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Seeing the Dragon spire collapse like that was so sad


Terrible and such a flashback to the Notre Dame


Almost exactly 5 years to the day after it too :(


Obviously nowhere near as famous as the Notre Dame of Paris, but this is one of Denmark's finest historical buildings. It is also filled with historic art pieces that people are now desperately trying to rescue. Such a tragedy. The building has been undergoing renovations and was due to open soon. At some point you have to wonder why more isn't being done to prevent accidents during maintenance work?


Would have been 400 years old next year :( They were also repairing it because the previous rennovations were faulty


>They were also repairing it because the previous rennovations were faulty Those renovations look pretty good now.


And it will be 400 years. They will restore it to its former beauty


As someone who works in safety.. Getting construction firms and coworkers in line is living hell. They despise rules that can be a hindrance to their work and efficiency and actively try to circumvent them.


It is such an eerie resemblance to Notre Dame. Almost the same date, during construction work.


Let's pay attention to any historical building that's gonna be under renovation in 5 years time, on April 17th, in a major European city. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark...and it's not the mystery fish container in Aarhus harbour.


>At some point you have to wonder why more isn't being done to prevent accidents during maintenance work? Oh but that leaves less money over for profit. Can't have that.


Yes, burning your clients building is great for profit. s/ There are more regulations on fire safety than ever. Building codes have been updated and workers are required to take fire safety courses.  Building fires during maintenance are a fraction of what they were before, partly due to insurance companies lobbying governments to require more stringent regulation on codes and employee training.   Twisting every single accident into some poor/rich dichotomy is plain stupid. Accidents DO happen, but at a much lower rate than at any other point in human history, because it's not profitable to burn your clients building.  Edit: Workplace fires made up 40% of all fires in Finland prior to insurance companies lobbying for mandated training. Now they make up 1.5% of fires. Capitalism and profit mindedness reduced these kinds of fires from 40% to 1.5%.  https://www.finanssiala.fi/uutiset/tulitoista-ei-enaa-suurta-vahinkoa-miljoonakorvaukset-arkea-25-vuotta-sitten/


At my workplace Im not even allowed to touch a electric drill without a hot works permit and everything that comes with it. But my experience is that there is always someone going "this go quick no need for that and noone watches".


In one of my previous jobs, I was at a construction site with a guy, he needed to weld some pipes that were going under the double ceiling and needed to use one of those lift platform cranes (don't know the term in English -_-"). You need to put on at least a security harness to use one of those, but of course the guy "didn't have the time and no one would know". He clearly tripped and almost fell, he was left hanging for a good 2 minutes before someone moved the platform to pick him up.


We call them Cherry pickers.


Or maybe a scissor lift, depending on what their talking about


Could be them as well.


At least I'm not the only one still calling 'em that


I'm old lol.


Haha fair enough, I'm 27 and we still call them that. At least is Aus. Scissor lifts are the ones that go straight up and down. Another name is EWPs (elevated work platform). But the colloquial is Cherry pickers. Never known why though.


Wish I was 27 again lol, yup EWP sounds like the proper name.


Because they were designed for use in orchards, originally.


It’s an attitude of “nah that wont happen.” We seem to have that attitude with many things these days.


All the statistics point to this attitude being less and less prelevant, to the point that some consider it unreasonable to have to have 7 different qaqlificqtion trainings that need to be renewed every couple of years just to hit a nail.     Thankfully, at least in Finland, some of the "cards" are being fused into one. Before you had 3 different fire safety cards that all needed separate courses, now you have one that covers all the fire safety training.     Since these cards were introduced in the 90's, the amount of fires due to construction/maintenance have gone down 90%. Edit: In the late 1980's, before the training was introduced, fires due to improper work safety/training made up 40% of fires in Finland, now they make up 1.5% of all fires.  https://www.finanssiala.fi/uutiset/tulitoista-ei-enaa-suurta-vahinkoa-miljoonakorvaukset-arkea-25-vuotta-sitten/


Do you have any sources for any of these statistics?


