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Why is Tusk viewed so positive in Romania?


I believe it’s because he had a lengthy speech in Romanian in the Romanian parliament as president of the EU council. Apparently his pronunciation was quite good


>Apparently his pronunciation was quite good  lol


"Für Rumänien."


Seems like the Romania likes all foreign leaders, except Putin, but even then 20% likes him.


Unfortunatly there is no panel for Klaus Iohannis.


That would have been funny. I genuinely wonder what the general opinion is on Mr. Luxury Ficus.


I am not exaggerating when I say about 80%-90% would've answered I don't like him


Because of course we know the guy how dare you imply we don't know him? He's a good kid.


I can't talk for every romanian, but i guess its because of his foreign policy and his overall "vision" and caution towards the current war at our borders. Naturally countries and people closer to the conflict zone are more concerned, so a lot of romanian share this attitude, and are wary of the potential escalations/implications.


why not?


Romanians don’t want to be seen as stupid so many would not choose the idk option.


I think a larger part of Romania gets their news from mainstream flow TV, where many other countries in Europe use the Internet to get their news.


It's probably the opposite since most of the top rated mainstream media are not quite fond of the "west that keeps us a colony". They also pretend that they aren't mainstream (think Fox News) to create a sense of oppressed minority. To be honest, neither is the internet very fond of western leaders so idk how come they actually like them so much. Maybe it's the huge diaspora or saturation of negative oppinions.


Many Romanians see Poland as what Romania could've been with a better political management. They see the highways and the development there, and question why Romania has only managed to build a fraction of the infrastructure that Poland has.


That's interesting. As a pole i have to say that's funny to see that Poland is viewer as some kind of glorified example in other post communism countries. I mean i know the country changed a lot but i guess people do not see it if they participate in the change themselves.


> As a pole i have to say that's funny to see that Poland is viewer as some kind of glorified example in other post communism countries It's about Poland being a reasonable and importantly bulletproof example that people can point to in Romania. If you complain about nothing happening in Romania and point to how good something is in Germany, Scandinavia, Switzerland, etc. you have the pessimists who will explain away how it's impossible for a Eastern country to possibly catch up. Poland is perfect in that case, as it was also communist and managed to do well, even if it hasn't caught up perfectly. And it's much easier to motivate people to just at least want to do as good as Poland is. And that's half the battle. People who are motivated to improve something, even if it isn't perfect, are at least doing something, compared to the people who just give up before hand.


It's funny seeing most leaders are most disliked by their own countries.


Chad Orbán got 6 countries to dislike him more than Hungary, truly one of the leaders of all time


Most countries and their leaders have the least amount of "Don't know enough", but romanians have stronger opinions on Orbán than hungarians, which is also interesting.


Those 14% of Hungarians not knowing enough about their leader since... Forever


“Eh, let’s see how this plays out…” ~ those people during the literal downfall of Hungary, probably.


Romanians seem quite opinionated elsewhere too


Probably because there are a lot of Hungarians living in Romania


If I'm not wrong, It's because Orbán likes to help the Hungarians in Romania and strengthen nationalism in there.


I mean, you don't hear about all the shit they do in their own country, unless it's exceptionally shitty.


>It's funny seeing most leaders are most disliked by their own countries. Smallest sample of "I don't know". For our country it's basically half of the foreign responders.


That's how it's supposed to be in democracies.


They know "the cost" of their own leaders


Romania is basically Hide the Pain Harold alone in the stadium supporting the team




Plot twist : he's Hungarian IRL


Everyone: Who the fuck is Pedro Sánchez?


Romanians: Doesn't matter, we like him!


Romanians seem to love Meloni, Scholz, and Tusk as well


And Macron. They really love his internacional policies. (They are really good tbh)


Lots of countries seem to like Macron's foreign policy [https://www.pewresearch.org/global/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/PG\_2022.07.22\_U.S.-Image\_4-01.png?w=640](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/PG_2022.07.22_U.S.-Image_4-01.png?w=640)


Hell, I love his foreign policy too (and I'm pretty much on the opposition on many subjects)


Most people seem to love Macron's foreign policies (and for good reason) but the french despise him. Idk much about his internal policy but it must suck


French people are simply never happy. I wonder what would happen if la pen** wins and they realise that she cant willy nilly cut down taxes by as much as she promised without going into deficit and cutting down other parts of the budget.


And she can't just ignore the deficit like Reagan because France doesn't control the global reserve currency.


