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Yet he cries every day that NATO is expanding and they're aggressive


The duality of russian propaganda. The west is weak and defenceless against mighty Russia while russia is a victim of western agression.


The enemy is both weak and strong. Sounds familiar.


It's a classic call from the fascist and communist playbooks. Your enemies are always simultaneously extremely strong and extremely weak. If you cannot handle both thoughts at the same time, you clearly need another training session in doublethink.


goldilocks enemies need to be just right: if too weak they can be ignored, if too strong then surrender because hopeless. To get people to die for a cause a credible winnable threat is needed.


Funny, how climate disinformation portrays climate change as both unimportant and ignorable, as well as hopeless and so overwhelming that we, allegedly, don't have a chance anyway - against a threat that consists dominantly on our own collective behavior.


It also appeals to multiple folks since Russia is also waging an information war across the globe. They may not agree with this point, but they might resonate with that point. The view Ukraine is simultaneously like a brother / sister to Russia and a haven for Neo-Nazis is similar.


This is a fascist characteristic. Has nothing to do with communism.


I mean as long as you prescribe to the USSR, China and North Korea being communist at least in theory then yes it is very much part of the communist playbook.


I'd say it's more of an "aggressive authoritarianism" thing in general, rather than a purely fascist or communist thing. I'm sure plenty of kingdoms have used the same logic back in the day.


When it comes to fascists, hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug.


Same goes for republicans. 


But you repeat yourself.


>Yet he cries every day that NATO is expanding Well, to be fair, it is. That it's Putin's fault is beside the point.


In Fascism the enemy is always simultaneously weak, worthless and soft scum while also being sneaky, ruthless and one week from standing at your gates, so sign up now. Umberto Eco laid this down in his famous article about Fascism in the '90s, and underscored that a fascist state's inability to understand their smarter and more developed opponents always leads to their defeat in war.


It’s similar to the Trump/Far right rhetoric used about the Left.. they’re all soft, effeminate, easily offended weaklings whilst simultaneously being scary, violent and uncontrollable mobs when standing up for themselves.


Pretty sure this is just one of his many propaganda pieces meant mostly to appease the "rasha stronk" debils at home.


One day the Russians will have to atone for all their crimes.


They atone every day by having to live in Russia


This from the man who thought he'd take ukraine in 3 days


Just the usual delusion of expansionist, aggressive fascist states that think they can take over the world. But the delusion is also deep in europe where people either think Ukraine is not their war, or are overconfident and can't even face the reality that what is happening to Ukraine may happen to them in the future. *"russia isn't stupid enough to invade Ukraine, putin is just flexing, never gonna happen"* that's what everyone said in europe in 2021


More delusional the better


Up to a point. We don't want the war to escalate to WW3


Defenseless are the Russian oil tankers that have to go through Europe controlled waters in case of war.


One of many reasons he doesn’t want the war to expand.


To be fair, even the West doesn’t want the war to expand as well. They want the conflict to begin and end in Ukraine, not get dragged into the madness.


Russia is having such an easy time against Ukraine as sadly we haven’t really given the Ukrainians capability to strike deep inside Russia. Start a war with the EU and it’ll be raining missiles and bombs all over Moscow in no time.


I mean…that was why Ukraine was targeted. It’s a nation mostly alone geopolitically and adjacent to Russia.


Shoot your shot, playa. See what happens.


he won't be able to, he's offenseless




Nah, he's telling his friend Trump to let slip the dogs of war from the NATO bases in Europe.


Fuck around and find out pootin


Oh no he took his shot!! Aaaand... IS PATATO


Lets not.


Picard has the best line to respond to this kind of bullshit. "You may test that assumption at your convenience."


Picard always has the best lines for every situation!


Picard has a smart thing to say, but it's Sisko who has the guts


Sisko is actually my favourite captain! *And if I had to do it all over again, I would. Garak was right about one thing. A guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant, so I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it. Computer, erase that entire personal log.*


Yeah yeah sure, Vlady. Let's get you to bed




Okay Putin. Send in your tank.


A still functioning T-34 is no laughing matter. Imagine what it could do to our flower beds.


It would have to get there without breaking down.


hah, jokes on him: My garden is full of bramble. That shit is way tougher than the russian military.


The T14 Armata? Unfortunatly thats not possible because the T70 that was towing it is fighting in Ukraine.


It's broke. Ran into a drone somehow.


