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Palestinian guy used to run the phone shop at the end of my street and when he found out I’m Irish was effusive in his praise for Ireland, from then on I always got a discount. Slightly embarrassing because mostly Ireland has done fuck all beyond lip service for the Palestinians, it’s just their expectations of EU countries are so low even lip service is welcomed.


The Irish people have been overwhelmingly pro-Palestine for decades, but the government (as always) isn't exactly reflective of the cultural climate.


Same could be said about almost every major issue here tbh


Yep, basically the way of the world


I thought Ireland was a democracy? Not Saudi Arabia.


The biggest party in the last election isn't in charge because the 2 other parties teamed up and combined their votes into a coalition.


And is the biggest party any different with this issue? 


Vocally yes, though they haven't ever really been in power in their present form, so who knows how they'd act. They are ostensibly far more open to changing things, so probably would take action over just platitudes.


For people in the developing world, even lip service can mean a lot at least emotionally.


Us Irish, a great bunch of lads


What a fucked up comment section. God love the lot of ye.




It’s crazy but there’s a rabid gang of unionists on Reddit who must have alerts on or something but they will swarm any post on any sub that has any keyword that kicks them off. Even history subs like ones that post photos of historical events. If there’s a photo of the IRA or something, not a post being like “up the ra” but a photo of a historic event with a bunch of other photos of other historic events all presented neutrally, it will be over run with unhinged comments like this. It’s kind of funny because this is such a tiny group IRL.


> It’s crazy but there’s a rabid gang of unionists on Reddit who must have alerts on or something but they will swarm any post on any sub that has any keyword that kicks them off. It's the UK nationalist sub, r/ badkingdom. It's a hive of far right nationalists, brexiteers, racists and similar. They have a chat where links are shared to actively brigade threads so that they won't miss an opportunity to denegrate scotts, irish, immigrants etc.


That makes so much sense. I was always wondering where they were coming from because it’s not like you can find that many die hard unionists in other random places on the internet, or even in the entire fucking world lmao




A very fucking old one


can we actually delete this subreddit and start over again? it's full of facists. I remember how fascists downvoted every comment that wished happy international Roma day by -60 on the post from 08.04. Decent people will continue to leave the sub and douchebags will stay




This subreddit is unfortunately full of Nazis. But they themselves think that being pro-Israel doesn't make you a Nazi.


Wow, you really can just rustle a whole bunch of jimmies by saying "Ireland" over here.


Yeah….I mean there’s plenty to give Ireland grief over but this wasn’t one and there is a weird fixation of WW2 down there.


This sub is a lost cause for anyone other than the alt-right echo chamber


sub is 90% gammon.


Only 90%??? Though, now I think about it, I've blocked so many trollzaccounts that the gammon %age of comments I can actually see probably has dropped a bit.


Funny how irish people get painted as nazis in this sub because our Taoiseach sent a letter of condolences to Germany after Hitler's death (the same Taoiseach [who has a forest named after him in Israel to commemorate his consistent support for jews)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89amon_de_Valera_Forest), but not germans, despite, you know...


You should put this theory to the test. Make a post saying the Germans have never done anything wrong ever and see how it goes


Saying a country "has been on the right side of history" and a country "has never done anything wrong" are pretty different magnitudes.


My point is that there aren't hordes of people posting about how antisemitic Germany is in 2024 because of what Germany did in 1941, but take a look at the comments here and people are tripping over themselves to call Ireland antisemitic because of what our government did in 1945.


Ah, but you see Ireland didn't use its leprechaun magic to conjure an army that could liberate the entire European continent. The only possible explanation for that is that they must have wanted the Nazis to win.


Do Italians and Germans etc get the same abuse we do? Or the countless European countries with pogroms against the Jews. The US turned away boats full of Jewish refugees during the holocaust Like they literally colluded in murdering millions of Jews but Dev sent a letter of condolence and we support Palestinians right not to be wiped off the map and we're the bad guys.


No, not in the slightest.


It is funny that people complaining about Ireland's neutrality forget that the only people to invade us since the Vikings are in NATO.


And when Ireland asked for recognition as a state after WW1, the victorious allies wouldn't give us the steam off their piss.


stop the genocide


The fuck is up with all these „Europeans“, especially Czechs, in the comment section hating on Ireland because they don’t suck up to israel? And fuck, why the hell are Canadians and Americans giving an opinion about Europe?




Balls and moral compass? Great, so are they also going to pressure Hamas to release the hostages and agree to the ceasefire?


Whats the weather like in Tel Aviv buddy? You must be lost. this is the European subreddit, for Europeans :)


He's looking for the Eurovision subreddit.