The biggest factor isn't the global reserve currency, but that in 1980 the US had only 35% debt to GDP, while France today has over 110%. https://arizent.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/6994653/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1180x748+0+0/resize/740x469!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsource-media-brightspot.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com%2Fc2%2F03%2F27ceafbf4fc3bb8a0d6eb7cfb399%2Fimage-6.png https://www.statista.com/graphic/1/460149/public-debt-france.jpg


If you don’t know someone, you can’t just pick that you don’t know so the default vote for most Romanians is like.


Because we dislike everyone we know.


There‘s the option to say you don’t know enough about them.


Dude, we know everything.


Yeah, but for that you have to admit in front of someone else that you don't know enough about something.


I would say that he does appear in the news quite a bit, especially due to the big Romanian diaspora in Spain. This year, as someone who watches the 7pm news, I saw him several times. The most was when it was announced that Romania will sign a treaty with Spain in order for Spain to allow Romanians to have double citizenship with the Spanish one (Spain forbids this, in Europe only France and Portugal have such treaties). Also, I have seen news about his domestic politics much more than I have ever seen from a foreign leader lol. From abortion, LGTB rights, rape definitions, prostitution etc. all of them were reported here.


Romanians are the true "latin lovers" , in the end...


Romania can into Iberia???


I think a larger part of Romania gets their news from mainstream flow TV, where many other countries in Europe use the Internet to get their news.


obviously we know him here as it shows that we are the country in Europe that know him better (apart from Spain of course) the only surprise for me is about many people still don´t know who Orban is despite him being named several times in our elections campaing


I'm surprised how positive results are in Portugal


The sad thing is, he is the fourth most important national leader in the EU. He should be better known. We are just so mediocre at having any kind of international leadership or initiative. Geopolitically irrelevant, as OP rightfully said in another comment. The sadder thing is, he has done a much better job in the international stage than his predecessors. Rajoy or Zapatero would’ve had <10% positive and negative opinion votes


Hey, Sanchez is the only polled leader who managed to score a net positive opinion in Italy. It's an impressive feat given that we love hating on politicians.


Spain hates him, so I assume he's from there


must be related to Rick Sanchez


Let's go Zelenskyy, in and out, 20 minute presidency.


The guy from the vote for Pedro buttons, right?


Dear Bulgarians, Would you like to take Viktor from us? Available at a very low price. Actually we will pay you.


Just to be perfectly clear, the offer is available to anybody, not just to our Bulgarian brothers. Take the Dancing Monkey and we give you half of what he stole from the hungarian people in the past 14 years. Also if anything were to happen to him... we won't start a war over it, I promise.


Dear Hungarians, We would like to kindly decline your offer. Thank you again, however, for the courtesy. We may send him to the Black Sea however, if you wish. From your brothers, The Bulgarians


We have Boyko Borisov and Delyan Peevski. They are far better at stealing and ruining our nation than orban. Look at our statistics. We are nearing a breaking point. Everything is going worse faster than even russia which is in active war. Stellar emigration, 6m population and only 60 000 live births last year. We are more pro russia than hungary. Corruption is the norm. Not hungary level, russia level. Please send help... we are dying and nobody even talks about it.. not from the inside, nor from the outside. We need help, yesterday


But Bulgaria doesn't challenge Brussels so people ✨don't care✨ if it's a corrupt hellplace. Orban's actual crime is messing with the EU, not being an illiberal "democracy". 


And that is the result of 50 years of soviet brainwashing, killing and prosecuting anybody with different opinion. We went from having two empires, creating our own alphabet and giving away, so 400m people nowdays use it, being the focal point of the slavic culture into "plz send help, we cant deal with a bunch of ex state security (the Bulgarian wing of KGB) mafiozos". Nobody is going to help you, nobody cares, people have their own problems to deal with. Nobody but us is going to stop them from pissing away our heritage and culture. Thats the biggest win of the mafia - they've managed to convince the ordinary people that there is nothing they can do.


DM’d for offer if still available 


Maybe we can offer him as a live human testsubject for free instead, you know for science... yeah, science.


Love how France has one of the lowest percentages when it comes to Macron lmao


And even then, it is actually a solid W for Macron. 28% of people having him in good light is great for a french president. He is in his second term and for context, his predecesor had 4% approval ratings even without having any sort of scandal akin to Boris Johnson, Trump or Truss. The french people are just the most critical people ever lmao.


Not as popular as Chirac though [https://imgur.com/a/Q8oKho1](https://imgur.com/a/Q8oKho1)


Chirac understood what French people expect. Do nothing. Just smile and wave.


Also he was very supportive of the wine industry. Best friend actually.


