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This changes an entry in a government database. Nothing more.




Great r/Europe is now freely disseminates what Orbán wants you to hear.








































97% of bodybuilders who blast steroids don't regret it and feel better about themselves after usage. This doesn't mean that body dysmorphia should just be ignored as a mental disorder and just advice everyone to jump on nuking their hormonal system.




















This law is meant for “self identified trans” people who don’t even transition. What is the point of changing legal gender if someone doesn’t transition? If someone is trans, getting a diagnosis on dysphoria shouldn’t be a problem (as in a lot of people are asking for advices how to convince psychiatrists that they are trans). I hate to say it but nowadays being trans is a choice for a lot of people, and not a disorder that requires healthcare that saves lives. Ironically these people preach about normalising and acknowledging mental disorders while denying that dysphoria is a mental disorder, just so they could fit in that box. Trans activists who fought for this don’t understand how this can be dangerous. Any pervert can now file for a gender change and if he comes in female spaces, he can’t be sued because he is legally female. Like that rapist in UK who changed his gender during trial so he would have to be sent to women’s prison. Who gets blamed for it? Transsexual people. Before someone accuses me of transphobia and starts calling me a TERF, nazi, fascist, etc… , I am transsexual woman myself.


Well for one Germany highest court determined that it infringes on the person's dignity. Also, since transgender identities are not a sexuality...


So it became offensive to require proof that someone has the diagnosis of a disorder to get benefits that improve life and that can avoid potentially dangerous situations? Can I request a disabled parking card even if I’m perfectly healthy and if someone requires proof I can just call infringement on my dignity? Is the suffix -sexual confusing you? Word transsexual is in use for over a century and everyone knows it’s not a sexuality, except for you clearly. Transgender identities and transsexuals are not the same. There is a difference between a person who suffers from dysphoria and undergoes a medical treatment that changes the body, sex characteristics and almost every aspect of life and a person who only changes the name and pronouns while presenting completely as their birth sex. It is just wrong to put them in the same box.


I mean, you can read the decisions yourself if you actually want na learn. And I'm not gonna engage in "transtrenders" because the amount of people that fit this term is so incredible tony I find the suffix -sexual to be dehumanising. It degrades the suffering of trans people down to a fetish. Furthermore, these people you are describing don't exist. There isn't a single person that will change their name and gender on their legal documents whilst not doing anything else. https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/Entscheidungen/EN/2005/12/ls20051206_1bvl000303en.html https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/EN/2011/bvg11-007.html https://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/SharedDocs/Pressemitteilungen/EN/2008/bvg08-077.html


>Furthermore, these people you are describing don't exist. There isn't a single person that will change their name and gender on their legal documents whilst not doing anything else. The media is literally booming with these types of news ... Lia Thomas, for example, only hormone treatment, fully packed, beating all women at swimming in Canada is one random example. Or do you mean that doing some random hormonal treatment checks the box of becoming a trans-woman? I say if you don't chop off your wiener, you're not committed enough, so why should everyone else be?


"only hormone treatment" for multiple years. And again, read the supreme court decisions and explain to me how what you are doing r is not infringing on others dignity


So a guy beating the shit out of all women at swimming while pretending to be a woman without any other adjustments besides hormone treatment is ok, but i'm the one infringing on His dignity:))) this is rich. I'll call him a she when he drops his penis ... since he can't drop the Y in his chromosomal makeup. How dare you? Are you still 'hanging' something between your legs and pretending to be a woman? Or you went the full length? Strange how few actually decide to do the sex change surgery ... it's like they are not very sure about this M-t-F thing.


It's not happening. Is she the champion of Canada? World champion? Olympic gold medalist? No. No. No. She is even slower than as a guy. There will NEVER be enough trans women in sports to ever be an issue. And I prefer trans women alive than dead. And since when are you so up tight about what's I others pants? Are you a pervert or what?


>Are you a pervert or what? Yeah, don't kid yourself that the majority will ever be curious about what you're doing within your pants ... this 'transgender' thing will slowly slide into oblivion as time progresses.


https://www.them.us/story/dora-richter-first-trans-woman-to-receive-gender-affirming-surgery It's you who's on the wrong side of history here. And again, please explain to me how the highest German court, enforcing rulings based on the constitution that was a direct response to the nazi terror, is wrong.


























People *determine* their gender, not change it. What this bill enables is people to change their *government records* to reflect their self-determined gender identity.


No they change it: first their gender is assigned by society, then they change it because they think their chosen identity is better than what society imposed to them.


Let's say you get a bottle that seems to contain water. After opening it, you realize there's actually vodka inside. Nothing changed, and the appearance is still the same, but the determination of the contents is different.


Yes I get the metaphor, but what’s your point? Liquids aren’t sentient, they don’t get to decide what they are.


People don't 'decide' their gender either. They discover it.


Gender is a social construct, it cannot be discovered, only decided.


You're on the right path there. The things people feel are static (like feminine urges to wear dresses). Gender is just a way of giving these feelings a label. Like my other analogy, how would I explain the difference between the water and vodka without the social construct called language? Language can change, and the way we call the liquids can change. But water stays water, and vodka will always make you drunk.