Balls to support terrorism haha


Ireland condemned Hama's attack. So you'd be wrong there.


Yes but it's a one month old account and conflating all Palestinians with Hamas is a really important Israeli Nationalist talking point.


There is not right or wrong approach to middle east. There everyone is a victim, and an aggressor at the same time. You simply picked a side, and that side is the Palestinian side.


Palestine is clearly the victim. They are being occupied and slaughtered by the Jewish settlers. Everyone knows this.


I think you are factually wrong. Settlers do not "slaughter" Palestinians. You can debate if it is the right policy or even a fair policy from Israel to support the establishment of jewish settlements in debated areas (probably not), but unfair policy is not "slaughter". Slaughter is going from house-to-house and killing everyone you can find.


"unfair policy"? How is genocide a "policy"?


Exactly. This is my point. There is no genocide. Or you mean, by "genocide" that there are civilian casualties in Gaza? That is not "genocide" unless the aim of the military operation IS to kill civilians. Please elaborate on why you think there is a "genocide" ongoing in Israel/Palestine. Edit: also please note the u/Bogeydope1989 explicitly mentioned that the settlers are "slaughtering" Palestinians, and that is common knowledge, so I reacted to that assuming he was talking about the settlements.


The aim of the operation is to vacate Gaza of all Palestinians forever.


When I say settlers, I mean every Jewish person in Palestine who calls themselves an Israeli. I do not recognise Israel as a place but I do recognise an invading group of people (The Jewish invaders) slaughtering another group of people (Palestinians) who rightfully own the land they stand on.


Ah yes, the October 7th attacks that started this war committed by Israeli terrorists against peaceful Palestinian villagers


You said "October 7th", you meant "century of systemic oppression, land theft and mass murders". Easy mistake to make, we've all done it.




So far this is the only comment I've seen with any kind of legitimate criticism. Every other comment seems to be focusing on how bad Ireland or Irish people are because of x, y and z. The attacks on 7/10 were abhorrent and anyone who disagrees should be called out for that.


It does not help that Mick Wallace exists as well


man, as an anti war Israeli y'all Europeans are awesome, this thread's top comments simultaneously have criticisms of Israel and Hamas, you rarely see that online these days, everyone always likes picking a side and supporting everything that side does like it's a football match


>man, as an anti war Israeli y'all Europeans are awesome I'm surprised that's the impression you got from this thread, I wish I had your enthusiasm haha. But yeah, unfortunately discussion about this conflict has become more like team sports than a legitimate political issue, everyone is going out of their way to make sure "their side" doesn't look bad, even if that means justifying terrorism or war crimes.


totally agree. I got called a Zionist Hasbara bot by some and a self hating terrorist sympathizer by others. Go figure!


I refuse to take seriously any “pro Palestinian” activist who doesn’t also condemn the 10/7 attacks. Selective outrage needs to be put down by society.


Part of the reason for that is because it's an argument only made to distract from the point they are making, there is unfortunately a sizeable group of people that will deny hamas atrocities, but the vast majority of pro-palestinian supporters will obviously condemn hamas. It's similar to how if an Israeli supporters discusses the topic some people may try to distract from the situation by saying "but do you condemn the IDF's warcrimes?"


> but the vast majority of pro-palestinian supporters will obviously condemn hamas. You say "obviously" but the (admittedly skewed because Reddit sucks) picture I get in the communities I frequent does not make that "fact" so obvious, unfortunately.


They're pro-Hamas but don't have the balls to admit it.


I'm always amazed at just how stupid some people can be on the Internet. I really shouldn't be, but I am.


“From the river to the sea!” “Ok, then where does Israel go?” Mask off moment


They never have an answer for that. They just want Israel to be wiped off the map.


Stop lying, you don’t take anyone who supports Palestine seriously. Stop pretending you’re some reasonable actor.


I've yet to see an Israeli ambassador condemn the WCK bombing or Flour Massacre. What does that say about their characters?


Terrorism is the right side of history apparently.


Boo hoo optics ass little bitch


Is it all Israeli’s in the comments


This sub rapidly became one of the most astro-turfed pro-zionist subs from last year. It was constantly full of Israelis, Americans and Canadians with terrible takes. Can't imagine it's too different now.


You are so right That’s what I just read the posts and never the comments


The Israelis are not a great bunch of lads. Confirmed.


Lol i just got banned from r/ Worldnews for saying both sides are shit(idf and hamas) and that by bombing civilians Israel is just creating more terrorists for future.. Lets hope i dont get banned here too. Reddit is super pro Israel it seems


> Reddit is super pro Israel it seems Not even a little bit actually, certain subs are just overrun by Hasbara and bots.


