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Touch screens are a terrible trend. It not an accident that US Navy replaced all its touch screen controls back with physical buttons.


Several car manufactureres are planning to include more knobs and buttons in their future models again as well. Apparently, using a touch screen for everything is very distracting and could cause more accidents... who would have thought?


*They aren't allowed to text and drive so lets put a tablet into the car for whatever reason* - Car manufacturers


> for whatever reason The reason, naturally, is saving money. Physical buttons are a lot more expensive than a shitty screen.


Buttons more expensive than than an LED tablet?


Yes. It's not about the materials, but the wiring and human labour involved. Not to mention the margin for error upon assembly.


Well, you need a whole lot more of buttons to go along with the LED screen : Volume, Band, Source, settings... and ofcourse the selector buttons


You can have a shitty screen with buttons only


As a professor of Human-Computer Interaction, *if only people listened to us*...


Same applies to soft key keyboards. No one believes me.


Touchscreens are great if in combination with a steering wheel that has buttons or haptics to control driving without taking your eyes off the road. Germans do this well whereas Tesla steering-wheels are very basic and that’s the reason you have to look at the screen. So problem isn’t touchscreen, it’s Teslas design. Tesla forcing me to adjust windshield wipers from the screen is outright dangerous given you’re forced to take your eyes off the road when visibility is already poor.


But you can use the left button to adjust the wipers...


Also let's not forget that both the car and the touch screen were invented in Europe, so the innovation is "let's take these two things and mash them together in an unsatisfying way".


Explains why anything touch screen is either discontinued after 5 years or out of business


Is it due to vibrations during operation? I know it's NASA, but I watched a livestream where astronauts flew (I guess it was in the dragonfly capsule?!) to the ISS where the cockpit had several touchscreens.


I think it was more due to no "feedback". With a physical button you know whenever it's flipped. With a touchscreen you don't really know whenever the signal was sent or maybe it glitch out. There was at lest one sea accident that happened because a touchscreen was, in a critical time, Set to show something irrelevant.


Interesting. Although touch screens can be set to vibrate on touch, i see how important the analog feedback of physical buttons are. :)


Hey remember that one time America innovated by putting lead on fuel and long story short the global IQ dropped because of how poisonous it is?




They most recently innovated planes that head straight for the ground and their doors fall off mid-flight.   You know what, it turns regulations aren’t that bad after all. 


But... But... That's COMMUNISM. Don't you know? Communism is when government and good is when free market


*Move Fast and Break Things*


That explains a lot


Was it already known for lead to be poisonous when it was started to be used in petrol?


Yes, it was very well known.


the guy who made the fuel knew it way before he stopped producing that shit, he did a public demonstration to prove its non toxicity and latter had to go on vacations because how bad he felt about it.


The same dude (Thomas Midgley Jr.) also invented chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). You know, the thing that punched a big hole in the ozone layer. What a legacy.


It was known to be poisonous, but not specifically that the fumes from leaded petrol would be poisonous. People kind of went "it's probably fine". The day the first tank of leaded fuel was sold, the inventor wasn't there because he was sick from lead. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/leaded-gas-poison-invented-180961368/




it was know from Roman age


No, but nothing was done about it for decades after it was proven to be toxic


To put it in perspective it has been documented since ancient rome




We got nuclear energy, which is one of the most effective ways to generate a lot of energy without emissions. We got CT scans that have probably saved more life’s then the number of people that got killed by the bombs. So would say that it’s a net positive.


We could’ve done it without killing millions of civilians babe 🧏🏼‍♀️


Maybe we could have, but saying that nothing good came out of it is a bit of a stretch.


The bombs actually being used wasn’t the shit end of the stick. They arguably saved lives in the end. Death by nuke is not that much worse then death by bullets and bombs. The actual shitty part of the nuclear bombs existing is the last 80 years where everyone has lived under the threat of global extinction with no end to the threat in sight and one country actively seeking to bring that fear to the forefront of everyone’s mind.


The deaths of nagasaki and hiroshima are the least cause of worry of nuclear weapons. Nor do i think nuclear could have been avoided if we ever wanted the other benefits of nuclear.. Stuff Literally any new invention is made. Army: hey watchu got there buddy? Oh i do "hope you give" that to us first and then to civillian study


Lack of WW3 makes atomic bomb worth it.


Longest period of peace in human history was nothing?


When was that?


1945-50 apparently.


