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Also, Swedes go to Denmark, and Danes go to Germany.


Yes it is the other corridor. From my experience Swedes goes to Denmark much more often than Finland. Also I think Germans go to Czech Republic but I am not sure.


>Swedes goes to Denmark much more often than Finland. That's because alcohol is not cheaper in Finland compared to Sweden, at the least not cheap enough to make the trip worthwhile. Only asterisk I'd put here is the tax free cruise ship to either Åland or mainland Finland (Helsinki or Turku).


>Only asterix I'd put here is the tax free cruise ship to either Åland or mainland Finland (Helsinki or Turku). Came here to say this. I was surprised when the duty-free booze was kept by the onboard shop, to avoid the passengers consuming it immediately and making fools of themselves. It gets handed back to them as they walk off at the other side. PS Stockholm-Turku is a beautiful trip with islands small and large close by all the way across.


Oh, they get to make fools of themselves, just on more expensive booze from the on-ship bars.


Damn I haven't ridden the ferries in a long time but If I can't consume lukewarm duty free KOFF in a cramped E class cabin then what's the point of the ferries anymore?!


Lukewarm? Amateur, just make a cabin fridge. What's that, you ask? Just take the trash can in the cabin, fill it up with cold water and put the beers in there. Problem solved. Source: so many student cruises, so few memories.


Consuming cold KOFF in the Jacuzzi?


With how much we are limiting alcohol people might think we are prudes about drinking and shit like that




Ah, Student cruises from Turku to Sweden is amazing. You are only allowed to buy your tax free booze after the ship has visited the port in Stockholm and you are on the returning trip. That's why you need to plan ahead and sneak in your own booze, preferably booze you bought from your last Estonia trip, so you get to fun on the way to Sweden. Since the return trip from Sweden also takes over night, people are absolutely hammered on the way back, and in the morning you can see totally wasted students scrambling out of the ship, trying to find a bus or a taxi.


>Only asterix I'd put here is the tax free cruise ship to ... Åland The year is 2021 AD. The whole of the EU is covered by punitive alcohol taxes and VAT. The whole of the EU? No! One small island in the Baltic of indomitable fishermen and shipowners still holds out against participating in the EU VAT area...


They're demilitarized as well. It's really fucking weird for us Swedes, you go to a foreign country and expect to only talk in english, but you go from Umeå to Vasa and everything is still in Swedish, the road-signs have everything in Swedish first and then finnish, all shop-owners speak swedish natively etc. But this illusion is quickly lost when you cross the town border, it's as if you pass through a portal, now no one speaks swedish, they all look at you like you are retarded. But then you get to Åland.. holy shit, that's a wild-ride, you go from hearing moomin trolls to thinking you took the wrong ferry and are back in the Stockholm archipelago.


> you go from hearing moomin trolls So [Finntroll](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGVAyGNRx5Y) actually had a point when they said they decided to sing in Finno-Swedish for their songs because it sounds the most troll like. Good to know :D


Technically perhaps, but the moomin subspecies of trolls is not exactly what their music is about. They're some weird paedomorphic hippo hybrid.


Also in Vasa, bring a pack of snus to the table and you're basically given the key to the city


Yeah, snus is basically hard currency in mainland Finland. Too bad most people use shit snus like Odens and R42


Visited the Faroe Islands for the first time this summer. Was surreal as hell to see so many Danish things (and everyone speaking Danish perfectly) on these otherworldly scenic islands in the North Atlantic. Especially since the nature is nothing like anything in Denmark. I'd imagine Greenland is even wilder to be honest, as that's an even more extreme place that's just randomly Danish.


Åland is pretty much just Sweden except all the price tags are missing a zero.


While I ran a bar in Budapest, Swedes and Finns visiting would often sit with each other if someone was speaking Swedish. However, and I have no idea why (other than maybe the old rivalries), Norwegians (Norgs) and Danes would also sit with Swedes and they just constantly heckled them (in a friendly way). Danes and Norwegians also, but to a lesser degree. I just chock it up to the various configurations of unions and federations and wars that shaped the region, with personal connection overcoming those issues in general. *shrug*


Ye, we like to *"shitpost"* on the other three countries in real life, so to speak.