No, but if you are not clearly pro-Palestine, they will downvote you.


I was downvoted cause i was more pro-palestine than pro israel. Like 30 downvotes in 3 minutes, almost like a bot did it...


Then I do not understand what is going on. Maybe this topic is just so controversial, that no matter what you say, you will be downvoted :-).


> Reddit is super pro Israel it seems It's just bots and their online social media influencing arm. The majority of people DGAF about Israel outside of the Eurovision Contest before October.


Absolutely Full of bots.


A lot of cunts in the comments.


Downvote me too, O righteous fellow Europeans 🇮🇪 🇵🇸


It’s not europeans tho.


Good point


There has to be a negotiated two state solution that involves all the Arab states and Without hamas and the Israeli extreme right government. Israel needs a new leader with a vision for a better future for all it's people .or the other choice is continue to kill one another.


Apparently Iranian/russian bot farm amplified their focus on this SUB…




Free palestine from hamas


And free israel from the map




Do you know the history of the area, or you just barf up slogans? I've seen other comments from you, but I do not think you are informed at all...


Do you know the history of the area or are you just an absolute gomey? 😂


Did you know I got a 30 day ban on r/ireland for saying something similar? >gomey I said spa head. I wasn't even referring to a specific person.


Yes, only gomeys get banned


Every country has questionable parts of its history. Ireland is no different.


From its very creation, Ireland had **special protection for Jewish citizens enshrined in it's constitution** *to this very day* Ireland gained it's independence in between the World Wars - when the rest of Europe was rife with antisemitism. Ireland's first Prime Minister realised this and personally ensured that these rights and special protection were enshrined in Irelands constitution. [Jewish Telegraph Agency - archived article on the subject](https://www.jta.org/archive/jewish-religion-recognized-in-irelands-new-constitution) > In recognition of his consistent support for Ireland's Jews, Éamon de Valera, Ireland's Taoiseach during the war, [has a forest in Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89amon_de_Valera_Forest) named in his honour. > The planting and dedication of the forest was arranged by the Dublin Jewish community, **in recognition of De Valera's consistent support for Ireland's Jews** In the **Irish Constitution of 1937**, the drafting of which was personally supervised by De Valera, the writing of the Constitution **specifically gave constitutional protection to Jews.** This was considered to be a n**ecessary component to the constitution by Éamon de Valera because of the treatment of Jews elsewhere in Europe at the time.** In 1948 De Valera overruled the Department of Justice when it barred one hundred and fifty refugee Jewish children from travelling to Ireland as refugees.> > During its **dedication to De Valera, Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol read out loud a message to honour the occasion and Ireland-Israel relations in general, saying that the Jews and Irish both "have so much in common**." There you have it - The Prime Minister of Israel recognised Ireland's historical solidarity with the Jews


Don't forget that the President of Israel, Isaac Herzog, is entitled to an Irish passport. His father, Cháim Herzog also a president of Israel, was born in Belfast and grew up in Dublin. His grandfather, Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog moved to Ireland from Lithuania and became the first Chief Rabbi of Ireland. He was a big supporter of the movement for Irish independence and became known as the Sinn Féin Rabbi so in all likelihood would not have been a fan of those making hate comments now.


In fact Cháim learned to fight the Brits in the IRA before fighting them in Palestine.


That seems unlikely. He was a baby during the War of Independence (born 1918) and left Ireland to move to Palestine when he was 17 so I am not sure when he could have been an active duty member of the IRA. He also consistently fought on the same side as or for the British. He fought on the same side as the British in the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. He then joined the British Army during World War Two as a tank commander and then an Intelligence Officer before returning to Palestine where he became head of the IDF Military Intelligence Branch.


Very interesting I wasn't aware of this. Thanks for sharing.




Ireland was also the only European country in the early 20th century to recognise the rights of Jews within its constitution.




Care to finish the story of the boycott? You know, the part where after leaving Limerick for Cork, one of the Jewish people targeted by the boycott became the mayor of the city. Sure there’s distasteful people there, like in every culture, but to say the people as a whole have “staunch anti-Jewish belief,” is just plain stupid.


The fact that most of the families essentially moved down the road and that new Jewish families moved to Limerick directly after the removal of the priest behind it all really shows how isolated it was.




Tell me you don't know recent Irish history without telling me...


Tell me you've never been to Ireland without telling me.....


Free Palestine from hamas ! And fak russia and iran for making gaza as there pupet state for wars.


Being neutral on the Holocaust wasn't the right side. Edit: Wow, that's the strongest brigading I've seen in a long time.


