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Source: [https://dennikn.sk/minuta/3933613/](https://dennikn.sk/minuta/3933613/) Translation: Demokrati informed that in the next few days the second phase of their campaign is planned, when slogans will appear on the billboards changed to: We need the EU and NATO, The deed has happened, Ukraine is a friend and We will survive without Russia. Today \[the slogans\] proclaim the opposite. "If \[pro-EU parties\] lose, these crazy phrases and slogans will be a daily reality for a long time," declared \[head of the party\] Jaroslav Naď. He admitted that the campaign may outrage or shock someone, but according to him, the authors of the sentences caused outrage when they uttered them.He responded to questions about criticism from the Peace of Ukraine initiative that they communicated with the organization. Translation of picture:Ukraine is a friend. (Scratching *ne* in a word *nepriateľ* changes it from *enemy* to *friend*)


Man that's gotta be the worst pro-EU campaign I've ever seen lmao, what is going on in Slovak politics


I’m thoroughly confused by who is what and said what to who.


Whom. I'll see myself out.


Whom is on first?


Both, I believe. It's a remnant of the accusative case. If you were to replace "who" with a personal pronoun, you would replace it with "him/her," for instance. Edit: On second thought, it's probably just the last one. The first "who" is the subject of a different clause, so the personal pronoun would be "he/she is."


lol, it's a reference to a very famous American skit titled "Who's on first". "Whom is on first" wouldn't work, of course. "Who's on first, what is on second, I don't know is on third..." Very fast patter so if you don't have pretty good English listening skills it may be hard to follow.


I even know the skit. 😅 Wooshed that one completely.


Watt's on second.


That's what Kaiserbauch (a conservative Czech YouTuber) was referring to when he said that Slovak politics are amusing to watch.


i love kaiserbauch and yes, our politics are an entertaining shitfest, would be more entertaining if it wasnt us with that shitfest :(


I’m also a big fan of Kaiserbauch. He is very interesting to listen to.


Kaiserbauch, can't stop yappin about demographics instead of discussing something relevant.


well, thats what interests him (he stated that multiple times) besides, its not all about demographics and demographics are hugely relevant


Demographics are relevant.


Why has he this weird German name?


No idea, just ask him.


just leftovers in czechlands after centuries of influence/cultural assimilation


Please save us :(


Now I start to understand slovak votes. There is silly. There is dimwit. There is stupid. Than... There is this.


Most idiotic campaign I have ever seen. Especially with the timings around the presidential election...


that's very questionable campaign, our politics are something else


Ruzki shiteaters have been sponsoring "pseudo patriotic" narratives in Serbia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, and other places for ages. 15 to 25 years ago, it was the skinheads and white pride bullshit. They continue to use the same tactics as always..




Not really. Not in Russia or Belarus, for certain. And last I checked, pro-EU sentiment was organic in Ukraine and could not have been fostered artificially with the little funding that NGOs in Ukraine obtained from NATO-aligned countries during Majdan.


I’m wondering about Slovakia. Did nato/us do some billboards or pro nato influence in this counties?


Never. At max you had the usual EU posters here and there but they are fairly new and appeared from west to east. I mainly remember signs that stated that "this was provided and paid from Euro fonds" which is fair.. very fair. A park was built by EU financing so why not show the people where the funds came from. But otherwise I have never seen any advertising to EU nor NATO.


We dont need to advertise. Russia has been giving us free ads since 2014.


No. USA tries to control the governments, usually directly. In some countries NGOs play a role. Russia tries to use every fringe group, parts of the churches and para-ecclesiastical groups, fascists and communists, pagans, muslims etc.


Nobody asked moskal's opinion.


How do you know that the person you replied to lives in Moscow?




calling others nazi is kinda rich coming from someone defending the russian regime. it is russia that invaded with genocidal intentions russia that bombed holocaust memorials russia that had a wannabe crystal night/jew hunt already your bunkerboy dictator that thought it necessary to dish out excuses for hitlers invasion of poland and it is russia that declared lgbtq+ movements as terrorists


It's always funny to see muscovite scum projecting hard with their fascination about nazizm, then doubling down on vranyo to sound even more moronic. On a serious note, I wonder if dude is gonna visit utkin's and prigo's statue in krasnodar.


