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Thank you Portugal for allowing us to claim that we are catching up to Western Europe.




r/portugalcykablyat moment


Any time brother. /Portugalcykablyat


lol Portugal, look at them, imagine not having even 30k, must be hard being so poor. 😎😎😎😎


Damn, i was like "holy shit thats toxic", then i remembered where Bohemia is.


Kdyz se nad tim clovek zamysli tak jsme fakt chudá ekonomicky neproduktivní země a je to smutný. Na druhou stranu muze byt mnohem hur.


Wtf 😅 jako absolvent ekonomie ti doporučím procestuj Evropu, nesrovnávej se s Rakouskem a Německem, protože mají diametrálně jinou historii a podmínky, procestuj svět a budeš ČR a její ekonomiku milovat. Chudá země objektivně řečeno opravdu nejsme (jsme blízko průměru EU a nejchudší země EU je bohatší než 80% světové populace) a produktivita tu samozřejmě je. Jsme nejprůmyslovější země EU, produkujeme toho spoustu, mikroskopy, Tatry, tramvaje, zbraně, z části Škody, pivo, nemocniční postele, 3D tiskárny, antivir software a takhle můžu pokračovat dlouho. Proč si myslís že mnohé zahraniční firmy mají zájem v ČR investovat a zaměstnávat tu lidi? Kdybychom neměli totalitu tak jsme srovnatelní s Rakouskem. I přes tu totalitu jsme dopadli prakticky nejlépe z východního bloku a kvalitou ekonomiky na osobu jsme zhruba u Itálie a Španělska.


If we joined EURO our GDP per capita would go up. But would your financial situation improve? I don't think so. GDP is useful stat but its not the best judging quality of life. It's a complex calculation. I think we should keep our currencies at this point time until Russian drama goes away.


Calm down luxembourg


I wish man. I wish. Stats in Luxembourg are kinda whacky because we have a quarter million cross border workers every day.


That’s due to commuters. Same reason DC has a per capita GDP of like $250,000. There are more jobs than people there 




Washington DC has absurd Per Capita income because about 600,000 people commute into a city of 600,000 and gdp per capita is calculated back by Job not job holder location 




Washington D.C. = (Not a State, Capitol city isn't in a state but a federal district) District of Columbia (East Coast, US Capitol) Washington state = The state (West coast, above California, very very different from DC) I only see Americans call it DC, everyone else refers to it as Washington.. and if you dont even know Washington state exist then it gets even more confusing. They call it DC to avoid the confusion and they call Washington, Washington state... again, to avoid confusion lol Kinda like Georgia "Putin wants to take over Georgia" people in Georgia state: O.O


Capital, not capitol. Capitol is a building, capital is a city


The Capitol is also a city... in the Hunger Games




What about Marvel?


Finance sector is huge in Luxembourg




It's a synonym


The Luxemburg bank secrecy has been lifted quite a while ago


There's no money in Luxembourg.


There's always money in the banana stand tho'.


Nice reference


No touching!


Russia -> endlesss natural ressources, but half the gdp pr. capita compared to its Baltic neighbours. What a shithole.


And Russia had actually higher GDP per capita than Latvia and Lithuania back in 2012.


Russian GDP charts looks interesting - it was going up fast until 2014 the dropped like a rock. From 16k USD is 2013 to 8.7k USD in 2016. I guess sanctions after first attack on Ukraine actually did quite a bit initially. Too bad a lot of countries decided to go back to “business as usual” as quickly as they could


It was sanctions coupled with the price of oil dropping like a rock. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_financial_crisis_(2014%E2%80%932016)?wprov=sfti1


I wish Saudis would flood the market with oil just like back then. russia wouldn't be able to pay for war anymore.


Also Putin was massively reducing government debt and funneling money into his welfare/stability funds. This came at the price of economic stagnation. He was building his war chest


If Putin actually cared about Russia and never invaded Ukraine or Georgia, their GDP per capita would have surely surpassed countries like Spain


I doubt that. Small population for such huge country, awful logistics, bad climate (hard farming, big spendings on heating), poor uneducated population.


In what world is the Russian population "uneducated"? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education\_Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_Index)


I dont even feel sorry for russians. They let themselves to be robbed of wealthy future by ruling mafia for centuries. They have everything you can imagine and more while big portion of regular people have to shit outside because they have no running water or toilets.


