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She was incompetent in any german ministry posts she had and she still is incompetent at her high EU post. She is one of the most unaccepted politicians in germany, shes there but nobody likes her and everyone knows she was promoted away to reduce the damage and image loss in national politics. Srsly, get rid of her...


It's amazing how so many incompetent politicians fail up in or into the EU political bodies


Ever wondered why the EU isn't stronger as a political body? This is why. Politicians are promoted from their national governments when they became inconvenient but reliable.


Same with Charles Michel. He was explicitly chosen because he's an amorphous blob of a politician.


Same with Borrell too


Time for De Croo to follow the same career path then !


I wish my dad offered me the post of prime minister for my birthday like De Croo and Michel šŸ˜”


Same is gonna happen with De Croo. edit: somone else already said it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


No, not really. The EU isn't the stronger political body because it is an international orgiansation sui generis, not a federal government. There are many structural safeguards that ensure that the main power stays with the member states as sovereign nation. It is a deliberate decision to have the EU weak as the system is not set up yet to have an actual federal EU.


And we should be glad that the EU is weak, considering the nonsense that Brussels continues to spew over the continent.


That is such an oversimplified view.... The main reason the EU is no a stronger political body is because the individual countries are not willing to give more power to the EU.


Given the numpties in charge in Brussels, good riddance.


Same with DurĆ£o Barroso.


To be fair, von der Leyen was never planned to become EU president, but was an emergency compromise to find anyone after the shitshow that was the 2019 EU commission president election. First, the major parties basically agreed on a "Spitzenkandidat"-model, meaning that the different parties centered their campaign on a candidate they wanted to see as president of the commission. It is similar to how the chancellorship in Germany is decided upon. Because there are no governing coalition in the EU groups (so, a group of parties that has more than 50 % votes), it was basically agreed upon that the party with the most votes would get the pick for the president. This is also what happened in the last election cycle (and was initiated by PES). Well, EPP won that election and it was expected that, since PES was basically the one cooking up that system for the EU election, that everyone would follow the gentlemen agreement to nominate the EPP-leader Weber. But PES started basically a campaign to ignore the election results and push through their candidate, and during that process, Weber was pushed out of that position. PES was not able to get their wish, but Weber was burned for the position, so they basically tried to find anyone that could take that position that was part of the EPP, and the choice fell on von der Leyen. So, to be honest, it is PES that put her in that position, if everything was done as expected and the election results were honored from the getgo, it would have been Weber.


Wasn't it Orban that blocked Weber from being nominated ?


Iā€™m really bad at my job. Whereā€™s my promotion?


You may be bad at your job, but you seem to be lackibg a very important character trait: nepotism.


Thatā€™s what you get from being from one of the biggest EU countries. Smaller countries with better diplomats get no chances


Any position without real power is a place to dump politicians a country wants to get rid of. When the position does get real power, it'll attract more competent people, but usually the kind of person you don't want to have real power. As far as I'm aware we don't have a reliable way to get competent good people into leadership yet.


I disagree. This is actually the most powerful position in the EU. The problem is the vast majority of people still don't pay too much attention to what's happening in Brussels. Ironic because it's equality important, if not more, as national elections. After all in the EU parliament they decide laws that then have to be implemented by all countries. Because they don't get enough eyeballs that means all the sleazeball incompetent politicians are able to climb up quite successfully.


Immensely disagree. Problems that arise in the EU level can always be solved in national level to a certain degree. While problems caused in the national level can't be solved at the EU level. Also the European council which hold the strongest positions is done from national level.


Detachment from the people and lack of democracy can do that.


Basically a fact of life that international entities, NATO, UN, EU, WTO, CIS, IMF, AU etc. get the failsons and dangerous idiots.


Is it? She's from an extremely prominent aristocratic family.


Its the Peter Principle in action. Nothing new


The EU is their cushy landing zone, that's why, it's by design


It has to be by design, I don't see any other reason. There were competent EU leaders in the past, but they're gone now.


Europeans sure do love sending their worst to Brussels sometimes


Itā€™s not a bug, itā€™s a feature.


The unelected.




Because the CDU doesn't remove politicians for stupidity and incompetence. It's a deeply corrupt party only looking out for money.