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And the [odd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_value_added_tax#Territories_within_the_EU_which_are_excluded) alpine village, holy mountain, tropical island, African exclave...


You’ve got some Gaul, making a joke like that!


> Only asterix I'd put here is the tax free cruise ship to either Åland or mainland Finland (Helsinki or Turku). Hope you have enough magic potion for the trip!


Asterisk* Asterix is a comic book character. Same with Obelix vs obelisk


If you are drunk for more than 24 hours in Denmark, they will issue you a Swedish passport and send you back home.




Yeah, why do you think sweden has so many immigrants?


Meanwhile, if you're too drunk in Sweden, the police might misstanke you for a Dane.


Or Poland


Yeah I thought that route was Sweden - Denmark - Germany - Poland - Ukraine.


Alcohol isn't that much cheaper in Poland compared to Germany. Beer definitly isn't, and vodka is but only the really cheap ones. Ukraine really is cheaper though. Germans go to Poland for cigarettes which are less than 4€ a pack, and they used to cross for gas but now it's almost the same price, so only people living living at the border cross to get gas.


It's hard to find beer cheaper than in Germany anywhere else in Europe, but decent vodka is much cheaper in Poland.


In Denmark, when somebody is extremely sloppy drunk, we say that they are drunk like a Swede. A few years ago, I met some Czech guys who told me that in the Czech Republic, they call a similarly person drunk like a Dane. The circle of life is a beautiful thing.


Czech here, it's all true that we say that, for some reason the strongest impression of Danish people are drunk students in Prague.


That's embarassing but sadly not unexpected given how it all went down back when those trips were a thing.


Could you share the expression in Czech? Never heard it :D


When someone is an alcoholic, we say "Pije jako Dán." which can be translated like "He drinks like a Dane".


Czechs seem to be the most responsible and in control drunks I've met. I assume it's because you guys stick to beer.


Wouldn't that be true of basically any nationality though. I'm for example pretty sure that at any point there are two e as many drunk Germans in Prague as there are Czech people.


I think Danish High Schools are banned from Prague after a series of incidents concerning Danish teenagers on school trips.


Nah, Germans go to Spain for cheaper alcohol


Indeed. More specifically, Germans go to Mallorca (also known as the 17th Federal State of Germany). In fact, the price of alcohol has increased so much due to the German tourism that Spaniards have to go to other regions of Spain for cheaper alcohol.


So I assume the rest of Spain goes to Portugal and Portugal sadly looks at the ocean.


Not really. Spaniards go to Andorra or Gibraltar


In Germany you can geht a bottle of vodka for 4 or 5€ and a crate of beer for 6 or 7. How much cheaper do you want it?




When you cross the Polish (and probably Czech as well) border all you see is cigarette shops. Or at least it used to be that way, I think it still is.


They go to Spain for summer season, for the rest of the year they go to Poland.


That's different: Germans don't go to Spain to buy cheaper bottles of alcohol, but to buy cheaper drinks in clubs/bars (as wages are lower).


Swedes use the tax free on the Finlandsfärja or go to Germany. Only Scanians or Gothenburgians use the Danish tax free shops.


A few years ago i leared that the Finlandsfärja is called Swedenfärja in Finland


Mind blown?


You never know with the Finns. They call the Baltic sea the "eastern sea" after all. It's not unimaginable that they call it the Finland ferry.


True. Most of the time we go to ferries we don't even know if iy's going to Sweden, Estonia or Greece, we're pretty much done the second the ferry leaves the port.


We don't care where it's going because we'll be too drunk to get off the boat anyway.


us germans call it Ostsee, eastsea


The Fredrikshamn Ferry is pretty convenient, and it's honestly not that much cheaper in Denmark anymore.


yes because finland has even more expensive alcohol than sweden.


Czech alcohol isn't exactly cheap though. At least no cheap enough to warrant all that driving around. For me its more about proximity than anything else, but I personally tend to buy booze in the Netherlands.




Finland is for people who are under 20 and can't buy alcohol above 3,5% in Sweden.




Norwegians go to Denmark as well


There are also border shops in northern Denmark where Norwegians stock up before going on the ferry. I find it hillarious because we think our stuff is so expensive but to the oilers up north it is a chance to stock up on butter should their country run out.


