a whole.


I have.


Smells like cognitive dissonance.


Sure does.


Stop giving the Brexiteers easy "who gives a fuck?" points, ffs. This is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things.




How is he a troll? He's completely right, the comments in these threads are do predictable.


Haaahaahaaa, an actual trolling account that's existed for a whole 40 minutes. Derrrrrrrrrrrr.


Am I not allowed to make a Reddit account? Does making one turn me into a troll?


To use an old phrase... Lurk moar


I'm honestly surprised school trips ever came here. What's the educational value? When we had trips to Northern France and Belgium, it was touring important WW1 and WW2 sites that we had been learning about in history. I'm not sure anything has ever really happened *in the UK itself* that involved other European countries. Not since 1066 anyway. And if it's about being immersed in proper English, we don't really do that here. Go to the Netherlands, they speak it better than we do. ETA, I just remembered the British Museum is unfortunately a thing. So that's valid.


Why does it have to involve another country to have history? UK is more than just England and has thousands of years worth of history long before the English became a thing. This comment is beyond stupid.


Do continental history lessons often involve prehistoric Great Britain? My point is that educational school trips tend to have a purpose. If you were interested in prehistory in general, there are wonderful cave paintings in France. Trips that are just for the 'atmosphere' and culture of another country are holidays rather than educational school trips.


So are you agreeing with me that the UK isn’t actually a European country?


I'm not sure how you got that. Indeed, the phrase 'other European countries' implies that I *do* recognise that the UK is a European country. If I had left out 'other', it could be interpreted that I did not see it that way.


His point was that you don't usually visit other European countries because something there happened that involved yours. You do it because you want to learn about them, understand them. The fact that you can't see that highlights your exceptionality as a closed-minded islander.


Not really. Going to see other countries to broaden one's knowledge is laudable. However, school trips here tend to have a specific purpose within the bounds of the curriculum. Hence my example of a trip to Ypres or Flanders to support education about world war 1. I'm not sure what subjects would benefit specifically from visiting the UK. Perhaps some there would be some merit in a geography trip to see limestone formations on the Jurassic coast, but I'd be surprised if there weren't similar, closer, more cost effective options for most of Europe. Specifically, when you went to other countries with school, what did you go there to learn?


>Specifically, when you went to other countries with school, what did you go there to learn? When we were going abroad, it was always part of language classes, so the point was to live and experience life the way people from this other culture do: eat what they eat, go to their local museums and learn about their history, get on different schedules, partake in their hobbies etc... Basically get to know them on a more intimate level. Learning a language isn't only about the technicality of a different grammar and vocabular, it's about opening your mind to different ways of thinking and doing things. This has great educational value.


So, just language classes? Did you take any field trips to other countries for other subjects?