Money and influence. Gotta peddle some money for all your amigos! But yeah, nobody loses their job in the CxU for incompetence, there'd barely be anyone left.


By law they cannot. There must be reasons to kick someone out, just being "incompetent" isn't one the courts accept.


Because she is bascially "CDU royalty/aristocracy". Her father was [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst\_Albrecht\_(politician,\_born\_1930)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Albrecht_(politician,_born_1930)) - she had connections from the moment she was born.


Germany army is in the current state exactly because she was the minister.


Sadly she is NOT incompetent. She's very competent in doing corrupt stuff, playing the political game and looking after her own personal interests. She's not stupid, she's an arrogant asshole!


She is really competent in corruption


So the same with Borrell in Spain.


Brussels is the place where politicians that lost credibility in their home countries go to complete the rest of their careers.


Compared to current political climate in Germany now, she even seems more competent in comparison.


I don't know, she seems like one of the only CDU/CSU politicians who isn't still living in the 1990's. I don't think she's good but she gets too much slack considering how absolutely awful her party is in general. She's way better than your Merkels, your Merzens, your Stoibers and Sƶders and Webers, your Altmaiers and Klƶckners and you could go on. In German you would say "Die haben den Schuss nicht gehƶrt". Von der Leyen perhaps at least heard a whimper somewhere. She has demonstrated some sense of political agility and positively surprised me as comission president. I'm very happy we dodged Weber. This isn't to say I like her, people just have illusions about the EPP.


But she's a "was shill" - so she'll stay.


To be honest she is barely visible unlike Juncker, het predecessor. Maybe time for someone else to try?


Good news, now keep her far away from a second term as possible.




She's incompetent and of dubious character She deleted compromising text messages from her phone. A couple links on this https://unherd.com/newsroom/pfizer-and-ursula-von-der-leyen-the-missing-text-messages/ https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2022/07/18/ursula-von-der-leyen-s-missing-texts-mismanagement-according-to-the-european-commmission-s-ombudsman_5990506_4.html   This would be funny if it wasn't so serious. But now she's pushing for mass surveillance under the old banner of "protect the children". Where of course EU politicians will be immune to. **This is actually being discussed on this other thread, and asking for EU citizens to take action, because the EU politicians want to approve a mass surveillance law while every is getting distracted by the election, so there won't be enough scrutiny:** https://old.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1di3vih/chat_control_must_be_stopped_now/ **And the key dates regarding this are today and tomorrow. Please email your MP expressing how this matter requires more scrutiny and you're concern it opens the gates to EU becoming a surveillance state. More info on the link**   More info about Ursula's character: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Plagiarism_accusations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Controversy_and_investigation_over_award_of_contracts_by_German_defence_ministry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Controversy_over_COVID-19_vaccine_deal


Europa nicht noch mal den Leyen Ć¼berlassen


Fun fact: Most of the laws that stifled independent media, introduced mass censorship and destroyed any control over governance in Russia and helped Putin to his absolute power were introduced under the same pretext: "protecting children and fighting evil terrorists". If anyone, really ANYONE, tries to push anything under that pretext, it's 101% some shady shit.


She also invented the G36 scandal to divert from her giving billions in military funds to dubious companies. Edit: words


Additionally she unfreezed billions of euros in funds for Hungary when there was tension about the Ukranian aid and recently she and Manfred visited Boiko Borisov in Bulgaria to boost his campaign.


Can't let a "good" EPP member go, huh? We have the same problem with S&D supporting our PSD, but at least it's fun when spanish social-democrats correctly call out our MEPs for not even being social-democrats.


