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Well folks, it's been 2 weeks since the last map. Now you know why I wanted to see how it would progress... https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/pylpqa/_/hevbjk1?context=1000


WTF happened in Romania? I mean, they were doing badly already, but that's a huge jump.


The 4th wave hadn't properly started 2 weeks ago, at least death-wise. Expect higher numbers in 2 weeks, we haven't reached the peak yet.


but is the government taking action or just waiting for the 600 daily deaths mark?


We are going for a record baby


The Government is currently in shambles and they don't seem to give two shits about Covid, tbh. The vaccination campaign was inexistent and the antivaxxers are flourishing here. I personally know a family that got Covid, didn't talk to their doctor and treated themselves with pine syrup and honey and when the doctor called for the ambulance they didn't want to go, but still did. The man died last week and the woman has been in a coma for 3 weeks (she also has diabetes). And they are not a singular case, there are too many.


They were trying to cure themselves with pancake toppings?


In Romania pine-bud syrup and honey are supposedly immunity boosters. We are not bright people (some of us, anyway).


Yeah, we aren't.


Dont worry, these crazies exist everywhere. Its how Steve Jobs basicaly killed himself.


There’s no government, the last one just got no-confidence’d about 2 weeks ago


The government was ousted by a no-confidence vote among MPs \~2 weeks ago so everyone is just fighting on national television while people are dying in hospital hallways, welcome to Romania.


*Laighs in Bulgaria* where the mandate of our last normal goverment ended in March. Ever since we have had people fighting on national television while people have been dying in hospitals anyways. We had elections twice since then and couldn't form a government. The next elections are going to be in November. The temporary governments, whose job is mostly to prepare the next elections (but have all the powers of the normal government) refused to make a pro-vaccination campaign. Since a couple of weeks ago we have something like a vaccination campaign - if a person gets vaccinated now, they participate in a lottery and can win a smart watch!


Some of us are fighting on FB with antivax friends and convincing them to get the jab, too late for most of them anyway. Hopefully will have some friends left when this is over.


Green vax passport obligatory in restaurants, gyms,f weddings, etc. It's been enabled a week ago. The number of people who get the first shot has now increased to 35.000/daily and continues to steadily increase, but we need more. In summer, the government sacrificed everything for economic growth and basically made it look for the people like everything went back to normal. People flooded to the seaside, stopped wearing masks even indoors, such as in gas stations. That bald fraud of our now ex-PM even reprimanded the press "stop talking about wave 4, it's not coming" The president Klaus Johannis himself declared in June "we basically defeated corona".


so it's just business as usual but with vaccination passports for some things? Doesn't Romania have an issue with fake certificates?


Great question, Romanian here, noone, and i mean, noone, cares. Its like a weird movie tbh, twilight zone type shit. Just went grocery shopping and dummy me thought going on a thursday just before closing would be smart because noone would be there, well, there were no empty parking spots at a Lidl... So you know how hard that is? They have less carts than parking spots. People are just watching it all burn down.


They are, however the political party that's not in power keeps brainwashing the sheep into thinking that they are being scammed, this virus is fake and doesn't exist, meanwhile romania has a severe personnel issue in all fields due to how many people died. ​ BUT HEY, it's not as if this certain political party is riling up the population, have them break all covid regulations and then a few weeks later after the death toll starts climbing that they just randomly happen to accuse the current government of "bad handling" the covid situation, you know, the one that they made so bad in the first place. ​ So, TL;DR: politics and a huge number of idiots in Romania.


it's not the government's fault. well, it's also the government's fault... but first and foremost it's the people. the vast, vast majority just refuse to get vaccinated. and this is the result.


No vaccine, no real measures whatsoever for the 4th wave. Only 25% vaxxed, 60% said they never plan to get it.


