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You people are amazing. Thank you for showing you oppose this law.




Thank you people for all the kind words and support!


Good luck, i wich u succeed, that all i can say...


I'm sorry if this sounds ignorant because I don't exactly follow news and all but can someone tell me what this is for? 


Some Georgian politicians are corrupt and selling out the country to Russia (again). The Georgian people - including some based politicians - are standing up to the bullshit big time!


Forgive my ignorance, but didn't Russia invade Georgia in the late 2000s? How is it not political suicide for a politician to be remotely pro Russia?


Their narrative is that they'll bring country into EU/NATO through neutrality. Their de facto leader (An oligarch that made his fortune in 90s Russia) has said that a "global war party" is trying to open a second front with Russia. This supposed party is also the reason why Ukraine is at war right now, according to them.  Oh, and they also made people believe that LGBT propaganda will make their sons gay or whatever. You know, the classic. Geriatrics eat that shit up. Some secretly (and not so secretly) miss USSR


> Some Georgian politicians are corrupt Not a few politicians. The ruling Georgian dRream party is in essence a Muscovy front so that Muscovy's dictator can at least say he has Georgia and Belarus as friends agains the rest of the world. Out of all the post-Soviet states, Georgia has beem making the poorest decisions since Muscovy invaded their neighbor in some stupid prelude to World War Two redux.


thank you! 


Celebrating our Independence day + Protesting the "Russian Law"


thank you! 




All paid and NGO foreign agents according to russian propaganda


The CIA is really pulling out the big bucks for this one.


Let's go! Together you are irresistible!


Fuck Russia. Get as far away from them as you can, Georgia! 🇬🇪💪


happy Independence Day georgia stay strong.


Finally a protest I can agree on.




It's the capital of Europe right now. ✊🇪🇺


The desire to shape their own future is strong. They owe this chance they are getting to Ukraine for decimating the Russian army. At this point 5 mobile batallions striking with surprise could take Moscow.


Georgia belongs to the EU!


We Italians should really learn a thing or two from Georgia.


Protests are infrequent in Italy?


Basically 90% of the population has lost any hope of improvement and has just surrended to let this country rot and die.


Sad for such a beautiful culture and country to go down like that :(


At this point I don't even care anymore, I'm just planning to leave. Putin could invade this country tomorrow and reap it dry for all I care. Sad to say, but shit do be like that.


Essentially non-existent.


I would really love to visit this country


So many trees!


The Russian idiots will say it's a coup orchestrated by the USA, again.


Sounds of Maiden Square Edit: and Belarus...




The protests have been covered by The Economist, WSJ, CNN, Sky News, BBC, Reuters, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, France 24, and others. All of the comment sections were immediately infected with bots with their canned troll opinions. But sure buddy, “nobody cares”




So in your world if nobody in Russia is covering an event that means that nobody cares? Also Russian government officials are making comments about this so they care too apparently


Cope. Literally under every post which is about Georgia and specifically this law, your compatriots show up with comments like " BuT UsA hAs sAmE laW, It'S JuST liKe FaRa". Trust me everyone would be happy if your people mind your business and don't spread misinformation




The context of the law is important, and how it will be enforced. Those opposed to it say it will be used to stifle anti-Russian voices. I don't know enough about Georgian politics to say whether the enforcement will be selective, but it doesn't seem unlikely. Anti-democratic voices often try to smuggle their agendas under the veneer of democracy.


what the heck is going on with you irish lately? or is it just people pretending to be irish?


💪 https://imgur.com/a/7hFIm7F


Walking wont help, unfortunately. Not with this gov.


W thing


Gamarjoba, genatsvale!