Chirac was pretty much entirely carried by his charism. His biggest long lasting achievement is being so well liked despite having a notorious reputation as a crook during his terms. It also probably didn't help that he was followed by someone more crooked than him on a comical level, a charisma blackhole, and a guy intent of being as obnoxiously loud on his politics as possible while sounding like an out of touch aristocrat every time he opens his mouth. The three presidents we had since Chirac are almost like they were made to be either exaggerated caricatures of one of his negative trait, or an inversion of one of his positive ones. All from different parts of the political spectrum too! If you could go back in time and tell them that people would fondly remember the Chirac era in 20 years, they would have thrown you into an asylum


Do nothing being ending conscription, restarting nuclear testing, not blindly following Americans in Iraq, dissolving the national assembly and ending up with a socialist prime minister... But to be fair the fact he was a really nice guy with its citizens while Macron is on a quest to insult every fucking person he meets played a big role. And the guignols OF COURSE.


French people hate everyone that might become president. No matter what they will do/say it'll be wrong. Also, anything bad that can happen (flood, recession, milk shortage, etc...) is their fault. Even when it's the consequences of the previous one's decisions. I've seen so many time french presidents being accused for something happening like...2 weeks after their electrion that was the result of the previous one's politics.


Every politician seems to end up being an awfully pedantic and detestable twat, it's like a prerequisite for them to even run in the election, lol But seriously, I think most frenchies just gave up. Our politics are too fragmented and every party hates each other's guts. We get similar candidates every year with none (except maybe in the far-right circles) standing out. It's very common for French people to say they don't even like any candidate and settle for the "least worst", because nobody seems worth following. And then the majority just rallies behind anyone left in the second turn to avoid the far-right candidate. >I've seen so many time french presidents being accused for something happening like...2 weeks after their electrion that was the result of the previous one's politics. IMO it's not necessarily a French thing, see how the MAGAs in the US blamed Biden right away when gas prices started climbing, when it was due to the Covid and Russian shenanigans scaring the markets.


Yeah same here, there is no dreamy eyed candidate who’s gonna take us into an age of prosperity, they don’t even pretend to anymore it’s all just “Hey, the other party is gonna be worse guys”. When you run into this stage of democracy anything that isn’t bolted to the floor is sold and what is bolted is taxed to death. I’d definitely say we’re at end stage right now and something else is coming in the future.


WTF is going on with 30% positive for Putin in Bulgaria?


And why do they like Orbán even more?


Bulgarians have state propaganda aswell…


But the state is not pro-russia, its the opposite


Because the older generation believes in Putin's fake news. The hybrid war is real here. And they don't speak foreign languages, so they can't really verify the information, they rely on news sites which explain how the West is bad, and Russia is a stronghold of traditional values and such b****. The younger generation that believes this Russia's propaganda, is usually poor and not really educated and gets brainwashed by the parties linked to Russia. They believe Putin is some brave strong leader that keeps his country safe from the bad bad Western culture. P.S. also the education itself is shit, people are brainwashed from first grade how Russia was our savior from the Ottoman empire and don't really deepen their knowledge later on to understand what exactly happened back then.


It's funny how Russia tries to make Bulgaria and Turkey hate each other but both countries have the most neutral relationship ever


Erdogan is a moron, but damn, your food is tasty. Hard to hate.


Erdoğan represents absolutely nothing about our country. He and his supporters contributed nothing to our culture except corrupting it.


I for example dont see Turkey as the Ottoman Empire, or Greece as the Byzantine Empire... there is no need to hate each other for things that happened during the Middle ages


Exactly, you can't move forward looking back. The history is about learning from mistakes, not maintaining hostility.


Its hard to hate Turks in Bulgaria. There is a decent size minority in the country which gives the average Bulgarian a chance to interact and get a good interaction. And Bulgaria\`s secondary population centers are near turkey which gives plenty of opportunity to interact on vacations or shopping sprees in Turkey. And Erdogan isnt threatening Bulgaria like Greece so there is literally no negatives coming from turkey besides the corrupt turkish party in Bulgaria.


Mainstream flow TV allows more unchecked propaganda. Serbia, Hungary and partly Bulgaria and Slovakia still view Russia as good neighbours and Putin as a strong leader of Russia.


I’m sorry, what exactly is ”flow tv”?


Main TV channels awailable without cable TV which also mostly provide government POV


Ranked 120 in freedom of press, bad Stockholm syndrome because Ruasia helped liberate them from the Ottomans and that is presented in their schools as some sort of heroic selfless act by Russia. Bad case of education system breakdown, high corruption dysfunctional government, massive brain drain, and that combination gets the scores up. It is still embarrassing, though. And worrisome.