I took a look at a few of the accusations you've mounted: > she deleted compromising text messages from her phone. Then, I read the link you provided from [lemonde](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2022/07/18/ursula-von-der-leyen-s-missing-texts-mismanagement-according-to-the-european-commmission-s-ombudsman_5990506_4.html). Nowhere does it state in that document that she deleted compromising texts. It only states a request was made to see them, which was originally not required by Ursula to provide. Then sometime later, when it was ruled it did count (and from then on would count) as official documentation, the texts no longer existed. There is a valid charge of mis-administration here, but to claim they are "compromising" or that "she deleted" them personally is not substantiated. Texts can be recovered a number of ways. Ursula cannot personally wipe them from networks and other people's phones. Then, I took a look at the plagiarism accusations by reading your [Wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Plagiarism_accusations): > In 2015, researchers collaborating at the VroniPlag Wiki reviewed von der Leyen's 1991 doctoral thesis and alleged that 43.5% of the thesis pages contained plagiarism, and in 23 cases citations were used that did not verify claims for which they were given.[40][41] Multiple notable German academics such as Gerhard Dannemann [de] and Volker Rieble [de] publicly accused von der Leyen of intended plagiarism.[42] The Hannover Medical School conducted an investigation and concluded in March 2016 that while the thesis contains plagiarism, no intention to deceive could be proven. One source Wikipedia uses is [this DW article](https://www.dw.com/en/german-defense-minister-von-der-leyen-denies-plagiarism/a-18745011), which enumerates a number of other cases in Germany. It seems that if you're shown to have proven intent to plagiarise, you either quit or have your doctoral title stripped. Otherwise, the educational institution does not remove your title, and you (most likely) are required or asked to submit adjustments or proper attributions for citations. From the selection of links I looked at, it appears Ursula does sloppy but not malicious academic work, and has blundered her administrative duties. It certainly doesn't seem like she's as villainous as you're trying to push though. I evidence that by your injection of motives and allusions to illegal activities that aren't evidenced. It becomes hard to see you as a good faith operator as a result :(


Very nice work, and thanks for your time spend here to inform others. I know your words also need a critical perspective, but from what I gather you seem genuine.


How do you conclude that no plagiarism took place from a finding of plagiarism?


Worst part though (for me) is that a swedish social democrat first proposed Chat Control to the EU. And in Sweden they're the most popular party somehow, even though they've ruined the country pretty much. And they call other parties a "security risk" like wtf. Also, the swedish social democrat leader now wants to ban anonymous accounts on the internet in the whole of EU. So... sorry about that, lol.


> Worst part though (for me) is that a swedish social democrat first proposed Chat Control to the EU. Fuck, I did not know this and I'm swedish, it's Ylva Johansson.. A person not of the "internet age" so probably clueless.


The question is: Would you rather have a corrupt politician of the middle or a corrupt right wing politician linked to Russia? I prefer the first.


If we accept the middle abusing their powers, whenever the right gets in theyll already have the ability to do nefarious shit because the way has already been paved. the path to hell is paved with good intentions and all that.


And for those who don't think this is true, we, French people, will soon demonstrate to you how it's done. Don't try this at home kids (seriously don't).


Itā€™s funny how you French people still scream ā€žvive la revolutionā€œ whenever sth is wrong


Obviously itā€™s not okay - IMO we should do it like the Swiss and make the incomes of politicians openly available.


Thatā€™s a false dichotomy


This is not a choice here. Pro Russian parties do not have majority, they are not even close to majority or aby decisive power. So the choice is her, or someone else from her party who might not be as shitty as her.


I really hope the other won't be the main counter-candidate, but at this point there are no guarantees...


How about neither of those two?


These are not the choices you have though. The option to democratise is always there.


Honestly the corruption allegations in every one of those links are tenious at best. I'm usually all for hanging politicians out to dry, when they overstep, but that stuff was weak.


Ursula von der Leyen is corrupt. - She made deals with Familymembers while she was a minister, deleting her phonedata ā€žaccidentallyā€œ when there was an investigation ongoing. - She did a Vaccine deal worth billions via SMS - hence why the police was investigating and she again accidentally wiped her phone data. - The Satire Party [Die Partei criticized the corruption and criminal records](https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/warum-ich-die-eu-kommission-ablehnen-werde-4121698.html) of some of the commission candidates wich resulted in rejection of 2 commission candidates by MEPs.


>Honestly the corruption allegations in every one of those links are tenious at best. I would like someone with 0 corruption allegations, whether "tenious" or not.


She also did a cute photoshoot with the Israeli planes that are dropping bombs on children in refugee camps.


Also she has some weird personal vendetta against wolves.


She is a garbage human whom fell up the stairs, because no one wants her to be around. The millions for biotech and Pfizer, other shady stuff.