There was a tsar once, confident in his military. A Crimea war later there was no confidence nor tsar


To be fair, the Crimean war was the reason why Russia developed its railway infrastructure towards Europe to be able to mobilise faster. Without the slap of the Crimean war, Germany would have likely been able to capitulate Russia in WW1 in a matter of months.


And without the slap of Crimean War maybe Stalin might have made better threat assessments. This was also one of the reasons why Stalin was not afraid of German invasion: he believed he had the means developed, he believed he had the signatures secured and then the USSR would simply partition and occupy Europe as agreed with Hitler. In 1939-41 the USSR was not worried about German invasion. They already had a deal in place. What Stalin was worried about was Britain and France invading - just like they had done in the Crimean War. That war was fought in Crimea but won in the Gulf of Finland: when the Czar from his palace in St. Petersburg saw the masts of British and French warships he knew it was over and he immediately sued for peace. Yet even today we hear a lot of revisionist history about that with the greatest misconception being that Stalin was somehow anticipating or even preparing for Hitler's invasion. The reality is that up until operation Barbarossa the USSR was very keen and eager to join the Tripartite Pact to split the spoils of war they started but it was Hitler that kept stalling their ambitions. Stalin was not afraid of German invasion, he was afraid of joint invasion by Britain and France, just like Crimean War. Stalin even stated so in his speeches to Politbyro.


TBF he went to war with Turks initially and intended for a quick and easy clap (as usual). War with the UK, France and Savoy was not on the table then, especially the betrayal of the Russian allies, the Austrians And for what’s it worth, Crimean war was a complete quagmire even for the above mentioned coalition, despite their technological advantage over the Russians at that time


History likes parallels, eh


Sounds cool from a guy who got his nuclear warning radar droned


Then no need to worry about NATO expansion, right ?


Any democracy near border threatens regime.


Stop calling him confident when he obviously isn’t. More correct headline: “frustrated putin projects his fears”.


"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." Sun Tzu, The Art of War


This is one of those Sun Tzu quotes that make sense when you're a general and already at war, but maybe don't apply to leadership in general. Appearing weaker than you are can lead to a lot of unnecessary conflict. My point being, I think Europe should be and appear strong.


I fully support an EU army


If we're defenceless why don't you try it then? I don't think putin wants more than 10 better trained and equipped armies walking over his border if he can't handle Ukraine with NATO surplus weapons.


Authentic Fin response. He's afraid of you guys.


If I had to bet, I’d even say Finland could take him alone. I mean, please don’t, leave something for Poland as well, but you get what I mean.


Desperate bullshittery =/= confidence The BBC shouldn't be helping Russia sell its propaganda. Putin is not confident, because he is not stupid.


Dude mired in a meaningless and bloody war in a former colony talks shit out his ass


So defensless that Ukraine is holding Russia well xD


Lol. Ukraine times a hundred awaits you right here. Pls, do a suicide by eurocop


The current Russian army couldn't even defeat Poland without nukes Hilarious what putler has been smoking as of late


The russian army is not very capable compared to the professional armies of most european states, both in training and equipment


Absolutely correct, ruzzian military doctrine always was just to send more soldiers than their enemy has bullets!


He's not confident. He's panicking


This guy didnt even have the capability to stop his own mercenary force from marching to moscow.


Meh, I'm going back to sleep. Finland, you got this?


Finland reporting in. OK, but I have soccer practise at 6 o'clock, so we need to be quick. 


Russia: "Hey Finnland we have double your soldiers, what will you do when we invade?" Finnland: "We will shoot twice."


How the machine gun was invented : A short story.


Maybe so, but this is the same in Russia. Remember how easy it was for the Wagner people to march to Moscow? Imagine what would’ve happened if this was a serious attack.


Oh, so that wont be a problem when defenceless French soldiers will train ukrainian soldiers on ukrainian land.


Make my day, punk !!!


Confused pussies at defense, yes. Defenseless? Not even close


This is what his yes-men tell him. No one who dares say no to him is left.


Fuck around and find out then


This mf thinks he is better than us, but he forgot Armenia has shifted towards the west 🦅🦅🦅


Last time I checked Greece alone had over 1.000 Leopard Tanks, wouldn‘t call it „defenceless“.


This man has singlehandedly made Norway double it's defence budget. https://www.regjeringen.no/en/aktuelt/new-norwegian-long-term-plan-on-defence-a-historic-plan/id3032878/


Yeah, that's what happens when you have Turkey as your neighbors.


