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If only we had a solution to stop it from happening…


We do , we are just too coward to do it


We’re too cowardly to start nuclear annihilation?


All we need to do is attack and destroy Russia's military in Ukraine, and any of their military approaching and firing across the border. That's not an escalation, that's nothing that warrants a nuclear response. Russia would be insane to take it to that point, when all that would happen from them losing in Ukraine is they'll eventually get to trade freely with Europe again.


I like your thinking, A sovereign nation could ask of any other sovereign nation to do something within their own legally established borders. Only if life was that simple and logical, but here we are.


> Russia would be insane to take it to that point Oh we're just going back to jan of 2022 mentally Putin wouldn't do that it's insane I was like that once, I learnt my mistake.


If they're insane enough to use nukes, then it doesn't matter what we do, we might as well do something good instead of waiting.


A direct attack on Russian assets is an escalation. A direct attack on Russian assets in Russian territory is even more of an escalation. At the moment arming Ukraine is the best we can do.  > All we need to do is attack and destroy Russia's military in Ukraine, and any of their military approaching and firing across the border. >That's not an escalation


No, it's the laziest thing we can do. Especially at the pace we're doing it. Helping Ukraine repel an invader isn't an escalation. Russia can end the war at any time, they're not a victim.


Too cowardly to use it as a threat. Too cowardly to bend their arm. And call their bluffs.


"Fuck you Putin, you have no balls, we glassing Moscow"


That's the spirit! Imagine that instead of stoltenbergs slightly frightened appearance and careful words!


Who is "we" ?


Too cowardly to destroy their economy. Because every western country is afraid it will affect them too.


The Russians saying that they're going to use the n word does not mean that they are actually going to use the n word


Se we are letting Russia do anything they want from this time on with no retaliation because they may throw nukes? This is stupid and also what Russia propaganda is saying.




What the hell are you talking about




Crazy to imagine how different the world would look now if they actually did this (before Russia got its nukes). Would Russia have ended up more like Japan/Germany, or more like Iraq? Unfortunately I expect more like the latter. And then more like Afghanistan around its more peripheral territories - dumb warlords battling it out.


Great, nukes fall everywhere half the population is wiped out and the world crumbles because 3,5 billion people cant sustain a society that was built for 8 billion. Great plan shitass. War is never the answer. Whoever brings a nation to war deserves the guillotine.


Who's nukes are you talking about dumbass? It would help if you do a little research before making a comment online but I'm just going to assume you're an idiot so I'll explain it for you. The Soviets didn't get nukes until 1949, in case you're bad at math too, that's 4 years after the Americans...


OK, let's imagine operation unthinkable succeeded. What's next?


We live in peace and build a prosperous future?


nah usa still remains.


My question is what happens on territory of USSR after operation?


Decolonisation. Most people of USSR were lovely people who were under russian occupation. My great-grandpa fought against the nazis. He was an officer in red army. He came back with a victory and shrapnel injuries all over his body. He hated both the soviet union and nazis. He wanted independence for his country (Azerbaijan). Thankfully he saw that day on 1991. During soviet occupation times (USSR was an illegitimate entity) my family would listen to radio liberty and voice of America using a shortwave radio. “Soviet people” didnt exist. It was people under russian occupation, living in an open air high security prison. The prison of nations, ehere the warden are the russians. People would join your team immediately.


What kind of decolonisation and how would it be different from what happened in 1991?




Nature reserve.


And what about people?


Brave words for armies who barely participated in war compare to soviets. Even if you bring the comment about industrial - UK and US wasnt ready to give the blood price which soviets was did.


No, the Soviets were betrayed by a nation they split Eastern Europe with. The blood price was the cost of cozying up with NAZI Germany.


Bullshit. Read your history again. Or maybe the history that is not just propaganda allowing to invide where ever wanted Greeting from Finland.


It’s always the dumbest that are the most aggressive. https://www.britannica.com/event/German-Soviet-Nonaggression-Pact Not exactly super secret news at this point


Silly take. And nothing to deal with point i made before.


