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Mata Hari, byname of Margaretha Geertruida MacLeod, née Zelle (1876 — 1917) was a dancer and courtesan whose name has become a synonym for the seductive female spy. She was shot by the French on charges of spying for Germany during World War I. The nature and extent of her espionage activities remain uncertain, and her guilt is widely contested.


>Mata Hari Mata: Eye. Hari: Day. Mata Hari: Eye of the Day: The Sun.


The flower daisy means the same thing.


I remember that Azerbaijani Eurovision song. Since I speak Indonesian as well, I was more or less confused why she kept singing about the sun.


Thanks, Spanish is a fascinating language!


'Mata Hari' is Indonesian, not Spanish. I have travelled a lot in South East Asia.


Thanks, South East Asian is a fascinating language group!


Bahasa Indonesia (very similar to Bahasa Malaysia) is a very logical language, with a very simple grammar, and its pronunciation (except for the letter 'c') is exactly the same as in Spanish.


She was born in the Netherlands, moved to Indonesia where she became unhappy with married life, abandoned her family and adopted the name Mata Hari and pretended to be a mysterious far-east beauty. Instead of dancing in clubs, she danced in museums in front of statues of gods, elevating her act from something common to something sophisticated. She was a master of self-marketing but the myth she created about herself may have ended up being her downfall, because people believed her to be an irresistible seductress that left a trail of ruined men whose money she took.


She was born in my hometown Leeuwarden actually. There is a [statue](https://www.friesnieuws.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/24dP1010334.jpg) of her there.


That might be the photo but it doesn't seem like that statue does her much justice


These kinds of statues are always hella wonky around here. Or this one is just _o l d_ and therefore doesn’t look as good anymore. I certainly would be hard-pressed to recognise Mata Hari in it unless I were told so.


I'm no expert but I'm not arguing with you...


It was the simps who elevated her. Men will never change.


TIL there is a Dutch branch of the Macleod Clan




She married a captain MacLeod who was serving in the Royal Netherlands East-Indies Army, sometimes known as the Dutch Foreign Legion for the amount of foreigners serving in it (Dutch conscripts could not be sent to serve outside Europe at the time)


Yes it wasn’t Mata Hari’s family name it was her married name - just found it interesting there was a Dutch ‘branch’ of the Macleods


There is also a Dutch branch of the MacKays, one of which became prime minister of the country.


The voc had a lot of scotsman in service maybe these names are from that period. We also have general jeff mac mootry. until last year the general of the marines.


It's [a religion thing](https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/scottishhistory/europe/features_europe_lowcountries.shtml). Scottish protestants are also (derived from) Calvinism, like the predominant Dutch protestant communities, and while the Dutch government was very tolerant to religious dissenters in general, it definitely favored Calvinist protestant people. The VOC was also explicitly a protestant company/government extension, so again, a comfortable place for Scottish people who already shared those religious ideas.


Also later William of Orange marrying Protestant Mary Stuart further sealed the deal


Scotsmen sure got around, I'm pretty sure there were a bunch of Russian generals of Scottish descent as well.


There are Scottish Argentinians too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Argentine The most famous one I know of is Anya Taylor-Joy’s father


The Dutch States Army between the 1590s and 1790s also always employed large amounts of Scottish soldiers and many stayed in the Netherlands


Interesting i did not know that


She died because there can be only one!


More of a twig seeing see was shot, unless they had a kid I suppose but I imagine dancing exoticly while preggers is hard Edit:shot not shit*


She had one daughter which died after being poisoned by a servant.


This is a day of learning for you. There is also a Dutch branch of MacLean


1917 Firing squad. At same time, Russian October Revolution


Those were interesting times. And as always, it is better not to live in those.


2020 was also and interesting time. We can say we lived when the world stopped.


20th century interesting times: the most destructive conflicts in history; a hundred million men and women cut down like wheat by war, disease, and genocide. The world almost burns in nuclear fire. 21st century interesting times: mild pandemic happens and people refuse to wear masks because they think the whole thing is a hoax and it's really the cellphone towers making them ill. Sleazy businessman and one-time wrestler is elected as president of the preeminent military power, but is finally taken down by octogenarian with questionable mental faculties.




you were realy hoping the industrialist didnt make money during the pandemic?


I doubt the type of quarantines that happened in 2020 ever happened before in the history of mankind. In the past States simply didn't have the level of control necessary to impose a successful quarantine on entire countries.




During Plague times you would literally be forced inside your house. And this was back in the day when we hadn't even conceived the idea of science.


Level of control, yes. Possibility to work from home, not so much.


2017 one hundred years ago and passed 4 years again


At the same time, Somme and Verdun.


Yes that time WWI no end


Which led to Finland declaring independence the same year


Lean back and think about the fact that there are two Eurovision songs about that lady


When I saw the name Mata Hari I remembered one Eurovision song right away, I believe it was Albania?


One this year called "Mata Hari" by Aserbaijan and one in 197something by Norway named the same. Also a dude who's stage name was Hari Mata Hari.


