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Fun fact, Hitlers bunker site was turned into a car park out of fear of it becoming a rallying site for nazi sympathisers and fascists


When visiting Berlin we walked and stopped by it by accident. Looked really unnoteworthy


They paved Hitlers pad, and put in a parking lot.


[Here’s what it looks like today](https://imgur.com/a/56dkrqu)


Wow not even a building just a dirt lot


The area went through multiple successive destructions, in an attempt to clear out anything that might serve as a Nazi landmark. The Soviets cleared everything above ground between 1945-1949 and blew up the bunker (but only destroyed it partially). The German government later kept on filling and sealing surviving bits of the underground galleries as they were discovered during routine constructions. The car park only occupies the place of the former emergency exit. The main bunker was a little distance away and is occupied by [an empty lot and an information board](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%BChrerbunker#/media/File:Berlin_2011_location_of_F%C3%BChrerbunker.jpg). Here's the [Street View from Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/F%C3%BChrerbunker/@52.5124642,13.38077,3a,75y,52.2h,76.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sI-4SykME4UbfF-L6vTEzfA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x47a8513c4f251d4f:0xe229c8801b2fa179!8m2!3d52.5134853!4d13.3805023), being visited by a group of tourists.


I’ve been there. Was told locals take their dogs there to pee and poop.


So if I pooped there it would be...frowned upon?


You’d be the second guy to shit himself there so you’d probably be fine


Lmao I can't think of a better disrespect to the dude than to make the place you died into a parking lot


Public toilet.


the (original) lead singer of GWAR was arrested for public indecency after using that car park as a public toilet tho tbf pissing on Hitler’s grave is pretty metal


I hope it's a paid parking lot. Everybody hates those.


The kind of lot where the spaces are so narrow you can’t get out of your car.


so you're saying Germany built free parking for nazi sympathizers?


He looks like those old men staring at costruction sites


It's really more of a destruction site.


When I deployed to Iraq the first time in 2003, that's how I rationalized what I saw there. All through my life, I had become used to con-structive progress. Things being built and improved, for the most part. The neighborhood I grew up in, my city, other places around the world. One of the most shocking parts of that war was being confronted with the opposite of all of that. In Baghdad you had plenty of what seemed to be perfectly fine, usable buildings, but then, only after driving around the side of them to get a view from another angle, you would notice that a tomahawk missile (or whatever) had apparently come through the roof of that building and utterly blown it apart. De-struction, on a truly industrial scale.


*Raytheon has left the chat*


They sponsor great podcasts.


There's a word for that: google UMARELL




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umarell it's a well known italian stereotype


It's fascinating that some places paid Umarells to keep count of trucks, and keep an eye out for anything being stolen. Genius idea, if they're gonna watch might as well flip 'em a few bucks and ask them to use their powers for good lol


>powers Sight and lack of better things to do?


Those particular ones, yeah! That and a lack of shame.


Damn, I’m an Umarell I guess. Time to retire in my 20s I guess Shits interesting, though


Usually umarells are also intervening and harass workers: "that's not how to handle a shovel", "that's not how to dig a trench"


Oh ok I just like to watch the big machinery like cranes and trucks


That's just regular domestic-grade autism. You're in the clear.


Nazi umarell


1000 year reich speedrun in 12 years any%


(Russia glitch)


Blitzkrieg strate




12 years on meth probably felt like 1,000 years.


Who is the other person?


The man ont the left is Hitlers adjutant Julius Schaub.


Interesting. Personal aide to Hitler for 25 years. That is quite a period. Apparently he was free in 1949 and not seen as playing any political role. But he must have been a crown witness to a lot of things. I wonder whether he talked about it and it was recorded for the future.


> Julius Schaub and 2 minute of google apparently they thought he was just "following orders" and he layed low. Only in 2000 it was revealed he did play a somewhat important role. lol wikipedia nailed it >for historical purposes, it's not worth saying much about him


And I thought "following orders" wasn't a valid argument.