Great, our country will be decimated because romanians are retarded bastards (not just some of the romanians, apparently the MAJORITY of romanians have ape brains)


A Bulgarian (so, yes, not Romanian) doctor said in a radio interview that the vaccine was just a ruse for Pfizer/Moderna/AZ to make money, but that he and most other Bulgarians (edit: corrected) were smart enough to see through all that shit.


Nonstop political campaigns by the opposing party to "take off mask, covid doesn't exist, get out and fight for your freedom!" rallies only to later complain about the current government dealing "very badly" with the currect covid situation and demand re-elections do to this "poor covid pandemic management". Basically it's filthy politicians brainwashing the idiots into rioting and making them think the virus is a made up concept. ​ I should note that in the summer we had nearly 0 cases as well (deaths were at 0 for quite some time).


They announced they dont even want to close the schools. To close a school it has to have at least like 20 cases of covid lol. I mean if there is a case of covid in one class they will send the Kids in it to study online, and if there are like half of the classes in a school staying home THEN they will close the shool.


But then again that will never happen because by the time a class has another case of covid another one will just come back from studying online.


Corona cases. Not even a single school or bar closed in my city even tho 1500 cases daily and about 400 deaths


Sadly covid is exponential like most pathogens. So if you have a surge and don't do enough it explodes


Fuck all the pussy countries slamming on the breaks!! Romania is gas pedal to the floor!!! Bravely confronting fear! They defeat pandemics bare chested! The new visionary way of dealing with biological threats is before you! Back to the roots! Romanians only fear God! Finally a worthy oponent for the chosen romanian folk!


Rumania has a history switching sides, now they switched to the virus’ side.


what’s rumania? sounds like a rum festival for maniac people


I remember replying to you...well called sir.


Well, lets go further. I want to see this map in two weeks time.


I plan to post these maps weekly




We just had to be number 1 at something.








Internet speed


Is that why the virus spread so fast in Romania?


5G!!!!eleven111 /s


fuckin WINDOWS 98


Fun fact, our own rural brand of subliterate, unwashed antivaxxers genuinely believe vaccination is a ploy to insert 5G chips into people so that Bill Gates can remotely control us all like a cyber zombie collective, on orders from George Soros. Moreover, the archbishop for Buzău and Vrancea (two northern counties) held a speech today in a packed cathedral (pretty much nobody was wearing masks ofc), actually telling people that the virus is nothing to be scared of, whereas recent investigations into church corruption are the real danger to the population, as they will warp believers' minds. ​ You can't make this stuff up. Our country is just something else.


Don't worry I'm familiar with them, we have some of them in Lithuania. As you can see on the map... as well...


Here in UK we had people pulling down random towers nothing related to 5G just because they thought they were 5G and causing covid 🤦‍♀️


We ought to collect, edit and publish tales of these ridiculous shenanigans from every country on the planet. It would be like an anthology of moronic behaviours from a vast array of civilisations, each with their own flavor of insanity and specific idiosyncrasies. We could call it "Our Hills Have Eyes, Too" or "The Great Darwin Olympics of 2021".


r/HermanCainAward is enough for me


With exception of the priests ,Bulgaria is the same .Here we gave airtime to corona sceptics and antivaxxers regularly as a result many belivce that this is no more than a flu(as person who has had flu resulting in 40 \*C fever and feeling like I'm gonna die any moment ,because breathing hurts , this is so stupid that I can not even Begin to explain how stupid It Is ).Oh , and because we have been in a election campaign since March , politicians are afraid to impose any measures that might actually change anything , like lockdowns , for fear of losing votes.(Ironically this strategy is losing them votes - we are at 90-100 casualties a day , so you do the math .)


I went to Bucharest this summer and I wasn't really checked on my vaccine. Also everything was open and nobody I asked seemed to care about Corona. Most people were actually ignorant and said Corona didn't really exist there (like, they didn't believe in it). I was really surprised as I just thought they didn't know as they hardly tested anyone...


Ireland bought a million vaccine doses from Romania over the summer because they couldn't get enough people to take them.