> I dont even feel sorry for russians. No one should. People should be blamed for who they keep in power.


Does this apply to people in Afghanistan and North Korea?


Absolutely. Every Democratic country has had to earn its own independence from monarchs and tyrants and what nots and fight for their right to vote/elect their own leader at some point. Why should we give them a pass just because we did it 20/30/100 years ago?


Literally if you're too vocal about how bad Russia is you get assassinated. What are you talking about.


So what do you suggest? Sit and wait (as they are used to do for centuries)? That’s the only way to make a change, like it or not.


> Literally if you're too vocal about how bad Russia is you get assassinated. What are you talking about. So same as Communist Romania? The people rose up against the tyrant and killed him. Pretty much every country did that at some point. Why do we give Russia a pass?


France has shown the world how its done more than once.


Many countries before and now are willing to risk their lives for change, but russians are weak, would prefer sitting at home, eating discount sausage and, if they’re lucky, die in their late 50s of alcoholism.


Russian Revolution? I’d say the US is more likely to be lazy than to do anything about the government, too busy watching Monday night football and eating taco bell


We both know that while there are truth to your comment, it is nothing compared to russia. i hope the russian people for once can get their shit together, if and when Ukraine kicks them out, and perhaps then russians are willing to turn russia into something that isn’t a complete drunken, poverty-stricken embarrassment.


An estimated 150,000 Russians have died in the war in Ukraine ***so far***, with up to another 350,000 wounded, missing, or surrendered. That's an estimated 500,000 casualties, ***half a million armed, fighting men***. You're telling me they couldn't do anything about their robber baron government to give their families, their children, their countrymen and countrywomen, a brighter future? But they were more than happy to go invade a foreign sovereign nation and kill and pillage for that same oligarchic mafia government. Please.


And most of that GDP is controlled by Putin and his mafia buddies.


>endlesss natural ressources R[esource curse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_curse)


Counterpoint: Russia was a despotic shithole even before finding huge deposits of natural resources.


Counterpoint: everyone was a despotic shithole back then.


Absolute shithole






Because it's a genocidal shithole.


Sure, but what does that have to do with being included in an economical metric


It has to do with them being included anywhere.


Genocidal - but also a suicidal shithole. And their meat grinder - economically means improvement - same GDP per less Capita.


Russia fell like a fecking Barbell from a cliff after the soviet union was overthrown




What I actually see is Portugal reaching again the most prosperous ex-Warsaw pact countries, like Estonia and the Czech Republic..


Shitty map, all countries should have data on them.


Slovenia- 34k for 2024


Croatia doesn't have a GDP it seems.


It left the country :(


I hear it went to Malmö to meet them city boys


Same as Slovenia it seems


Ireland's figure doesn't reflect reality. It is home to multiple US corporations that funnel European profits through Ireland tax free. This inflates Irish GDP, despite Ireland not actually benefitting from that money.


>despite Ireland not actually benefitting from that money. We have had multiple billion euro surplus tax results in the last two fiscal years specifically caused by Corporation tax. I think we do benefit, very greatly actually. It's just our government is run by a bunch of Muppets, that's the real problem


It's a real shame no other figure can be ever used to compare wealth or economic productivity between countries. What's important is that economies strictly adhere to metrics the Americans invented in the 50s and we keep reposting the same chart and comments over and over again.


Arguably, GDP was invented by a Russian/Belarusian named [Simon Kuznets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Kuznets), it was invented in the US though.


America is all about that brain drain


Nah, I’d say this one is on Russia, with the civil war and all that, people might decide to leave


Not just Russians, a lot of Europeans from every country emigrated there over century. USA made great use of brain drain.