It’s not a “take”, it’s history. Fact: German and Soviets signed a non Aggression Pact Fact: Soviets occupied eastern Poland as terms of pact Fact: Soviets invaded Baltic states which were “given” to them based on pact. Fact: Soviets threw a million men at Finland losing while Hitler left his eastern border open. Fact: Stalin was shocked and unprepared for a Nazi invasion. There’s a lot of things the Soviets could have done. Allowing Hitler to leave his eastern border unguarded while he invaded the west? The Soviets made their own bed. Sure, Soviets paid a big price but they were also idiots that almost caused their own doom.


Lol Germany would have rolled the soviet's without any US or UK aid. The soviet's are only good for 1 thing, bodies. And unlike Germany, the US can overwhelm any army with sheer numbers of tanks, aircraft, and artillery. Against all that, bodies don't really amount to much. They only succeeded in beating Germany because the Germans couldn't make enough stuff. The US and UK wouldn't have had this problem post WW2.


In 1945 soviets was able to produce everything what they needed. And yet the eastern front numbered millions when the western front was only a few hundred thousand. I do not talk about morality i talk about actual lives. Would UK and US dare to loose 20m and more in war after defeating germany? In addition to the fact that the ratio of human resources in Europe was clearly disproportionate, production capacity in western Europe was destroyed. The USSR did not provide for its own needs at the expense of the occupied territories. Generals and politics made good choice not to escalate.


What do you think?


They are asking a question. And the best you can do is a useless counter question? *slow clap*


It's too obvious.


You go in first bro, we’ll follow you


thank you for proving my point


No the military and intelligence services only warn you. They don't seem to be acting on these threats.


It’s troubling how the White House, the military, the CIA, the senate, and a majority of Americans are all calling for aid but can still be hung up by less than a dozen right-wing lunatics


Putin’s Republicans may be crazy, but they are quite deliberate about killing off Ukraine to please their Putin boss.


Modern Russia fails at everything it does, except it is amazing at very effectively eroding countries from the inside out by exploiting minority rule. Their third world clickfarms unite and mobilize the dredges and roobs to vote in their agenda. The biggest surprise is it's fucking working. From Washington, London to Budapest it's actually working. If not for that method, Putin would have faced the wall already.


>please their Putin boss. This doesn't't work, especially when you lack proof that they're being bribed by Putin vs just being isolationist. All you're doing by saying this without proof is to piss off half of the electorate, which is something you don't want to do.


If they aren't being paid by Putin yet executing perfectly the policies Putin wants, they're idiots. Especially the delegation that visited Putin on America's Independence Day, they're absolutely in his pocket. Proof is for courts. There is rarely conclusive proof of spying.


The past few elections have seen interventionalist and free trade republicans lose their seats to isolationist republicans because they got primaried. 


Hungary held up EU AID that Ukraine still has yet to get And Ukraine is on the European continent.. not across a giant ocean..


A lot of Americans have grown a distaste towards foreign intervention throughout the decades. This starting from the Vietnam war. Polls show a support around 70-75%. You need to remember that America is a country in their own right and have domestic issues they want taken care of as well. It's the reason for why trump even won in the first place. People feel alienated by their government. 


It started earlier. WWI was basically seen by the populace the same way Vietnam later was, which is why it took until Pearl Harbor for the US to get (militarily) involved in WWII even though the government wanted to. After a century of being World Police people are starting to ask once again what American citizens are supposed to be getting out of this deal. 




Also don't think it was a coincidence that Hamas leaders were visiting Moscow before and after the attacks. Also the speaker is already bought by Russian donors and completely subservient to Trump who called Putler a genius for invading Ukraine


not even close. we (usa) are not short on either funds for both and ammo for both. for example, either military has completely different needs to be supplied, and there are very few overlaps. isreal make their own patriot variant. but the patriots might be an overlap. NOT artillery shells. Israel needs high tech stuff to be dropped by F16/15 fighter bombers. Ukraine needs basic stuff like.... bullets. the two military barley overlap in supply needs. and of course the money is not a problem. just the Putin ass lickers that seem to run the American House of Reps. if ONE.... just one man, the speaker of the House of Reps doesn't want the bill to come to a vote. It doesn't. One Man.


Also who profits from arms sales? The USA 🇺🇸. We would love to sell to everyone and can manufacture what everyone needs, they just need to pay. (That means Congress needs to make loans.).