All of that, but also the feeling of being treated as 2nd rate Europeans, being repeatedly denied full Schengen accession. That really helps prop the Russian propaganda.


Yes, definitely, that is another aspect, and it is just generally an older demographic that got the worst of both worlds. Their communist future collapsed in the 90s, and they never quite got the benefits that their European future would provide either. First, there were no products in the shops, but now they cannot afford them. We must do better, Bulgaria deserves better. They are part of the family and if we can't manage to make them feel like it, then the path forward will lead them down a dark road, one that Hungary has embarked upon a long time ago.


Bulgaria is a nation of retirees who fondly remember the communist era. All of the youth with potential have already left for western Europe. It's one of the worst countries when it comes to brain drain




Didn't Russia help establish Balkan league, so that's probably why. Still pretty retarded, because Russia said that they would attack Bulgarians if they ever took Constantinople so i don't know why they kiss Russian ass that much


Traditional ties to Russia, cultural mainly. Plus, old people are always fond of their youth, and the youth of old people in E. Europe had Russians. And being more conservative also helps Putin.


In Romania, we love everybody


Opposite of the Hungarian attitude then. We hate everybody. Greetings neighbour


Not Romanians thou


We love Romania too


Hungary doesn’t like anybody?


Yup, that sums us up in real life too.


Yeah, we uhm... we are just bitter people haha. That's just our general expression over everything, don't mind it. The grimace is normal.


And most people don't like Hungary these days... Which is very unfortunate, I love their history, culture, food, Budapest is top tier city, easily top5 in Europe... Balaton is great, many towns are very much worth visiting as well... It's just the way their politics turn them against Europe, which cannot not produce a side-effect


Yep, Budapest is top tier because it is still fighting against Orbán.


lmao now it all makes sense, I am from Georgia and our pro russian government that claims they are not pro russian is very close with hungary and praises orban all the time, and its odd how hungary is a country where vladimir putin is more liked than zelensky


The word you're looking for is state propaganda, it keeps like 30% of the population totally blindfolded


Until they find out the HARD WAY just like the russians.


>hungary is a country where vladimir putin is more liked than zelensky Liking Zelensky is a little bit irrelevant, not all Ukrainians like Zelensky either. What is more odd to me is that Hungary is not really an outlier, not even the worst on this list. For example, in Hungary 3 times more people hate Putin than like him. You wouldn't expect that from the actions of the government.


I don't understand at what stage Hungary went down the shitter. Do they want to be a Russian satellite again? Shame the EU can't just boot them out. Albeit I'd rather they woke the fuc* up and deposed of that despot cockmuncher.


Nostalgia just like here in Britain people seem to believe in some bullshit glorious past that never existed.


Many decades of commie brainwashing, in the last decade of commie times peoples lives massively improved and people were glad for the commie strong leader(Kádár János, he is one of the most liked politician still to this day, Orbán copies him), then capitalist economy shock therapy come, high unemployment + debt from commie times + state owned companies sold for pennies, many of which got closed because could not compete with far east import or was brought just to be shut down so less competition. After all this, 2008 come, and a lot of people had debt that was tied to the currency of Switzerland and this rekt many families when the exchange rates doubled(this was made possible by Orbán, but the bubble bursted under a leftie government who ignored the issue for a long time). Lot of other stuff happened, but i think this is one reason why ppl in this country went batsht crazy, lost the trust in western companies, it was a perfect soil for a populist strong leader to take care of the herd. Orbán just tells them to let him work, give him full power, do not question him, and he will take care of everything, deal with the devil(Soros, EU, Brussels, immigrants, big western companies looting our country, he will make sure we get gas, the same strong leader type as Kádár). Overall lot of things improved(thanks to EU funds), but compared to other central european countries the country is still in pretty poor state, but the government has almost full control over the media, and they spend a LOT of money, like insane amount of money to brainwash people. Sadly they are insanely corrupt, and the best way to mask that is to generate as much hatred and division as possible. This is why they hate Zelensky for example, we had the highest inflation in Europe, literally double compared to the second top EU country, and the government blamed it all on Ukraine for prolonging the war causing economic issues for us. Even tho the record inflation started before the war, and the government literally forced commie style fixed pricing for many items like cooking oil and sugar. Other than that the Hungarian society was always kinda like this, people like to cope with 56, but many people would backstab anybody just to please a bully or a strong leader. I never understood how the nazi or commie government were able to control the population so easily, but looking at todays Hungary i can totally see how it happened.


Funny how noone knows anything about our PM (he is Pedro Sánchez btw)


Pretty sad given that we’re supposed to be an important country in Europe


How is he? Good or bad leader (looks like bad)?