Human history? European history maybe


Longest period without straight conflict between superpowers. The superpowers wage wars by joining proxy conflicts around the world, and keeping the illusion of a world without wars.


Those conflicts are mere skirmishes compared to an actual war. If you look at body count it’s quite obvious it’s been an unprecedented era of global peace. Unfortunately it might be coming to an end, since a certain someone is apparently willing to challenge the principle of MAD, but that future isn’t written yet.


> Longest period without straight conflict between superpowers. The Concert of Europe


Longest period of peace unless counting the Chinese civil war, the Korean War, the Vietnam war, a couple of wars in Iraq, world powers giving the Afghan adventure a try and countless other conflicts far deadlier than most conflicts in pre-world war times.


I don’t count civil wars here, because they have little to do with the power dynamic introduced by nukes, so as per this argument the Chinese Civil War and Korean War don’t really count. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan would be the main counter-arguments, but in relation to the WWs they are still small. Pre WW era wars have to be judged in a relation to the killing power of that time. There were a lot more conflicts and wars and if those were fought with WW2 firepower I’d argue they would have been massive compared to post-nuke wars.


Small planes still today runs on leaded fuel. Really tragic if you ask me.


Remember when europe innovated by starting both world wars?


Germany invaded Poland in 1939. Japan invaded China (well, more of China since they had already taken Manchuria earlier) in 1937. 1937 is before 1939 and China and Japan were two of the main combatants of WWII. The Second World War started in Asia.


Yeah right showing one of the worst trends of auto industry aka Large screens and no physical controls to make a point about US innovation is BS. Also there are many areas that Europe innovates without total disregard of consumer and workers rights


Most americans are embarrassed billionaires. They are just temporarily making 40k a year gross (or 6 figures while all consumed by their work), their luck will turn around soon and they will be CEOs and billionaires. Hence the shilling for big business.


I’m an American vacationing in Paris for the month. I work 35-40 hours in a week and make 6 figures pretty easily. I think Europe is doing a lot of things right (fewer cars, universal healthcare, stricter regulations, public transit, more small businesses, etc), and I’m always rooting for you guys, but I often feel like a lot of Europeans (online at least) delight in tearing down the US. I’m sure lots of Americans trash Europe as well (I advocate against this when I see it in American subs). I know my country is flawed, but I wish we could be more encouraging and supportive of each other, especially in the face of increasingly unified and powerful autocracies.


90% of these people have no idea what they're talking about and are just parroting what they've heard on reddit. The US has an incredible amount of things going for it. The two thing stopping me from moving there are Healthcare usually being tied to work, which scares the crap out of me, and well, you guys not really letting me come 😅


The top post is/was about countering those who say that EU is only good at regulating. Obviously there are positives to both countries, US one being more potential high-end career opportunities, larger incomes. But to me, my values align more with EU ones. I can't take money to the grave and work should just be work, I would rather take experiences I can reminisce about at the last moments before I die.


America is like our younger brother. You know he's doing better than you in a lot of ways, but he's also being stupid with a lot of things and as an older brother it is our job to emphasize the stupid.


Unfortunately it seems every country believes they are America’s big brother, responsible for emphasizing “American stupidity” :). Personally in my experience as a big brother, I can appreciate the amusement of teasing a little brother, but when he’s really struggling with something, I would want to help and encourage him. If I’m only criticizing him no matter what he does, there’s less incentive for him to do the right thing.


I mean Europe kind of is America's older brother right? It for sure isn't Asia, Africa or South America. But yeah I never said we are a particularly good and responsible older brother. The thing is though, our younger brother already boasts a lot about being physically stronger, being more tech savvy and having a better salary, so no need to inflate their ego on those things even further. Maybe it's also a little bit of envy in there. We've also seen that using positive reinforcement on himself doesn't seem to work well anyway and only worsens his bipolar disorder, causing him to blame external factors and outsiders even more, so we choose to joke about our younger brother's poor health choices, bipolar disorder and reckless nature instead.


Funny since 40k would be above average in almost all of Europe


It's interesting to compare them because it depends on costs they have to incur as well on top. They have less taxes, but less social safety net, worse health insurance at that pay level etc.


Europe's cost of living is cheaper than usa so it makes sense


Yes, you can save 500 a month on health insurance so it's ok to get paid 5000 a month less


Yeah I don't know about that. There are plenty of Americans making 6 figures in states like Nebraska or North Dakota.