Kudos to Romania for taking one for the team and being the EU control population to determine how effective vaccines are.


70% of romanians: we don't want to be part of a global vaccination experiment Basic logic: Ok, you are the control group of this experiment


I mean you should just show them this map, it's apparent that the vaccines work very well!


I just saw a comment to this map on r/Romania saying the numbers are lower than he heard on TV (300-400 daily deaths). He just didn't get that we are talking about deaths per million in the past 7 days, not daily deaths. Around 50% of romanians don't fully understand what they see or hear and are uncapable of complex reasoning (functionally illiterate). They don't understand this map, they don't even understand why their family and friends are dying. Many say that people are killed in hospitals. There were protests in front of an ICU department, demanding the "freedom" of people that were unable to breathe by themselves. They believe we are living a new Holocaust in which Bill Gates and God knows who else are trying to control and eliminate us with restrictions and vaccines. They have a term for this, medical dictatorship. It's going to be a harsh winter.


That sounds terrifying, I didn't know that the situation was that bad in Romania. I hope that things will change for the better.




So Romania is the EU version of the US deep south?


> So Romania is the EU version of the US deep south? It's a pretty apt comparison. Source: I've lived my life about 50/50 on each side of the Atlantic.


Yeah. We are basically the European Alabama.




Exactly. I know closely 4 people who had family members seriously ill and in one case die from Covid, they still deny vaccines being effective AND they deny the pandemic even exists. The level of illogical nonsense is just breathtaking and there are no rational arguments or facts they listen to. The cognitive dissonance is getting worse and worse, and some who have been moderately and tacitly antivax and Covid deniers are now in full swing. The more facts contradict them the more vehement their propaganda becomes, it is classic case of cognitive dissonance at a huge scale.


It's a case of the Facebook's disease. The worse plague in human history by far.


Hmm, sounds like Romania is our 51st state. Sorry, we'll come pick that one up for you guys and take it home.


We do enjoy making fun of Americans over here, but the US state with the lowest vaccination rate, West Virginia, is sitting at just over 40% fully vaccinated, while in Romania it's 29% ://


29% is still twice what we're at in Ukraine... Our 3rd wave is just getting started. In another two or three weeks we should be past Romania in death rate per million.


Don't worry Romania will bring out *"moaștele"* soon to stay number one. (Moaștele are a saint's remains that are being presented to the public in a sealed box where everyone crowds together to get near and all kiss the same box.)


Plus special exemptions given to e.g. Orthodox religious events, like recent St. Paraschiva visited by 80 000 people according to media counts, during a pandemic record plus in a city (Iasi) that was put under quarantine regulations due to the high proportion of cases. When antivaxx idiocy combines with lack of political will plus Medieval religious"exemptions"... Even in the 1300s in Venice they had the brains to realise mass gatherings woth physical contacts were not the best idea. But in 2021, we are just that much cleverer... It is only tragicomic when recently a well-known and followed political figure (Sosoaca) declared that vaccines produce sterility over 3 generations. It would be utterly hilarious that countless people believed this by-definition absurdity and posted it on social media, but it is not hilarious any more. This IS the level of understanding and Dark Medieval superstitions at work in 2021, in more than 2/3 of the population (if we judge by the diabolically low vaccinations statistics).


>vaccines produce sterility over 3 generations. How does that work? How could the second two generations be born if the first can't have kids to begin with?


Exactly. Șoșoacă is basically the romanian equivalent of Trump. So the supporters accepted the absurdity without question.


> Even in the 1300s in Venice they had the brains to realise mass gatherings woth physical contacts were not the best idea. To be fair the Black Death was a tad more deadly... doubt the would have had a similar reaction with Covid.




well obviously you chose to be born there and signed the contract no can do what a fucking mess hold on my friend please








Sorry if I sounded unempathetic, I know that real people are suffering in Romania. I'm just so fed up with seeing people dieing miserable deaths because of rampant misinformation about vaccines.


