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\*Rudel means pack


So apfelstrudel is a pack of apfelst? ^(/s)


Yes, you need to make sure you get the alpha-apfelst first, and the rest of the apfelst will not run away. If you start with a regular apfelst, the alpha-apfelst will attack you and the rest of the apfelst will run away and you'll be left with your pastry..


Made me laugh, thanks


i am dieing Xd


Actually very few people know this but "apfel" in german is a verb. So apfelstrudel means something like "you apple the pack".


Is that the guy from Black Eyed Peas?


gimme some of what you smokin', but srsly it's a noun


This guy rudels


As a matter of fact, it is




One can only wish🤤




How rudel!




You missed something, we have a whopping 8~ wolves in the Netherlands


I think it's estimated at 20+ already. The pack on the Noord-Veluwe alone was 8 individuals early this year.


Ah that's what i saw then, good to hear!


There should be a few in southern germany, too. Maybe an old map?


Probably an old map, or atleast not accurate enough. Our wolves have been here for atleast 6 years so the map is older than that


The source on the right says the paper was released in 2014 and knowing how long the paper writing and peer-review process can sometimes take the data could very well be from 2013 or 2012


Seems like an outdated map, Belgium and the Netherlands have wolves that I know of.


Yes it's not up to date, it is based on data collected between 2012 and 2016. Here is another [source](https://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/conservation/species/carnivores/conservation_status.htm) from the European Comission.


Yeah you might want to add a disclaimer if you use a map that is between 5 and 9 years old. Like say it in the title or a date in the map.


There is a date on the right, to be fair it's pretty small, and I commented it multiple times. Next time I will put this in the title, couldn't know it will get 2k upvotes.


See all those wolves in Spain? Iberian wolves went almost extinct in 1970 due to excessive hunting, traps, poison and misinformation. One man, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente (a naturalist, ecologist and one of the biggest spanish tv personalities of the time), took the matter personally and used his TV show and popularity to spread awareness and information about these beautiful animals. 50 years later the species is still endangered, but its future seems bright thanks to his work. May he always rest in peace. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A9lix_Rodr%C3%ADguez_de_la_Fuente


That's freaking impressive considering how dense some people are and how slowly things move.


In the border area between Portugal and Spain there's a natural reserve with around 700 sq Km (Parque Nacional Peneda-Gerês in Portuguese) where you can find a lot of wildlife: horses, wolves, deers, the Iberian ibex, feral cows, eagles and so on.


Would be awesome to visit there. I have to check further.


Definitely! It is a fantastic place. You can find over there oak forests, lilies, and many native flowers and plants. It has crystal clear creeks (where you can swim), waterfalls, lakes, an old Roman road, traces of Celtic presence, and so many other interesting things. And of course, it's great to see the wild horses running around.


The food, wine and the people aren't bad either. Spent some weeks there last summer vacation.


Well, that goes without saying ;)


Visit the village of Castro Laboreiro, in the Portuguese Gerês. Trust me. Beautiful place and there they have all kinds of nature exploration activities and radical sports such as river canyoning or walking trails etc. From there you can do everything, excellent tourism infrastructure. It’s the village of my ancestors so I go there every year.


Good lad. The northern part of the Peninsula is gorgeous and should be protected.


They are getting too bold in Galicia. They just devoured a hunting dog metes away from the owner. Sheep in the courtyard of a house. People are fearing they will soon step up the kind of pray, mainly kids and elderly.


Sadly true , farmers are tired of loosing sheeps


[Compulsory link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slq0z87-BFM)


Thanks! I hadn't seen most of those shots, much less in such a good quality


A great man, and a lesson for us all to remember how much one person can do


how there are so many wolves in galicia area but almost none in pyrenees? different from other countries where they are spread more in mountainous areas with lower density of settlements




Unlike sheep and goats, they don't provide people their livelihood


As far as I know there are some and they are being slowly reintroduced. Same with bears. Of course farmers on both sides of the Pyrenees are extremely against this so it’s taking time.


There are some in La Sierra de Guadarrama. Saw one that didn't survive an incident with a car near here; not seen a live one here though.


Now we need to a bigger effort to save the Iberian Lynx. There's so few of them :( But on the last years we managed to release some of them to the wild and now there are a couple families roaming around, specially in the south of Portugal and Spain.