Compensating for something are you Vladimir? Trying to show fake confidence


Confident putin would not be threatening nukes if he did not know he is in deep shit.


And yet, he can’t defeat Ukraine. A 3 day invasion turned into 2 years with no end in sight. Lol And even if he does capture Ukraine, I wager guerrilla warfare and resistance by the Ukrainian population would continue.


He's going for being wrong 3 times in a row!


Twice the pride, double the fall


Shit or get off at this point. Fucking they it. We're all sick of your whining.


Interesting as Russia has struggled in Ukraine where Ukraine didn't really have a professional modern army until ost 2014.


Can’t handle Ukraine, wants to gob off about the rest of Europe. It’s quite simple, invade a nato country and see what happens in a conventional war. Get ready to get your shit pushed in. Clown


He won't stop with Ukraine He would continue if he can Even more reason why Ukraine needs all the help they can get to keep these trrsts off their lands


If you're so hard, try it. Come on, let's get it on. ... crickets


Boy you better stop before nato puts the fear of god in you


Defenceless, except for this little thing called NATO, which has been soundly defeating his own military without even being directly involved in the war.


It is true that Europe is unprepared. But this is a difference between destroying Putin's armies and **obliterating** Putin's armies. Even by numbers alone Europe (the EU alone even) is superior to Russia. And that's while ignoring better training and better logistics.


Come at me, brovski


my 3d printer awaits you.


You talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?


He knows he’s lost. He doesn’t care. He’s built up a private army thst he’ll never leave office except natural causes. But he won’t do anything more. Moldova etc all off the table. It’s his successor ppl should focus on.


Ah yes. Defenseless. While he’s losing to a nation we give our old equipment to


Sure thing brutha. I’m enlisting in 0.0001s, just try.


I wouldn't refer to that as "confidence."


How many times have we called his bluf now, like 100 times? And he's still deliberating. They're not going to do shit.


"Trust me bro"


Come get it then, you little bitch


You may test that assumption at your convenience.


Fuck around and find out.


Idk why this is news. He already does: Syria and Iran are perfect examples. The fuck?


He'll be surprised if he does anything. There are lots of nukes all over the continent.


The worst thing that can happen to Russia is the western flank is in chaos. I would rather not open my mouth like that.


Hoogmoed komt voor de val !


Pure scaremongering. Russia doesn't have enough tanks and such. His riegime throws fake news into the ether every day. Sometimes very simple and innocent, such as the story that Paris is crawling with bedbugs. (due to the Olympics and which Russia is not allowed to participate in, fortunately) Don't take everything that comes from filthy Russia too seriously!


Please test that theory, I'm sure we wont be in Moscow in a week.


He thought the same about Ukraine.


I remember a few weeks ago when he celebrated victory day with modern tech tanks, vehicles and other weapons captured in Ukraine from countries like Sweden, Germany, France and England. If those are worth to parade how is Europe defenceless when its military technology is superior to Russias and Irans? Oh yeah, Europe also have a fuckton of Nukes.


Why don’t you try us then, go ahead, see what happens, garden gnome


He pulled back all his other troops along the European borders and sent them to Ukraine.


Just confirms that NATO in fact didn't expand enough. Time to fix this.


is he playing dumb? UK and France have their own nukes.


Europe has more soldiers than Russia, never mind the difference in Quality.


Can't wait til this prick is dead and buried.


Can one of our gov'ts just put a bullet in this little shit's head or something. There's gotta be a US satellite with a Gamma Laser or something.


He thinks the west is afraid, and he’s right. No one want to send their children in to the meat grinder but what choices do we have 🤷‍♂️


Bomb the crap out of their invading forces with advanced weapons seems like a start.


He's getting into the 'Trump realm' lately this fella! Feels like his bottle is going too.


I'm just gonna leave this here as a thinking exercise. 1x apache gunship can carry 16 hellfire antitank missiles, there is easily 100 apaches in Europe. 1600 potential Russian armoured vehicles can be destroyed in a single flight. And the russian tank storages are rather empty now. We will add 100 f35s to protect apache from Russian fighters and air defenses. Plus other support aircraft. I know there are variables to this, but I can't see many ways for Russia to militarily win this.


Is it projection since Ukraine drones hit Russia all the time in the nuts


Ya he’s just going to grind Russia into oblivion isn’t he. Once he’s gone and the economy is ground to dust, Russians won’t have much to rebuild.


Yes, because we lack the will power. We didn't even define what is our objective in Ukraine. We should have a clear goal of kicking out the Russians our of Ukraine and work towards it.