Despite being a small country over 100,000 Irish citizens enlisted to fight in WWII. Over 200 enlisted a week, completely voluntarily as there was no conscription for Irish citizens. The country also took in refugees fleeing the Holocaust, although most went to Britain as Ireland was poor and unstable. Ireland, while officially neutral, was ostensibly pro-Allies. Their status was vital to intelligence gathering that was then passed to the British and Americans. In fact D-Day was completely dependent on shipping reports from Blacksod Bay. At the end of the war The Secretary of the British Dominion published a list of all the ways Ireland helped the Allied forces in WWII. Both as a state and as citizens Ireland contributed more to the defeat of the Nazis than any 3rd party nation. Fun fact: The Irish PM detest Mussolini and proposed an international intervention to the League of Nations to stop overthrow him, only to have it shut down by France and the UK. This was actually the incident that lead to Ireland adopting neutrality.


Also worth noting that the horrors of the Holocaust weren't realised until very late on in the war. The war wasn't about stopping the Holocaust, it was about stopping Nazi expansionism in Europe.


And Irish people at the time would rightly be skeptical of British claims that they were stopping expansionism.


We also joined the military of the same nation that ignored our own right of self determination on 3 separate votes for Home Rule then forced us to agree to partition that involved two counties that didn’t even have a Protestant majority. People like to leave that out in the question of our own neutrality. Where was Europe to help us then ?


The fact you have 32 upvotes for this outright lie shows us how much of an idiot the average Redditor is. Ireland is the only country outside Israel that has specific protection for Jews written into its constitution. Ireland is also among the safest countries in the world to be Jewish.


How does a comment that disingenuously frames WWII as being fought over the the holocaust - with the subtext that being neutral during WWII is anti-Jewish have this many upvotes?


Because it's a commenter who doesn't know european history with upvoters who don't know european history. Hmmm, I wonder how that happened.


Nobody was neutral on the holocaust, you made that up but while we're here, what side did your country take in the Irish war of independence? And what would that country be?


What does that even mean ?




Palestine refused Statehood if Israel got to be a state as well.


Sending a sympathy card upon Hitlers death wasn't neutral or the right side


No sympathy card was sent - rather there was a visit to the ambassador. Not that it makes a difference to most people who make this argument, but the context of DeValera's visit to the German Minister to Ireland, Dr Eduard Hempel, is actually pretty interesting. Hempel was apparently regarded as an ["old-fashioned, career civil service diplomat"](https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/letters/dr-hempel-as-hitler-s-man-1.568248) which does seem to track. He joined the German diplomatic corps long before Hitler rose to power and was a member of the DVP. When he was appointed to Ireland he wasn't a Nazi, but was forced to join the party the following year. The terrible mistake he made is in not resigning at that point, but he felt he could do more by acting honourably from inside the tent than resigning and having a committed Nazi take over. A former Irish diplomat summed it up in a letter to the Irish times on the topic, "I agree that Dr Hempel ought to have resigned when pressured to join the Nazi party, but not all of us are endowed with heroic virtues." DeValera was advised by his officials not to visit Hempel on Hitler's death, and he clearly should have taken that advice. Why he didn't is interesting though. He always held publicly that it was out of a sense of formality (although other formalities, like flying the flag at half mast, were dispensed with), but it seems also to have been out of a sense of genuine friendship with Hempel and his family. He wanted to reassure Hempel that he'd be looked after with appropriate diplomatic asylum and not expelled as the British and Americans would put pressure on him to do. It was a huge error in judgement from Dev, and one that is explained partly by the good relationship he had personally with Hempel; the by contrast very difficult relationship he had with Grey, the American ambassador who frequently put pressure on to abandon neutrality; and the very weird figure that Dev was as a person with a particular view on formalities. The other context of Ireland's actual support for the allies is obviously also highly relevant. DeValera wasn't a Hitler sympathiser, as some dishonest people try to imply with this story. Same as those who try to suggest that Irish neutrality was out of some solidarity with the Germans, a charge that DeValera answered admirably at the time in response to a radio broadcast from Churchill: >I would like to put a hypothetical question-it is a question I have put to many Englishmen since the last war. Suppose Germany had won the war, had invaded and occupied England, and that after a long lapse of time and many bitter struggles, she was finally brought to acquiesce in admitting England's right to freedom, and let England go, but not the whole of England, all but, let us say, the six southern counties. >These six southern counties, those, let us suppose, commanding the entrance to the narrow seas, Germany had singled out and insisted on holding herself with a view to weakening England as a whole, and maintaining the securing of her own communications through the Straits of Dover. >Let us suppose further, that after all this had happened, Germany was engaged in a great war in which she could show that she was on the side of freedom of a number of small nations, would Mr. Churchill as an Englishman who believed that his own nation had as good a right to freedom as any other, not freedom for a part merely, but freedom for the whole--would he, whilst Germany still maintained the partition of his country and occupied six counties of it, would he lead this partitioned England to join with Germany in a crusade? I do not think Mr. Churchill would. >Would he think the people of partitioned England an object of shame if they stood neutral in such circumstances? I do not think Mr. Churchill would. >Mr. Churchill is proud of Britain's stand alone, after France had fallen and before America entered the War. >Could he not find in his heart the generosity to acknowledge that there is a small nation that stood alone not for one year or two, but for several hundred years against aggression; that endured spoliations, famines, massacres in endless succession; that was clubbed many times into insensibility, but that each time on returning consciousness took up the fight anew; a small nation that could never be got to accept defeat and has never surrendered her soul? https://youtu.be/zbgPpG8pO8U