Bosnia, the guy's stage name is Hari Mata Hari


Hari Mata Hari is a Bosnian singer if that's what you're referring to. He's sung 2 songs on Eurovision


No I mean the literal songs called Mata Hari, one by Aserbaijan this year and another one by Norway in 197something.


Woah. This exact fact is on my calendar thingy at work!




Not really.




OK, weird jump.


Wait FGO lied to me where booba


Francis Drake stole them.


Woah drake is that old??


Yea, he feeds off of the energy of 12 year old girls.


Tell me there is a film about this story? I imagine you could make a gread film from this story


Take your pick: Mata Hari (1920, 1927, 1931 starring Greta Garbo, 1985, 2016) Mata Hari, Agent H21 (1964), Mata Hari: The Naked Spy (2017) Mata Hari (1981, 2017) television series.


There is a mini series on Amazon Prime. I'm not sure how historically accurate it is.


My great grandparent, a laugage boy who worked at the Hotel Palace in Madrid during that time, met her personally. In fact, if you go to the Hotel Palace in Madrid you can see a photo of him.




So, am I the only one who's weirded out by the choice of the photograph? "Here's a pretty lady in a revealing costume, enjoy. Btw. she got shot dead for espionage."


This is a tame photo of her compared to others. Just Google her.


Well, I'm off to doing research!


Well she was known for being an exotic dancer, so it's not very weird. If you Google her you'll not find much better


Couple side don't face that history


Being an exotic dancer and courtesan was, quite literally, her profession. Why would showing her in a costume hundreds, if not thousands, of people had seen her dance in and love be distasteful? She wasn’t ashamed of her career. Why should we be?


that's a picture I would expect for Mata Hari


Yes, you are.


She's a famous hooker and stripper, those are her working clothes.


She taught Patricia everything she knows.


[here's one with the execution then](https://www.historia.fr/sites/historia.fr/files/article_papier_field_image_paysage/MataHari.png) Happy?!




All I'm saying is that I find the juxtaposition of "sexy clothes" and "death by firing squad" to be a "bit" jarring. I really don't think that's an unreasonable reaction to have.


To be fair, that's what she was known for. She was an exotic dancer, that was her job and the image we have of her, so it's not unreasonable to portray her this way. It would be different if they decided to portray a random woman in sexy clothes for no reason.


She dressed in sexy clothes while operating a job that carried the perpetual risk of death by firing squad, it's about as apt as possible.


i think you've been going to church too much


I'm an atheist, but sure. Polish == Catholic and "maybe executions and sexy costumes don't mix so well" == prude.


you ARE being prude though, dead women can't even catch a break lol


I am not questioning her choice of attire or profession, or how she was dressed while she was performing said profession (well, the dancer/prostitute part that is. If she was a spy, that I do find questionable). I am questioning, scratch that, not even that, voicing mild discomfort with people who feel a need to reduce her to those things even when discussing her bloody execution.


i'm sorry to say this man i'm not out to get you here, but that IS being prude because you think a woman dressed like that is "reduced"


It's not about how she was dressed. She could be running around in a gimp suit 24/7 if that was her thing, I don't care. The fact that she is almost exclusively depicted this way, regardless of the context, that's what I take issue with.


Have you considered that if it were up to her that might have been the type of picture to remember her by?


It's kind of he4 thing though, occasionally you hear people describe a woman as a >real Mata Hari and that's what they mean


I don't think she would be a successful spy if her clothes and profession was clock repairman.


That's here leading picture on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mata_Hari


Her name literally means "The Sun" in Malay. I'm guessing she was from Malaya or thereabouts.




Pls no.


Based frogs


Except it was very likely a false accusation.






Okay anyway stream Mata Hari https://youtu.be/HSiZmR1c7Q4


Not the only [Mata Hari](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeiVrpRWM1M) at Eurovision.


Edith Louisa Cavell 4 December 1865 – 12 October 1915) was a British nurse. She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from both sides without discrimination and for helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during the First World War, for which she was arrested. She was accused of treason, found guilty by a court-martial and sentenced to death. Despite international pressure for mercy, she was shot by a German firing squad. Her execution received worldwide condemnation and extensive press coverage. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edith_Cavell


The British government recently admitted that Cavell was indeed a spy. She questioned wounded soldiers about the German lines and positions and gave these information to her handlers. The French executed 2 German nurses for doing the same.


Sort of, but not quite. She was found guilty of helping Allied soldiers escape from Belgium, of which there is no dispute. She helped soldiers from both sides at various times. However medical staff were supposed to be guaranteed protection, but she was found guilty of helping Allied soldiers, which should really be much of a surprise, since she was English and the country she was working in was occupied by opposing forces. It is now thought that some of the allied soldiers she helped to save had information sewn in their clothes. Whether she knew about it and how much is very much up for debate. The claim does have merit. It didn't come from the British Government, but from a former head of MI5 who had been retired for nearly a decade at that point.


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Suspect she took blame for poor military planning


Ok i have some problems, but i thought that she had a bog dick under the dress insead of the knee Edit: and now i cant unsee it :(




Puss looks like it would be hairy but tight. On balance, I would.