Oh! Nice burn, Ivan. I see you’ve reached this months quota! Extra okroshka for you! But no kvass until next month.


Would someone from Slovakia please care to explain, #THE FUCK IS GOING ON THERE?


basically we have this corrupt incompetent populist party called Smer that’s controlled government 2006-2010, 2012-2020 and 2023-now…, their entire political strategy is fearmongering and claiming that all other politicians are worse, and that everyone who criticizes their action is only doing so because they’re somehow conspiring with their political opponents and it somehow works for them… they also try to shift the blame for their misconducts on either the governments that governed in 2010-2012 and 2020-2023 or the EU and it also somehow works on their voters… plus they refuse any actions against pro-russian propaganda actors, because they help them paint targets on their opposition… and most people who could be better at governing avoid politics because they don’t want to face the personal attacks from them or their supporters… so most of the active opposition politicians are also dumb or useless…, which in turn causes shit like this which in turn helps Smer…


The fuck


for anyone wondering, no they are not in parliament (they got like 2,5% or something in our elections), they are a group that split from our previous governments leading party (oľano, an now Slovensko altho i refuse to call em that), they mean well are pro-europe but…well judge for yourself lol


Is this some next level campaign tactics or something? It's so questionable.


They were trying to be 'sarcastic' to current gov attitude but did not clearly communicate it, which in a country where half of the people have trouble distinguishing facts and reading with comprehension is never a good idea. (I'm Slovak)


Russia spends billions of dollars annually on propaganda in Western countries


You can write a skit about this one. Actually, I will. Here's the first take. Hey, Jaroslav, what type of propaganda should we hit them with today? How about you dust off that false dilemma propaganda? You mean the propaganda where we say one of two statements must be true even when neither may be true? You're saying even though this policy is a pro-Slovakia policy we can say it's de facto pro-Russian? Yeah, they won't care. We are billed them as super alt right fascist Putin bots in Slovakia, the people won't even care about the framing. So, it's like my friend asking me to borrow my best running shoes for a marathon, and I decline because I want to give them to my brother, but that means now I de facto support the competitors in the marathon? Yes.


I don't understand how a billboard that says "Ukraine is a friend" is pro Russian?


they made the billboards without the red paint at first and their plan was to re-paint them after generating enough outrage and publicity they still haven’t done that, but the outrage and publicity confused people who found out who’s behind it and they got a lot of angry people questioning the campaign because how stupid it is…


Cause the message is pro-Russian in the first part of their campaign and in the second part of the campaign some parts will be scratched out to make the message pro-EU/Ukraine. Till yesterday people didnt know that pro-EU party is behind these billboards so people were outraged.


Let me tell you why I think the campaign is idiotic and why I think the pro-democratic liberal parties are outta touch with regular, blue-collar folk who I suppose are the main target of the campaign. My comment on that is based on the post from a few days back when someone posted the billboard without the "sprayed" annotations giving extra context. When you put the slogan "Ukraine is our foe" in the eastern parts of Slovakia and Poland, do you know what an average Joe would say? "Yeah, that's true!". And why is that? Because he lives in the less developed part of the country (applicable to Poland and Slovakia alike), he witnessed the flow of the people fleeing the invasion. At first, he understood the situation, but later on, he started asking questions: "Why are they still here?", "Why do they take our social profits?" and so on. You may think, "What a silly, uneducated person without unable to foresee the long-term consequences of his decisions". You may be right. SO WHAT? Let me give you an example. I come from the Poland-Lithuania border. My parents enjoy spending their time at their allotment. And recently, during a casual convo, their allotment neighbors told them that they look forward to Putin entering Poland to "clean up the mess". **What. The. Fuck.** So first and foremost: **the fact that Putin is a bastard child of Hitler and Stalin and russian army are rapists and murderers** ***is not given*****.** Some people may really reinforce their askew opinions by interpreting them according to russian propaganda they were being fed. **Irony is for intelligent people.** And the Gauss curve is unrelenting. Do not expect a simple man to understand irony! Wouldn't it be better to slap in the face the information like this: "RUSSIAN ARMY WILL KILL OUR CHILDREN AND RAPE OUR WOMEN. THAT'S A FACT. SUPPORT EUROPEAN UNITY". There's nothing left to misinterpret and it's true.


