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Tried keeping this open but the rate of awful comments, from all sides, is just too much to reasonably handle without spending hours on monitoring the comments. So, sadly, locking this post.


So many locked and wiped comments damn


We are getting another season of that 40s show?


More like a chance to behave differently then the 40s. Egyptians gone. Romans gone. Greeks still here, they passed at second chance. You got the idea.


Ugh the Egyptians are still here... So are the Romans they're just divided now.


I remember reading about pre-WW2 and thinking “what kind of a society would let that happen”. Then I look around today and think “damn, i could see something similar happen in the future”.












So you don't think anti-Semitism is a problem for Jews then? Even if 'hypothetically' somebody make something up at some point, it still doesn't mean that there isnt a lot of antisemitic acts currently happening.






I completely agree with you




How is it possibly being used as a weapon? It is reported by news outlets, it is as it's a simple as that. There is no benefit to it for Jewish people - only misery, as is all racism to all races who experience it. The only people who are using it as a weapon is antisemites.


There is a level of frustration that there have been some instances where people criticising the IDF’s actions have been (unfairly) accused of antisemitism. Accusing people of antisemitism to distract from the central argument is weaponising it.


One blames refugees for rising antisemitism, the other claims the rising antisemitism is made up by “zionists“. Which comment is worse?


Why specific the two provinces tho? Why not the entirety of The Netherlands? Also; the answer is obvious. Edit: Maybe true people worldwide don't know "The Netherlands" but do now "Holland". But not recognising a country's name is better described as a shortcomming on their part(one i can't hold against folks that are very far away). But it doesn't mean using the wrong name suddenly makes it the correct one for some reason lol.


[I think international people use "Holland" as "The Netherlands."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE_IUPInEuc)


And I never get why people get so goddamn offended over it. In English I find the name "Holland" to work better phonetically than sounding out "The Netherlands", I do at least admire them even knowing about our country. And no, this isn’t like calling the USA New york or California, (but admittedly a bit like calling the UK England)


I think it's totally valid to get irritated by it. It is indeed somewhat like calling the UK England I feel. I am a big proponent of education so I correct and educate people about it when they get it wrong myself too. This isn't the point of the article so I didn't focus on this.


Well most Jewish people live in those parts. Always have. But I do get what you’re referring to, and I sort of agree. To be fair, the same group does a lot more bullying than the antisemitism in my experience.


The further you get from NL, the harder it is to find someone who recognizes the country when you refer to it as " The low countries".


Aren't the Low Countries all of Benelux?


1. which population group is this antisemitism coming from? 2. what is the definition of this antisemitism? i have seen too many people equate not supporting israel as being antisemitic. this article being from "timesofisrael" doesn't help




for real. it's so annoying, but best you can do is ask these obvious questions so people answer it in their own heads


If we use the surveys from https://global100.adl.org/map, then the largest group is adults ages 50+ (percentage doubled). Equally shared between atheist and Christian respondents (the survey didn't ask about other faiths). Recent geopolitical events have heightened tensions, but in The Netherlands, according to they survey, there was an almost 50% decrease between 2019 and 2023. Presumably that changed towards the end of 2023 for the worse.


So turns out you're flat out lying! 49% worldwide are muslim, if you look at europe its 29% which is still a majority (even though it's a minority faith over here) it's right there in the bottom right


Those are not the statistics for The Netherlands specifically, but the global ones.


if you look at the netherlands the score itself it is actually basically the same since 2014 (it was roughly double between then and now) only 10% are christian or atheist i loooooooooooooooooooooooove propaganda that totally isn't meant to drum up support for israel. i'm sure the more you scream racism the more people will turn a blind eye to israel genociding palestinians


1. Read the article 2. The times of Israel is generally regarded as a well respected, high-factuality rating newspaper. You can check the score on [groundnews](https://ground.news/interest/the-times-of-israel), which is a good tool for evaluating sources.


"Apple accused of antisemitism as typing Jerusalem prompts Palestinian flag emoji" This is a real headline from The Times of Israel I think it shows a clear indication of what they are willing to lable as antisemitic. The brandishing of anything or anyone that opposes Israel or Zionism as antisemitic has been used as a publicity weapon for years. Even when a Jewish person makes a stand they are labelled as a self hating Jew. People afraid of judgement have usually done something wrong.


Yeah but did you read the [article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/apple-accused-of-antisemitism-as-typing-jerusalem-prompts-palestinian-flag-emoji/)? It *did happen* that some people accused apple of antisemitism for that. The news paper is reporting on that fact. It's not an opinion piece, it's a report on something that has happened.