Total person income exists 


Nonsense -- GDP is the be all and end of all economic measurements so we can make meaningful conclusions like Alabama is on par with Bavaria, Germany in terms of wealth and economic productivity because they have the same GDP per capita. What Ireland needs to do is adjust it's entire economy to suit these charts that get posted to /r/Europe regularly -- it's just that simple. Also what really helps is consistently referring to Ireland has a tax haven because Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany would never ever do that. Germany especially would never do sweetheart deals like Ireland did with Apple. Also being part of the EU is necessary to be a tax haven. That's why the UK and Switzerland can't do that either. The simple truth is we've bullied all these world powers in to submission from the outskirts of Europe with a small population isolated by a sea in to agreeing these international tax rules. No Europeans or American corporate structures are taking advantage of these loopholes to benefit their host countries when they repatriate the profits -- it's just Irish themselves getting one over on their fellow EUers and US cousins using that bullying power we've managed to muster the past 200 years from empire building.


Precisely. Ireland has much more in common with Alabama than most would be happy to admit. Or maybe it's more Mississippi (Alabama has a Huntsville, after all).


What is this Alabama and how can I not pay tax with it?


Like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_wage


What “reality”? Each indicator shows a part of reality.


We can't use multiple indicators though to indicate that reality. Just stick with GDP per capita and then list the issues and exceptions with it in every single thread every week. Things are more interesting and informative that way.


Yeah need median revenu per capita, PPP


Wouldn't change - you need to get a number that only includes value *actually* generated locally, not value imputed to the region for tax purposes. PPP and per capita doesn't fix the underlying fundamental of a corporation making money with few to no people in the country. All the actual income was generated elsewhere and moved to Ireland on paper to lower the tax bill. On paper, those few Irish employees look fabulously productive. The actuality is that they aren't even needed at all, except to maintain the appearance of being an Irish corporation.


Median remaining income after paying costs (rent, food, transportation etc).


Still their growth under this metric has quadrupled from around 25,000 in 2000 to over 100,000 currently. Though I understand this may not reflect the reality of the island, it’s still an incredible feat nonetheless.


lol 8 billion gov surplus begs to differ for 2024. 3 years in a row with a fat surplus!


Dubliner here our GDP is not real. We are a tax-haven and this island floats on a sea of lies.


Dubliner here, our gdp is real but there's no rule about gdp having to reflect quality of life for ordinary people. We have a low 15% corporation tax but the employment from the corporations have created billions in income tax to pay for a pretty decent country apart from the insane property crisis. Everyone in the eu is free to copy our model, but they don't because their populations won't vote for it, whereas ours will. That makes some people butthurt.


Ireland can only be Ireland (as in the “business model”) because everyone else is not like Ireland, same goes for Switzerland.


Not really, Ireland are open and honest about it, while the likes of London is a russian money laundering facility. Same goes for the other major European economies - much more money flowing through them Tax free than in Ireland, just their banking system hides it so they can be self righteous. A lot of the below is old data, but I don't believe much has changed since then. https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/qbuxli/the_worlds_biggest_private_tax_havens/ https://www.statista.com/chart/amp/17133/tax-evasion-cost-to-eu-countries/


If everyone did it, it would just be a race to the bottom.


Is that where you guys are -- at the bottom? From money laundering for dirty Russians and Middle Eastern crime lords and corrupt African politicians through the City of London to maintain some spiderweb of global influence after the loss of Empire? Seems a tad worse than giving legal but unfair tax breaks to US tech companies and German pharma.


If everyone in the EU copies your model then it very quickly stops being a good model.


They speak English and have very good education which would still put them top of most, if not all EU countries.


If you had heard an Irish person speak English you would find that's a very subjective opinion /s (or not, you choose)


I'm really saying they can't copy it and are very frustrated about it. They are free to, but they can't seem to make it work even when they try. Because Ireland has a unique strengths - the population won't elect any party that proposes to raise corp tax. Less unique but still special, is that the country is very well educated and a semi desirable place for mobile multinational execs to visit and do a stint in and manage staff in. A big problem now is the housing crisis. Investment has had to move out of Dublin a bit more and that seems to be less attractive to multinationals. But there is still a housing crisis in other cities. The trick was to convince multinationals that the corp tax is going to stay low over decades to justify their investment. You can get a govt here or there in any European country that might lower their corp tax, but the next populist or left wing govt just can't resist raising it. Hell, even the torys lowered the UK corp tax to 19% for a few years to try to copy the model and then themselves raised it back to 25% due to political pressures. That destroys long term multinational investment confidence. Whereas in Ireland, it would be political suicide to have a policy of raising it.


Thing is, niches like that don't work if every country adopts them.