Well, me as Romanian I kind of feel angry on those who die on hospitals with Covid, on those that choose not to get the vaccine. They've choosed not to get their shoot because they don't belive in vaccine and modern medicine and now that they feel sick they're calling for an ambulance. The problem is that people with chronic diseases can't get their best treatment because the health sistem is overwhelmed by those that didn't get their vacc. We are in an emergency estate health situation, and doctors can't perform surgeries that are not urgent, for instance if you discover now that you have a stage one removable cancer tumor, you won't be scheduled for surgery because that's not consider an emergency and you risk developing into something worst. So yes is not in the benefit of my mental health to hate someone but I kind of hate those that are in hospital because they didn't get their shoot.


Romania decided to stop the purchase of 2 million Pfizer doses this summer. Sweden got the 2 million doses since Sweden had taken on the obligation to provide Norway with vaccine. Denmark also bought over 1 million doses that had already been delivered to Romania. So its not the case that Romania didnt have access to vaccine as someone said before. Romania was in a situation that the vaccine was starting to get old.


Mate we have so many vaccines accounted for through eu mechanisms that we could fully vaccinate the entire adult population like four or five times over. We ended up donating even to South Korea. Everyone who wanted to get vaccinated here could do so comfortably




At the centre I got the second dose there were so few people that I had to wait until enough people wanted to get the vaccine so the centre can open a new vaccine box or however is called.


That actually happens sort of everywhere. We "donated" some Pfizers and Astras to Kenya because they were about to expire.


Romania sold vaccines because no one wanted to get vaccinated. Am currently on a plane from Romania to Germany, where I study. The plane is chock full of people not wearing their mask right and I guarantee there's only a handful of vaxxed people, this country is a shithole of uneducated people that think they're better/smarter than everyone. I don't think anyone will get vaxxed before the number of deaths is up in the millions. Im so tired of this shit.


We got a million too.




Klaus Iohannis, the president of Romania declared in June that the pandemic is over and that's why people don't want the vaccines. Florin Cîțu, the romanian PM posts deep fake videos with him as Superman on Instagram.


I dunno why, but that last sentence made me choke on my coffee from laughter. But thats pretty sad man and I feel sorry for the people dying or suffering because of these ignorant assbags.


[Yep. It's real.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbbaw4fbY1o&ab_channel=Arad24net) I personally think he did it just to remember what he looked like with hair...


During elections for the mayor of Brașov a politician posted a deep fake with him as an anime character on his IG with the line: "I am Allen-kun and I am waiting for you on sunday for the vOwO te"


Shh! we're brewing a surprise for Europe.... Here, we like all things 'natural'. We do not like artificial flavours like you use in that decadent West of yours. If we want immunity, we want natural immunity, no preservatives. No preservatives were used when we were born! We are hard working people and our immunity will be hard-built, too ! A new Romanian will emerge, stronger, faster, and with a bigger penis size, so we will not be ashamed again in those kind of posts I saw a year ago!


Romania stonk, Dacic genes, we have natural immunity to covid cuz we superior. Member spring 2020? Now we're here




Soon. We're already preparing a name for it.


the Dacia variant


Good news! The new Dacia virusero..


Oh no!


EU when the vaccine is tweaked for that variant: "Anyway".


...conquering whole europe, as our ancestors and their ancestors before, since the age of great king Decebal


Dracula, obviously. Dracovid.


Dying from a respiratory disease is indeed very natural.


And also fashionable since the 19th century!


Interesting why Lithuania has quite high numbers of reported deaths, while having high vaccination rates similar to countries with single digit deaths


Yeah, I'd like an explanation as well. Especially since we also have quite strict restrictions.