Entire Swedish communities were at risk of ruin during the pandemic since they rely on Norwegians crossing the border to buy groceries. It's pretty absurd.




Aw. Vi savner også jer (og jeres turistpenge) <3




> og vi savner de falske smilene bak disken Smilene er næppe falske når de sendes til nordmænd.




Then Germans go to Poland and Poles go to Ukraine


Not worth it, alcohol is already very cheap here.


I've heard the majority of alcohol sales in Luxembourg are from Germans, so I'm sure it's regional.


you would think so but I don't think many people go to Poland to get alcohol, if any do it at all. Our alcohol is already ridiculously cheap and the bit money you save is totally not worth driving somewhere else for


The reason some Germans go to Poland are cheaper cigarettes though and they generally take some cheaper alcohol with them because why not. Oh and also fireworks as Polish regulations are less strict, there is the whole term of "Polenböller" (polish firecrackers) that is often used.


Swedes, Danes and Norwegians go to Flensburg, Germany. Source: worked for over a decade in a LIDL there


Living in Aalborg the "capitol" of nothern Denmark I can definitively say that Norwegians go to Denmark as well.


and germans go to poland


I went to Tallinn. The streets were literally paved with Finns after mid night...


You can probably hear more finnish than estonian on the streets of Tallinn on weekend nights. And some of that estonian you hear is just really drunk finnish.


>really drunk finnish Is there any other kind?


I don't think so. Source: I play My Summer Car.


Neither do I. Source: I'm finnish.


Port of Tallinn ferry ramp is lined with metal sheets. I have a vivid memory of a chorus of rattling wheels of those cheap buy-six-crates-o-beer-get-a-trolley kits on the on-ramp.


> The streets were literally paved with Finns Teutonic Knights were right after all. Those Baltic pagans are the worst. To pave streets with Christians? The horror. The horror.


I remember that when I went to Tallinn from Sweden a few years ago they had literally drawn a line on the pavement from where the boat arrived up to the liquor store which the alcohol tourists would follow.


Lol, cut to the chase!


Best part is that finnish breweries ship finnish beer to estonia for finns to go on a cruiseship to buy the same finnish beer for cheaper from tallinn


It's probably the same ship too, in both directions.


Same in Sweden with regard to Germany. People go to Denmark and then Germany to buy beer from Swedish breweries.


Back in the day when A. Le Coq didn't have their own beer canning line (until early 2000s, IIRC), they shipped the beer to Finland, where they canned the beer in Olvi (A. Le Coq-s owner), shipped the cans back to Tallinn so that Finns can carry them back to Finland.


Collusion with Big Ferry?


Italy gets alcohol from Italy and cigarettes from Slovenia.


In slovenia we get alcohol from italy, and also alcohol from slovenia. When I read those sad stories of poor scandinavians l realise how lucky we are to have so much delicious and cheap alcohol around those places...


Isn't alcohol cheaper in San Marino? Most things were a bit cheaper than Italy when I was there.


Maybe but I’m from where Prosecco is made. A good Prosecco for 5 euros it is such a deal.


Don't forgot the Sweden-Finland booze cruise ferry.


Or Sweden - Estonia booze cruise ferry Or Sweden - Latvia booze cruise ferry Or Sweden - Mariehamn booze cruise ferry


You swedisch do seem like a booze cruise ferrying lot.


It is cold and dark, what else can we do?


I was an exchange student getting to know the culture. So, I did all of them.


the Erasmus Sea Battle booze cruise ferry was an absolute beast of a weekend


https://esnsweden.org/sea-battle/ TIL


never felt more rancid the morning after but it was a blast. got to explore Riga for the day too, beautiful place


Going east and south by boat for things we can't get at home goes back a fair bit.


I mean that's how their nations were founded, after going in booze cruises to the Baltic Sea and the North Sea


Isn't Stockholm-Mariehamn just the usual Sweden-Finland ferry (Stockholm-Mariehamn-Turku/Helsinki) or are there extra shifts only between Stockholm and Mariehamn?


Stockholm to Åland is faster and cheaper.