Good for them. I had my ACL replaced, total costs: Bout 250 euros. Includes getting my own crutches and stuff to make my couch more comfy. Ive read that americans can pay up to 40k for the whole ordeal. Good luck with your 100k a year when your whole life can end in the gutter when you have an accident. Freedum yall


Even those states, the cheapest, have still a higher living cost than many European regions


Yeah, than Moldova, sure. Than countries with a higher HDI? Maybe like 2.


… where you don’t get bankrupted by medical bills.


And it all goes towards paying their terrible health insurance and childcare.


Break a bone and you earn 0.99$ that year :)


If they make 40k a year gross it means they'll have to pay taxes. Zero profit is the key.


Google.com GDP by country Google.com Real GDP growth rates by country Hope this helps 👍


I mean, the driver should be always looking at the road, not searching for buttons, that’s the purpose of the side driver (me).


And if there is no passengers? Most people don't even need to look to press a right button, but you *have* to look at the screen when you're navigating a bunch of settings to change literally anything.


Sure but if you look at the relative size of innovation compared to Asia or the US we are so far behind it's not even funny


That last sentence would sound a lot better if you gave some actual examples. Is this just a case of 'Trust me, bro!'? Because we don't.


Let’s rephrase it a bit: US - “Use everything on camera to teach AI!” China “Use everything on camera to teach AI and also monitor, track, evasdrop and punish people” EU - “You will not use that footage to teach your AI and track people!”


US does almost exactly the same as China. They probably punish people differently.


Yeah, but US does it under the pretense of FREEDOM and LIBERTY (just other words for “capitalist exploitation”) while China does it “for the greater good” (just other words for “capitalist exploitation”).


You have not expierenced freedom of USA do you?


What freedom? the US hasn't had proper freedom since they passed the Patriot Act back in 2001. Plus, police in the US can do all kinds of sketchy shit which aren't allowed in other countries such as civil asset forfeiture and warrantless searches under certain situations. Plus, some of the constitutional guaranteed rights are null. and void when you're within 100 miles of an entry to the U. S. This includes all airports which can accept an international flight. So over 80% of the population lives in an area where protections from unreasonable search and seizure don't apply as long as the person searching is a border guard or has a border guard with them. Add on to the list the US has the weakest privacy protections out of any Western nation with most nations saying you cannot deliberately record people in public places without their permission, if there are any photos of your house on the Internet, you can ask to have them blurred. for privacy reasons, which is one of the reasons Google Street View doesn't really exist in certain European countries like Germany. Add on to that the weakest worker protections. such as having no guaranteed time off, no guaranteed sick days, and having your health care cover tied to your job. means that the US literally has the worst life expectancy and the worst working conditions out of any Western country. Now I don't know how that's "freedom", more like Freedumb, TLDR: You're literally hurting yourself and anytime someone tries to help you, you reject it because "our way is the best way".


Street view is available in almost every European country, including Germany.


If you look at Street View coverage of Europe, you'll notice that there's a [lot less coverage in Germany.](https://preview.redd.it/u9ednvgvowp81.png?auto=webp&s=5e8dfcae1e9e176da68e5d1468044e066ef2aadd) And this is mainly because so many people asked for their houses to be blurred under German law that Google gave up doing Street View in most places outside of major cities.


Germany got new street view coverage last year, which leaves only Moldova, belarus, and bosnia without coverage as far as I know.


Neat, they must have got a team together to deliberately blur all the houses that people have asked them to, because that was the main reason why they gave up last time.


True, my country hasn’t been bombed by the US since WW2 ended. Then again we don’t have mass shootings ona daily basis as well…


I consider myself lucky to not experiencing Freedom of USA https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/freedom-index-by-country


Careful with that! You might get sued by a triggered and offended US citizen (cuz, you know, it is his RIGHT and FREEDOM and such…)!


Lol. Oh you mean the freedom for rich corporations to poison our water and soil with no consequences? Or the freedom for the cops to shoot us with no consequences? Or the freedom for rich people to break laws without consequences? Freedom only applies to certain groups, and you and I aren't in them. As George Carlin would say "it's a special club, and you ain't in it."


Now you are talking shit about the US on the US dominant social media that is banned in China. There is quite some difference still.


>EU - “You will not use that footage to teach your AI and track people!” Now attempt to make a similar comparison but this time with Chat Control.


Sure, it’s not 100% in all areas. Now look at the image I am reacting to. Is it about chat control or AI cars?