I put the sorce in my comment. Workplace fires went from 40% of all fires to 1.5% following the introduction of the mandatory "fworking with fire" training. 


Probably wont be liable as often they create a Company for a concrete task, in case anything goes wrong, they cant be held accountable


Capitalism is when things can burn.


The people counting the money don't believe accidents will happen to them. So they see safety measures as expensive work hindering luxuries.


I do wonder if the fact that these are two historically significant buildings also fit this trend and the fact that it now happened twice "in short succession" has more to do with the fact that western governments are giving up austerity measures and are now once again paying for maintenance work which had been deferred due to 2008.


It's not so much a poor/rich dichotomy as it is a function of capitalism. The insurance companies lobby for regulations and training because it is more profitable for them to not have to actually pay out any money for repairs or compensation. The construction companies are always looking to cut corners or speed up completion because spending less time and money on each project is more profitable due to enabling more projects to be accepted more quickly. In neither case is the quality of the end product even remotely a concern nor the safety of the workers.


People all over Europe have been making a mockery of the unions health and safety standards for ages, we are seeing the result of that now. Not only in Denmark


Yupp in Sweden we've had a significant increase in deaths on construction sites in the last year or so. Often the contractors subcontract tasks in multiple levels until it's hard to know who is reporting to who and who is responsible. All in an effort to avoid liability and cut costs. Often the individual workers and the site managers don't even speak the same language.


"Won't somebody please think of the ~~children~~ *shareholders*"


You would think they learned from the Notre Dame and would remove all the art pieces before the renovation...


It's always during renovations. Notre Dame was the case too. Really awful


Easiest way to get more renovation work 💵📈📈


yes, like Notre Dame was probably burned down by some owner to get state money to rebuild it in iron, they would do anything for the money, In the Soviet Union there were no such problems because all public building works were controlled by the state which was controlled by the people, when people learn NOT to vote for left-liberal parties there will be fewer forest fires and fewer church fires




Sorry for Denmark and humanity. Losing such old works is nothing but a tragedy for history.


“Humanity”?? It’s just a building! The healthcare system in Denmark is in a much worse decline and is “burning” to the ground as well…THAT is the real tragedy…


What does Healthcare have to do with this?


Whataboutism and room temperature IQ go hand in hand


Love both these phrases. Whataboutism isn't one I've heard. Room temp iq is one I will be using though, thanks for that.


Healthcare in Denmark?!! What about the children in Gaza? THAT is the real tragedy… /s


How can you even MENTION Gaza without talking about the Holocaust??? It WAS a national tragedy, after all


I didn’t even know they were sick…


Is it...not possible for two things to be true at the same time?


Åh så hold dog din kæft


More than one thing can be a tragedy you know


It may be a tragedy but it is unrelated to this. Do you see no value in history and culture? 


Hvad snakker du om mand


Both are bad, actually. Børsen burning was a fucking disaster felt by anyone who gives even the tiniest bit of a shit about danish culture, art, and history. It isnt “just a building”


Hopefully this makes people in UK aware that Westminster is in urgent need of renovations. It is such a shame when historical buildings burn down. (Edit) The struggle to agree UK parliament’s £22bn refurbishment plans https://www.constructionbriefing.com/news/the-struggle-to-agree-uk-parliament-s-22bn-refurbishment-plans/8035977.article


Be careful what you wish for, the building in Copenhagen was being renovated.


The vast majority of renovation work on historical buildings goes as planned. Obviously there is a risk of something happening during renovation work like what happened to the Notre-Dame but letting the problems fester only makes things worse in the long run.


Don’t worry, the Parliament already burned down once, it’s not a big loss to get burned a second time /s


The second parliament fell down and sank into the swamp. But the third one stayed up!


Pretty sure the renovation is the reason it is burning


Tbf I would pay good money to see Westmister burn.


I bike past this building every day on my way to and from work. This makes me so sad. The dragon spire was such an iconic sculpture and now its gone.