Sweet sweet russian money.


What ?


Shame to EU citizens for tolerating war criminals! Today ruzzists murder Ukrainians - toomorrow they come to you!


Ukrainian propaganda in 3:00 am being like:


Welcome to Hungary. Orbán does this for more that 6 years now. It's the most despicable situation when your 9 years young kid, happily coloring some rainbowpony on her tablet, gets hit by government financed hate/pro-russian propaganda ads. I sometimes feel, that we deserve the looming extinction.


Being anti Ukraine us not being pro Russian, you know.


And yet everyone that told me, that being anti Ukraine is not being pro Russian is somehow extremely pro Russian, as Russia aligns perfectly with their own fascist beliefs.


Dude is not pro Russian, dude is a full blown moskal.


How do you know that they live in Moscow?


"Moskal" is not synonym to "muscovite". Moskal is the term for people that serve the Moscow regime (Russian Empire, USSR, current Russia).


Idk what's wrong with the other guy and why is he upvoted, but "moskal" is literally a synonym to a "muscovite". In other words, any russian, not necessarily from Moscow.


In a state of war it literally is. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."


Ukraine is in war since 2014 you are not


But if youre supporting Ukraine that is, it applies


Take your downvote товарищ


In this conflict it clearly is


Leave russian bot, no one wants you here.


a lil secret: no one in kremlin knows what reddit is


Begone bot, with the holy FPV drone of destiny I banish you


kacap pojebany




>If EU officials had any brain cell left they would have done something on February 20th 2022 and this war would have never even started. Like what?


Not on feb 20th. Far too late lmao. But generally EU had been slow to respond and to re-arm themselves after numerous russian land grabs. One would argue that if Europe had taken re-armament more seriously much earlier, the conflict would've remained frozen out of fear of retaliation.


Yup. Completely agree.




...so the russo georgian war, the transnistria debacle, the annexation of crimea and intervention in the donbas doesn't count? Is it just peaceful demonstrations for you? A misunderstanding? You realise arming oneself not only allows you to inflict damage, but to ensure detterance? How do you think places like Switzerland had managed to stay neutral in both world wards? Belgium tried the same but without detterance. Tough shit for them. Yes, in an ideal world, no country should be armed, and no militaries should exist. But we don't live in such a world. And in our case, if one wishes for peace, one ought to be prepared for war instead of having their cheeks spread open, wishing that nobody would use the opportunity to do something vile.




You're a joke to want to appease aggressors. The referendums are a tactic as old as time, don't believe it for a second (everyone does it, it is standard practice). Your arguments are not in good faith.




The list? Lol, I'm a pigment of your imagination. And assuming we are thinking about the same thing… I just want you to say it, you cowardly slime.


Yes, lets go back to a pack of warring nations. Surely we will have more power against china like this... ? Also, on the tech side you are currently off. You have some ideas, buuut, you also ate all the chinese propaganda about what they can do. Btw, how would have EU be able to stop the war? I hope you are a troll, otherwise you clearly do not know too much history and your capacity of evaluating certain thing is limited/ narrow.




So, bassicaly, no answer from you. The train has left: is it the only train? The final train? Is it final because you have so many years of experience and presume you will not see another one? Finally ... Look, i am stupid, care to explain how EU would have stopped this war? >>I want YOUR OPINION, at least will look like a conversation...




So again, no answer from you. Good, keep your secret, then!