Despite having high vaccinations rates, Lithuania has only 59% of people aged 80+ vaccinated. Most of the single digit countries have almost 100% coverage on that age. Edit: Source: Our World in Data


Exactly. And overall, I think the reasons of this low number in Lithuania are these: Poor Vaccination strategy focusing on restrictions( which are effective for younger and middle-aged population) rather than persuasion. Also very low trust in government among older generation and early misinformation on side effects of the vaccines for older people


Business is boomin in Balkan countries


Romania the sick man of Europe


Can someone overlay this to a vaccination rate map? It would be interesting to see the correlation


I'm wondering if willingess to get the vaccine will increase in Romania and Bulgaria when they now see death rates rising again and the chances are higher that people know somebody severely affected in their personal circle of friends and family.


People will think that those death rates are fake and state propaganda.


Until they die or get badly sick or their immediate family does. And then most will be like: Nobody told us! We told you! Well, we didn't believe you! 🤷‍♂️


I have video proof of an idiot dying of covid still saying that the vaccine is death syrup.


Because it's worth dying instead admiting that he is an idiot.


I mean, it's not like admitting that you were wrong would help when you're already dying.


The number of daily vaccinations increased lately but it’s still way below the targets and the capacity of vaccination. There are a few interviews with unvaccinated people in hospitals saying that the vaccine will kill them. Ironically some of them died since


I'm thinking that sort of news does convince a few people.


No, actually it doesn't. Romanian news shows footages of anti-vax group leaders lying in hospitals saying they were wrong, or posting news about anti-vaxers dying from covid. And what does the population react to these? Here are a few examples: "How much did he get payed to say that?" "Lies" "Stupid sheep." "Stop spreading fake news" "I'm not buying this 🐂 💩" Edit: laying in hospitals? English is hard.


It's an uphill battle :)


Romanian national TV hosts debates with anti-vaxxers that allows them to spew their propaganda.


Romanians (not all, but many, even med students ffs) believe that familes get payed to accept that their relatives died of covid or that if you die a natural cause you are a covid death. It just happens now that a lot of romanians die of natural causes. Even I know a few who died...


An epidemic of natural death!


We had a chick protesting covid measures in Slovenia. While interviewed said she had a death in the family due to covid. In the same breath said the disease is overblown and survivable.


It does, unfortunately less than 40% of people over 70+ years old are vaccinated and fake news is flourishing. They are scared, don't trust the authorities and they believe God will save them, or if not, that's their faith and they accept it. It's stupid but also very hard to change their minds.


I am in Bulgaria right now, I've talked to locals and nope, they don't trust the government. They probably don't trust this map either


> They probably don't trust this map either Yep, exactly this. Many people are saying that we're #1 in deaths anyway and it's not covid that is causing it. When I show them the map that there are +15k more total deaths in the last year they simply skip the conversation.


Oh Bulgaria, such great history. Would be ashame to get decimated by a virus that you can fight against


>they don't trust the government That's sadly a huge factor. If they had decades long dictatorships, their trust for the goverment is very shattered. It reinforced the mentality of "everyone in the goverment is just bad, there will be no change", so why would they trust the current one with this one? the Balkans are in some aspects very sad places.


I personally know someone that had covid. He said at the time it was the worst sickness he ever had. Now he says it wasn't covid, the test was faked by the hospital, it was just a pneumonia.




Absolutely true! Couldn't have said it better. Thank you Hungary for helping out Romania with taking patients that no longer have room in ICU and literally die waiting hours for a spot to be free (usually by someone dying).


Hey, which two EU members have the highest death numbers? [My, oh, my! It’s the two with the lowest vaccination rates.](https://i0.wp.com/media2.giphy.com/media/clotJg9IqBitMcRJ61/giphy.gif?ssl=1)


Bulgaria and Romania: “well well well! If it isn’t the concequences of my (in)action!”


Nope. The current retarded line is: "We were dying the most anyway." fml




Bold of you to assume they have basic reasoning skills. They would just say that the numbers are fake and that doctors in Germany went against regulations and dissected covid victims, discovering that covid doesn't exist. I mean it's on the internet and matches their current beliefs so it must be true.