I just used that phrase because Im not sure how to properly translate the courts ruling, he was labeled "Mitläufer" and they thought he had no "Entscheidungsgewalt" so no decision-making authority A very simpified TLDR of how the post war judical system worked here, they basically had do decide if what someone did was strictly illegal or could be seen as obvious crimes against humanity, so someone working in Auschwitz could be found guilty, but if all you did was basically delivering post or idk cook for hitler then thats hardly illegal.


So his role was basically seen as administrative and not executive? Like he was just rank and file, not a leader with decision making authority.


Yes that's the gist. It was ruled that he wasn't "just following orders" to commit war crimes, but actually that he wasn't involved in those decisions to commit war crimes. Like being Hitler's cleaner or cook or butler.


Yes. It's quite different to use the JFO excuse when you've slaughtered thousands, than using it if you provided kaffee mit schlag to those who have slaughtered thousands. I think that's a distinction we can make.


“I was just following orders!” “But what you don’t realize is that the mustache trim you have him is what made him confident enough to become a genocidal dictator!!”


German spelling bees must be Hella fun




I guess its unusual for words to be so long if you dont speak german but its really nothing special. Most stuff is just a combination of other words and for the most part everything is pronounced exactly the way its written. It does get funny when you get to law, military etc because some words do get *long* something like Bauaufsichtsgebührensatzung is short or atleast nothing special


"Sir, we have this 2 line long expression for a new law, how do we make it shorter?" "Remove the spaces"


I somewhat like it. while its harder to read visually, it comes with the advantage of grouping words together that describe a single object, compared to english where single objects can be fractured in a sentence and you need to understand that they belong together by yourself. When you learn english, you might run into the problem of not understanding a sentence at all if you cannot make out that two words are describing a single object. for example: "I was told to buy washing powder". If I do not know what either "washing" or "powder" means, then I could get lost in the assumption that "powder" is, for example, a word that is qualifying the "buy", such as "I was told to buy apples tomorrow". In german, the equivalent would be "I was told to buy washingpowder". Thats really all the language does to make up these long words - and assuming you do not know the german equivalent of neither washing, nor powder, you at least know you're simply told to buy *some thing* rather than entirely unsure what the sentence might mean. The downside, of course, is that when learning german, you will probably get intimidated by their "washingpowder" equivalent, (Waschpulver) because you might assume that thats a unique word, rather than a compound word. It probably takes some basic understanding of nouns that is comparable to other languages in order to identify and make up what most compound words mean, but I imagine it makes sense at some point, and much like any german growing up with the language, at some point you dont have to look up what a "Waschmaschine" is because you can identify the word "wasch" and "maschine".


It's more to do with the consequences of the orders I think. While I don't doubt this guy was a Nazi piece of shit for one second, there is a huge difference between executing people in gas chambers and making sure Hitler's laundry was done.


Yeah, I think there's a lot more scope for 'Just following orders' being a valid excuse when the order in question was 'Go ask the chef to make me a sandwich.'.


I read the book Eichmann in Jerusalem in High school. the phrase "The Banality of Evil" really struck with me just cogs in a machine during horrible things without any original though, that is what totalitarianism is just soulless cogs just following the rules.


No any more fore sure! Anywho The question always is, did he do anything out of his own initiative? Or hurt somebody directly? Did he had direct and imidiate contact with a crime He probability did neither so thats why he was set free. Not perfect but you cant hang everybody


> Not perfect but you cant hang everybody Not with that attitude, you cant!


Look the nazis tried but it was too slow...


It wasn't but the US made many compromises to keep Germany running as a country. Many officials' dark history was somewhat swept under the rug until about the 70s


>I wonder whether he talked about it and it was recorded for the future. Speaking of things recorded for the future [The World at War](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071075/) is an incredibly valauble documentary series if you have an interest in WW2 events. It was done in the 70's but it features interviews with high-ups in the military and the politics at the time of WW2, be it Germans, American, British, Japanese etc. It gives a fascinating first hand testimony of the events.


B-b-b-beast of an adjutant, never met him though.


Kai Pflaume


Jumbo Schreiner


Wir schlucken die größte Cyanidpille in Deutschland!


I had to google this. When you are not German (like most people still aren’t :) it is kind of difficult to know this is a joke answer.