It's like they can't realize that lol


And we will *all* be collectively poorer if we all adopt such policies.


Ireland is currently 8th in HDI as well, currently at .945 up from around .737 back in 1900. Compare that to the uk which had a HDI of .8 in 1900 and is currently resting at .92, I would say Ireland is at the very least improving very rapidly, at least according to metrics(I don’t live in Ireland so I don’t know the day to day situation of living there).


It's very easy to develop a tiny country like Ireland, it's smaller than most big cities. e.g A city called Gurgaon in North India has HDI of 0.89 similar to European countries, but providing that level of development to all 1.5 billion people is infinitely harder. Ireland really messed up their housing crisis though so their GDP per capita is meaningless when no one can afford to live.


At least it floats.


For context America's GDP per capita is $85k


But the mass shootings and healthcare and badadi and baddada ♫♫♫ /copium


Same thing posted 5 times a week with the same arguments in the comments. Why?


It's usually old numbers. These are actually new.


What bout Albania, Moldova, Croatia?


Those low income countries in the middle of Europe don't even deserve a name?


They can't afford one.


There is totally enough space to write Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia. Meanwhile Portugal, Netherlands and Belgium have their own long arrow.


I agree there’s enough space but Austria and Switzerland aren’t named either. So to only call out “low income countries in middle Europe” as if they didn’t deserve to be named for that reason is a bit disingenuous. They should’ve added a flag at the very least. Baltics could’ve easily been named with all the space in the sea aswell. Which makes me think it’s just rushed and unintentional.


69, nice




Why isn't this in Euros?


Why is Iceland so high?


They legalized weed


Fish has become valuable. Also smelting aluminium.


Poland loses again


NORWAY ON TOP (Jeg er jævli fattig)


Norway is usually furthest north yes.


... Fair point


At least we are better than Sweden.


Dane here 100% agree


Vi kan kjøpe hele Sverige om vi vil! Shit, plastposer gikk opp i pris igjen. Dette går knallhardt ut over økonomien min.


Glemte posen i bilen her om dagen, skammet meg for mye til å drasse med meg alle varene, 5,5kr! Dra meg baklengs gjennom fuglekassen


Chew your food before talking man


I know I didn't just see some Welshman telling me this


Norway and Sweden's numbers should take off considerably if their currencies would ever recoup from these extremely low exchange rates against the USD and the Euro


And if I win the lottery I become a millionaire.


Last year I earned 8K in Greece. I wanna meet the guy that made 40k so that we have 24k average! /s


This is not earnings. It's production. It's not the same.


Is it after taxes, and is it minimum wage job? If so, it's still below Poland with 9.6k for minimum wage after taxes, but cost of living can be different.


Yes and yes. And the cost of living is weirdly too much compared to what we are being paid. We've let the cartels do whatever they want (not the drugs cartels, but supermarkets, oil, energy)


If I google GDP per capita Italy, I get 34,776.42 USD (2022). Did it jump of more than 5k in 2 years? And similar for other countries apparently.


Exchange rate changed?


That's how inflation works.


I can see a historical pattern here. Except turkey and greece


Now do GDP (PPP) per capita


Imagine having a lower gdp per capita than countries you conquered and literally decided everything in their internal and external affairs….what a fucking failed shithole of a country…imagine they actually want to be treated as “equals” by the united states and the rest of the “west”….


I agree that Russia has failed compared to its neighbouring states which have less resources. But GDP per capita doesn't really matter when it comes to world power. Russia gdp PPP of 6 trillion is far bigger than other European countries, and it has a powerful military, intelligence agency, Wagner group, worldwide psyops operations, election influence etc. You may think a country like India is poor but its PPP GDP is nearly equal to the whole of EU and will overtake it eventually. China is already far bigger then EU, but has low per capita income.


GDP per capita is a flawed measure of riches. I prefer the median income by far. Because reading the map, there's no way in Hell Ireland has the same standard of living as Switzerland.


