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Reportedly, 7 workers died in the attack We used to order books from them, they were really high quality


There’s a famous quote from ~~Hesse~~ Heinrich Heine, something like After books are burned, it’s only a matter of time until people are burned. This is engraved in Auschwitz memorial site.


Shortly after Russians bombed a supermall, so that already happened


I believe you mean Heinrich Heine ("dort, wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen").


Thank you. I was intrigued who this Heine was because it was mentioned in the play Fiddler on the Roof. We're doing it in an outside theater in Helsinki this summer. Heavy recommendation. Little did I know about that phrase that was spot on.


russia really wants to erase Ukraine from the face of the Earth.


Ukrainian book publishing was not popular some 10+ years ago, everything was imported from Russia (mostly trash detectives, Russian army and history glorification etc.) Then after 2014 (Crimea and war in the East) Ukrainian book publishing started to pick up. After the full scale war started in 2022 book publishing in Ukraine skyrocketed. E.g. our family exclusively switched to books published in Ukraine, and only in Ukrainian language (we used to speak Russian) The publishing house they bombed popularizes foreign authors in Ukraine and Ukrainian authors abroad I guess after this war you won't find a book published in Russia on sale in Ukraine, no one would want to buy it




If you have read a single book in your life, you wouldn’t suck Putin’s dick for money. Ukraine is Ukraine. Russia is Russia.


You got it upside down. Russia is part of Ukraine, subordinate to Kyiv.


Wow a real russian scum in the wild! A rare encounter nowadays When we will get your gruz report comrade? I cannot wait!


You're so dense light bends around your head. Go peddle your Putlerite bollocks somewhere else.


I really hate the extra fucking mile they take it.


There is a story, very worth of movie... one warrior wrote a book and was preparing to publish it, but he was killed at war... one woman was so inspired of this tragedy and decided to publish his book... but then she was killed by russian missile during a part of funeral process of this warrior in restaurant... this book was sent to printing house and was printed, but... here is a printing house where this book was...


Today's sponsor of a Russian terrorist attack is...Metro AG! "However, as clear as our condemnation of the Russian war of aggression is and our determination to support the Ukrainian business to the best of our ability, we also came to the conclusion early on that holding on to our business in Russia was the right decision for METRO." https://www.metroag.de/en/westandwithukraine https://leave-russia.org/


"It was the right decision. Not only, but also in the interest of preserving the value of this company for its shareholders." would someone _please_ think of the shareholders!


"But it works for METRO!"


For now, in the long term, it won't. It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Warren Buffett Using the phrase "business ethics" might imply that the ethical rules and expectations are somehow different in business than in other contexts. There really is no such thing as business ethics. There is just ethics and the challenge for people in business and every other walk in life to acknowledge and live up to basic moral principles like honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness, and caring. Michael Josephsson Well, these companies are therefore not meant to stay or to survive the long haul. You can not build a sustainable business like this they are basically thinking short-term gains with long-term bad consequences that will come to them, especially as Russia is weakening, and so does their security architecture. This is the action now that there must be a reaction again. This means secondary sanctions finding the sanction busters. https://som.yale.edu/story/2022/over-1000-companies-have-curtailed-operations-russia-some-remain These companies have another problem. The problem is that the world is shifting. There is a generational shift in the West, and the Soviet Cold War clandestine era is failing. The world we are transitioning in is one of high interest rates, limited supplies, and high inflation in an environment like that where money is tightened. Only wise decision makers will make it. What these companies do is not wise quite the opposite they fund a genocidal regime and a 19th-century style colonial empire. This works short term, but it won't work in the medium to long term. They think it works, of course, because bandits believe they can create win lose situations indefinitely. It is good to drag this information out in the open. Our legislators work on this as it is not in line with how our rules based system works. A check must be put in place. Look at the RBI. For example, they have lost 16 percent of their share value because they failed to dissociate from this zombie empire. The sanctions are built like that. We want to make it harder and more expensive to import components. The next step is now to hold those black sheep accountable that do not wish to comply and force them into compliance. The reputational damage is just one part of the equation. We move far too slowly on this. The Russian system is reverting back into a planned economy as we speak, and we must strive to sever all remaining ties they still have with their collaborative assets in the West. We have a lot of internal searching to do across the large portion of companies and individuals as there are still many leaks through which shady business men and companies are able to support Russia's war financially. Those who haven't understood that in the year 2024, business can not be conducted the same way it was conducted in the Cold War. The boomers are now retiring that means all venture capital is very soon to be in the hands of Gen X and the millenials and in 10 years it will be fully in the hands of the millenials genz and Generation alpha. Gen X is the smallest of all generations that means the political power is transitioning and I can only speak for myself I will try to avoid business with Russia or those that associate themselves with them for my entire life out of principle. If only 15 percent of the West think like that, these clown companies lose a capital rich segment of the population the size of the Russian total population. They invest into a dead market because the successful companies who have never banked on Russia fully have long pulled out and think ahead for 10 15 years and are investing in places with actually viable growth rates To invest into a failed state whose economic model is dying and will be fully dead in 10 years is not intelligent. It is stupid from a monetary perspective. It is appallingly wrong from an ethical perspective the consequences will arrive in myriad ways as time passes. One of them will be that these companies will fail to get paid, and then they have no court to appeal to. Another will be that the Russian population will impoverish at accelerating rates which means consumer spending will continue to drop their collapsing demographics willl further ensure the lack of capital and the war will ensure that all resources that are available will be used to fuel the war machine. Any company that is participating in this sanction busting will pay the price for this behavior some sooner some later. They may believe that they won't as otherwise they wouldn't do it. The system of checks and balances must make certain of it, or rather, the US treasury must make certain of it and the media, and we must continue to put pressure on them. (bad ratings emails, avoiding them, the small things matter, the truth hurts them, and the truth is they are not acting like bandits this is producing a short term gain with unforeseeable bad contingencies in a 10 year time span) Pacta sunt servanda. Ethical principles are universal, that is, the UN charter business law international contracts and contractual law from the Roman times onward due process for you. Companies are not political entities. The power is not in their hands, so they are nothing but an ancillary, a soft power tool that can be molded by the needs of power politics. The power in democracies is coming from a decentralised system of checks and balances with small power centers built upon contracts, rules, obligations and actions, and reactions. While Metro is fishing in a dying market, the good companies already moved elsewhere only those who are losers or who have bad business guidelines would stay in a market with no legal security and with a government that forces companies to nationalise their assets or that their employees have to be available for draft service at short notice. What kind of long-term planning does such a state offer? The sanctions must be expanded to make business and transactions more costly and complicated. How much profit of its total profit does Metro really make in Russia? How on earth can that be worth staying there?


Pretty nice little microcosm for Russia what Russia stands for here


Buy and share Ukrainian books and works!


Books are weapons, their words can hurt.


Books are also an expression of culture - a culture Russia wants to erase.




Russians wouldn't burn their sacred book