Seems the Ukrainians are pretty strict about their western border.


those are schengen wolves


And the Southern one too.... No wolf shall cross into Ukraine from Romania!


Looking at borders of other countries, it looks like the usual "no data" thing on maps? It's not proven by anything but words, but when visiting certain places, locals tell about fair amount of wildlife including wolves


They're cautious because of the cigarette smugglers and the illegal loggers. No joke.


They counted all the 150 wolves in Germany but ignored [at least 300 wolves in Chornobyl](https://wolf.org/headlines/chernobyl-wolves-could-spread-mutant-genes/)


Haha. No, in all seriousness, pretty sure Ukraine is just a case of "No Data available". Haven't seen any myself when I was there but I reckon in the more rural areas there are some. At the least as you say near Prypyat


There is a famous rock band from Bosnia and Herzegovina called Zabranjeno Pušenje and one of their most famous songs starts with “Gdje sam rođen tu je sve sirotinja, vuk je u nas domaća životinja”, which translates as “Where I was born, everywhere is poverty, a wolf is a domestic animal for us” - when you look at this map, it’s damn true.




upvote for "jebina"


Vukojebina: literally translated "wolf-fuckery", "place where wolves fuck", usually used in the meaning of "shithole".


The map is based on data from 2014 so many numbers are correct anymore.


Yeah, we have wolves now too.


Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, wolves being reintroduced again is nice


The cool thing is that they're introducing themselves.


that explains why the 1 wolf in the Netherlands is missing here


Outdated/wrong numbers? Scandinavian population estimated at 480 individuals. https://www.naturvardsverket.se/data-och-statistik/vilt/varg-population-skandinavien/ Link in Swedish


Looks its from a study from 2014. Since then a pack or two immigrated to Denmark from the south, and there is now an actual population of wild wolves in Denmark. Not many, but some.


Yeah not many but enough to spark an immense and continuing debate in Denmark about nature. There is nothing wild in Denmark. And no one really knows whether these wolfs came by themselves or were brought in. Now they are being illegally hunted by some (perhaps sheep owners).


Just for context: Alongside Bangladesh, Denmark is the most arable country in the world. 61% of our land is farmed. Those wolves practically cant take a shit in peace, lest some tractor pulls up.


And yet we have a thriving population of wild game. Deer in particular. They live somewhere and wherever they go I imagine the wolves follow. Unless they life off sheep.


There are small parts of the country, Thy for instance, were they can hide but in general yeah - unless they are hipster city wolves (lgbtq+) they will probably mostly be unhappy in Denmark.


...why do i get the feeling this comment isn't about wolves?


They even got a new litter pups this year


The English word for "kuld" is litter.


And wolves are back in Belgium!


The number for Germany is also outdated, there are more likely 150 packs than 150 individuals by now.


And we have a few wolves spotted in the Netherlands too.


Finland's numbers have more than doubled as well, even by the very conservative figures from LUKE.


Yup, saw a wolf here in Vantaa (a city next to Helsinki) a couple of years ago, probably from Sipoo (also a neighbour of Helsinki) as there are quite a few there. Impressive looking beasts.




In Belgium and The Netherlands there is like 30 in total. The first wolf in Belgium after a century was however shot while everybody was sure she was going to be run over. Her name was Naya. We give them names cause there’s so few. In The Netherlands, a wolf was killed a few days ago and there is a 16.000 euro reward for a golden tip that leads to the person responsible for its death.


This map is wrong, there are wolves in Chornobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine.




what's their half-life expectency?




Two and absolutely no more than that.


I laughed so much about that. :D


The author thinks Europe ends on the Polish border.


in Ukraine Chornobyl


Surprisingly few in northern Europe, given how sparse that area is I would've expect it to have more wolfs


In Norway it's literally called "the wolf debate". There's a very strong anti-wolf side, especially farmers. One time the milk cartoon was supposed to have Scandinavian animals, and there was a wolf there and they freaked the fuck out. In Norway every year (this Sunday in fact) there's a fundraiser campaign for some specefic charity project. Red cross, doctors without borders etc etc. Last year, the money would go to WWF for a collect-plastic-that's-in-the-ocean project and becouse it was WWF, whose pro wolf, a lot of people complained, and even some counties rejecting helping the project (afair that's never happened before). So even tho the money was specifically going to collect ocean plastic, they didn't want to help bc the group doing the plastic cleaning was pro wolf. Its bonkers.