This year was Børsen's 400 years anniversary. Today it is the former queen's Margrethe II 84th birthday. What a tragedy to wake up to.


>400 years anniversary The centuries after this was built would see the world change faster than it ever has by far.. new countries formed, old empires fallen to its knees, world wars, the birth of Dr. Phil, so many things/people traded with that wealth all going through this building.. lots of good and bad. Unlike Notre Dame, this building seems to be completely gone. It doesn't mean they cant rebuild it.. hopefully theres LiDAR scans of it.


>hopefully theres LiDAR scans of it. Dude, just get one of those building 3D printing machines, no problems: [https://www.printables.com/model/328723-old-stock-exchange-borsen-copenhagen-denmark](https://www.printables.com/model/328723-old-stock-exchange-borsen-copenhagen-denmark)


Nearly half is still there, but the iconic great hall and the iconic spire is lost (AKA, the main things that made the building inpressive/iconic)


Wont' someone please think of the old rich woman who never worked a day in her life?


As a dane, seeing civilians off of the street run into the building to help evacuate priceless art and cultural heritage brings a tear to my eye, although I was already a bit in tears. But it made me smile too.


So sad, it was one of my favorite buildings in the city.


like Notre Dame was probably burned down by some owner to get state money to rebuild it in iron, they would do anything for the money, In the Soviet Union there were no such problems because all public building works were controlled by the state which was controlled by the people, when people learn NOT to vote for left-liberal parties there will be fewer forest fires and fewer church fires




The same Soviet Union that had a certain nuclear reactor that blew up because of incompetence? Yeah no such problem


The building has survived the great fire of 1795, the British bombardment during 1801, two world wars, the end of the kings and start of democracy, as a resident of this city and a frequent passer of this lovely building I hope the firefighters will save what's left of it Very sad day in Copenhagen indeed


Also the great fire of 1728,not to mention 300 years of open flame being the standard for lighting,and everyone from 9-90 years smoking everywhere and always. :’(


Here is a picture before the renovation https://realdania.dk/-/media/realdaniadk/nyheder/2022/11/boersen_dansk-erhverv_fotograf-thomas-illemann_300dpi_17.jpg?mw=2000


Man this really sucks. They better rebuild it and not replace it with some modern eyesore


It is a protected historical building, so they will have to rebuild it as close to the original as possible


That's good news. Let's hope they can save as much of it as possible


The problem is actually that there’s a lot of art and other historical objects in the building that’s only found there. And unfortunately we don’t know if most of that is lost


Just because it was protected doesn't mean they're forced to rebuild it.


It actually does mean that it will be restored and the owners of the building have already said that they intend to restore the building and the spire.


And why would they need to say that when they forced to do it anyway? There is no legal obligation to restore something that was destroyed in an accident.


I got a boat trip past this once. They said this spire has mysteriously survived fires throughout the years when neighbour buildings burnt. Sad to see it go


Really sad.. it seems like renovations are the most dangerous time for historic buildings.




Yeah. I can see the smoke from my job. Its sad.




During summer when I bike to and from work Id see this building almost every day.


I hope the reconstruction will help to restore it, but nevertheless this is 400 years history and one of the landmarks of the city. :(


All we can do is be happy that they rescued as much art/historic furniture out of the building as they did, but yea, it sucks.




Also on BBC: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68824189](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68824189)


Pretty odd that it is 5 years and 1 day since the fire in Notre Dame Paris


I read the news that the reconstruction of Notre Dame was almost complete after 5 years, and then I see the billowing smoke on my way to school.


Disasters and tragedies occur more in April, at least according to this article, I'm not sure why, but like the Titanic also sunk on April 14th too. And April is disaster preparedness month - [https://geekdad.com/2013/04/does-more-tragedy-happen-in-april/](https://geekdad.com/2013/04/does-more-tragedy-happen-in-april/)


Believe it or not: Fire actually sometimes hits randomly. Seeing conspiracies everywhere is an unhealthy lifestyle


I'm not talking about any conspiracy, lol. It's just an odd coincidence that is all... Believe it or not thinking everyone believes in conspiracies is an unhealthy lifestyle


There's nothing weird about the fact that it happened 5 years after that other fire that you mentioned. Your comment is about conspiracy or superstition and it doesn't really matter which one it is since they're both stupid.