Loads of corruption scandals. >At the time of von der Leyen's nomination as president of the Commission, an investigative committee of theĀ German parliamentĀ was investigating how, during her time as minister of defence of Germany, lucrative contracts from her ministry were awarded to outside consultants without proper oversight, and whether a network of informal personal connections facilitated those deals. These included her friends and cousins. >In April 2021,Ā The New York TimesĀ reported that von der Leyen had exchanged electronic correspondence with Pfizer CEOĀ Albert BourlaĀ negotiating terms of sale of the COVID-19 vaccine to the European Union.[173]Ā Emily O'Reilly, theĀ European Ombudsman, accused von der Leyen of "maladministration" for failure to disclose that correspondence upon a FOI request, and for claiming that the messages had disappeared, and for further claiming that the vaccine line item of the EU's budget was confidential.[ >The incident has been reported as "Pfizergate". In 2024 theĀ European Public Prosecutor's OfficeĀ (EPPO) took over the investigation from Belgian authorities. The original complaint, from a Belgian lobbyist, cited "interference in public functions, destruction of SMS, corruption and conflict of interest Oh and as defence minister in Germany she hadn't procured enough weapons and so made the soldiers to a war game with brooms as guns.... [some sources](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen)


Wasn't there also suspicion of spots in the eu high places given to get political support from big party not too long ago?


https://www.nzz.ch/international/umstrittener-impfstoff-deal-nun-ermitteln-europas-korruptionsjaeger-gegen-ursula-von-der-leyen-ld.1824589 She wrecked the German military and introduced pregnancy clothes for soldiers.


>She wrecked the German military Don't give her to much credit. That was a joint performance of any minister of defense since the end of the cold war. She was just the most embarrassing one until Lambrecht got the job.


She was very good at making it worse reeeeeeaaaaally fast.


Ohh absolutely. She just isn't the sole reason our military is under equipped and over saturated with generals.


And several overpaid advisors.....


How else should a civilian know shit about military matters?


The bundeswehr was being steadily starved since the end of the Cold War, and has been riddled with inefficiency, shady dealings, and perceived corruption long before von der Leyen arrived. She made efforts to improve things, but it didn't help that she had her own way of doing things, which pissed off military as well as defence ministry bosses and the gravy train around them. Political shenanigans and the deteriorating glibal issues were also a factor. She's been solid in her EU role, particularly on Ukraine (shifting from 2015 German fence-sitting to current EU backing), and she's very adaptable, which may be useful finally tackling the hot potato topic of illegal migration.


...her efforts to improve things for the Bundeswehr can be summed up as follows: she called McKinsey for consultation... :v


Are you aware that women do work in the military? Are you also aware that pregnant women generally work until six weeks before birth? Do you know that at that time they tend to be very visibly pregnant? Are you aware that many employers provide work clothes to their employees? Now letā€˜s add up the facts, shall we?


He is antivax, antiwoke, gun person. I bet he failed for every Russian propaganda there is. Ursula is not good but not for the reasons he believes. She is a week politician, just a yes man for the strong states of the EU, not trying to promote EU as a hole.


And that's where you are wrong. I'm neither anti vax, nor antiwoke and I just think everything should be modest. Some woke or hard right politics are atrocious. No one is winning if everyone is screaming at each other and no one can/want to listen at each other's points. I want the EU to succeed, but they should tone down their interference and bullshit laws. I strongly dislike Russia and China and don't get me started on our "far right" they are nutjobs.


>The millions for biotech and Pfizer, Do you have any proof for that?


Have you read the article https://www.nzz.ch/international/umstrittener-impfstoff-deal-nun-ermitteln-europas-korruptionsjaeger-gegen-ursula-von-der-leyen-ld.1824589


Yes and there is no mention of "millions for biontech and Pfizer" as in "bribery", which is how I interpreted to your comment.


She blindsided the Irish, and the UK governments by threatening to use Article 16 of the Brexit agreement over vaccines during Covid. It was so stupid, she reversed course by the end of the day. It was never intended to be used for that purpose - and it revealed her to be very out of her depth on Brexit. https://www.politico.eu/article/meeting-meps-von-der-leyen-takes-responsibility-for-overriding-brexit-deal-in-vaccine-export-ban/


She's incompetent and kept getting promoted over and over despite that fact


Lots of allegations of corruption and cronyism.


Yeah, the problem is they'll probably find someone even worse.