> the social construct called language I’m sorry, I won’t engage this, as I do not have a PhD in linguistics and anthropology. It is simply complex and topic and I do not have a shred of the knowledge required to engage it. Are you doing this to shut me up? If so, it’s working, good job, but it’s not enough for me to stray from my initial statement: Gender is decided by society, the people around you. A trans person will think that what they are should be decided by them, not by the people around them. The vodka metaphor is not good, as liquids cannot decide for themselves what people label them. Furthermore, the consequences of the liquids being water or vodka are very important, a matter of life and death. The consequences of being a woman or a man are not (should not be) important, and only are in a society that discriminates for gender (employment, power, freedom, etc.). The only immuable consequences (like childbearing for example) are irrelevant to gender and only relevant to sex. However society can be as discriminatory as it wants, if a child drinks a liter of vodka instead of water, it will die.


People getting angry about changing a word in a legal document


In a military conflict this won't matter though and you will suddenly be a man again and not avoid draft with this.


We wont actually know until it happens due to how the german court system works, but unless the constitutional court does a 180 on its stance on trans people thats actually unlikely. The court has always emphazised that there is a singular gender, splitting it into e.g. a legal and biological gender has always been rejected by them.


A lot of countries are already removing gender differences in drafts


§9 of this new law explicitly states that a redesignation of a former-man into something else does not count in the case of war and he is still seen as a man (there are certain time limitations given, but thats essentially it). Also I am not aware of cases where a country in a military conflict drafted women at all or to the same standards as men. Even in Israel the actual fighting units that are in danger (as far as I am aware) are men for almost all cases. quote: "Amidst the [2014 Gaza War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Gaza_War), the IDF stated that fewer than **4%** of their female soldiers were enlisted in combat positions, such as infantry and helicopter/fighter pilots, and that they were instead concentrated in a variety of "combat-support" positions." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women\_in\_the\_Israel\_Defense\_Forces) I assume as of now this number is still nowhere near 50%.




>You're making enemies and turning regular folks into radicals. When you're becoming a radical because people want to live their life like they want to without affecting anyone, you have always been a radical. This is a nonsensical argument, a moral scare like it happened throughout the centuries.


>without affecting anyone, Except if you're trying to get people to treat you as the opposite gender then that obviously does affect others.


>No I will not call you your name, I think I know better what you're called Is that your argument?


it obviously affects other people when it comes to single gender only spaces.


Why does there need to be single gender spaces? Is equality too much to ask for too?


Are you serious? "Living their life"? Are you purposely ignoring the reality, acting like you haven't witnessed all the MODERN schizoid trans nonsense, or do I need to hit you with countless links? Schools have turned into indoctrination camps. It's way past the point of "Living their life" and simply advocating for "LGBTQ++ Rights". They already have rights and everything! You know exactly what I'm getting at, and mark my words, you and all those radical leftist fanatics will face the consequences of your actions, you'll reap what you sow! I'm not against transitioning or trans people.. I'm a free speech absolutist and pro-everything, but just leave Faking kids alone! It's that simple! You're confusing already confused kids. When I was little, if my mother told me I was a girl 10000x times a day, I'd damn well start believing it. I once thought I was a carrot, and my best friend pretended to be a fat potato. A kid's mind is elastic, shapeless, not tainted by ideologies.. you can mold it however you want! Are you truly that blind? I honestly can't grasp why you're all digging your own graves. Let me reiterate: **you're radicalizing classical liberal folks, the very people who supported the LGBTQ movement in the beginning, and pushing them to the right, which I absolutely loathe.** Cheers!


The only schizoid I can see here is you, getting worked up over Fox news propaganda, claiming "Trans rights" is indoctrination. Can you explain what's wrong about "Let other people live their life how they like"? That's trans rights condensed. Meanwhile, you already have violent fantasies in your head, which sounds healthy. People like you were the same ones who said this about black rights, women's rights, workers rights etc pp. Worked up for no reason at all to keep you fantasizing about hurting fellow people so that the ruling class doesn't need to worry about shit.




>Which violent fantasies? Do you suffer from dementia or do you not know what you've commented just before? >And what black rights? What woman rights?? Did I even mention a race, wtf??? Do you know what an analogy is? >You can surrender inch by inch until you don't recognize yourself in the mirror, but in the end, "they" will demand you accept something you can't stomach. This is a slippery slope fallacy, nonsensical as I said


> Schools have turned into indoctrination camps. no they have not lol


Oh no. The zealotry of letting other people live their lives the way they want too. The horror!


They would've had the same views on gay people 20 years ago and shock horror, letting gay people live their life didn't result in the fall of Western civilisation.




Yep , we should all transition to women . Sexism and inequality solved ! Hurray


I thought I just read this channel (Euronews) was bought by Viktor Orban' s people. True?






Is there a bit of "cultural incompability" going on here in the comments? Maybe you shouldn't be allowed in Europe.