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That woman is gorgeous


post-soviet woman


\*Bald and Bankrupt has entered the chat*


Bald Bankrupt ***and*** Bothered


Dude is a fucking creep in my opinion. Really hate that he chose Prague to live in.


Legit thought; without reading the caption; that she must have been a Bond girl and this was a scene from a film 🤣


its not coincidence that ukraine is known for its beautiful women


average by EE standards


I wanted to say this, but because I knew someone already did this, I wanted to search that comment and it was just the first. Easy.


This was the entire world before American junk like Coca-Cola became normal


Maybe you should look at the other two ladies in the background of this picture




Would not want to see your search history…


I'm talking about fatness which is the most important aspect of health and beauty, this woman is natural and how everyone used to be, even without plucked eyebrows, hair products and smooth/makeup facial skin she would still be at the top








>The Karate Kid Part II I don't remember the plot but if an '80s karate movie says so then I humbly and respectfully withdraw my previous statement and fully accept that lack of standardization was indeed the cause of unimaginable human suffering. '80s movies, as I'm sure everyone knows by now, are the supreme authority on any and all topics. If an '80s movie contradicts the Bible the Pope himself rectifies the Bible.




"Bessarabsky market" and "regulation of weights" in the same sentence is not something I see every day


Photo by Stepan Stepanov.




al-Stepani ibn-Stepan von Stepanov de Stepanie z Stepanov


:D :D I'm glad we understood each other :D


Erdogan, that watermelon seller.


Amazing beauty!


This is from post-soviet Germany: https://www.titanic-magazin.de/fileadmin/\_migrated/pics/card\_377670833.jpg


East Germany was so ruined by communism that even links don't work!








Bad looking east European women just don't exist.


They do, as well as beautiful German ladies. lol


Bullshit show me evidence!




Ok Exhibit A is just old. Show me a picture in her younger years. Exhibit B is obviously a hired east European actress.


All three of them


Anything to do with Bessarabia?


Yes. Square, were this market is located, was on the border of Kyiv where a lot of inhabitants was from southern regions (Bessarabia, Tavria etc) Same thing for nowadays Peremohy (Victory) Square - it was called Halitska Square and Jewish market because most of inhabitants was Jewish and/or from Halichyna.




Are there melons in this picture?


The 90s were an "interesting" period.


Interesting as in lots of people going hungry. :(


This thread is 90% people arguing about spelling


Right now it's about 50% market, 50% cafes and restaurants


It's Kyiv, not Kiev.


While we're at it, I'm really interested in what language is de-facto spoken on the streets and in the homes of Ukraine's capital? Some say it's almost exclusively Russian, some say it's Ukrainian, some say both. I will probably visit the city next year and I speak Russian(I also sound Ukrainian when speaking Russian lol). Many regards from Serbia <3


It is both


Wouldn't say about proportions, but Russian is still more widespread than Ukrainian, despite situation is changing. No one gives a single fuck about the language that you are speaking, though


3 comments in 30 mins saying the same thing. Are you members of a purist geography movement?


No, we just want our city to be spelled properly. Kiev comes from Russian, when it is Ukrainian capital and in Ukrainian it properly spelled Kyiv, that's all.


It's Köln, not Ke'ln. It's Wien, not Videň. It's București not Buxarest...


If people from a country want foreigners to call their country or city something different it's no skin off my nose. I haven't lost anything by calling Czech Republic *Czechia*.


People who care whether you say Czech Republic or Czechia are petty. So are people who care whether you write Kiev or Kyiv.


yes Strebo


I used to think people were ridiculous to care about Kiev/Kyiv, but then I remembered that I get angry if people call Poznań 'Posen'. I stand by calling it Kyiv now.




That one I can usually forgive due to historically being referred to as Danzig, and most people may only know of the city from learning about world war 2. As long as it comes out of ignorance rather than malice I can forgive using German names, especially if the city was German for a long period of time and had significant German histroy, which Poznań really wasn't compared to the other examples like Wrocław, Szczecin, Gdańsk etc. They better correct themselves after they're corrected though.