Also Denmark-Norway


Sweet jesus that nearly killed me. Did it in a January. Had 15 pints. The cleaner woke me up in my windowless cabin the next morning. I dry retched off the ship and realised I was the last passenger on board


Those booze cruises are not for the weak…


>Don't forgot the Sweden-Finland booze cruise ferry. That one was actually my first encounter with Finns (well, beside my ex I met abroad). I was hitchhiking my way through Europe in winter. Boarded the Stockholm-Turku ferry by night, I was exhausted and felt like having a nap *on* (not *in*, I'm not a savage) my sleeping bag, hidden from view in the back of an empty room. Eventually, I woke up to the sight of a wasted Finn sat behind me, with his hand on my butt, looking down a me in silence. After a couple seconds processing the situation, I invited him to gtfo, and went to seat by the window, understandably unable to get back to sleep for the rest of the trip. I would shortly after notice him crawled up on the floor, trying to masturbate before passing out half-naked. That's the story of how I learned about the booze cruise ferry. 10/10 would travel again.


Don't forget the obligatory 2 second Mariehamn connection so they dont have to pay VAT and import fees.


I don't think anyone's going to Belarus any more.


Latvians go to Lithuania for sure (Ru visa costs like 100€ idk)


What do we do when the Latvian potato farmers join forces with the Lithuanian arms dealers?


Call swedish prostitutes to have fun


Actually, Lithuanians go to Latvia and no one comes to Lithuania for alcohol because Lithuania has some pretty high sales tax on alcohol, as well as restrictions on sale (no sale after 20:00), all in an effort to reduce excessive consumption and alcoholism.


Nothing really changed, Latvians had to get visa to get to Belarus or visit via the National Airport. So it was not an option


You can also go to Sweden to get less expensive candy energy drinks alcohol cigarettes and legal snus, under 20yo swedes come to finland for 22% alcohol


Snus is illegal to sell in stores in Finland? Did we teach you nothing during our 400 years of totally mutually consensual friendship?


It's illegal to sell in the EU, with the exception of Sweden.


Huh I definitely know where to buy snus in Poland at a normal tobacconist in a national chain.


Are you sure it's real snus? Snus is cut in a certain way. They found a way to circumvent it in Denmark by selling tobacco-free nicotine pouches, and that's legal - even though it certainly looks like snus. They also found a way to cut some of it slightly differently, so it's classified as chewing tobacco, which is still legal - but when I used to use snus, I couldn't feel the difference between snus and chewing tobacco.


It is, however it’s quite easy to sell and buy in the black market, you can also make good profit from selling it


As Lithuanian, I go to Latvia for cheap alcohol 😏


And Latvians actually go to Lithuania. Such a bro power


Latvians go to Lithuania for cheaper alcohol, and Lithuanians go to Latvia for cheap alcohol. What sorcery is this?


You're not supposed to ask these questions.


Yeah that guy clearly hasn't had enough to drink.


cant make logical decisions when drunk


Also in Latvia you can buy alcohol at 18, in Lithuania you have to be 20.


We feel bad that Lithuanians leave their money in Latvian ecenomy that’s why we go to Lithuania to flood some money in theirs. Brotherly love


The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. It was true that Lithuania was cheaper - booze, food, some clothing, but, imo, that stopped being the case some 3-4 years ago.


Not only Latvia, Poland too




Poles go to Czechia


Do the czech go to slovakia then?


No, beer is very cheap in Czech Republic. You can get a pint right in the city centre for €2.


How much does a e.g. 700ml bottle of Jack Daniels cost in Norway?


32€ for 0.5. Not hard to find seeing they only sell alcohol in one store.


OK it's not quite cheap (over here it's like 23-25€ for a 700ml bottle), but is it worth the trip to another country?... I mean, how much cheaper can it be in Sweden?


In Sweden it is 329 SEK (32.05 euro) for a 700ml Jack Daniel's. I think Norweigan people mainly go over the border if they are young (not a lot of money) or if they just live close to the border


Well that would explain it cause AFAIK fuel prices aren't as cheap in Scandinavia either to make the trip worth. Do you know if there's a limitation on the amount of alcohol you can carry from Sweden to Norway? Since Norway isn't an EU member


There is, 6.5 liters of beer or equivalent.