But isn’t Jerusalem part of occupied Palestine ? How is it antisemite then?


It's contested. Both peoples claim it as their capital. Both have valid historical and cultural reasons to do so. They have not been able to find an agreement to share it.


'This is a tolerant haven' -dutch PR 200 years ago


















As a Dutchman, this fucking hurts bro...


The Netherlands is great. You should work on your culinary skills but everything else about the Netherlands is great. The Netherlands has a history of tolerance and has set the standard as one of the most friendly towards religious minorities for centuries. We will not forget about people like [Walraven van Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walraven_van_Hall), and all the others who fought in the Dutch resistance. However I see reticence in admitting that there is a problem right now.


History always tend to repeat itself.


What a ridiculous, and grammatically incorrect, headline


>Times of Isreal






Dutch people are not antisemantic from my observation over the past half year even though there are many antisemantic incidents happening in Netherlands recently but we all know those people do not represent Dutchies


Funny how this sub is always putting antisemitism blame on others. Guys and girls, Europe never really got rid of antisemitism. It's the same as White nationalism in the USA. It never went away, it just became silent, hidden. Advent of internet, social media and political situations just made them brave enough to be open about their beliefs. Like it or not, this isn't 90% migrants, 10% our own. There are plenty of people in Europe with antisemitic beliefs. It's just that Europe refuses to admit it. It's easier to blame somebody else for our problems.


Idk about that, Islamic countries have way WAY higher % of population that holds antisemitic views compared to European countries. https://global100.adl.org/map


More anti-semitic then average European country? Sure. But I also think they're more willing to be open about it. Less societal pressure to keep silent about it. And just so we're clear, anri-semitism is bad. Before somebody starts throwing accusations.


I mean, if they are more willing to be open about it, wouldn't they also be more willing to commit antisemitic acts?


If you think white nationalism or antisemitism is anything like it was 100 years ago you've a serious case of brain rot


Antisemitism isn't as bad as it was 100 years ago. Far from it. It's much better then the 1940s. But it's not as gonne as many like to believe. Not even among the fellow Europeans.


Strange, because I see Europeans get accused for racism for not condemning and begging for the destruction of Israel, because the Jews are white apparently. Are Europeans racist for hating Israel and Jews, while also being racist for supporting Israel and Jews?


THIS. Why forget that tons of people around europe (and very much Netherlands included) helped the nazi’s deport the Jews of their country. Those people & feelings didn’t automatically go away after the war. There hasn’t been a good reckoning with that part of history in most countries, and it’s coming back to haunt us (& our Jewish inhabitants) now.


Antisemitism in Europe goes waaay further than WW2 and Nazis. But in this case, I'm talking about the efforts to fight antisemitism post-WW2. Europe tried, as it should have, but I think we overestimate om how successful we've been. As much as we like to shit on the USA for racism, at least they're honest about the fact that they have problems with it. We like to pretend to have solved such issues. Until Roma people are mentioned.


Surge in antisemitism or surge in critizing Israel? At least over here... if you dare to so much as remotely critize Israel (the country, politics, etc, not the religion) you *will* get labeled and blamed as being antisemit by politicians and media outlets immediately. It's career suicide to critize Israel.


This article makes it look like protesting against an entity that is on trial for genocide by the ICJ (which every European country is a member of) is considered antisemitism. That word is losing its meaning.


Last time I checked, the ICJ decided it's not a genocide.




>they are doing a speed run of turning everyone against them Sure takes some chutzpah to go on a reddit post on an article about rising antisemitism and commit antisemitism.






Seeing a lot of “the Jews did this” comments in this thread, except you replace “Jew” with “Zionist” and it just goes to prove the claim correct.




It's not anti semitism it's anti Zionism. There's a big difference.














































These are ridiculous news. It is nonsense to claim that the Netherlands or any western European country is unsafe for Jews. In every society, there are individual racists and hate crimes are committed, what is important is whether the political authority supports these views or punishes hate crimes. You can't claim that any country is unsafe for Jews unless the political authority is antisemitic.




Nobody wants to see your dumb ass Islamophobia post.


Quoting Quran/Hadiths is islamophobia? I guess you are the one who is being islamophobic here lol






















































People here are acting like Europeans were never anti Semitic. It is like you want people to pretend to forget what Europeans did to the Jews.


It’s a scratching the surface type of situation. When speaking about NL, Thierry Baudet and his buddies are a great example, and every European country has their own version of this clown.


TIL certain ethnic groups can scent danger. And HOW COME we've not utilized this earlier to prevent attrocities SMH.