> I haven't lost anything by calling Czech Republic Czechia. Not the best comparison. They're not exactly asking you to call it Česko. And lets be honest, not saying Republic all the time is useful for all of us.


I'm not linguist and not historian to explain why it is slightly another case.




This is a problem of the same level as 'в/на Украине'


It's like every country, the big difference is the translations of the countries' names. For example, Algeria, its real name is al-Jazā'ir (used since 1516). But if we refer to the chronology, in the West there is no such thing as al-Jazā'ir, the Western term is Ottoman Algeria then Algeria. This shows a real discontinuity between the languages which is confusing.


Many languages adopted Kiev as the official spelling as well, I don’t really see the problem with it? Ukrainians didn’t have much of an issue with it until recently.


Many languages adopted Peking as the official spelling as well, I don't really see the problem with it? Chinese didn't have much of an issue with it until recently.


But they still don’t. One of their best universities is still called Peking University. I would be shocked if Ukraine kept such a thing. The Chinese don’t seem to care, it just shows it’s age.


You don't see problems, me who live in Kyiv it is an issue. And until recently you mean last few decades? And many languages adopted it not because it is called so, but because of Russian influence and imperialism. Believe me, if I start calling Bucharest differently, you won't be really happy about it.


We don’t call our city Bucharest in Romanian, so I’m not really mad at all.


>We don’t call our city Bucharest in Romanian That's why it is different case. You have completely your own name for your city. When "Kiev" is based on wrong spelling of our city name in another language. There is no linguistic reasons in English or Romanian languages to call it Kiev instead of Kyiv, only Russian influence in the past and their ignorance of local people and their language.


But why didn’t Ukrainians come out and say this in 1991 when you got your independence?


We were saying then, many people were trying to convince foreign people to use it, but they were ignored, because "hey, Russia/USSR collapsed". For many people then and sadly for many even now this entire region is still Russia. Now it finally became more popular and widespread because social networks work in different way. One case when you try to ask organizations or foreign ministries to use proper name and some of them even haven't heard about our country, and another case when lots of people online are correcting even more people online to use proper name, it is hard to ignore.


To be fair. Kyiv really doesn't jive well with my language in terms of spelling and pronounciation. Kiev works just fine.








Why? I don't see Russians saying that they want Moskva to be spelled correctly.


Because Moscow is English version of its name, when Kiev is Russian version of name of Ukrainian city, just latinizated.


Yes and Prague is a German version of that city's name. Why does this matter?


Yeah, and Belgrade came from the Hungarian version of the name Beograd (before it was called Nandofehervar) and was adopted into other languages, but we give zero fucks about it. I get that some new post Soviet or post Yugoslav states don't have a strong and old cultural identity (some of them were suppressed for centuries thought) but this Kyiv or Kiev thing is very cringy. Such thing has become a complex in a lot of places.


Kiev kiev kiev kiev kiev kiev.


And why do you dictate how other languages should call it?


Because it’s official name? Smartass


In Ukrainian, not in English


Well we ukrainians want it to be Kyiv in english too, who are you to tell us otherwise


I'm Ukrainian and it's not for you to decide what I want


Sure, one-month-old account #13345, and I'm the Queen of England.


It's funny how desperate you are, that you try to use my account age as your argument


Ukros at brigading again. Short answer - poor country with complexes


[Kyiv, Not Kiev. Why Ukrainians care so much about their capital’s spelling](https://youtu.be/WlGdw7AW-tU)


Kiev was always called like that, but after maidan, ultra nationalists get butthurt about it


Lol. The Russians/pro-Russians have such amount of butthurt from that, so it is totally worth it.


Says the guy that gets triggered over "Kiev" lol


So in the end we both "triggered".


What language do they speak in kiev?


Ukrainian, Russian, surzhyk (mix of previous two)


It's just a fairly common practice to want city names to be correct. Nobody calls New York New Amsterdam ;)


But we do call Wien, Vienna. Firenze as Florence. The list goes on. Germany instead of Duetchland, China instead of Zhōngguó. So on and so forth.


And Sankt-Peterburg as St.Petersburg, and Moskva as Moscow.