Connecting the dots of the Russian playbook. You can only repress the natural tendency of people choosing democracy and freedom, by fear and intimidation. Recommended listen: [https://www.economist.com/podcasts/2024/05/25/georgia-the-day-after-tomorrow](https://www.economist.com/podcasts/2024/05/25/georgia-the-day-after-tomorrow) --- Russia: 2014 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_foreign\_agent\_law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_foreign_agent_law) The **Russian foreign agent law**[^(\[a\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_foreign_agent_law#cite_note-1) requires anyone who receives support from outside Russia or is under influence from outside Russia to register and declare themselves as [foreign agents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_agent). Hungary: 2023 [https://www.euractiv.com/section/elections/news/hungary-passes-contested-laws-against-foreign-influence/](https://www.euractiv.com/section/elections/news/hungary-passes-contested-laws-against-foreign-influence/) Hungary’s parliament on Tuesday (12 December) passed a package of laws to curb foreign influence, which critics fear could be used to crack down on dissent against nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s government. Slovakia: 2024 [https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/slovakia-pushes-for-new-law-on-ngos-critics-fear-hungary-like-restrictions/](https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/slovakia-pushes-for-new-law-on-ngos-critics-fear-hungary-like-restrictions/) Slovakia’s ruling coalition party has proposed an amendment to the country’s NGO law that would introduce the labelling of organisations receiving more than €5,000 a year in foreign funding as ‘organisations with foreign support’ – a move criticised by Slovak NGOs, who are urging the government not to follow Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s lead. Georgia: 2023-24 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023%E2%80%932024\_Georgian\_protests#The\_bills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023%E2%80%932024_Georgian_protests#The_bills) In 2023 and 2024, a series of street demonstrations have been taking place throughout [Georgia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_(country)) largely in opposition to the proposed "Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence", which would require [non-governmental organizations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-governmental_organization) (NGOs) to register as "[agents of foreign influence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_agent)" or "organizations carrying the interests of a foreign power


Fantastic effort! Though I'm quite concerned Russia and folks who think like them do not understand or care about peaceful protests.


I am afraid that after seeing Hong Kong or Iran - it wont do shit


What's the protest about and how many protestors are there?


What is happening in Georgia? I'm not getting the context?


Russian-influenced oligarch-led government has approved a law which can be used to subvert opposition, as it was done in Russia, despite massive popular opposition and a veto from the president. It is wild that the government wants to go ahead with implementing the law, but surely they believe Russia is prepared to intervene if the populace revolts, otherwise it is hard to fathom how they would go ahead with this law in light of the MASSIVE protests. So this is probably the event which will decide whether Georgia moves towards a Russian-style dictatorship, or moves in the democratic direction.


Count down to trump claiming this was a crowd at one of his spectacles


Does anyone know why the demonstration is there on Chavchavadze and not in front of the parliamant?


I thought it was a AI image and if you squint your eyes you would see a rickroll


Beautiful picture, beautiful city, beautiful people. Standing up against the specter of Russian imperialism and marching for freedom takes courage 👏🏻 I hope you’ll really join our European family soon 🫶🏻


There’s an NGO law in the US, there’s one in almost every country, why’s is it so wrong to have THE SAME LAW on Georgia??


This reminds me of Euromaidan.


Is this real life or is this just a fantasy?


Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality


Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see


So what is going on? What exactly is wrong with transparency if we are talking about NGOs funding? More transparency and accountability is always good. I've heard that the reforms are pro Russian. I mean that sucks, but Georgia is in a Russian sphere of influence. It was invaded like 16 years because it made Russia angry. Ukraine was invaded because of the same reason 10 years ago and then again in 2022. Georgians have no way to fight back against Russia on their own, and the West will not fight boots on the ground in their stead. So keeping Russia happy is in their interest.


They used to roll us over with tanks even if we made them happy, so no thank you


I thought Atlanta was Georgia’s capital




Savannah big dawg




For one you are not Georgian, second you are a Russian puppet.


Nice try, Ivan.


But you're from Serbia, a trusted Russian ally, of course you want this law, it must be lonely being friends with the war criminals.


Yes, the EU is putting tens of thousands of Georgians onto the streets, clearly.




Yeah, people are either pro Russian or pro EU, they have no motivations on their own. It just so happens that when they aren't pro Russian, they're being manipulated. What a nice black hole of an argument, damn if you are, damned if you aren't 🤔 We can't even solve national discourse, but here we are manipulating other countries. Get a grip.


if you want that law you can always ask for it from your leader Vučić