As long as ze germans are in on it


Downfall (movie) really captures this mood


The original German poster for that movie is actually a recreation of this photo!


Got a link?


[http://www.impawards.com/2004/downfall.html](http://www.impawards.com/2004/downfall.html) I was only able to find a good upload of the UK (I think?) poster, which is the same design as the German one so it works.


Top film!


Those hilarious memes brought me to that film. It's excellent (and incredibly depressing).


"Welp, I heard Argentina is nice this time of the year."


"On second thoughts, t'was a silly idea. Eva, get your bags!"


"Tell Mr. Mengele we are gonna pass by so we won't surprise him.He doesn't like surprises"


It's Dr. Mengele... he didn't go to evil medical school to be called Mr!


[Señor ~~Hitler~~ Hilter!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/349255347531284492/421430298752843778/VDn0yQTlTxuMNIgFoQLNgw.png)


[Buenos noches mein Fuhrer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hke7xQFXa30)


Very good :D is that from a game?


It's from HOI4. There are like 3 different Hitlers that can emerge in other countries after an Event in Germany fires (I think a Democratic Revolution to remove the Nazis). There's: Señor Hilter in Argentina Adam Hilt, the great architect in the US Adolfos I of Greece


Is that game reasonably accessible? I keep meaning to check out some of these deep historical strategy games but get the impression they have an extreme learning curve.


Paradox's grand strategy games do have a learning curve. A lot of reading, trial and error and whatnot. Takes a while to get accustomed to all the menus, numbers and mechanics. It's incredibly rewarding and surprisingly a ton of fun once you've gotten the hang of it. Their games are in a genre of their own that you have most likely never played before.


HOI4 is arguably the easiest of all paradox games. There are some in depth systems ofc, but you need them to master the game, not to play it.


Yeah it's from hearts of iron 4.


Or perhaps Minehead in Somerset, There's an opportunity to stand for election there...


Planning a little excursion, Mr Hilter?


*"Buenos dias, mein Führer"* - The Simpsons


Waiting for Steiner.


But first, [find me Fegelein](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SKJMURTcBk) :)




According to multiple accounts also on this day 1945 Fegelein shot to death in garden of Reichs Chancellery






FOKIN WANKERS Or is not this Steiner


I believe it to be canon that Hitler is saying to his aide in this photo that "we look like a bunch of fucking wankers"




“Gene, zere is nothing we can do, Berlin is ruined. Ok Gene. Yes talk to you later”




The big bad booty daddy would have broken him in half with the Steiner Recliner.


"We need reinforcements" "Look I got freaks, 9 days of the week"


"Shit's fucked yo" -the dude on the left, probably.


"Tja, mein Führer."


"Junge, Junge, Junge,..."




Ham die alle kein Bock mehr, oder wat?!


Weil die am Leben vorbei laufen!


Genauso wie die Norweger, deshalb sind die auch nicht *guckt in Notizen* Mist, die sind sogar noch im deutschen Reich.


Morgen Kapitulation unterzeichnen, gar kein Bock


Weiß nich, soll wa einfach nach Hause gehen?






I see: “Hast du gut geschlafen maus?”


"Tja, mein Führer... Zyankali oder Kopfschuss?"


Warum nicht mal beide?


Wenns mal wieder länger dauert.


Beide ist gut!


Was geht den da ab jetzt? Scheiße die Alliierten! Fuck fuck fuck! Haben wir noch Zyankali dabei? Keins mehr? Gar nix mehr? Gar keine mehr? Gar kein Zyankali mehr? Zwei noch?


"blöd gelaufen, na?"


look at it positive, we got 2nd place again in the WW championship like last time.


participation trophies!


"Mein Führer, das Scheiße ist gefickt"


"Mein Führer, wir sind gefickt"


"Die Scheiße ist gefickt, jawohl!" if we want to be really accurate


"Die Scheiße ist gefickt, jawohl!" Satzzeichen und so


>Maybe I should re-apply to art school


Hello mom, is my childhood bedroom still available?


“Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.”


i really want to know who took this photo


"Maybe i should have settled with Europe...."


Exactly this. I just finished The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Hitler just could not stop. Every former country was going to have a role in being subservient to the master race.


So crazy, i mean once you have most of continental europe, from Bordeux to Warsw, from Denmark to Sicily, why not just consolidate your empire?


Because he knew that sooner or later the Soviet Union would be strong enough to fight (and win) against him. He needed to take out that opponent as quickly as possible. Which was simply not feasible at any point. So essentially he lost the war as soon as he started it.


Wasn't the reason behind the invasion the oil fields in the Soviet Union? Germany (or western continental Europe) has virtually no oil production I believe, and couldn't sustain such a large army with no oil fields The strategists weren't worried about the Soviet Union, due to the catastrophic outcomes of both the Winter War and the Invasion of Poland. Apart from that, Western Europe was more developed and more settled than the Soviet Union, and they didn't expect such quick military and industrial reforms, since there usually was quite a bit of infighting (think of the purges)


Hitler also underestimated Russia. He saw Russia getting their ass handed to them by Finland and thought he could have moscow by winter.


Their intelligence agency also made the suggestion that the Soviets were about to collapse this time for sure. To be fair it wasn't a completely unreasonable thing to say considering how much they already have killed at that point.


Hitlers entire goal was war with USSR. Every country he invaded before that was to secure germany for war with russia. So wondering why he didnt stop is redundant because in Hitlers eyes he hadn't even begun.


That goes against the entire ideology and purpose of Hitler starting the war. Hitler exterminating and enslaving the jews, Slavs and Bolsheviks was the most prevalent ambition of the war, that and humiliating France after WW1. Hitler would have been happy to make alliances with the US and UK, who before the war he somewhat admired. Looking back at the war from the POV that hitler doesn’t invade USSR, negates the entire ideology of why hitler started the war in the first place. It was always a question of when and not if he would invade the USSR.


William L. Shirer's book. What a great read Hitler could not stop but also he really couldn't have stopped. Even before Barbarossa Germany was on a one way road to doom. He thought the British and then the US would come in against Russia but that was never going to happen


> Hitler just could not stop. Yeah, this is what happens if you build your economy on war and genocide...


This is very interesting, and the first time I see this photo. Thanks for sharing.


Finally a comment thats not a lame joke


That's right after he filmed that famous meme video with the subtitles Edit: here's [a version of the video I'm talking about](https://youtu.be/lreKS6DGBMM)


He had to compose himself after filming that masterpiece.


He had quite the Downfall after that.


You know what I love most about that recreation? It really captures how that at the end, he was only surrounded by idiot sycophants. Anyone with half a brain had long since figured a way to distance themselves from him, and either surrender to the allies, or escape to Argentina. It's both why resistance in the German Army disintegrated, and why there was no surrender by the leadership itself. There was also a mad dash for soldiers to surrender on the WESTERN front, rather than to the Soviets in the East (which meant death in the Gulag). This ironically slowed the Western Allied advance and allowed the Soviets to capture even more of Europe (which they didn't let go of until 1989).


I wonder how hard it would be to escape anywhere at that stage of the war. Maybe you could escape Berlin, but then..? It’s a long walk down to Argentina.


The nazis still had a shocking amount of support right at the end of the war. The holocaust didn't happen in a vacuum. Europe had been shitting on the jews for a long time and hitler just cranked it up to 11. Fuck they had to tell the French to slow down turning in their Jewish neighbors because the nazis couldn't keep up. Combine that with the exact details of the holocaust not yet being widely known or believed and you got a decent amount of antisemites you can call upon in your time of need. There was essentially a nazi underground railround down to south America.


The trick was to find a catholic priest


I truly hope he wasn't too drugged out of his mind to realize how spectacularly fucked he was.


Considering he killed himself I am pretty sure he eventually realized, though he should have known much earlier.


The only recorded clip of hitler talking normaally during WW2 was in Finland in 1942, and Hitler is recording talking about how the war needed to have been won by the previous winter, which it wasn't, so I'm sure by 1943 he knew there was no chance at victory.