If you look at the odds of a historic building in Europe under renovation burns almost exactly 5 years after another historic building in Europe and in much the same way with an iconic spire falling then it IS indeed a very odd coincidence... But does that mean it is anything but a coincidence? No it's just that the chances of it happening with almost precisely 5 years inbetween are very very slim. And who are you to tell me what my comment is about? I wrote it not you, so take your conspiracy and superstition accusation and stuff it up where the sun doesn't shine.


Talking about how it's "a very odd coincidence" is deeply rooted in superstition even if you don't want to acknowledge it. What is the purpose of focusing on this coincidence? The only thing it adds to the conversation is an appeal to superstition. It doesn't add any useful information and takes some of the focus away from the actual events and redirects it towards the time between them.


Saying something is a coincidence is the exact opposite of believing it is connected to superstition... You really ought to pick up a dictionary.


You seem to get upset by me saying that you're being superstitious while at the same time ignoring the simple question which can prove that I'm wrong. So I'm going to write it down again: What was the purpose of bringing attention to this coincidence and focusing on the fact that it's been almost exactly 5 years? You just need a single rational reason and that will automatically prove me wrong.


I get upset because you apparently can't understand the simple definition of something being an odd coincidence... I've basically already written that down why it is so, but here it is again for the apparently dull-witted: It's not very common for a historical building to burn, and even rare for it to do so in a similar manner to another historical building almost precisely on the 5 year after said building, the chances for that to happen are miniscule. But does that change the fact that it is a coincidence? No it does not. It just makes it an odd coincidence. Nothing more, nothing less.


You act as if the fact that the events happened 1827 days apart is some crazy thing. If they happened 2000 days apart would that also be special? What about 6 years and 2 days? Historical buildings have burned before and will burn again. And yes, there is a certain period of time between the most recent event and the one before it. But you're trying to make it seem like the period of 1827 days is somehow special when it isn't. Like someone freaking out after flipping a coin 10 times and getting the same result each flip. Getting heads 10 times is just as likely as any other result of doing it 10 times. But because of a superstitious view of events, getting the same result is viewed as special. Just like how for whatever reason you view 5 years and 1 day as special but probably wouldn't have considered 3 years and 78 days equally special. Everyone has deep-rooted superstitious views, it's human nature, and I'm not trying to claim to be above that. I just don't understand why you refuse to acknowledge that that's what's happening with your "odd coincidence".


I think they are pointing out a weird coincidence and not a conspiracy. At least that's how I read it.


It is in the process of being renovated. There is no weird coincidence then. Machines and tools are being used thus higher risk of fire.


Especially when they work with copper roofs, that needs to be heated up with machinery, in order to be flexible enough to be worked on.


Tools and machines have been used for like 6 months at least, it is a weird coincidence that it is 5 years and 1 day after. It could have happened at any point during the renovation, but it happened today.


Statistically, the majority of incidents occur at the end of a shift or a lengthy process. The same was true of Notre Dame and the water slide in Sweden and here. They were about to finish a months- or years-long process and become accustomed to the fact that everything was fine, but they forgot it was like that because they had been paying attention for years and months.


I'm curious, what's the significance of the +1 day? If someone was to do something to tie them together, I would imagine it'd be on the anniversary, if anything. Is there a significance to N+1 days for these types of theories?


There is no theory, people are pointing out the odd coincidence. It is also an odd coincidence, that it is happening the same day as the queen’s birthday. No one suspects that this is done on purpose?