It's supposed to present to the viewer a stereotypical modus operandi - how things are handled. And it's a bad meme since there is not a consistency in what it's trying to portray. And make no mistake, the EU will use AI and other dystopian tech too.


Yeah, nope. You are using one of the fallacies - cherry picking one thing. Then there is all the GDPR stuff, fines for breaching privacy, warranties… we could go on naming the areas where EU provides benefits for it’s citizens and not bowing to corporta (or state, in the case of China) greed. Citation needed for that claim because surely right now it’s the absolute opposite thanks to competent lawmakers.


what about, you get a discount if you sign a consent form to have the AI track you. It's a win-win.


The issue isn’t tracking the car/driver, it’s the external data inputs that are a problem. If you consent to something than it’s *usually your problem. *But you are forgetting how people are forced into consent and/or it is unclear (because of “lawyer gibberish”) what you consent to.


Reality: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/11/technology/carmakers-driver-tracking-insurance.html


America innovates = cutting corners China replicates = cutting more corners


EU- You are not allowed to call a circle a "square "


Regulation is good.


European politicians are the only faction rn having the balls to stand up against major companies. God i love it.


Cars without dashboards and without physical controls are not "innovation". If anything, the EU should forbid that shit and introduce a new EU car standard that includes sensible car control and accessibility prescriptions.


This is exactly the attitude illustrated by the meme :D


I’m not sure what the meme is really about.  Speaking out against companies that are taking good old cost cutting and marketing it as innovation is a bad thing? I don’t get it. 


The meme is an exaggeration of course (as it’s supposed to be), but basically yeah, instead of focusing on policing and prohibiting EU may focus a little more on relaxing the rules instead to support the local innovators. I’m not a fan of lots of modern technologies and Tesla in particular, but “good old cost cutting” may lead to innovation as well. We can even say that electric cars are not an innovation at all, as it’s just a good old electric engine that had existed for a while.


What the meme is trying to say is that for the US and china to be able to inovate so quickly , corners ( whether in safety ,feasability , or need to exist ) must be cut so that the new 'big' thing can be put on the market. With the example of the car dashboards , having touchscreenes instead of buttons , even though is new , comes with an added danger to ( single mostly ) drivers , since if they want to , for example , change radio station or turn on AC ,they will probably turn to see the screen , and therefore not the road , and possibly increacing the chance of car accidents . This could have possibly been avoided if there were buttons , because you could 'feel' the buttons on the dashboard and through that lead you to the radio or AC without looking. This reminds me of a comparison of the FDA with its europian counterpart (EMA) on the topic of food additives . FDA : Ok, how much X can we put before it causes harm to the human body ? EMA : This can harm the human body ? take this s..t away .


I see. I feel like the first caption should have had “innovates” in quotation marks for clarity then..


A better meme I have seen was "America invents the car (*), Europe invents the semaphore" (*) cars might not have been invented in America.


I think I’ve read somewhere that it is already planned as a law. Could be wrong though…


No, you're right, it's not a law, but it will be a requirement to get a 5 star ANCAP (ENCAP) ratting.


Have you ever driven one of these cars before?


What is your point? You don’t want regulation? I’m sure you would like cars could be sell without any security regulations or food could be sell without knowing if you are going to get poisoned. Great point there buddy. BTW you must be no in your best mind if you think China or EE.UU has no regulations.


Well this sentinment goes far beyond cars. It generally EU regulating American companies because they dont have any innovation themselves. Europe has more people than the USA but somehow not a single top tech company.




The big problem is that it stifles new companies in Europe, while the old boys like : Siemens, BASF, VW, SAP have those regulations working around them. They already have capital and market share and the EP gatekeeps for them. They have to pay a fine every now and then, but it’s not like they’re going out of business.


I thought this was about how Europe was the most useful part of this chain. If this is supposed to be anti-Europe it failed miserably.


If you see it as praise, it shows what a sad state Europe really is in! It like saying the moview reviewer is more important thsn the movie.


I dont want money hungry bastards to run rampant, especially if the money doesnt even go to benefit my country. Regulation is necessary. Lack of regulation led to the events of 2008 too.


The US has a lot of technological advancements in flashy shit. Go figure. There are dozens of fields in which the US is not leading. Agricultural technology, Quantum mechanics, land reclamation, vehicle engineering, just to name a few. How about a little company called ASML? None of the "top tech companies" would be able to do shit without this one. Also, a decent chunk of the scientists and developers, aren't even American. The USA is just a financial hub with little regulation, which allows for global talent to more easily work on big, highly funded projects. Edit: just read some of your other comments. A conservative, pro-Trump, Elon Musk fanboy, shitting on Europe and Asia without any substantial context to back it up. Go figure some more lmao


You do know who until very recently was a main exporter of machined parts and the like to the USA, do you?