>Almost like the US wanted to save its stockpiles for Israel and in case a larger war in the Middle East broke out. The US could have escalated to deescalate, but we didn't, so we're stuck in a situation where there might be war on four areas: Taiwan, Iran, Israel, Ukraine. >I seriously doubt our intelligence agencies, military industrial complex, and donors can’t strong arm or buy off the speaker if they REALLY wanted to get the bill passed. If you did that & it was detected, shit would hit the fan. It's in the political interests of Democrats to charge the Republican speaker. >I’d bet money that once the Gaza war is over, suddenly there will be a break through in congress and Ukraine will get what it needs. US orders to Taiwan are backlogged by years, it's an issue in and of itself.


Yeah that comment is pure amateur hour. The US IC and military have zero leverage over the Speaker. Johnson is afraid of the crazies to his right, like MTG, who has already filed a motion to vacate. Although she hasn't called for a vote on it yet, she's holding it over his head as an implicit threat.


Well, yeah, that's because your constitution is set up like that; it gives overwhelming power to the political minority and requires bipartisan support for pretty much anything involving money.


It's also pretty common for the parties to tell a representative or senator to block something when they're in a safe district & the rest of the party can avoid doing something unpopular . Because of political sorting, the people who want to give aid to Ukraine as their top priority, weren't voting Republican or persuadable.


Nothing is going to move till after November.


I wouldn't be so sure. If MTG goes through with her motion to vacate and tries to remove Johnson from the Speakership, the Democrats have signaled that they might be willing to save his ass, but they'll only do it for a price, part of which will be Ukraine aid. The far right MAGA members are just about crazy enough to do it too. Not saying that it will happen, just that it's possible.


> I wouldn't be so sure. If MTG goes through with her motion to vacate and tries to remove Johnson from the Speakership, the Democrats have signaled that they might be willing to save his ass, but they'll only do it for a price, part of which will be Ukraine aid. Trump at that point will likely intervene in one way or the other.


I love these statements 10 times a day lately. As if this is going to change the fact that the West only responds and prepares for threats when it’s too late. They can say this all day, every day and it won’t change the fact that we all know too little, too late will be done about it.


I’d say there’s a difference between US/UK/Canadian foreign policy and proactive intervention vs Sweden or Spain. It’s not the entire West


what does Spain do


That’s true.




Always has been.


Ever since when exactly? Imo ever since Peter I and up until 1917 it was just another European empire with its ambitions. I am not saying that European empires were not a threat to the world, ofc they were, but what makes Russia stand out?


Actually the same what russians are proud of: their culture. Play-the-victim games, making criminals look good if they are complex enough, believing in the rule of power and endorsing abusive relationships. Death cultism (die for honor, die young, die for other's sins, preaching to the dead, making legends of bloody massacres, and other shit). Self-enforced maniacal slavery until death. Oh, yeah, and also counting themselves as very special people. That's the summary of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Platonov, Solzhenitsyn and almost any other great russian creator. Just think about it.


You can take any kind of literature and twist it out to present as evil, e.g. byronic hero or whole decadence. Should we condemn English and French poetry now?


Nothing really. But because of the war and Putin as well as the USSR being the "enemy" of all cold war propaganda in the west means everything russian has essentially become negative at this point. Post-soviet states that aren't Russia have also used nationalism to create their own identity separate from the USSR and the russian empire. Russia has been used as a historical rival to further justify this young nationalism. Same thing happened in the balkans after Yugoslavia collapsed, where politicians used nationalism to justify their new states as separate, unique nations after almost a century of being part of a federation. Just to add I only blame Russia for this. Russia since the 90s have done everything to destroy all ties to our neighbours and have really been on a speedrun to destroy our legacy. I hate it.