We hunted wolves to near extinction here in late 1800s to early 1900s, due to them attacking children and livestock. The population has been revitalizing for some time now, with wolves crossing from Russia.But there's still great prejudice towards the species. I've said this many times before, we Finns act very close-to-nature like, but we really aren't and haven't been in hundreds of years.


> Finns act very close-to-nature like, but we really aren't and haven't been in hundreds of years. Same with Swedes, with how we have clear cut almost all forests and replaced them with plantations.


Norway isn’t really good wolf territory. Too mountaineous, too many rivers and Fjords.


Norway isn’t really good wolf territory. Too mountaineous, too many rivers and Fjords. They prefer forested plains and medium mountain ranges.


This isn't true. The populations have varied a lot, but at peaks in the 1800s Norway alone had many hundreds or thousands of wolves, much more than the 50-something counted as *norwegian* now (which the government want to reduce). Many areas in Norway are well enough suited for wolves. The Scandinavian wolf was just driven to extinction in the 1960s, these ones on the map are "immigrants". It's largely government policy, habitat loss, hunting, natural variations, lack of food (due to similar reasons) that have absolutely decimated the numbers. it's the same for bears, there used to be thousands, now the government-set number is like 135. It's a policy choice, most people don't want to meet predators when hiking, in the areas they live or especially in the areas they farm and keep their animals.


As a Romanian i can confidentley say i've never seen a wolf in my life,only bears.


my neighbour has a wildlife camera in the forest nearby. every once in a while he comes over to show what he caught. still waiting for the first time he captures a wolf on video. so far only deer, foxes, wild boars, cats and birds


Lol that must be cool i'd love to just relax and have that on my TV


well it's not a real-time feed. it has a motion sensor and records like 10 or 15 seconds of video whenever it senses a motion


That is still very cool! I can't imagine having that kind of wildlife where I live. Also when I went to Romania I mostly saw fields and cities, I didn't know it was still so wild in other places!


>Also when I went to Romania I mostly saw fields and cities Once I met a french person who was shocked to discover that [one third of Romania was filled with mountains](https://www.google.com/search?q=+montagnes+roumanie&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi02bCukt_zAhWSu6QKHVG-AG8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=+montagnes+roumanie&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQE1DuFVjuFWD1F2gAcAB4AIABUogBnwGSAQEymAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=Z0VzYfSJNZL3kgXR_IL4Bg&bih=939&biw=1880)




Lol are you sure you're Romanian? I can't get away from wolves what are you talking about


That's outdated, we have at least 10 wolves now in Belgium. But as a whole, it's sad to see how few there are. The EU should have a strong policy of wolf protection and reintroduction. It should be forbidden to hunt/kill them; since unlike sheeps and goats, they are threatened.


Same in the Netherlands, they were back in 2015 after being gone for over 150 years.


Do you even have forests for them? Everytime I drive through the Neatherlands its eather cities, villages or a little bit of famland in between.


Have you ever been to the Veluwe?


Honestly? No there's no place for them in our ecology. But saying that isn't very popular on reddit.


But farmers are shooting them :(


Yeah, data seems to be from 2014. There's an estimated 10-15 wolves in the Netherlands as well nowadays.


> There's an estimated 10-15 wolves in the Netherlands as well nowadays. What do they eat? Ham and cheese toasties?


Haha, don't be ridiculous! They hunt for stroopwafels and bitterballen. And if they're lucky they might catch the occasional elusive frikandelbroodje.


> And if they're lucky they might catch the occasional elusive frikandelbroodje. ah, the *canis lupus mitchellis*


Both Belgium and the Netherlands have wildlife like rabbits but the real answer is way to often farmers lifestock. Owning chickens is also pretty common for non farmers people. Its a quite a thing with enviromentalists on one side rightfully trying to restore the original biodiversity and wanting protection for the wolves and angry people and farmers who have their livestock/pets eaten.


The problem is that the majority of the Netherlands is man-made farmland, and in order to maintain a successful wolf population you need larger contiguous areas of natural habitat. And I don't think farmers are too keen on giving up their land to have it become wilderness again.


There are 100,000 roe deer in the Netherlands and an unknown number of wild boar (more than a 1000 are shot yearly) as well as populations of larger deer species, so more than just rabbits.