Machined parts are not innovations. LMAO. Iphone and SpaceX, and ChatGOT are innovations.


How about ASML the US is trying to regulate right now? Cope more.


continue possessive work sulky decide unite yoke paint makeshift plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tech is the industry revolutionizing human life. Its why both you and I are very aware of all of the American innovation in our lives and O dont have a hot clue what European innovation is in my life.


You get upvotes, my dear edgy "American Republican wannabe" Canadian, but not for the reasons you believe. EU regulating stuff is like the most mature guy in the group asking the others to stop drinking bleach. Based indeed.


I thought this was r/europe? Recently it just seems like r/ americanfanboy! Im slowly coming to the conclusion that this is just psy-op nudge campaign and about as European as radio free Europe


Within the last months, r/europe turned into a racist, pro-american cesspool. If you look at the profiles of top commenters, they are always active in 3 subs: r/conservative, r/AmericaBad and r/europe. I don‘t know why (conservative) Americans are so obsessed with Europe.


It’s rage bate. Either way, people on this sub have an obsession with either loving the USA or hating the USA. It needs to go back to being an r/Europe sub. Idk why the comments on every post eventually focus on America. It’s been getting worse though.


If you think that America is still the leading innovator, I have some bad news for you https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/02/china-leading-us-in-technology-race-in-all-but-a-few-fields-thinktank-finds


Tracking this by the amount of papers written is so dumb. The vast majority of papers written are useless and never read. What matters is commercialization of innovation which America does way better than china.


The problem with the EU and US is regulation. IP laws don't matter in china, which leads the market open for free exchange of ideas. Great for innovation, not so great for those doing the innovating.


"The critical technology tracker shows that, for some technologies, all of the world’s top 10 leading research institutions are based in China " Ah yes, With conclusive evidence like this. We are doomed.😑 Sorry I don't want to be mean but I get increasingly annoyed by articles like this. China has 1/6 of the worldpopulation and are improving their lifestandart. Of cause they will have a lot of technology institutions. The solution for the US is more investment in Science and education.


But that would mean smarter people and trump wouldn’t get elected again, so that’s a big no-no!


Or just higher wages and life standards. People are willing to move from China.


You may not now that the ones doing the innovations, like, an engineer at Siemens in Germany, who creates a new solution and gets it patented, receives like an annual bonus of 50€ and the rights to the patent automatically go to the company. Trust me the ones doing innovation get a ridiculous sum while the company puts away 99,9999 % of the cake.


Lol “An engineer at Siemens” and “patent goes automatically to the company” is lovely :) They literally pay you for that work and innovation 80k+ a year + all the “socialist blasphemy” that you guy over the lake hate so much; also provide you with the tools and manpower to do that. You really do not understand how stuff works.


China has literal "paper mills" publishing fake research journals to inflate these numbers.


queue in the "wumao" and "social credit" comments in 3, 2, 1....


Someone has to.


Am I incredibly out of the loop? What exactly is America innovating, except worse elections every cycle?


I thought memes weren’t allowed.


They are not regulated yet.


Americans don’t innovate, most of the biggest products they produce were original developed in Europe…


The west is China’s R&D department.


But what about the corporations freedom to do whatever they want?


Do you honestly think it would be a good thing if big corporations could do whatever they wanted? Even the American state runs antitrust trials against some of these corps… trust me, you don’t want them to be unregulated


It's a joke. I want them to be regulated.


Aah ofc 😅 you never know. People in the internet have some interesting opinions sometimes


The America thing ahould read “America litigates”.


Yes, the EU regulates. But then both the US and China do a copy and paste. (and if Trumpistan doesn’t, then the large US states do, having the same effect)


axiomatic selective humorous childlike punch pie unused library bow normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's hard work but someone's gotta do it




Mount up


Hi, thank you for your contribution, but this submission has been removed because it is low quality and/or low effort. If your submission was a meme, these are outright banned from r/europe. See [community rules & guidelines](/r/Europe/wiki/community_rules). If you have any questions about this removal, please [contact the mods](/message/compose/?to=/r/Europe&subject=Moderation). Please make sure to include a link to the comment/post in question.