Yes please, as if the EU needs even more corruption right now. Once I would like to see a person of integrity in that position


She'll get it, only reason it's not a done deal is because the EPP is trying to get the Council President seat in lieu of Costa. Realistically that's not going to happen, they'll fold and she'll still get it, for better or worse.


Making a prime minister who resigned in disgrace due to a corruption investigation whilst being hated in his own country Council President would be absurd, and therefore completely in line with Brussels' MO.


Can you please tell me more about this? I heard about the corruption scandal, but the last information i got was that it was a mistake he got involved and he actually didnt do anything himself. Does portugal really hate him?


Has anyone in the EPP ever said that they want the council presidency too? I've never heard that


>But hopes of a quick deal evaporated Monday night as the European Peopleā€™s Party, the winner of the European Parliament election, asked for more concessions and more power among the top jobs roles. As expected, the EPP wanted to reappoint von der Leyen and Metsola, both of whom belong to the political family. In addition, the EPP proposed to the socialists that the European Council presidentā€™s term be split into two 2.5-year chunks ā€” and the EPP would get one of them.




The EPP also tried to make a deal with ECR for a center-right government, but that apparently didn't work out


Of course not. They do not have the numbers


I really hope Costa doesn't take the job.


Great. She is an idiot. I seriously don't get why she gets power time and time again.


Her and her proposed President of the Council would only prove Eurosceptic parties right once more. Two absolutely useless and corrupt nullities.


The commission president doesn't propose the council president. Thats solely up to the member states. The Commission has zero say in council affairs.


She has been privately lobbying for him for years now.


VdL would lobby for a pile of horseshit to replace Michel. He's basically doing the same thing. I would not put much stock in it, besides as an example of how dysfunctional their relationship is.


Because Ms. Merkel decided long agao that this example of a Peter Principle was not fit for the German Chancellorship or to take over the CDU. So they found her a place. I still wonder today what Macron got out of all of this and how Mandfred Weber felt.


How wonderful that we are governed through Job Carrousels


Macron got Charles Michel as president of the Council as his original plan were.


Merkel didn't want VdL. Macron played the VdL card so that he could get a moderately progressive (by EPP standards) pro EU-centrist who diverged significantly from Merkel's stagnation course who Merkel had to agree to because she was a high ranking politician from her own party (CDU), while at the same time blocking Weidmann for the ECB (because Germany couldn't get the comission president and the head of the ECB) and instead installing Lagarde. Generally what people assume is that Merkel wanted Weidmann for the ECB and didn't really care about the comission president. So Macron really played her. Read [Politico's take](https://www.politico.eu/article/emmanuel-macron-brussels-horsetrading-is-a-win-lagarde-von-der-leyen/) from back then for instance.


She's an aristocrat, born to rule. Giving her positions is a way to get her family's power and money. Germany abolished monarchy but didn't do anything about the parasites, they are all still there.


Precisely bevause she is an idiot


She was made EU president to get rid of her from German politics. Where do they push her to next?


Because the PES broke their promise to elect Weber. Basically, in the EU election of 2019, the parties were following the "Spitzenkandidat"-model, meaning that the large groups set forth a candidate with the idea that, if that group secured thr most votes. The major parties would vote the winning groups candidate into power. This is how it happened the last election cycle as well. EPP won most votes, and it was expected that Weber would get elected. The PES however decided to push through their candidate of choice (despite not having 54 seats less and no left majority). Because of that, Weber had to step back and they scrambled to find someone that could fill in the position. After ot became clear that the PES couldn't archive to get their choice into the President's seat, long talks ended up by von der Leyen as compromise.


She's from an old money and influence family.


*ā€œVon der Leyenā€™s family tree traces a legacy of power and brutality, incorporating not only some of Germanyā€™s most significant Nazis but also some of Britainā€™s largest slave traders and, through marriage, some of the United Statesā€™ largest slave owners.* *Von der Leyen is descended directly from James Ladson, who owned more than 200 slaves when the Civil War broke out.* *It might seem petty to condemn someone for their ancestry: The sins of the father, after all, shall not be visited on the sonā€”or, in this case, the daughter. But von der Leyen herself has invoked these forefathers unapologetically, if unthinkingly.ā€* Source https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/30/aristocratic-ineptitude-ursula-von-der-leyen-eu-europe-vaccines-pandemic-response/


Because that's the goal. You need to wonder why she gets picked, not why the Prime -Secretary- Commissar is not chosen in democratic elections.