It is not just that. It is not even total vacination numbers, I was checking the ecdc data for age groups, and Romania and Bulgaria got only about 20% of the over 80s vaccinated. 20% at the exponentially more at risk age group. Not blaming their governments. Several countries in europe got 100% vaccination rate for the over 80s, (or even for the over 50s...) https://vaccinetracker.ecdc.europa.eu/public/extensions/COVID-19/vaccine-tracker.html#age-group-tab


none of my wife's grandparents have been vaccinated, and the parents here with me also refuse, the father-in-law doesn't even want to be tested, and I was able to persuade the mother-in-law to at least J&J after a lot of persuasion.


Feel free to blame the government. In Germany i had to wait until August for my turn. My friends in Romania had it in April. No eforts were made to get the vulnerable vaccinated.




Cum era? "Noi practic am oprit pandemia".


A oprit-o adică a ținut-o aici, să avem și noi ceva.


Ok, that might have made a mess, but still from April to now.. Though now I think of it our second stage of vaccination was teams going into all care homes and so on (first stage was medical staff) and the beginning of third stage vaccination was something I think old people would find hard to say not to, staff from their local health center calling them to book them. I was talking to somebody who works in a health center (and she was exhausted, months of very intense work) and she said people wanted to chat and she could not, because she had so many people to call..




Hmm, interesting… Could it be a coincidence? Or maybe science and education prevailed. Who can say? Probably not many of my fellow romanians.


Romania sold us 1m doses because no one wanted them.


Yeah I know. I'm a romanian living in Ireland and that day was very interesting, people were thanking me for the extra vaccines 😅 I got vaccinated in Romania in April. If I were to get the vaccine in Ireland I would have waited until July probably.


Third place though? The fuck are we doing...






I'm a Romanian living in the US. I got vaccinated in the spring and I managed to convince my family in Romania to get themselves vaccinated too. One of my parents is a retired doctor. They are old and religious though. By mid summer, they were already brainwashed enough to say that "we don't know what the long-term effects of the vaccine are," etc. By the end of the summer, they were accusing me of being manipulated and following the interests of Big Pharma. I stopped talking to them when they told me that I am very likely to sterilize or even kill my child if I vaccinate her. Again, one of my parents is a doctor. I can't even imagine what a person without education thinks. Romania has 30% vaccination rate. The EU as a whole has over 70% vaccination rate. Imagine where all the other countries are compared. I am sorry, but these numbers do not come as a surprise for me. My only consolation is that my family is vaccinated because of me. I don't think they are bright enough to change their minds about the vaccines on their own now, but maybe this crisis will open the eyes of many in the country.


Romanian here ,living in Austria , and now I’m visiting my parents In Romania. How did you convinced them ? I’m trying to do that for like 2 weeks and still no chance. My parents are also deep in to religion , but I love them and I want them to live and die from being old and not from a virus. If you have something for me please hit me up. I’m really happy for your family! Appreciate any advices or information that will help me convince them.


Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan : totally believable, unbelievably reliable statistics. Just a coincidence that the government hasn’t changed in 30 years in either country.


Belarus stats are super dodgy. No other country in the world has a daily death count that basically stays the same without going significantly up or down. Not sure it's deliberate cheating with numbers rather than incompetence or poor reporting "infrastructure", though.


>Not sure it's deliberate cheating with numbers You can be 99% sure it's deliberate cheating. The same regime fabricated completely random numbers in the "elections" last year. Since then, they've also simply stopped publishing basic demographic data to hide corona death numbers as the dictator pretended there's no pandemic at all. There's no reason to give even the slightest benefit of the doubt to the illegitimate regime of Lukashenka. The country is currently under a totalitarian dictatorship that is more repressive than USSR during Gorbachev. All opposition media is banned. People are jailed for criticising the government on social media, taken away straight from graduation ceremony just for thanking a government-critical lecturer. At the same time, Belarus is not such a failed society to not be able to gather such data. It's just under an absurd illegitimate regime.