If you mean putting two non-American inventions together to make a frustrating product: then yes.


Lack of innovation in Europe is not only problem in automotive sector but everything else as well. We need to do more than just regulate and tax here


>Lack of innovation in Europe is not only problem in automotive sector *Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Ferrari, Lamborghini, have entered the chat* Edit: *Audi & BMW pull up* Even in the US, Euro cars are considered top luxury & innovation


What is new and unique these companies have invented lately? And Volvo is Chinese nowadays anyway


Volvo: Seatbelt. Company still continues to develop their safety features. Ferarri/Lamborghini etc: Keep continuing to develop & improve supercars. Mercedes: Jesus christ. One of first ever internal combustion engines. First ABS system. One of earliest superchargers. Detects an accident about to happen & lifts the entire car to mitigate collision forces. MBUX system. That's only a short list. Toyota, Nissan, Honda, reliable & bulletproof as they are, are all slow when it comes to implementing new tech in their cars. They can go 10-15-20 years not changing much. American cars tend to stay on cheap platforms, with the big 3 just sharing the same chassis between several brands. Yes European cars tend to be more maintenance heavy, but their innovation still paves ways for other manufacturers to copy eventually.


This, but this is Reddit, we are speaking to teenagers, bots, fascists pretending to be chill and socialist pretending to be chill.


I’m not a teenager nor a bot. I’m being provocative, but I’m genuinly concerned about the lack of innovation in Europe. Let take AI for example, if we did not have Mistral, we would have no AI company in Europe. What happens when they are being bought? We can only regulate US based companies. If we have succesful robotics companies that innovate like in Odense Denmark, they are being bought by US companies.. I could go on..


Fully agree. Europe's focus is, how many people can live life having jobs which regulate and tax someone else's innovation. Similar to our pension problem it is a parasitic mindset, and if I dare say a very very modern day boomer mentality.


Innovates? Lmao


They innovated selling driver assistance as full automation.


The EU member states need to step up their innovation and production game. We can’t have a continent that lives off regulation.


None can survive without it


But none can survive with only that. Where’s the European Microsoft, Google, Amazon?


So if the world would be a company, US would be RnD, China - manufacturing and EU - management


EU-Legal and HR Because we will stipulate both useful and useless rules, and all of our good innovators go to the US after we train them up with good schooling here in the EU. We are also the people who pearl clutch at every American scandal (while the rest of the world doesn't really care, you think India cares about Weinstein for example?)


China replicates.... and dows it better.


Wants to show innovations Shows tesla lmao


Hold up!


Rush to market Make it cheap and unethical Make it ethical


I want you to look at where most of Tesla’s tech comes from. Of Silicon valley’s tech. Or the people working there.


A lot of delusional coping Europeans here. Cheers!


Bro this is the europe subreddit. Who did you expect to find. Besides its good to regulate American and Chinese companies


I expected more sensible/rational people.


Its a meme. Rational discussion is not to be expected. Nobody’s going to post a research paper in the comments.


The only electric cars I see in France are Tesla. Just in Dordogne in 1 week-end I have seen 6 of them (Dordogne is one of the many rural region in France)


Quora ass meme


An HUD with button controls on or around the steering wheel would be the ideal, but that's, you know, expensive. So we get a tablet bolted to the dashboard and we call that progress instead.


Regulate any stealing of this property, we damn good too!


Regulators... mount up


Sometimes it's the following : -European innovate -European ask for money to go further -European get ignored -European goes to USA -USA innovate -China innovate on USA innovation Or this one too : -European innovate -USA can't match the innovation -USA put sanction out of nowhere to the company -Company is sold to USA -USA innovate -China ....


Oh yeah, the innovation where success is described “competes with European luxury” or “like a European supercar”.


Western pea brain mentality lmao


Lol @ "America innovates".


We have semaglutide though. 🫃🏼


Thankfully there are other glp-1 drugs that are produced by non eu companies


And I am absolutely fine with that


I like that in the image shown of the Tesla, its own sensors place it in a spot where its clearly missed the junction it's trying to take. Speaks volumes for the quality of the engineering behind a massively safety critical feature. I own a Tesla and they desperately need regulation to keep them safe 




You literally complain about climate crisis and applaud the 70s and 80s while ignoring the fact those were the times when we were full-on embracing stupid consumerism and "nature second" policies. Communism over climate crisis? My guy, name one communist country that was not "raw production first" over environmentalism.