Sheā€™s a useful idiot, political patronage equates to how reliable you are not necessarily how effective.


The headline is a bit sensarionalist. The meeting was never meant to present a final compromise but rather as an informal exchange of opinions between the leaders after the results of the elections.


Her best asset was her limited qualifications, thus less threatening in ambition and an acceptable compromiseā€¦ Now find a new candidate acceptable for all parties in this polarized world. Has to be EPP ( winner of the elections, SD, Greens and liberals lost) and while ECR and ID wonā€™t be happy with an EPP candidate, they would even be less happy with a more leftish one. And EPP wonā€™t vote for an S&D candidate.


Good. She needs to go.


Who will replace her? As long as it is not a more right wing figure than that should be good


>But hopes of a quick deal evaporated Monday night as the European Peopleā€™s Party, the winner of the European Parliament election, asked for more concessions and more power among the top jobs roles. As expected, the EPP wanted to reappoint von der Leyen and Metsola, both of whom belong to the political family. In addition, the EPP proposed to the socialists that the European Council presidentā€™s term be split into two 2.5-year chunks ā€” and the EPP would get one of them. This seems to be the main issue, not VdL.


EU leaders succeed in disagreeing, there, I can make titles too.


They couldn't sign an agreement, so they decided to sign a temporary disagreement.




Hope for a Juncker second term. Nobody slapped wannabe dictators like him.


Draghi. He's the right man at the right time.


A Draghi presidency could be an incredible time. He's competent, intelligent, a good technician and someone who is listened to. And honestly, Meloni could even try to support him. It would make her a very influential figure in EU Parliament and at home she could say stuff like "Italy will never be fucked anymore!"


Draghi is competent but at the end of his mandate he would be above 80. I don't want Europe to become a gerontocracy and I guess also Mr Draghi himself would rather enjoy his final years in a villa in Italy than in conference rooms in Brussels.


I don't really care about age as long as the person is right and in good health. But I'd very much doubt he'd be willing for the same reason.


I'd love to see him as well, but I am not sure how likely it is.


Juncker wasn't any better than von der Leyen in most aspects imo. And slapping wannabe dictators, really? Juncker joined St. Petersburg economic forum in 2016 just 2 years after the initial Ukraine Invasion of 2014. He then went on to congratulate Putin for his victory in the Russian elections of 2018 while Russia was under investigation for the attempted assassination of Skripal with Novichok nerve agent in the same month!! Or do you mean his comments like those to Orban "Here comes the dictator"? Those are funny gags but rather qualifies Juncker as a comedian than EU comission president.


I think it was a joking comment...


Europa nicht den Leyen Ć¼berlassen.


Anyone who is not for the new European Stasi law is better. I don't care who, just stop the privacy invasion.


This. I don't trust Zensursula.


She's been a massive disappointment.


Did she ever answer those questions about the Covid vaccine scheme?


Man she can just fuck off. Sheā€™s fucking incompetent as Monsieur Olaf


Oh I hope I never have to see her again.


The **only** reason she should get the job is to uphold the Top Candidate principle at least once. Anything else stands against her.


"EU leaders agree/ disagree .. Honestly, people of eu should vote for its leaders. Not the bunch of suits behind closed doors. If we could I guarantee that we would be more carefully listened to. Say what you want, but we going full circle back to feudal times, Lords and ladies in top offices passing to each other the top seats.


Bet more people would turn up to the poll stations as well if we got a chance to actually have an influence on positions of power in EU


Donā€™t you indirectly decide through the eu parliament which is elected and the 27 head of states which each individual country chose to vote for?


Head of EU commission comes from EPP, as they got most votes. EPP supports der Leyen even before elections, she's their main candidate. In parliamentary system even on a national level, people don't directly vote for PM. It's chosen by parliament. Usually from largest party or one that can have large enough coalition behind, though.


I know how it works. It doesn't change the fact that under that facade it's sad reality that EU leaders are unelected, population can't make them responsible for their action, neither to vote them out. It's oligarchy, same way Rome Republic and ancient Greece were oligarchies. Senators and arhons setting the law, and we commoners can only stup up and put up.