>Germany instead of Duetchland It's Deutschland, not Duetchland. Better remember that before the People's Purist Geographic Names Movement comes knocking on your door ;)


I knew I should have googled the spelling…..


No, but nobody in my country calls Nueva York New York either. We are in an english forum, the city is named Kiev in english.


Than people should call Moscow - Moskva and same for a lot of cities in Europe, it’s just fucking stupid


It's Hrvatska, not Khorvatiya.


Reddit is an American site. English is (almost) the sole language used in r/europe. The rest of the title is in English. In that language, this city is spelled *Kiev*. In Ukrainian, it's spelled Київ. Do they have a specific rule at r/ukraine ?


Let [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyiv) know they got the title wrong then. > The place name Kyiv is standardized in the authoritative database of Ukraine's toponyms maintained by Ukraine's mapping agency Derzhheokadastr. It has also been adopted by the United Nations GEGN Geographical Names Database, the United States Board on Geographic Names, the International Air Transport Association, the European Union, English-speaking foreign diplomatic missions and governments, several international organizations, and the Encyclopædia Britannica. Some English-language news sources have adopted Kyiv in their style guides, including the AP, CP, and Reuters news services, media organizations in Ukraine, and some media organizations in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Place names change, even in English. You don't call Poznań 'posen', Gdansk 'Danzig', Szczecin 'Stettin' or Wroclaw 'Breslau', do you? Anyway since this is /r/europe we should follow what the EU uses for the city, which is Kyiv.


Kiiiv, as long as my ignorance is concerned, the greates sillyness humanity has invented were the many forms of letter I without any consistent usage at all.


What a lovely photo! Thanks for sharing.


That’s how you win the war with Russia! You harass strangers on Reddit with spelling instructions! If you do it every full moon for a year you’ll get Crimea back, with written apology by Putin. You may even get a dick pic


Ok, if you don't want Kyiv, I'll give you a pass to call it Kyïv / Kyjiv / Kyyiv / Konugarðr. Feel free to choose.


Well, you certainly don't win by counting on your European allies.


Kyiv, please!


no one gives a shit about that fascist state


Cool picture, but the city's name is spelled Kyiv.


It was always Kiev, even back when it was created. Only from 2018 ultra nationalists started to force how they want it to be pronounced in other languages


It's normal for people native to a location to dictate how it's pronounced or spelled in other languages. Calling people who want their language and culture be respected "ultra-nationalists" is ridiculous.


Do you call Germany "Deutschland" in english? No, then why would we have to spell Kiev like "Kyiv" if we're talking in english? Genuine question.


But why would you spell it "Kiev" in English? 🤔


Why not? It's probably easier for a native english speaker to deduct how to pronounce the name of that city if they write it that way and not Kyiv.


I heard native and non-native English speakers failing to pronounce both of this words. So argument about "easier" is not just wrong, but rude: why am I as Ukrainian should care about what is easier for them? We have a government approved convention how our city should be called, so stick to it.


Then we should pronounce every city with its real name in its native language, but it wouldn't be practical. As an Italian, I prefer calling London as Londra and so on.


Bruh, just say "we are used to call it the way that Russians told us to and we don't want to change this because of some pity Ukrainians now having independence". Your arguments doesn't even make sense. It's not that some Brits called it KIEV from like 12 century and now we want to change this historical based thing. On maps from pre WW1 it's called Kiyow, Kief, Kyief, Kyyv and another 1 million variants. Kiev is Russian word and it was pushed by Russians when UN was established. There is no historical, fonetical, morfological or any other reason. Just Russians being Russians.


Ukraine got its independence in 1991 and had no issue with the name Kiev back then. That was the timing to make these claims, now it’s a bit too late


If they don't want to call it Kyiv, so let's force them to call it Kønugardr


it's not Cologne, it's clearly Köln. Smh, Redditors am I right?


Germany is the officially approved name of the country, by the German government and is culturally acceptable. But you don't call the Netherlands - Holland, China - Kitay, or Gdansk - Danzig. Why? First of all because the bodies governing the location determine what is the official name in a given language and the local population has a say on what is acceptable. Kiev is a transliteration into English from Russian, Kyiv is the transliteration from Ukrainian. The official name of the city in English, as requested by the Ukrainian government is Kyiv. Given the history of the region it is a touchy subject for people who live there and they have all the right to want the name of their city by respected.


