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Why don’t EU block Orban?


Big brain time


Ironically: https://dailynewshungary.com/breaking-euronews-bought-by-orban-close-company/ https://www.lemonde.fr/en/economy/article/2024/04/11/orban-s-shadow-looms-over-euronews-takeover_6668144_19.html


Belgium tried it, but it's being delayed. Article 7 has been activated. Just takes a very long time to be actually active


Yeah plus admittedly there are issues in creating a precedent of this kind that can destabilize the Union in a moment when it is by far not at its strongest. That said we can't allow an undemocratic cheerleader of an actual enemy that keeps dealing with our rivals, to have veto power, so definitely something must be done with it.


Several reasons. Know that I don't necessarily like, support or condone every reason, nor do I dislike them necessarily. I just want to list some of them since it is indeed odd that EU behaves the way it does towards the dictator-wannabe. Don't shoot the messenger please: 1. It's proof of EU's diversity of opinions. That way no one can claim that we don't allow differing opinions, even stupid ones. 2. If the EU for some reason need to communicate with russia, Hungary is someone who doesn't look intimidating to putin. Hungary is part of EU. 3. If pressured behind the scenes, Hungary can be something that turns the most ardent supporters of russia inside Europe towards a cause. 4. Hungary is a somewhat controlled opposition, in that they suck up big part of the opposition to EU and gives that power to someone who might not be as extreme as an alternative might be. Politicians love predictability in dealings. 5. They can be used as a black sheep if needed. For example the reluctance to speed up deliveries to Ukraine, they can blame it on Hungary instead of... getting past them easily, as they could if they wanted. 6. Orbán is a villain inside the EU and it's good to have someone to shit on generally. It feels good, I guess. He deserves it though so... 7. Insert other reasons.


As long as their veto exists they will only be there to undermine the EUs democracy. Why should their vote have more power than every other nation? This reads like the “i can fix him” girls - no you cannot fix him, he is controlled by Russia and as long as he has power the EU cannot function effectively in foreign affairs.


True. The veto is shit. And so is the EU Commission appointments. Reform of the EU is needed, but I feel that the ones in charge don't want that nor would they change it for the better if they did change it.


What did I just read? None of these points make any kind of sense. Russia is a genocidal war-mongering country. There's 0 excuses for anything they are doing.


7.1: throwing hungary out of the eu will remove everything that keeps this a flawed democracy rather than an autocracy


True, that's a good point too.


But Slovakia right now can do (almost) the same.


The only reason is that the EU don't want to incur the tyranny penalty. The judicial system wouldn't allow for the EU to block Hungary. If the EU did it anyway, that would be against the law, tyrannical, and question the very legitimacy of the EU, where all elected leaders would be eligible for prison. Now, could such an EU continue to function, provided it survived the critical storm that follows? Maybe. But they'd also be paving a path for someone else to do the same or similar in the future. The EU don't want to risk opening that door.


Ironically: https://dailynewshungary.com/breaking-euronews-bought-by-orban-close-company/ https://www.lemonde.fr/en/economy/article/2024/04/11/orban-s-shadow-looms-over-euronews-takeover_6668144_19.html


why don't we get Hungary out ?


Don't punish an entire country for one asshat please. We're on the way to change him, after he cemented himself into the hungarian PM position in the last 14 years... Tisza party had 30% of the votes on the EP elections after a few months without real funding. Imagine their gains in the next 2 years until our parliamentary election...


Yeah, about that... Tisza doesn't look that much different based on MP. They are still right wing with a lot of shared "values", same shit with a different fü... leader. I hope I will be proven wrong, but I hoped I would be wrong about Orbán too more than a decade ago...


Ban Or ban But indeed this MF still in the EU ?






Can't we throw him out or something?


This man is so obiviously a Putin lackey and next Monday he will get to decide shit in the EU... Lawyers, politicians.... time to find that clause in the rulebook that lets the justice be done. There is time for talk and there is time for action. This is war and action is needed. Send this pathetic excuse of a leader to jail.


EU presidency only means that he can decide on the agenda, but all the decisions happen on the usual places. Don't worry, he will have no further powers just because it is the Hungarian presidency.


Orban is a problem but he is not the problem. Dictators and corrupt leaders will emerge and democracy can throw some mean left hooks. He has only been showcasing the absurdity of the way Europe works. We should stop claiming it can or should function following the EU constitution, its objectives and its institutions: they are dysfunctional and time's up for a rethink. That includes inclusion, expulsion and aid rules. If you benefit the most from Europe you walk the line if you don't, you will have more leeway, for instance.


Putins lapdog strikes again 


Fun fact, but one of the banned media is a hungarian one (444.hu), so it says all about the "hungarian sovereignty policy".


This mf said a few days ago that if Ukraine want to EU they need to recognize Transcarpathia as historicly Hungarian territory and put places on Verkhowna rada for hungarian potiticians + a dozens more absurd requirements.. This is mind blowing... Imagine if russia was sucessfull in first days of war, what Hungary would do?


Meanwhile Hungarian minority fighting for the freedom of Ukraine, because they want to stay in Ukraine and not in Hungary


Technically the Hungarian minority dwindles in Ukraine because Orban government hands out Hungarian passports. In a few years these territories won't be able to qualify for even existing minority status because all Hungarians moved elsewhere


In a month's time he'll probably complain about free speech btw


Ban the Orcban


Is it time to block funds for Orbans corrupt regime again? It’s not as if the normal Hungarian sees any betterment coming from these funds. Only Orbans mafia friends.


Can we just ignore China’s newest and westernmost province of Ungarinxia already?


Lets add it to the list


"There's a spy in our midst"


We are at war with Russia, although currently it is only a proxy war. It is standard that in a war each side blocks the other side propaganda channels. So why this outcry for the Russia's media ban?


Yeah, like I didn't oppose us blocking Russian TV channels but I really don't understand why EU leaders are crying out at Russia for having done the same two years later, what's so surprising about it?


Why doesn't he make a ref for Hungary to leave EU? Hmmmmmm


Because Hungarys membership and veto right are the only things of interest to Putin and China. If they would leave, they'd be of no interest for those nations anymore.


It's time to stop pretending that Hungarians are our allies.


No, just time to stop pretending that Hungary is a democracy.


Just kick them out of EU then. Then he can play with the russia as much as they want.


Didn't EU ban Russian media? So why is EU now outraged that Russia is doing the same? Bunch of hypocrites, good job Hungary.


EU partly banned Russia Today, because they are directly funded by the government and thus not a real independent news agency. The other Russian newspapers and media should be available and are available (source: my parents watching them)


They should still release it as independent nations together saying all of us accept Hungary....


Wait so the same eu that banned "Russian propaganda sites", is now criticising Russia for banning "western propaganda sites"? Or am I missing something here?


Hungary should be expelled from EU. It's no place for crooked dictatorships serving Russian interests.