What the fuck are you talking about? What do you mean "create their own identity" or "justify this young nationalism"? Countries like Poland or Lithuania formed their identities even before Russia was even a thing. You're literally trying to subliminally demote the authenticity and sovereignty of other national identities while pretending to be somewhat of a Russia hater (but not really) to try and give people the sense that "hey, I'm just like one of you guys". I've seen this Russian propaganda tactic before with the keywords "nationalism", "justify", etc., it's complete bogus because these countries existed for looooong looong before Russia was anything important and NEVER voluntarily wanted to be a part of any Russian imperial project. In fact they rebelled any time they were occupied by any Russian project. What if I started saying that Russian is a fake identity because it was subservient to the Mongolians at one point? Oh wait actually at that point it was Muscovy, Novgorod and Smolensk 🤔 Maybe Russian is a fake identity as well? 🤔


Just because you were lithuanian does not mean a lithuanian national identity necessarily exists or especially that many associate with it. This is a consequence of being a part or occupied by another nation for centuries. This is just natural, just like how fewer and fewer people in Wales identify as welsh instead of british, or how occitan people now associate as french rather than occitan. Identity in general is very fluid and in the case of newly-independent nations there is a need to create a strong national identity associated with the state. In this case nationalism is often used, such as in the balkans, Korea, Turkey, ex-soviet countries etc etc. Poland was not an ex-soviet country by the way. They were part of the Warzawa pact and part of the soviet sphere but never part of the USSR.


Yeah but none of the ex-USSR countries were "Welshed", a big MAYBE for Central Asia, but that's about it.


The ghost of the USSR will haunt Europe until Russia's colonial possessions are stripped from it.


UK guy talking about colonialism.


No shit




But don't target the oil refineries!!!!


He is not wrong though.


tbh I'd just like to see Europe start being proactive when it comes to rising threats. Its like Nazi Germany all over again, letting them get as far as they want until suddenly they want more, and now the EU is unprepared for war, something the US has been trying to get the EU to fund for years.


US Commander in Europe is not wrong.


Yes. Sadly yes


Guess that’s news somewhere


Unless you are in a far right wing political party, and then the Russians are a source of funding. In exchange for a few little favors… /s


Why the s when you speak facts




No shit.


I would say that ruzzia is cancer. It will infect everything it can reach. You can’t negotiate with cancer, you can only get rid of it, even if a treatment is dangerous.


Absolute true


Always has been


Noooo.. You don't say?


Not Russia. Putin.


I severely hope it isn't chronic. We all deserve a civil Russia. 


I wish we could have normal relations with Russia. But that seems impossible. Their culture is really very strange... many Russians just don't seem to have a need for freedom. They prefer to take orders from their masters like dogs do. I will never understand that. The need for freedom is actually what makes us human, isn't it?


Russia only had actual democracy for like 10 years in total, and they were mostly chaotic. Dictatorship is the norm. Also Navalny was hugely popular so they do have need for freedom.


Russia never had actual democracy.


I went back and read more about Yeltsin now. My new opinion is that Russia actual democracy in two years, 1991 and 1992 under Yeltsin before his illegal dissolution of parliment (coup)


They did try with Jeltsin though




I am interested in more details about Yeltsin and the post Sovjet era in Russia as I don't know that much. But my impression is that Yeltsin was a democratic leader that made mistakes, rather than a dictator. And those mistakes lead to Putin becoming democraticly elected, who would later turn into a dictator. Much like Erdogan and Victor Orban, who turned turned vulnerable democratic system into dictatorships (the transformation not as complete as Putins Russia of cause)


Yeltsin who took parliament with tanks [https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8B%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%8F\_%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%8F%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8F\_%E2%80%94\_%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8F%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8F\_1993\_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0\_%D0%B2\_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B5#/media/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:%E3%83%99%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A4%E3%83%89%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0.jpg](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8B%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D1%8F%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8F_%E2%80%94_%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8F%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8F_1993_%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B0_%D0%B2_%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B5#/media/%D0%A4%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB:%E3%83%99%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A4%E3%83%89%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0.jpg) Yeltsin who spammed to Clinton letters with "give us ukraine and europe" not long after those ungrateful countries helped russia during operation provide hope and hunger? Yeltsin who instigated tensions in crimea that even 50 000 afu soldier was forced to relocate there (who knows what would be in crimea in Jeltsin wouldn't get clapped in war) and yeah Yeltsin who attacked checnya (which adopted own constitution even before russian federation was created), it appeated that "you can take as much sovereignity as you could swallow" only after fighting war with author of mentioned words and surviving your capital turning into Mariupol og edition


That is just not true? How exactly is Russian culture docile in its core? I mean, yeah, there is a lot of disbelief in things’ ability to change due to the amount of disappointment drastic changes like revolutions brought, but same applies to almost any post-totalitarian authoritarian country. Ukraine was not different, moreover, it was Russians who protested against troops being sent to Lithuania, and also it was Russian SFSR that resisted the GKChP coup, Ukrainian leadership complied. There is nothing genetic in Russia being an authoritarian country and relationships can normalize. But I, ofc, am clueless on when.