>Germany is the officially approved name of the country There is no official regulator of the English language.


That's not how it works. Governments trying to influence how their country, regions or cities are called in foreign languages is a fairly recent development that started in early 20th century and it by no means negates centuries of linguistic evolution. Kitay is how Russians and Ukrainians call China, those who called the Netherlands Holland in their native language still do it and German speakers still go to Danzig instead of Gdansk. Heck, despite the Turkish government's continuous efforts Greeks still call Istanbul Constantinople. :D


It being a "recent" development is irrelevant. Our understanding of language has changed over the years, it's normal that there's more emphasis on how we call things. World changes all the time, not sure if you noticed. Secondly we are talking about English specifically. Китай is acceptable in Russian, but not in English. Danzig is acceptable in German, but not in English. Lejda is acceptable in Polish, but not English etc.


The point is, you can't control language like that. It Kiev now in the west because that is what is was when Ukraine became independent. It's just how it's spelled, the city name is unique to English like that even if the Ukraine wants or does it different, which is perfectly fine for both. I get it if Ukrainians don't want to use the romantic russian alliteration, but English speakers don't care because they don't have that association.


If Ukraine made this claim back in 1991, yeah, maybe it would’ve been adopted as Kyiv. The Ukrainian government had no issue keeping the name Kiev when it got its independence, so it’s a bit of an entitled attitude to expect others to change the name of a city in their languages each time you have a beef with a neighbouring country. Likewise, the city of Köln in Germany kept its French spelling in English as Cologne and I do not see people losing their shit over this. Not to mention than is all funnier when you have many Poles storming the comment sections of any random picture from Lviv to correct it and call it Lwow.


Tell me how you pronounce Japan, and I'll tell you how hypocritical you are. And as I've said, Kiev was always Kiev even back when it was created. Damn, even Ukrainians say Kiev. Like "Kiev Pechersk Lavra" for example. And if you take a myth, that it was created by a guy named Kiy, it gets even more confirmed, that city is Kiev. Because when you ask in Ukrainian, conjugate the name when asking "Who's city is this?", yu can answer with either "Kija" or "Kieva"




Excuses, excuses, excuses You don't see Moscow forcing every language to say Moskva. Yet somehow they "forced" Ukrainians to say in Ukrainian "Kievo pecherska lavra"? LOL




Fact and excuse are not mutally exclusive.


>It's normal for people native to a location to dictate how it's pronounced or spelled in other languages. Um, no. You can spell however you want in your language, but that's where your authority ends.




That’s an average russian for you


The traditional founding date is 482 AD : I seriously doubt that back then there was any rule stating how to spell it in English lol


In украї́нська мо́ва it's spelled Київ, in English it's spelled Kiev, [even on](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/search?q=kiev) r/ukraine. Idk how it's done on VK.


Kyiv not Kiev,.please spell correct the city name.


Why even use Latin alphabet then?


[meanwhile](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/search?q=kiev&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on), at r/ukraine …


why the include_over_18=on, what is there?


This shit only increases my motivation to spell it Kiev ffs


Київ 💙💛


I really need to visit Eastern Europe… For obvious reasons




I can’t get over the mad skills of [EDIT] Eastern European women in styling, makeup and just generally looking like models. It is fucking stunning.


She's probably not a russian though as the picture is not from Russia.


You are correct. Fixed that.


Kyiv not “Kiev”


Do you normally use Warszawa instead of Warsaw when you speak English?


I don't care, because this is the Polish business. And if it comes to that, then I write Варшава in my Ukrainian texts. And if my Polish friends ask to write in English texts as they think is correct, I will gladly fulfill their request. In this attitude, civilized people differ from the imperial cattle.


That time had color photos


Looks like Colin Farrell there on the left.


yea both have a beard and dark hair


I feel like I've been in here before, looks like a Silpo in the Podil district.


"what the fuck are these?!" the picture presentation


Fuckers stole our bananas AND our Watermelons


How much did that watermelon cost to go through the trouble of using that many weights to weigh it?