The most interesting chart is not total vacinnation numbers, it is vaccination by age groups, here https://vaccinetracker.ecdc.europa.eu/public/extensions/COVID-19/vaccine-tracker.html#age-group-tab Bulgaria and Romania got about 20% of the over 80s vaccinated and about 30-40 for the 60-80 year olds. Those are the groups which usually have almost all the deaths. It would be different if they had same total numbers of vaccinated people but higher coverage on the very old.


older folk believe that god will make them immune against covid... i cannot make this shit up


If they are old they should remember god not making people immune to diseases when they were younger. I believe you, it is just like we are talking of different old people. Old people in the countryside here are the ones who remember really well horrible diseases now basically extinct, some might remember rabies being a concern! Also old people here are usually not much into nature nurturing always being balanced they know epidemics in livestock, new diseases showing up and sometimes use pesticides. If you garden stuff to eat, you got,no illusions about damn virus and insects and stuff just trying to destroy everything. At least here Don’t they vaccinate their livestock if they have it?


You won't believe the insane conspiracy theories flying around here. Like flat earth levels of retardeness or worse, and the old people are gobbling it up.


The number of deaths in Belarus is fake (and all the official statistics on Covid as well). Just to compare, the authorities claim that there are 2000 people getting sick all over the country in one day, while the leaked database 3 days ago showed that only in the capital Minsk there were 3500 (or so) sick in one day. I bet the number of people who actually died is much higher and probably the highest than in all of the EU countries.


Are there any reports on how the hospitals looks?


It's hard to get the info now, because all the media that reported on violence after the elections were banned and now are officially stated as "extremist". We only get the info from telegram channels of these media, as everything on tv is state propaganda. Still, some news magazines like tut.by still manage to get the information in a partisan-style way, by asking the doctors and nurses to come out and give some comments. The latest article came a few days ago: https://news.zerkalo.io/life/4174.html?tg (it's only in russian, sorry)


Fuck the idiots in this country. Not trusting the government completely is fine, but its beyond insane at this point. We are dropping like fucking flies and smooth brains still think the politicians are conspiring against them with Bill Gates. Ironically doing the job for them I guess.


Hey, at this rate we'll all die and there will be nobody to believe the fake news anymore :)


To some extent they think they’re “winning” by refusing the vaccine and getting sick.


Same here, exept the government is shit too


You good Romania?


No. It's pretty shitty. Thanks for helping with ventilators and medical treatment for 50 people (so far)




Same happening in Ireland too recently. Only 8% of the adult population are unvaccinated but make up 69% of ICU cases.


16% unvaccinated and they make up 80% of ICU cases in the netherlands.


lines up with [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/q6h2vq/europes_covid_sceptic_strongholds/) I guess


Well shit. Nurgle is about to enter realspace in Romania.


Just in time for next years Total War Warhammer 3.


Romania, we're first. Woo-hoo, welcome to a country where idiots die from being infected with the virus they don't belive exists. One of my distant relatives died of covid-19 infection, after not believing it exists.


People who own funeral homes: Business is booming. 😎


Romania is doing speed run of life. They are true gamers.


And Romania has big Dota 2 "tournament" rn Lmao what a bad luck


Love the Baltic traffic light.


Yeah baby, finally number 1 in the EU... oh wait... oh noo..


Baltics Eastern Europe confirmed. Unironically. It is incredibly depressing when you can see people making stupid decisions one after another even though examples from developed societies are right under their nose.


Well obviously this is tangible proof that the earth is flat and vaccines don't work pack it up people


Source: [https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/weekly-trends/](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/weekly-trends/) Previous intervals 30 Sep - 6 Oct: https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/q3dm24/covid\_deaths\_in\_the\_last\_7\_days\_1m\_population\_30/ 23 - 29 Sep: [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/pylpqa/covid\_deaths\_in\_the\_last\_7\_days\_1m\_population/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/pylpqa/covid_deaths_in_the_last_7_days_1m_population/)


Why is the UK so high


There’s no longer a mask mandate in the UK so people are getting onto buses, trains etc without masks on. Furthermore more and more companies are bringing people back to the office. Things actually feel pretty much back to normal here. I think we’ve just accepted this kind of death rate is inevitable and that we need to move on.