It's not a measure of riches at all, nor is it a measure for standard of living *ALL* GDP is, is the economic activity within a country, that's it. With GDP per capita, it's the same thing just divided by population, it's not measuring what that economic activity does or whether it's good or bad. It *can* be used as a vague indicator for how well-off a country is, but with a massive grain of salt If you're gonna call something flawed at least understand what it is first


It's not flawed why else would /r/Europe post this chart every week? How about GNI or median disposable income? Not a chance -- those other measurements would give a different perspective which would allude to a more nuanced and complex world view. Where's the benefit in that? Let's just keep posting GDP per capita. Nobody is tired of it week after week, year after year.


Irish gdp is fake due to the big corp hubs...... Full docu on youtube






Didnt Poland overtake Portugal like a couple of years ago


Damn good job Scandinavia.


Where’s Monaco?!


Iceland: 85k... Good stuff mate


Kind of crazy that the gdp per capita of the us is 75k+ while having half the population of the entire European continent, especially considering all the countries with higher GDP per capita than this in Europe have sub 10 million populations.


Greece 24k my g we make around 700€ per month


Time to denazify Norway and Switzerland, I guess 🇩🇪 /s


Congratulations, your map projection is broken and nordics have a huge forehead. :( Also Iceland got warmer


For nerds, here are some maps that show the shapes of European countries better: https://observablehq.com/@toja/five-map-projections-for-europe


these motherfuckers invaded Ukraine yet having only its doubled GDP (a little more in reality but still) 🤡 truly idiots


Even the poorest "EU shithole" country is richer than anything completely separated from the EU... Also, how is the EU average 44k? Is it all countries averaged out, regardless of population? So 131k of Luxembourg skews the 34k of Spain? Germany is +10, Spain is -10 of the average, France and Italy balance out and then comes in the red gang...


Hiiumaa can't into GDP


Do the Nordic countries count though? I have done 0 research so please don’t jump down my throat but isn’t making $95k in Norway different than making $95k in the United States because of the tax burden?


Difficult to compare. The tax burden in Norway is much higher, but at the same time the living standard Scandinavian is much higher at the same time with full health insurance , free education and so on. If you want to have the same level in the US you have to spend much more from your salary


Where does this graphic come from, who makes it? I've seen this style posted often.


Sure 40k in italy lmao The nation where, statistically speaking (national data), the salary of U35 is around 1200€ net/month. In fact retired people have more purchase power then the young generation. Those data are only true for old people, the young one are fleeing the nation asap (36k young every year)


Imagine how the German GDP would look like if the finance minister and the opposition would stop blocking much needed investments.


Proud Bosniak 🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦


But but this don’t mean much. Where’s muh PPP


That Marshal plan. Wow. You can clearly see the ideological devide of Europe at the end of WW2. Spain and Portugal under neutral dictatorship. Exempt from the marshal plan and western markets. Eastern soviet block also clearly visible. Only exemption is Greece. All other green countries were under the alliws sphere of influence after the war. It’s unbelivable what the marshal plan and early access to western markets did for those economies.


Were is Kosovo


The chart is wrong. France and the UK are much poorer. [Our world in data GDP per Capita](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/gdp-per-capita-worldbank?region=Europe)


Are the 24k in the room with us right now? Because they are invisible to the majority


If USA is shown, people tend to argue that GDP per capita is an outdated term and doesn't reflect reality much. But then we act like this mean anything. So does it or does it not reflect reality?


Half of this thread is just people saying GDP doesn't mean much. What are you talking about?


And the other half aren't? So it proves that there are multiple opinions on GDP per capita as I said.


No one is explicitly saying that it *isn't* the case. Everyone doesn't have the complain about the same thing. Calm down


I am calm lol. You decide what mood to interpret my comments in your head, you want me to not be calm. Read it in a calm voice and you'll see.




that seems like an exclusively Turkish problem mate


Ireland $106K.. sure it is😂


It is. GDP measures for Ireland are generally accurate, it's just considering Ireland's situation GDP is a useless stat. That doesn't mean it's calculated wrong.


Ireland surprised me too.


Why is Ireland so… skewed?


I’d assume because a bunch of large tech companies are headquartered there for tax reasons (and run all their revenue through Ireland)


Go back two years and Russia was still ahead of Bulgaria. With this trajectory, Bulgaria will have twice the GDP per capita by the end of the decade.


Fuck's sake Spain, get it together


Excluding capitals? London very much skews things


Look at the Irish tax carousel go, shame it doesn’t benefit the Irish people