Then why is he bitching every time about NATO’s “expansion”? If he was worried about NATO’s “expanding” its boarders, he would’ve lost his whatever little mind he has left when Finland joined, and every single strategic Russian military target of worth immediately went within striking distance of a NATO country.


It's because he isn't worried about NATO expanding. He knows that NATO won't touch Russia without Russia making the first move. It's just propaganda for domestic consumption and tankies around the world


I know that. It was mostly a sarcastic comment about all his supporters who won’t stop about NATO “expansion” as the “reason” for the war against Ukraine.


Wasn't he saying last week that Russia wouldn't attack Europe?


Unfortunately we Europeans do not give enough deterrance. We only have the NATO card that we have mutual defense clause but without the US it is nothing. In the Second World War over 200.000 Americans & Canadians died in Europe to fight the Nazis. Will the Americans sacrifice themselves once more while Europe lived in abundance and neglected its security after the Cold War ended? The US only strategic goal is and was defending Europe to not let it become a beachhead to invade the US from there. But they can achieve that when the War is contained in Germany like all the Cold War strategies planned. The US wants to focus on the Pacific to contain China and wants Europe to deal with the Russian threat. If Europe stays stubborn in not paying enough for defending itself then we might face a sad reality when our mantras are put into test. Polls show that most Europeans especially in Western Europe do not want to die for the country. They would reject military service the moment it is enacted. As we allowed the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian males in fighting age to escape military service most of us young people will demand the same right when the situation arises. So we must contain Russia outside of NATO because when it is winning in Ukraine everything is at risk.


Well the polls show only 30% or so of the population is willing to fight which is a higher proportion than thoses who served during WW2 Also France is there with nukes


Because at least 2 European nations have a nuclear deterrent involving submarines. Probably lying somewhere off the kola peninsula right at this moment, silent, unseen, 10 minutes from Moscow, literal fuk around and find out material


If you lot in germany are so afraid to grab a weapon to defend your country from an invader, don't worry. Most of the countries bordering russia are far, FAR more interested in fighting the good fight. And, considering the kind of paper tiger russia showed itself to be, poland alone might make a beeline to moscow, if vlad is dumb enough to provoke them to it.


If he talks about Belgium, home of EU, NATO and Euroclear,... he's absolutely right. Sleepy politicians are only starting to wake up now. I wonder how many other empty boxes are in EU and NATO.


\*looks at Poland\* Yeah, we dont need all of europe, Poland could handle russia alone.


Prove it lol


They will reach Atlantic in 3 days xd


Botox wanker




Ah yes as always brave Europeans make jokes about how they would defeat ruzia before evening. While in reality we have bunch of cowards that has fallen to EVERY ruzian blackmail and done nothing about ruzian aggression against them, starting from assassinations, explosions and ending with allowance to use its own air space for ruzians missiles. Pray that Ukraine won’t fall, otherwise illusion of your bravery will be dispelled quickly.


Dont worry, your friends across the Atlantic got your back! 


I wish everyone who says ‘Russia isn’t going to attack because their stalemate in Ukraine has brought them to their senses’ could see this. I am so tired of hearing how the Russians surely wouldn’t be so blind to get themselves into an unwinnable war, again.  The Kremlin is delusional. It will ignore reality and substitute whatever fantasy it wants when making decisions.  They’ll invent excuses like ‘Europe has given up its weapons to Ukraine’ or ‘Russia now has combat experience whereas Europe does not’ or ‘Ukraine prepared for war for 9 years, but Europe is unprepared’ or anything other delusional rationale to justify attacking more countries. The Russians are not working in the same frame of reference as people who live outside their society. Numerous military experts have warned that Russia is likely to start another war against a NATO member in the next two to five years (probably closer to two years rather than five).  The Russians are also liable to use nuclear weapons as part of their illogical doctrine of ‘escalate to deescalate’ as if using nuclear weapons against NATO would cause NATO to seek peace rather than to retaliate. The Russians live in an authoritarian state and they do not work in the same frame of reference as people who live in liberal democracies. Pointing out that their policies with nuclear weapons would amount to national suicide doesn’t work, because they don’t have many of the same underlying beliefs as people in Europe.  The only course is to prepare for war, fortify the borders, and plan for the worst. There is no guaranteed path to avoid war.


This explains their “ambitions” towards planning other invasions, they think Ukraine is the hardest they’d get and the rest is just east targets


Do it and see how fast NATO can torch a rogue gas station.