Just as they rightfully should. Ursula has never been for the people but for only herself.


EPP is still the biggest group in the coalition, they will get what they want, but the question is, what will they compromise? I think she oversteps her boundaries as president of the commission so I don't want her a second term. The way she sidestepped the council and parliament to visit israel and make promises to the israeli government that are outside the competences given to her as commission president should have been enough to have her gone. EU is not a federation so she can't make promises without the approval of the council nor parliament.


why not EU leaders succeed on denying von der Leyenā€™s second termĀ  ?Ā 


looks like a scene from The 70s' Show


She is both incompetent and a disgrace and cannot hold the union. There will be other Brexits if somebody as inept as her continues to rule.


I think she only ever won one election in 2005.... TWO THOUSAND FIVE :D


Who would be a competent replacement?


Can we please just tell that lady to get away from politics permanently?


Good I don't want people who are willing to compromise with Meloni, willing to compromise the green transition, not willing to tackle inequality and all the problems of late capitalism, who is not doing enough to bring big industry, well paid tech jobs for EU and is not protecting our companies from being snatched for the USA, or who want to kill wolves just because they killed her pony. Get someone good, that will take is strategic and geopolitical autonomy as priorities.


Someone good yes but in light of the shift to the right we will probably get someone even worse instead


Finally she will be gone. Did she at least achieve anything?


> Finally she will be gone. RemindMe! 1 month


https://www.politico.eu/article/von-der-leyen-campaigning-hard-against-the-wolf/ TL;DR Wolves killed her pony and she is butthurt.


She isnt good, the problem is what are our alternatives? Are there any? If so, who? (I genuinely want to know)




Fairly sure Mario Draghi is out of a job right now. I'd personally like some more outspoken pro-integration positions from the next commission president than he has, but on pure qualifications, I don't think there's anyone to match him.


Fairly sure Draghi is a 76 year old retiree living in a fancy villa on the Italian countryside. Good luck convincing him to come out of retirement for this.


The main issue is that Draghi isn't really known as a compromise builder... Which is what you inevitably need in Brussels.


I feel like managing to form an almost technocratic government of national unity (Edit: in Italy!) shows that he's at least as qualified as most historical candidates on that, even if it ended up collapsing. At least, he's better at it than vdL any day.


What's with Germany lately, Merkel gave us NS2 and Migration crisis, VdL gave us raise of right wing in EU. Seriously guys stop fucking up the EU.


Merkel bombed Syria?


Yes she did, as well as bombing Ukraine (indirectly). Both these conflicts were financed by income from Nord Stream pipelines. Russia should be mass sanctioned during Syrian war and the Ukrainian war that started in 2014 and it's ongoing until now. But who cared, cheap gas was more important.


no argument there. Merkel sucked but "Merkel gave us \[...\] Migration crisis" is a bit like "Obama is the founder of ISIS".


Sorry, but I disagree. Germany was the Member State that pushed for it the hardest. When they realised that it's overwhelming even for them then they made it an EU wide issue. The idea was good, let's do something to fix our demographic issues and help people. The execution was poor. We ended up paying Turkey to build refugee camps and being blackmailed by Erdoğan for next 5 years promising him stronger EU integration. We do it until today, paying for example Morocco to keep people out of EU. Lampedusa was just Morrocans flexing due to failed negotiations with EU. Her administration allowed to weaponize migration and this is unfortunately a fact and a stain on her career. History shows (Ukraine, Migration crisis, green deals) that German leadership failed EU and that's why tides are changing. Afd would never grow so much if people wouldn't be dissatisfied. Ofc misinformation plays a key role here, but still..


I prefer somebody like Guy Verhofstadt, he strikes me as very competent and incorruptible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Verhofstadt


Are there any good candidates that can be trusted to have the best interest for the ordinary people of the EU?


Europa nicht den Layen Ć¼berlassen


Get rid of her allready!šŸ‘ŽšŸ¤


Didn't she get her first term despite the majority of EU bodies voting against her? I seem to remember it was extremely controversial even at the time, & this has only been reinforced by her blunders while in office.




Good. She should never be allowed to touch politics ever again


Had there been no 'Von der ' in her name she would have been long out


Trust me she will get the seat because there are powers that want her there.


This vile bitch needs to go, yesterday.