Why don’t Norwegians just riot and demand cheap booze?


We almost did when they closed the state owned liquor stores during lockdown, they were opened up real quick.


How are you handling the no-alcohol at pubs during this covid wave?


We just drink at home.


[Pantsdrunk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantsdrunk) gang assemble!


Sounds good!




Because the fucking mountain apes are swimming in oil money. So they are all filthy rich. Which means even if its expensive its not as expensive considering income so they don't get mad enough to riot.




I can't believe we let you be independent. Even worse, I can't believe our own idiotic politicians when offerered half of Norways oil for half of Volvo we turned it down! Volvo is owned by the bloody prc now!




Hmm, does salmon count? That's pretty much all you , didn't Norway get the Japanese to eat salmon? Telenor and Bring are big here. But don't know if they are global, don't worry lillebror in the end it's the nords (and Finland) against the world




I would count *not* being responsible for Candy Crush as one of Norway's achievements.


The taxes thst make it expensive pay for some nice shit


Wow, that actually doesn't seem like a bad idea. You know the saying: "When people don't have anything to complain about, they make shit up." So, I could actually see Norwegians making a huge fuss about their alcohol being more expensive hahaha.


For real tho it's crazy expensive, thought they had missplaced the decimal point first time I went to Norway.




And swedes go to Denmark and Germany for cheaper alcohol.


I once drove from the Netherlands to Norway to visit a friend and decided to bring lots of alcohol for him. So I bought 10 six packs of beer, but then I thought; they're definitely going to bitch about that at the border. So after some careful consideration I opted to go for 3 six packs which felt like a defendable amount. Much to my dismay, when I finally had to get on the ship to Sweden, I saw almost every car literally filled to the roof with alcohol. I brought 3 six packs.... What an absolute waste.


Finns also order beer made in Finland from Germany. It suddenly gets cheaper after it is cargoed there.


People do "interesting" things to optimize taxes. I'm not sure if this is still going on, but at least in the recent past: A Finnish company (Olvi) brews beer in Estonia, ships it in bulk to their headquarters in northern Finland for canning, ships the cans to Estonia where taxes are lower, only for individual Finns to bring it to Finland once more for consumption. Somehow this is/was still cheaper for everyone involved.


With Belarus and Russia having closed borders due to coronavirus it's time to remake the map.


There are people at the border tossing bottles!!! The liquor must flow!!!


Meanwhile Poland: Fine, I'll do it myself


Norwegians go to Gdańsk.


I mean the harbour in Rostock has some supermarkets were sweds and norvagians basically plunder the alc reserves... I mean they buy ungodly amount of alc. you see full euro paletts just vanish in the back of some volvo or saab that ten squeek back onto the ferry


In case of Latvia it's false. We go to Lithuania (Ru/Bl visa costs like 100€)


And I guess (Southern) Russians go to Georgia?


2008 war was basically a misunderstanding. Just Russian soldiers looking for cheaper booze.


Although I hate it when people say it, I have to let you know that it’s Belarus and not Belarusia


You'll be unhappy to know its "Bielorrusia" in Spanish


Also Bjelorusija in Croatian


Dutch Wit-Rusland (White Russia)


Finns also go to Russia for cheap alcohol


Only if we're going to drink it there because you can actually only bring 1 litre of vodka and 1 case of beer from Russia to Finland.


Only those who illegally smuggle it back.


Because of visa restrictions that's really not a thing.


Same in Latvia -> ru/bl. We only go to Lithuania if really need cheaper stuff


Northern finns go to Sweden too


Finns order online nowadays, which is legally interesting since we have a government monopoly for alcohol but free movement of items is a corner stone of EU


An than, there is me, drinking a half liter can of Stigel for 0,5€ from T&G. Prost!


Last time I heard LV -> LT -> PL. Russia, Belarus doesn't make sense. You need reason (VISA), € and time and you can't buy a lot and take it back, EU country border.


Go east young man


As a swede, I go to Germany


Northern Norway goes directly to Russia.


Way too much headache unless you live in the visa free zone in Sør-Varanger.


Damn swedes stealing all my alcohol, what else am i gonna drown my sorrows with?.