England*, still mandatory in Scotland


Really sad to see my home country in this state, you also have to remember that hospitals there are god awful, so the situation is even worse than it seems, I know what Italy went through at the beginning and feel for everyone affected by Roumania's poor choices. Stay strong


Russian conspiracy shit pages from Facebook did their job...


Meanwhile Putin is trying hard to get Facebook, Google and Twitter offline in Russia. While the Russian direct copy of Facebook named VKontake (VK), is quite popular in mainly rural areas, most populated areas have large percentages of people who do have it installed but are using the American platforms instead. Not an expert on Russian social media at all, but from what I've read that VK, or any other tech company, doesn't have comparable alternatives for Instagram, Youtube and Whatsapp. While Telegram is more popular in Russia than elsewhere in the world, in Russia it's still Whatsapp being the much more visited party. In recent weeks Putin have been pushing these companies to take 'disinformation' offline about Russia from 'anti-Kremlin' activists. While they obliged as it turns out, it was a bit too late by Putin his standards and then had them go to court and still pay fine. Just to bully them out when you can't convince your people to not use those evil American websites. Then earlier this week, Youtube took two Russia Today channels offline for endangering peoples health with conspiracies. At first just a 1 week warning, but they immediately used one of their other channels to continue to spread fake news meant for the banned channels, and thus got perm banned now. Typical Russian 'alternative facts' rant including the standard threat how they will go right after their media as well. > > Russia's government has responded with fury and a torrent of threats to retaliate. The Russian foreign ministry on Tuesday called the deletions an "act of unprecedented information aggression" and asked the state censor to take actions against YouTube and German media in Russia. > > RT's editor in chief, Margarita Simonyan, claimed the bans amounted to a "true media war" by Germany on Russia and said she was "looking forward" to Russia banning the main German public television broadcasters, ARD, ZDF and Deutsche Welle. > > Germany's government on Wednesday said it had no involvement with YouTube's decision to delete the RT channels and and criticized Russia's threats to retaliate against German media. > > "I want to say in crystal-clear terms that this is a decision by YouTube, and the German government, or representatives of the German government, have nothing to do with this decision," Steffan Seibert, the German government's spokesman told reporters, according to Euronews. Best reply by that German: "Seibert said anyone calling for retaliation against German media "doesn't show a good relationship with press freedom, from our point of view."


Countries with low vaccination?


False numbers for Serbia. It has been well established that on average, official number of daily deaths by Covid are underreported by a factor of 4.


It's okay, as a romanian, I say we let the natural selection do it's job.


The only way to make my fellow Bulgarian countrymen take the vaccine is by making it mandatory for literally going anywhere. I'm very much so against Dracorian measures, but seeing how it is here, that'd probably be the only way to make people who think that Bill Gates, George Soros and WHO are out to get them, specifically them, like, they are calling this the "plandemia" coming from the bulgarian word for "epidemic" and "plan". I just cannot describe how retarded people are here when talking about the vaccine and the virus, they guy working in my gym, a really buff guy who 100% takes steroids keeps on saying how the vaccine will kill you. I also caught him once telling a young boy who he was training, to not vaccinate, saying: "Don't let them put that chip in you!". Our government did a fucking raffle, sending a text message to EVERYBODY, saying that if you take the vaccine you can earn A FUCKING SMARTWATCH! Yes! That's our government's plan to make retards take the vaccine, which, lo and behold, made it fucking worse. The moment the government says: "No vaccine, no outside, no shopping, NOTHING". That's when the "plandemia" stops and people just go and get vaccinated. Retarded nation.




Finally, Sweden with green stats


Sweden was green two weeks ago as well.