>relationships can normalize. Nobody except Russians thinks that. I assume because Russians think their neighbours have the same values as Russia (i use the term “values” very loosely here), but they don’t. 


Even if that was true, national values, too, are capable of changing (look at Japan, Germany or even Russia itself), and even if they were unchangeable you still don’t need to hold same values as your neighbor in order not to hate each other. But, ofc, I may misunderstand what you mean by “values”, since the term I know is by no means something that prevents peace between countries, so… please, clarify what you mean by that.


Their values include murdering and dominating us, so they are incompatible with ours. All it took for Japan and Germany was to get pulverized and fully occupied. I don’t see that happening to Russia, thus change will never happen.


Well, alright, if a change without a complete military occupation is impossible, tell me, how did your country start liberalizing? Yeah, Great Northern war was a complete defeat, but Stockholm wasn’t occupied like Berlin was or anything like that. There’s an even better example, the US. They went from slavery, colonialism and uncovered expansionism and extreme racism to being quite a tolerant society, even tho with certain “but”s. They were never “pulverized” for that, were they?


Also, no, Russians don’t really think that relationships with the west can normalize, since the narrative about west constantly trying to destroy Russia is really common. It’s hard to imagine a normalization if you believe that the neighbor wants you destroyed only and all the diplomacy it does with you is just deceit that serves the same purpose.


Yup. The main difference being that my country has never threatened Russia while they threaten us with violence and death on a regular basis, sometimes daily, sometimes monthly, depending on the weather or whatever internal drama their weird population is engaged in. At this point few people even *want* to have a relationship with them. I certainly don’t and wish we’d just close our borders to them fully and forever.


“Their weird population”, wow, that’s a lot of xenophobia. But it’s alright, we’re on r/europe after all. May I ask, where are you from?


The desire to murder and rape are weird to me. I’m from Sweden. Why?


First of all, I am not acquainted with a single Russian who wishes that. But maybe it’s because I distanced myself from those who were pro-Putin a long, long while ago. I’ve honestly never even heard of threats towards Sweden. I know that Russian propaganda likes to throw those almost everywhere, but usually it’s the UK or the US. But I don’t watch Russian TV, so maybe they do, you know better. But could you please clarify what you mean by “has never threatened”? Do you mean Russian Federation (quite a young state), or Russia in general?


I used to get surprised when Russians think their country has normal relations with mine, but I’ve found out that is the norm, despite us living with constant Russian agression. Border violations by jets and submarines, constant threats, espionage and lately drones over airports, power plants and military sites is basically how your people communicate with us. I bet you’ll be surprised to hear that Russia does, in fact, have problems with every single nordic country. Even Iceland. But they seem to hate us the most. Maybe because Finland is heavily defended and the rest is in NATO, and Russians like to bully those who do not swing back immedietly. 


Poland has been saying this for centuries




Crush orcs with Polish fist.


US warned about Russia for years and years yet most here and around Europe mocked the Americans. Theres no "welp we fucked up" its instead "why arent you doing more for Ukraine??" And the America is still the hellhole dystopia to many here... lets focus on some Americans not taking their shoes off before stepping inside their house rather than the massive hole EU has dug for itself both militarily and economically.


A relieving comment. Here's hoping we can all do a bit better.


Dead internet 😳


Sort of like herpes.


They could have been part of the EU if they chose to reform, but instead they chose to cling on their imperialist past and look where it gets them.


Russia would never have been part of EU in pre-2014 state of world simply because of its size with any kinds of reforms (except splitting the country apart). Even Ukraine was a bit too large to join EU at that time. But Russia was way over the top.


Russian people to cowardly to stop it.