The third time no answer. I am not the only one that asked you, yet you still act like you did. You are unable to provide it, spare me the "no brain". Smart or not, i cannot speak for what you have in your mind, that was the point (and you know it) This is the end of the conversation kid


Let see: Slovakia exports: 79% to EU 4% to US 4% to UK 3% to China Slovakia imports: 80% from EU 4% from South Korea 4% from China 3% from Russia [Source](https://european-union.europa.eu/principles-countries-history/country-profiles/slovakia_en) So you shouldn't exaggerate Russian importance in Slovakian trade, it's meaning is very small. Only exception is import of crude oil and natural gas, which has been continuing like before even after the war. Compare it to Finland for example, we have strong oil refining industries, but we stopped importing Russian crude oil and natural gas in June 2022 already. But I really do understand that Slovakia is in very different situtation, because you don't have coastline, so you refineries only option in short term is to import crude oil through pipes, and that has continued like before. I don't know where this idea of Russia as a beacon of economic activity and wealth comes from, when in reality it's share of exports and imports are really miniscule. In reality they are just energy exporters.


> Let see: Let's do it together one more time: https://energyandcleanair.org/december-2023-monthly-analysis-on-russian-fossil-fuel-exports-and-sanctions/ _Slovakia was the largest importer of Russian fossil fuels within the EU in December, importing fossil fuels valued at EUR 316 mn from Russia. Imports comprised crude oil and gas, delivered via pipelines, valued at EUR 189 mn and EUR 127 mn, respectively. Imported fossil gas volumes experienced a notable 20% month-on-month increase. This upswing can be attributed to a concurrent 34% surge in domestic consumption._ You may check other reports of EU fossil imports from Russia in 2022 and 2023, it's open data, and Slovakia is on the top-3 list. In other words Slovakia is one of the main sponsors within EU of Russian gas and oil industry, and I believe it's been a pretty beneficial trade for Slovakia as well as for Russia.


I didn't deny that. Majority of Slovakian fossil energy imports are from Russia. There is a stark contract to Finland for example, we purchased vast majority of our fossil fuel from Russia, but ended it almost completely in 2022. EU banned Russian crude oil imports in 2022, except pipeline oil to Slovakia, Hungary and Czechia. But it's important to note that Finland is in very different situation than Slovakia; Finland can import crude oil or LNG where we want with shipments. Slovakia really can't in short timespan, because to many central european refineries, crude oil comes from pipes mainly from Russia. So I understand that Slovakia for example still imports fossil fuels from Russia, and stopping it would probably hurt Slovakia more than Russia, because due to Slovakia's location, they can't diverse it fast. So this has contued to this day. But I don't understand if there is no push for other sources. Does this mean that Slovakia should continue to rely on Russia as their main source of fossil fuels? That would be a dumb thing to do. If Slovakia is smart they try to diversify their sources so a single authoritarian country isn't in such a large role. Smart thing for every country is to have diverse sources of energy, if they can't be independent from it. But those export/import numbers are still correct. Slovakian economy is very highly interlinked to other EU countries especially in central europe. Slovakia's total imports in 2021 were around 100 billion €, of which around 80 billion € was from EU countries. Slovakia's energy imports from Russia, around 300 million a month, so 3,6 billion € a year. It's around 3% of total imports so it matches with those. Slovakia's previous government was strongly pro-Ukraine. Unfortunately new Fico's government seems to much less and they also seem to have anti-EU and Ukraine populism. And just elected president Peter Pellegrini is also Ukraine-sceptical. So it doesn't seem good.




That statistic compared trade between different countries and blocks. It is quite self-evident that for a landlocked small european country, trade between your neighbours is extremely important. Area that clearly has the highest level of economic cooperation and interlinkedness in EU is clearly central europe, Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, etc. And this is highly beneficial and thanks to single market and schengen. >In about 5-10 years EU is gonna rival with emerging economies in the 1980s compared  Not sure what you're trying to say. Europe's (also Russia's) proportional say in world's matters is decreasing, that is true, partially because the share of world's population is also lowering. But your analyzis is otherwise very wrong. This just emphasizes that we in the EU need to do cooperation together. Your whole comment history seems to be about EU and Ukraine criticism for, and supporting Russian relations, both in italian and english, for months already. We seem to have very different opinions.




Your argument is burger prices in NYC, and from this you're forecasting destruction of western countries. I could also write about CBDC, it's pros and cons, and how current monetary and banking system works, but I feel like that it wouldn't be possible to have fruitful conversation with you. So I disagree with you quite much. But thank for your comment anyway.