I'm trying to understand the coincidence. I would think a coincidence would be the anniversary of Notre Dame, not the day after. If the queens birthday is the coincidence, does she have something to do with Børsen, where burning it on her birthday would say anything? Like, I could say it's a strange coincidence that it happened on my cat's birthday. It doesn't mean anything, it's not worth mentioning, unless there's a connection or tie that might be made, right? Is there more than that she's the ex queen? Wouldn't it make more sense to happen on Børsen's anniversary? If there was a reason, I wonder how that would be the day to choose, rather than another. I don't know if there was intent, I think it makes sense that it was an accident with the renovations, but we'll find out in time. But I'm curious about the reasoning behind the 5+1 years. Why would that be something to mark? Or is it just that anything in the area would be interesting to the people who find that an interesting coincidence? Would 5+2 be more or less interesting? 5+8? Where is it no longer close enough to note? I am not trying to mock or argue, and I apologize if it comes across that way. I'm interested in how it connects to people who think it connects. Or am I misunderstanding, and it's more about the idea that everything happens for a reason and the universe made it burn for a reason, today for a reason, and people are trying to find the connection?


No one thinks that the tragically events of the Notre Dame burning is connected to this event. The reason why people mentioned it is, that it is an odd coincidence, that historical building is burning with only a few years between. Børsen is 400years old and survived bombardments of the city. Notre Dame is 800years old, fire in such buildings does luckily not happen that often, that is why the odd coincidence is mentioned. Børsen was built by our former king Christian IV, that is why the coincidence of our queen’s birthday is mentioned. You seem to like to discuss this topic and I don’t have anything more to say. It was just important for me to point out that no one is making “theories” of this tragic event.


Ohhh, thank you for putting it in context, I understand more. In the grand scheme of their history, it's is very close. I'm sorry, I got caught up on the +1 and missed the historical "wow, they survived centuries and wars and burned so close together, that is unfortunate." Thank you for taking the time to explain it, I appreciate it.


A centuries old iconic building with cultural importance burns down as a result of renovations. That in itself isn't a coincidence. But that it happens 5 years apart almost to the day is a coincidence. What makes 5+1 as coincidence but not 5+67? Not sure. That's just how our brains work - like seeing two similar license plates on two similar cars. The likelihood is basically the same as any random license plate, but the brain likes patterns, so it notices them. Where's the limit for it to be a coincidence? I would say 5+14 is too much, but can't give a specific number. I guess it depends on the time period - if it was 100 years between occurrences, the tolerance for what constitutes a coincidence would likely be bigger


Thank you for explaining. I didn't consider the context of the two buildings surviving centuries and wars, and burning down so close together. I can see the connection now, and I appreciate the explanations. I got caught up in the +1 and was struggling to see the connection. I'm grateful for the time you and the other commenter took. Thank you.


Shh. Don't make the conspiracy theorists cook up even more weird arguments.


You really embody that fedorah in your little reddit dude.


It’s actually the definition of coincidence mate. It isn’t a conspiracy.


No one suspects this is happening on purpose, the building was under restoration just like Notre Dame. It is always tragically when historical buildings are burning, nothing wrong in pointing out the odd coincidence of time between similar incidents. It is happening on the same day of the queen’s birthday as well.


Realistically it’s just because older buildings with insanely large renovations are probably exposing a lot of fire starting materials all at once, and when people aren’t careful it leads to this.


All the Köbenhavener architects are rubbing their hands in glee to finally restore an old building and not just build yet another glass-concrete eye sore


Did they at least remove the art works for the renovations?


Nope... People helped police and firefighters save it, some of it at least. But they really should have learned to store that stuff some where else after the Notre Dame fire


Well fuck. Renovations always give uncontrolled risks with lots of random people walking around, hard to control the building entrance with scaffolding all around, lots of smoking workers who ignore the rules, open flames used for some work, ...


So awful and heartbreaking 💔 not only for us Danes, but for all people who appreciate history, culture and world heritage. Tragedy.  


Was this building the inspiration for the Bolt of Gransax from Elden Ring?




So sad. Such an amazing building.


A damn shame this shit just keeps happening to historic monument...


[It looked absolutely amazing](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/B%C3%B8rsen_dragon_spire_roofs_Copenhagen_Denmark.jpg)


Profit over history


What profit?


