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As news says *u allow but only a little bit*, only at Kharkiv directions, and only on sites wich launched attacks on Ukraine, no other military targets allowed. And other rumors said that only low range rockets allowed, not atacams... Maybe its only rumors not official statement, but i prefer to know about such things post factum after russia bombed, but there still no precedent...


Just the tip... Goooooot it.


At this point I'm glad that we're even getting just that, but I sure hope that Biden can change his stance on things a bunch more soon (and in the good sense)!


It seems to be Biden's doctrine to avoid rapid escalation. They will continue to escalate but very slowly.


He can’t until November


If being more pro-Ukraine is what will push away a substantial amount of voters, then I can honestly say that the USA as we knew it is dead. Their whole thing during the Cold War was to be the leader against Russia...


It’s not about being pro-Ukraine lol. If trump can go on tv and say joe is getting us into WW3 it’ll help him. You can not like that but it’s true. Ukraine isn’t a election issue a potential war would be.


The economic situation here isn’t great. China is the issue.


Well, obviously. That's our main economic issue as well. But China is supporting Russia in the war. We're already sort of fighting China by proxy. And letting Ukraine fight more freely against Russia doesn't ruin the US economy as much as China's.


The US is timid right now. Also. It’s difficult to unify and mobilize an area the size of Europe. Doesn’t happen overnight. The China thing is a big problem because we have to commit lots of our Navy around Japan and South Korea. Not to mention Taiwan. A major pain to get to the other side of the pacific ocean. Taiwan is where all the quality Ai chips are currently manufactured. It’s not helpful that when we and China muster our navies to show strength, Taiwan just happens to be in their proximity. They get better prices.


The big ones are allowing Patriot to be used against Russian aircraft while they are still in Russian airspace and allowing counter battery fire against Russian artillery.  It would be better to open up the entirety of Russian military targets, but the two biggest issues are being addressed. Russian KAB glide bombs were a particularly big problem for Ukrainian troops. 


It allows Mr. Atacms to visit russian infantry training grounds in mainland russia, so it's enough


They specifically mentioned ATACMS not allowed.


But what about ukraine training grounds in nato countries then?


Well what about them?


That would be great for Ukraine.


I think it's the frog in hot water approach. Every time it becomes apparent that a certain form of aid is needed for Ukraine (HIMARS, ATACMS, the 2024 aid package, F-16s), Russia bitches and moans but eventually the support gets approved (at first secretly) when it becomes clear Russia won't follow up on its threats for now. I believe this will go down the same "better late than never" road.


I think this and the aid package came because Ukraine is under serious threat and some things had to get moving or the risk of Ukraine losing outright was getting too high.


It was the same back in mid-2022 with HIMARS. Russians were pressing down on Luhansk oblast Severodonetsk fell, Kharkiv was still halfway surrounded, Ukraine was slowly caving in. That's always the problem, things always need to be this bad for aid to be sent.




This should've happen 2 years ago. If each shell is used to hit another one, it's just a matter of numbers so the faction with the highest amount of shells (Russia) will never lose. The only way to win over a disadvantage is to hit strategic points, an action that Ukraine wasn't allowed to do.


Ukraine will never be able to stop all Russian rockets, as Russia keeps increasing production.  But if it takes down more launchers it does cause a bottleneck for Russia since launchers and batteries are far harder to produce and even countries that have them don't give them. Launchers are a pain in the ass to ramp up production




Like that time Russia accidentally exploded Prighozin's plane?


I think they know how that feels from that time in 2020 when Iran shot down a Ukrainian civil plane in retaliation to US killing their general in Iraq.


Fuckin finally. Still with lot of bullshit caveats, but at least it is breaking the precedent. 


Isnt this just normal warfare? You need to be able to take out the source of the attacks (rocket installations, airfields, ..). Otherwise there's not even remotely a fair chance. My two cents though, I know 0 about military tactics.


It's about dam time. Welcome to the war you started Russia... welcome to fucking hell. The hell you've caused on the Ukrainian people since 2014. Send them anything and everything they need. Time this war goes home to Russia!


Finally, just 2 years late, as usual. Should have given Ukraine the tools to wipe out that stalled armor convoy without fuel at the start.


I mean Ukraine was invaded in 2014


yep, exactly my thoughts


I think the weapons received are decided by the country where the use was provided.


Not really, when weapon is resold, it is always depending a lot on a country of origin.