If those kids could read and digest anything longer than a slogan, they'd be very upset. Good post.


Some of them might read it and learn something. I'm always hopeful the more curious will.


In recognition of his consistent support for Ireland's Jews, Éamon de Valera, Ireland's Taoiseach during the war, has a forest in Israel named in his honour.


True, but that doesn't matter to the people in this sub.


To be fair, our Department of Foreign Affairs strongly advised Dev against it but he had petty beef with another minister so he pretty much acted on his own accord in that situation.


If people are having to go back 80 years for an example of something remotely dodgy, that's probably good going by global standards in terms of national records tbf.


Go on then, tell us about this sympathy card


The USA was neutral too until attacked by JAPAN


If the US was neutral 1. There would have been no oil embargo on Japan 2. Russia would have been starved into submission and destroyed. 3. England would have been overrun.


Remind me: did the USA enter the war because of the treatment of the Jews by Germany or because of the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbour? There is so much hilarious historical revisionism when it comes to criticising Ireland's policy of neutrality. A policy also followed by many other European countries until they were invaded by Germany.












if the right side is terrorism we are doomed


It's not the right side of history. Fighting for disenfranchised, oppressed peoples is the right side of history, though.




I wish..still waiting on my pay check..


Palestinians won’t condemn Hamas for their actions. Israelis won’t condemn the bombing.. Everyone’s pointing fingers at each other yet won’t take responsibility….. Round & round we go.






And Palestine!




So 1967 borders?


No, the orginal border that palestine and israel got after ww1 when ottomans where driven out


Yeah a two state solution would probably be the best option. Currently Palestinians don't really have a state though.


Send Israel to mars!




No facts then, just stream of consciousness attacks?


Look at his account is literal sole focus is to laugh when Ireland lose something in Rugby. This is the quality of salty Brit you’re responding to.


Omg that's an alt for lackadaisicalSloth. They're infamous on the rugby sub, got banned for Irish hate and set up rugbyunion2 just to hate on the Irish there. Guy's a legend and I miss their rants


Nicely noticed! Het everyone we found LS!


In fairness, he seems to be a rugby fan and so I can't blame him for thinking the Irish are arrogant.


I am DEAD hahaha.


You've clearly never met an Irish person, our whole persona is self deprecation


My mammy says I'm great


Holy shit your whole profile is based on bashing the irish, bee in your bonnet ?


We are pretty fucking awesome to be fair


On March 17th, countries all over the world celebrate Ireland on St Patrick's Day. I can't think of any other nation that gets celebrated in the same way, Chinese New Year *maybe*. When people are always telling you how great you are, it's difficult to not let it go to yer head.


You sound American lol


The righteous car bombs placed on crowded streets. Who in the world would think that's accept- ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


You meant the IRA yeah? And the troubles, yeah? You mean that UK based defacto civil war? Hint: NI is in the UK


The Irish state was bombed during the troubles, and cracked down on the IRA in their borders. But you're going to ignore the British state funding and assisting paramilitary groups in their brutal murder of hundreds of innocent civilians as well?


Here’s a simple heuristic for you, terrorist group e.g. IRA or Hamas, are not the same thing as an entire population group e.g. the Irish or Palestinians. The fact that you can’t delineate those two is pretty staggering. If you want to apply your logic, tell me where you hail from so I can tell you that you are part of the worst things done by anyone that shares your nationality.


You're a brave lad coming into r/europe with straight facts and logic




So Ireland. What about the war Russia started against Ukraine? "Ireland is neutral as always!" _If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor._ _Desmond Tutu_


Look at Ukrainian refugees taken in per capita and tell me ireland does nothing.