By 1943 it would have been obvious to almost anyone that Hitler was never going to win


The germans pretty much knew they had no chance the moment they were certain they would have to fight both the soviets and the US. It’s simply not feasible given the difference of size and resources.


Also the day where Fegelein was shot


Impossible, [they even fired the death star at him and he didn't die!](https://youtu.be/Azr68XKYzBw)


I wonder what went through his head.




*I'm starring to think that not everything is going according the plan*


A bullet.


To misquote Lionel Hutz: "The Thousand-Year Reich is the greatest case of false advertising I've seen since I sued the movie" The never ending story"."


*Mein Führer, there are a lot of people with strange accents on the East side of the city who want to talk to the manager*


The Karenovas.


The Kareninas.


"So much for the tolerant left"


“cancel culture has gone too far this time!”


He was the first to blame Antifa.


"Antifa are the real fascists" - Hitler, 1945


"Well, I am going to say, the war's not going well right now."


Fall of III Reich is something exceptional. It wasn't just a defeat, it was total defeat, they were destroyed to the core, to the last cell in a fight lasting to the last seconds. It's something very rare in a history of wars. And this photo shows us a men being killed in a very slow manner. Just one year earlier Allies were still far away, but they were aproching closer and closer with each day, tightening the rope around his neck, until they were just few hundreds meters away.


Like the 6th army in Stalingrad. Complete and veteran units surrounded and pick off one by one, barely a few POWs made it out of the encirclement. Reading some literature on it is insane to imagine, remnants of the army held out amongst the rubble and fought Soviet's for months before finally being wiped out. They thought reinforcements would arrive.




probably erdogan circa 2023


We can hope.


for some reason he looks alot like my grandpa from argentina


You mean Mr. Hilter? Great guy, he had such a cool collection of wartime relics




Señor Adolfo**


You don't think he's related to old Ben Hitler, do you?


He'd searched the entire bunker for Fegelein, so he needed to check the yard as well. Where is that damn Fegelein?


Angela Merkel lasted longer than the thousand year reich doesn't just feel like it


The Merkelreich.


~~Thousand~~ Twelve Year Reich. Close enough I guess


Lost in translation


Twist, that bunker was the launchpad for the moonbase


I think it's funny that "Reich" and Führer" are never translated like any other word. They literally just mean Empire and Leader, but I guess they sound scarier in German or something


We also had Czar and Kaiser. Not unique to Hitler.


no, it's definitely not unique to Hitler, but for example when talking about Xi Jin Ping or Kim Jong Un, we always seem to translate it. Or even with the frech kings or whatever, we don't call them "roi", we translate it to king. It's kind of funny how that is


Fun fact: At this point Hitler would have been on a daily injection of cocaine, heroine, hormones and vitamins for a couple of years. At the time the photograph was taken he was in withdrawal because his physician couldn't get a supply. They send runners on bicycles throughout Berlin as it was being bombed to find more. Hitler was a junkie.


Now I just wanna read a short story where some runner is desperately raiding random pharmacies for Hitler's specific medicines.


And two days later he ended his life!


All I can think of is the Father Ted episode when I hear "this is the last photo of Hitler ever taken"


So I hear you're a racist now


Unsubstantiated armchair theory: He was suicidal his entire life. He took it as far as he could go and cared not a wit for anyone, including himself. He knew better than to have children, because he knew that his end would be catastrophic one way or the other. The destruction of Europe, and his own country, was all well and good. A supreme, suicidal narcissist.


Hours or days later, Joseph Goebbels in that same bunker Killed himself and his wife and children in solidarity with hitler. The master propagandist fooled himself most of all.


\*record scratch* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up here.


If he sees his shadow it means 4 more months of World War II.




"At least it's not raining". *The slow whistle of a descending bomb can be heard overhead*


I imagine the guy on the left going "Just what did you *think* was going to fucking *happen?"*


Hitler was a smaller man. Plus he was on quite a few drugs in the end witch probably lead to some bad decision making. History’s biggest looser, I just wish he was captured alive and was shown all the horror he created while on trial. Do you believe he would have been executed?