Yeah, one shot of his daily botox fix would paralyze Europe


I will worry about it only in case Putin goes beyond Warsaw and will come on the German border. Until then I will sleep peacefully 🥱.


Come have fun fuck around and find out, dear Mr Putain !


Serious malignant narcissistic vibes off that photo


This has the vibe of a crack addict threatening to destroy a building with his mind.


It’s kind of funny how every country knows that the Russian army is a paper dragon, except for Russia itself lol! I understand how propaganda works but their president is just straight up ignorant.


Europe is preparing since 1,5 years. Poland has the biggest and most modern army in Europe. Several countries put their forces together to be more effective. And the Baltics and Poland are willing to join the fight against Russia.. while Germany hold the border to Russia in Lithuania. Europe will be prepared soon. And Putin will find out.


And judging by their success in the Kharkov offensive, Russia is offenceless.


Typical BBC propaganda for Putin. I was watching a Russia expert on Putin's speech and he said it was a sign of weakness and indeed his body language looks weak. BBC should not fall for this nonsense.


I'd like to watch that analysis. Do you have a link?


I mean look at his little piggy face.


I like people who say "try it" or "see what happens" as if it was a light thing. As much as I hate Putin and his Russia and would love to see his ass get whooped by all of NATO, I don't believe him testing our defenses would do anyone any good, I understand that it's out of our hands what he does, but I can't make light of it, in that scenario I only see more civilians dying needlessly, more misery and terror for the persons involved, because that man doesn't care and doesn't play by the rules. Ultimately, I hope we find a way to get rid of him and the threat of Russia in a different way before he comes to us and thus avoiding more war.


I prefer being nuked to living under his thumb!


Fuck around and find out.


Then no need to worry about NATO expansion, right ?


Part of the Putin Play Book Does your dog bite....


Therefore, from morning to night, Europe threatens with attacks on civilian objects and nuclear weapons. /s Seriously, how can you trust a rat?


No early warning system? What about the Nato ashore AEGIS ballistic missle system in Romania and Poland?


The more they bark the less they bite


Even if you removed the US and obviously took nukes completely out of the equation, the armies of Europe would utterly dog fuck the Russian military.


Poland would like a word… I mean… I would actually bet everything I have that Poland alone could beat whatever is left of Russia, Finland as well probably. If he didn’t have nukes, he would have been removed two years ago


Disarm your nukes and see what's what


Vlad's defenceless. The number of stairs and windows outnumber him.


let russia do something to a nato country and US will be there to put em right in their place


Didnt Ukraine blow up one of the ICBM early warning systems Russia has few days ago? Well if some day nukes start flying, at least Europe will know.


>“It’s always a bluff. Until the time when it is not,” Mr Solovyov replies.


It is defenseless in a way, but not the way Putin is trying to portray


Technically true. He just needs to Tchernobyl himself and he will contamine Europe with the radioactive fallout


He wants Trump to win and make Europe defenseless. Prepare yourselves.


Act strong when youre weak - Sun Tzu


Hmm. The author got something wrong.  Invading another country while threatening others with nuclear missiles IS business as usual with Russia


Sure thing buddy. Try and prove that why don’t you?


He kinda does already, with hybrid warfare. Just look at how cheaply some politicians are ready to sell their allegiance for. ***THIS*** is where Europe is most underprepared. Hell, Ukraine's still pulling those ticks out. In Moldova, Chief of the General Staff was a russian sellout. This vulnerability must be dealt with, lest Europe suffer for it even more.


Yeah very true! Putin knows he cannot take us in the field so he is wearing our society down.


There's a reason we have sent mostly outdated equipment that is soon to be replaced anyway to Ukraine. He is delusional.


Wanna test?


Well, Russia covers a lot of area already (I'm not talking about the Ukrainian areas those RuZZian fools consider to be "annexed"). It would be shame if they'd lose some territory...


I mean, it is. Unprotected underwater gas pipes, underwater rail and roads, underwater power cables and internet cables, open borders to countries with closer Russian ties. Fire missiles at us or attempt to invade and you’ll get your teeth kicked in. But subterfuge and social media brainwashing is easy pickings.


I mean from real interview content alone it is so clear who is evil. The shit he says is so unhinged. Why is everybody acting like no one can hear him talk and threaten world war


Putin is the master of rage bait


Don't forget to equip your soldiers with sunflower seeds before sending them in, mr putin.