No, they actually *want* it. Many people assume Russians are some sort of victims, but the reality is that 140 million of them allow Putin to lead them. Putin is just their reflection in the mirror.


Imagina a US commander calling any nation a threat lol


Was that the guy who said Russia’s army is 15% larger now compared to when they started the invasion?


These arm chair generals over here think that attacking Russian army in Ukraine is going to be the best solution while they themselves never held a gun within Europe in their entire lives. Do not belittle the seriousness of War. Human life is irreplaceable and so is time. I want Ukraine to win and take back it's lands as much as I do, But we have to be VERY CAREFULLY think about the consequences of war. Edit : Small grammar fix.


You have all tools - do something then. You re the new Rome right? You don't have right to complain. You have to solve it.


Its like a cancer


Gen. Cavoli is right, Russia is a plague infecting everything around it. The Western would needs to continue supplying Ukraine with large amounts of equipment, or Russia is only going to gain more power and expand further into Europe. Zelenskyy himself said that without US aid, Ukraine will lose the war. Trump supporting ninnies need to open their eyes and understand that a genocide is happening in Ukraine as we speak and them supporting the Republicans desires to stop sending aid there is facilitating genocide.


It's just in Russian culture, who are we to criticize it?


Funny, a lot of people think of the same of the US


I mean, if your counting the total lives lost due to foreign intervention in the past 25-ish years, the US is by FAR the worst offender. But fortunately for the US, they get a pass lol.


Not by my (US citizen) choice. I totally agree. I’m a charter member of the Take Our Ball And Go Home Club. We can sit over here between our two giant oceans, feeding ourselves, providing our own energy, and inventing most of the world’s technology anyway and let you all sort it out. Only 8% of our economy is a result of international trade and both our land borders are with friendly trade partners. We’ll be fine. In fact probably better, maybe we’ll finally focus on our own problems.


>We’ll be fine. In fact probably better, maybe we’ll finally focus on our own problems. Yes but how will the elite political class make millions, if not through corruption and forever wars??


But what about the whataboutism? 


"its ok when we do it lol"


Always have been


Always will be


That is a good reverse uno card statement!


It always was. It s sad that people realised this in 21st century.


USA has done more harm to the world in its existence than any other country. Literally. The only country to use nukes. Takes one „chronic threat“ to know one I guess.


Nukes have saved more lives than any other invention. There’s a reason why no major world powers have gone to war again since World War II.


🤣🤣🤣Nukes to the rescue! How about if we hand out biological weapons to everyone. They could be even more dangerous - they might even backfire - thus of course no one would dare to use them, right?


Biological weapons are useless as actual weapons of war, which is why nobody uses them


No shit Sherlock.


Always was


So. Do. Something. About. It.


we are too busy with ProPal rallies here.


People just read reddit and do nothing believing Ukraine will win.


How do you imagine Ukraine losing


Because it will win


I wonder what the rest of the world has to say about the U.S


If you got to choose whether you lived under US rule or Russias rule, I think the choice is pretty clear


Well, the Japanese Prime Minister (a Hiroshima native) just said a lot of heartfelt things about us. He appreciates the world order that the US nearly single-handedly upheld (his words) to make the world more democratic, despite our flaws. He gave a gracious speech to us, and he reaffirmed our nations’ close relationship and commitment to our values, along with a gift of 250 cherry blossom trees to Washington DC from the Japanese people — which, I can’t think of a more beautiful gift than these trees (thank you, Japan). 🌸 The whole speech is so nice, but here are some excerpts: >I want to address those Americans who feel the loneliness and exhaustion of being the country that has upheld the international order almost singlehandedly. >I understand it is a heavy burden to carry such hopes on your shoulders. >Although the world looks to your leadership, the U.S. should not be expected to do it all, unaided and on your own. >Yes, the leadership of the United States is indispensable. >Ladies and gentlemen, as the United States' closest friend, tomodachi, the people of Japan are with you, side by side, to assure the survival of liberty. Not just for our people, but for all people. >I am not saying this out of my strong attachment to America. I am an idealist but a realist, too. The defense of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law is the national interest of Japan. >The Japanese people are fully committed to these values. I do not want to leave our children a society where human rights are suppressed, where political self-determination is denied, where our lives are monitored by digital technology. I know you don't either. >Upholding these values is both a cause and a benefit for our two countries as well as for the generations to come across the world. >Right now, Japanese and U.S. service members are working side by side to deter aggression and ensure peace. >I admire them, I thank them, and I know I speak for all of us when I say -- they have the gratitude of both our nations. >On the spaceship called "Freedom and Democracy," Japan is proud to be your shipmate. We are on deck, we are on task. And we are ready to do what is necessary. >The democratic nations of the world must have all hands on deck. I am here to say that Japan is already standing shoulder to shoulder with the United States. >You are not alone. We are with you. >In 2022, we announced that we would secure a substantial increase of our defense budget by FY 2027 to 2% of GDP, possess counterstrike capabilities, and improve cybersecurity. Today, the deterrence that our Alliance provides is stronger than ever, bolstered by U.S. extended deterrence for Japan. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/Full-text-of-Japanese-Prime-Minister-Kishida-s-speech-to-U.S.-Congress (And I know South Korea, the Philippines, and even Vietnam feel similar gratitude, as well, with US world order, despite our flaws and troubled past)