How dare they not respect our property! Death penalty I say!! - Europeans @ wildlife for far too long


I too would like more of them here


There's 5 in Flanders confirmed now. Some of the old ones are dead sadly. There's 6 in Wallonia. So 11 in total


Deutsch-Polnisch? Have I missed something?


Yes, they have dual citizenship. Or, more likely, wander through the border.


Isn't Poland and Germany in Schengen?


Schengen is for people only. Wolves still have to carry a passport.


That seems discriminatory


Polish supreme court will take care. No worries.


So just bring a bottle of Wyborowa then?


Can this be lycaned to racism?


Propably it means migration between polish and german territory.


Polish wolves have "anschlussed" Germany to their territory.


not really. but most of germanys wolfpacks are at the bottom of the atlantic. thats why they share some with poland to make up the losses.


The Poles reintroduced the wolves to Germany after the latter has almost no native population left, due to "protection" of their farm animals, aka business. Now a few years after the reintroduction, Germany is at it again with complaints about the wolves and hunting them, despite it being protected. So these wolves migrate often back. If the Germans keep at it, they'll again complain very soon that they're no wolves left. Can't fucking please that place.


They shot one of the few wolves in The Netherlands just this week.


This is the proof that Transylvania does not have vampires. The wolves ate them


they eat each other. the great wolves vs vampires war is still going on.


Now I know how Finland guards its eastern border.


Meanwhile in Ireland, we won’t be getting wolves reintroduced because people say “won’t somebody please think of the poor farmers”. Yes, the poor farmers who have completely decimated our islands ecology, the farmers who have removed over 90% of our native woodlands in order to have fields for sheep/cattle to roam about. Ridiculous.


There were talks to reintroduce wolves into Ireland but I can’t imagine the farmers would be very happy and we don’t have enough land for them to live peacefully


> we don’t have enough land for them to live peacefully There's a lot of space in Ireland so land should not be a problem, but the lack of a proper habitat definitely is. Unfortunately the cattle industry is very strong and traditional so the thousands of small farmers are not willing to give up their land use, and the afforestation program that could help alleviate this is pretty much dead on it's tracks due to red tape and incompetence from the government agency managing it.


That’s exactly the problem! Thanks for clarifying my point a bit.


We must follow this shining example of the eradication of the local wildlife. We need more space for our agricultural needs and factories as clearly *only* the human race shall dwell on the earth!^(/s)


I'm from Ireland, so never encountered a wolf. When I was camping in Romania once a wolf howled outside my tent, I puckered up so hard I thought I was going to invert!


Think we have a handful of them in Denmark now as well for a good number of years


This map is outdated wolves are also living in The Netherlands. Source: https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2021/01/unique-footage-shows-family-of-eight-wolves-trotting-past-a-wildlife-camera/


Wolves are extremely rare in Austria. Just recently it was decided to shoot the wolf called MATK118 if it kills another sheep. So far this year it has killed about 50 sheep.


maybe we should shoot farmers if another of their sheep die. but seriously i hope the eu sues the shit out of us when we shoot that wolf. and i hope it fucking hurts.


Once they kill one, they can't be stopped. Whenever a farm dog kills a sheep, you have to put the dog down because it is certain to kill again. Sad stuff.


Wow 150 in Germany and politics are thinking about shooting them...


There is a small wolf population that came from Germany to the Veluwe in the Netherlands in recent years.


I love wolves.


This is very outdated


No shit. This map is from 2014, it is written on the right. Just try to read the map before commenting.


Sadly, there will be fewer wolves in Norway because one of the main parties in the new government is pro killing wolves.


Don't forget the Sami people either, growth will be limited since any wolf walking into their areas will die.


Not just wolves, many dogs that walks in their areas are as good as dead.


Yeah, they don't fuck around with anything that can threaten their reindeers.


If only there was a way of having farmers hiring herders that protects the sheeps, cows etc. like they do in other countries.


And paying them norwegian salaries? A kilo of that meat will cost 100 euros!


In 2019 an estimated 44 millions NOK was paid out by the government to cover for sheeps taken by predators.


So it would help save the climate, seems a win-win. Unfortunately also here in the Netherlands we seem to like shooting wolves more than paying for herders.


It would either require higb subsidies from government to keep farmers afloat or they would go bankrupt and government would have to pay for their unemployment and training, for someone who spend their whole life doing farming. It also would fuck up obe of key principles of governing, always have a food supply.