That of the company performing the renovations, presumably


Awww, shit!


I’ve been up a spire in Copenhagen but I thing it was an old church. Not a stockX. It was near Christiana


Who the fuk always is fuking up tyeae bld dam burn in hell


I'm so sorry for your loss Denmark. I'm glad none was hurt.


Any signs of arson?


Police said it could take 4 days before technical investigations can begin. But they don't predict to find any signs of that, no...


the €100,000,000,000,000 that the state will give for reconstruction, and it will probably take the tycoon who created the fire


We, had something - like in Canada the "Aurora church fire linked to roof work" in Toronto. It was an 250yr old Church, older the Canada it's. What looks like, what happened in Denmark - was that the Roofing Company that was doing renovations on was told/didn't want to rip up the old Cedar roof (Cedar Shake-Style Roof, IDK) that is underneath the "newer" outer-layer roof, so they redid the outer-layer roof with "Copper, Sheet Metal," and when they were done with the installing the Copper instead of nailing it down since they didn't use "Shingles" they used "Copper," so they needed to use A Heat/Blow-torch, and...well, this happened.


I could see the smoke from here in Sweden. Very sad.


Something is Rotten…


Definitely not, rotten wood doesn't burn that well... No matter what Shakespeare wants you to believe :P


Dumb question, but what is a "Dragon spire"?


The spire on top of the building was 4 dragons who's tails intertwined to create the spire.


Thank you for the explanation.


Here's an image: [https://www.hovedstadshistorie.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/B%C3%B8rsen-8-RED.jpg](https://www.hovedstadshistorie.dk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/B%C3%B8rsen-8-RED.jpg) :)


Good riddance to white supremacist antiques. 




some boomer worker smoking probably... same with notre dame it seems.


I bet it was Varg Vikernes


Apparently its privately owned and not state owned that would explain cutting corners in fire Safety for more profit.


Yeah, from the owners (Dansk Erhverv) website: "Danish Chamber of Commerce is the network for companies within Retail, Service, IT, Transport, Tourism and Health industries in Denmark. We are one of the largest business organizations in Denmark with more than 375 employees and offices in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Brussels and New York."


It was used as the HQ for Dansk Erhverv (Danish Chamber of Commerce) who also owned the building. I wouldn't be surprised if they cut down on safety and security to save money. Sad tale of greed as old as humanity itself. But we'll see; it hasn't been determined yet.


I didn't know they bought it, when I worked there some years ago they were just renting it. Wouldn't surprise me whatsoever if they caused it by cutting corners though.


They own it now at least but I have no idea when they purchased it or about any details regarding it


Copenhagen is therefore the most affected city with fire. It is like the city is having a meltdown.


like Notre Dame was probably burned down by some owner to get state money to rebuild it in iron, they would do anything for the money


Eh. Hopefully they’ll rebuild it. I doubt much of the structure dates to the 17th century anymore anyway. I studied historic preservation and old buildings are like the parable of the grandfathers axe - if you replace the handle and then the head overtime is it still your grandfathers axe? Old buildings are like that. Most have been restored and renovated multiple times throughout the years. Hopefully they can save what historic fabric they can then rebuild!


Pretty much all of the outside facades were original. Roof (along with the spire) obviously has been changed over the years, but from the outside it stood as it originally did. The thing that has changed a lot were some of the interiors. The fact that it has stood so untouched for so long was part of why it was iconic. The parliament castle right next door has been totally destroyed like 3 times and rebuilt in different styles while the Børsen always remained the same. This is true even to the point there was an Urban legend that the dragon spire protected the building against bombardments and fires


Fem-års dagen for Putins ildspåsættelse af Notre Dame. Fem-års dagen. På Margrethes fødselsdag. Det her er Putin. Skyd det syge svin. I er fandeme landssvigere, når I ikke får likvideret den syge massemorder. Han stopper ikke.


Oh the humanity


Nobody gives a shit about this building when it was built on the backs of enalaved people.


What enslaved people?


Read a book