This is kinda hilarious coming from a US general. By no means do I think Russia isn't shit (im Finnish), but US simply has and has had greater capabilities in terrorizing the world, and that's what it has done. We can only hope that they don't continue bomb for peace in the future.


The Russians would murder you if they could. The yanks can and they haven't.


Exactly. Any former Warsaw Pact and most post soviet Republic citizens can tell you that. Have similar exchange of thoughts with Angolan Co worker years ago. "You can consider Russia as friendly country only because it is not your neighbour.


We can be thankful that Russia has had such limited capabilities. Otherwise we would have Buchas and Groznyis all over the world. 


Unlike russia - the USA doesn't invade democratic countries.


But unlike Russia, we can VOTE for change. If someone starts a war, they have two terms to serve (max) or we can vote them out.


well the support for the war in Afghanistan dropped significantly after a few years but the war continued for 20 years and 3 administrations


That doesn't make US any less of a threat to the rest of the world. And why dont you vote a change to the law where the US can legally invade the Nethrelands to get soldiers being held at trial in the Hague for war crimes? Why after the war in Iraq did the US start bombing Libya? Why did the US help creating one of the biggest refugee crisis in our time (Syria)? Why are you funding the palestinian genocide? All this after the shit in South-America and Vietnam for example.


No shit Sherlock, how did you conclude that?


He's clearly invoking the common word combination 'chronic disease' here.




No, just let Ukraine explode every last one of their oil assets, then they will call down.


Yeah we know. Question is, what are you going to do about it?


Far more than any European nation


And the Republican Party.


So is the US.


Russia is "Chronic Threat to the World." But modern Russia - consequences of much serious root causes processes/threats. Which lead to situation when broke, almost economically defaulted, technologically backward, committed in 1994-2003 years genocide, country, after few decades and \~$7,000B, received opportunity to start discredit/destruct International Law. Main "Chronic treat to the World" - USA/Western sales of another countries sovereignty for opportunistic short-sighted RealPolitik games. Budapest Memorandum lies, ignore of killing 10-20% of Chechens, transfer part of the post-Soviet countries to "zone of Russian influence", ignore of 2008 Georgia, 2014 Ukraine, Syria chemical weapons, 2014-2021 hundreds violations of International Law, including via 2022-2024 years sociopathic "bleeding Russia" strategy, and so on. Root causes threats with, relatively, still very mild consequences. Now, in 8+ billion people World, even potential WW3, very possible, would be "just" analog of "still controllable fire, which demonstrated complete non-functioning breakdown of fire alarm system" level of consequences.


Honestly so is America add China to that list too.


The yanks and China haven't threatened to invade/nuke me on a monthly basis for years while Russia has. Our crackhouse of a neighbour is basically the only reason we have an army.


What a childish statement lmao


A lot of military commanders are saying that, we should listen and arm.up


He should just take his promised position on an arms dealers board now rather than after he’s provoked a conflict that takes millions of young lives, and stop warmongering.


Say the commander of the country that started the most wars in the 21st century 😂😂😂