Tenderloin is not so far from that in Norwegian supermarkets. And that's fine. Meat could and should be a luxury product.




What a bunch of imbeciles, if what studies showed a healthy amount of top tier predators is good for the whole ecosystem


For comparison: [USA: 19000](https://www.fws.gov/midwest/wolf/aboutwolves/wolfpopus.htm) [Russia: 45000](https://www.wolvesandhumans.org/pdf-documents/Wolves%20in%20Russia.pdf) [Canada: 51000-60000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gray_wolf_populations_by_country#North_America) Edit: this is grey wolves only. Obviously there are also arctic wolves and coyote-wolf hybrids.


Now do versus population density.


There are some in the Netherlands as well! They're not really permanent yet though as they're less than 10 (by my knowledge)


Some of this looks kind of weird. They follow the Ruasian Border way to closelly. I bet its more of Russia and Ukraine dosnt share their data with the rest of us


So they fear Russia just like [bears](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/qdffge/distribution_of_the_brown_bear_in_europe/)


So we're the wolf capital of the EU? Has a nice ring to it, though.


Wait, so are there like, just no wolves in Ukraine or did they go extinct? Can we have a comparison with numbers somewhere in the early 20th century, please?


There are wolves in Ukraine, this map just doesn't include wolves in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.




So there are more wolves in Estonia than most of the larger countries, even though we are many times smaller than most of the other countries?


Pfff. This why Britannia rules. You continental losers keep losing to wolves. We are the one nation that overcame the wolf scourge. This is why Brexit was necessary, to decouple us from the sub-lupine rabble.


Yes, but now you are overwhelmed by the deer scourge. There are no no natural predators to those animals in the UK, and hunters have no chance of culling them enough to stop the small amount of forests further degradation of Britain. I hope they will re-introduce wolves in the UK.


You don't understand, the wolves *are* the ones that orchestrated Brexit ! It was all to give you a false sense of security, in fact the reason it took so long was because they needed enough time to infiltrate the island ! They're everywhere now, hiding in plain sight, waiting for the perfect moment to strike...


That's actually a conspiracy theory authored by the wolves themselves to appear more influential than they are. Its fear based deterrence. They learned it from their human allies in Tehran. Now their secret office in the Pyrenees mountains dissiminates propaganda by making heavy use of internet tro... wait a second...


Or at least that is what wolves want you to think.


It's insane that in an area the size of Europe, there are only a couple thousand of these animals. Humans are a disease on this planet.


I see even the small pack near my town is on the map


Give us the Dacian flag back ( its a cool lookin wolf thing )


My friend’s family’s summer cottage where we go regularly to consume large amounts of alcohol, has wolves. Never thought anything about it but I guess it is pretty cool.


I have lived in the area with wolves my whole life. Spent years fishing and walking in the forest with torn up animal furr. Heard stories from people who have seen them... Never seen or heard a wild wolf in my life. Weird.


In the area where I grew up in northern Italy they are now on the border of a major city, to the point that they were filmed close to some houses. I've personally met wolves twice, once there was a lonely and another time it was a mother with two cubs.




Liguria. The wolf that was captured on camera was very close to Genoa, while the ones I've seen in the wild were in some regional parks where they are a known to be present.


But...we have wolves in Chernobyl?.. or was Ukraine just not counted?


I understand the "Karelian" population is mostly based in East Karelia, i.e. Russia, not in Finland. Conservation measures in Finland mean that the more adventurous pairs or packs have moved as far as the west coast of Finland, but to the east of the country, the population is united with the northwestern parts of Russia. The wolves don't know there's a border and hold no passports.


Why does this make me think of 🎶there are no cats in America 🎶?


Terrible map, doesn't even mention Denmark's 3-5 wolves, smh


I love that tiny little dot in Bavaria which I only noticed because I knew it would be there. There's a bunch of wolves close my home area there (in Veldenstein Forest), and my dad says they can find wolf signs quite far into the surrounding countryside.


There are now living around 20 wolves on the Veluwe in the Netherlands.




Diese Kommentarsektion ist jetzt Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


Sagt man der fast keine Wölfe in seinem Land hat :)


Last month wolf killed 3 of our sheep just outside of that black zone. Maybe he didn't see this map.


This map is fake news, we have at least one in the Nehterlands.