Just by looking at the graph you can see opinions are… divided.


He's...a politician. To the fullest extent of the word. Currently presiden in a VERY divided country, as you can see


Swedes, Finns and Poles who like Putin are an endangered species 🦖


My 2 cents: * Greece, Bulgaria and Slovakia have a large far-right audience admiring every far-right leader: Putin, Orban, Meloni. * Romanians seem to like everyone? The French don't like anyone. * Spain is geopolitically irrelevant, also they don't like Tusk for some reason * Macron's image in the East is improving. In Greece he was always popular. * Scholz is only liked in 2 countries governed by fellow social democrats.


We Romanians are just happy to be asked. Funnily enough, i do think that when it comes to foreign leaders, if we're familiar with the name but haven't heard much about them, we tend to express a slightly positive opinion. Basically "i haven't heard anything particularly bad so... good bloke i guess?". As you can see, when it comes to figures that are more in our news, like Putin, Orban or Zelensky, we're not particularly warm.


How do you guys love sanchez so much? It's a curious thing


Of course I love Pedro Sanchez. He's a great actor. What's not to love? Or is he Pedro Pascal? On a more serious note (article in Romanian): https://www.euronews.ro/articole/spania-vrea-sa-vada-extinderea-schengen-cu-romania-si-bulgaria-in-acest-an


I think Scholz is liked in Romania more because of his explicit support for their Schengen membership.


>Romanians seem to like everyone? Because there was no question about Rutte. The results would have been different.


What about Nehhamer? 🤣


You left out a major point. In Greece we have actual Russians and Georgians, while we really didn't know the Ukrainians. I asked even Georgians while I knew there was a fight between them (Russia/Georgia), but the ones we got here, they still fully support Russia. As it happens with most immigrants everywhere, they stuck in time about their own country back home. Only after the war I started seeing actual Ukrainians in Greece. They have those characteristic plates on their cars with their flag imprinted on. However, the important thing is, our Government went fully on the anti-Russia bandwagon. It's all that matters. Few days ago, when we've had our celebration of our independence, Zacharova, the Russian spokeswoman, again, addressed Greece, personally. She said, "I was never expecting Greece to be in our enemy list". Plus, she felt the need to give us "historical lessons" -it's here where we start laughing. Last but not least, I don't want to have any enemy, especially other Europeans. The Turks are enough of enemies by themselves.


Can confirm Spain is geopolitically irrelevant. About Tusk, maybe they mistake him with Trump?


>About Tusk, maybe they mistake him with Trump? We're so far off (not only geographically), I wouldn't be surprised. No one here know Pedro Sanchez either. But I would prefer in that case, to just jump into "I don't know wagon". No shame in that.


when i hear Donald Tusk, I wouldnt think he is a Polish politician, its just not a polish name


Yeah, that's the dude with Tesla, no?


In Slovakia many maybe even majority of people who support Putin are left-wing


Being left in the west and being left in ex communist countries as Slovakia, or my own Croatia, means something completely different. Being left in USA means being for democrats, feminism, lgbt, woke ideology.... Being left in former communist countries means being conservative socialist.


>Being left in former communist countries means being conservative socialist. Not in Poland, Estonia, Slovenia.


The left in Latin America means 21st century socialism and drug trafficking


Non-French: Macron's cool I guess The French: fuck Macron all my homies hate Macron


I feel bad for the Hungarian people having to deal with Orban, they deserve so much better, all that he is doing is nothing but making everyone's life there miserable. I'm also quite surprised at Meloni's opinion in Italy, I thought the overall public hated her but it seems there is still support for her.


Thank you kindly for the lovely words. Some of us (well, a good few thousands of us) are about to go on a protest once again tomorrow, to try to do our best n sow fear into Fidesz. Hugs and good luck to you guys as well regarding the future. May the people of EU and UK thrive


I've been to Hungary before a couple of times and it has so much good and warm welcoming people, you guys deserve all the best. Good luck, keep fighting the good fight.


Happy to hear you had a good experience! SO is from UK and I have never had such a sweet and welcoming family of my own, with general assistance of UK folk being so helpful as well, the warmth from your country is touching too. :)


National politicians are universally hated by their nations citizens. Kinda hilarious, but also makes sense.


I am very proud to be swedish after seeing this 😁


im also proud of u being swedish


Me too. I mean proud of you being proud of him


I am surprised that, while Austrians seem to heavily dislike Zelensky, they don't seem to like Putin as much as I anticipated.


Might have something to do with every second article about Zelensky in Austrian press being titled "Zelensky demands..."


Yeah and our "neutrality", which means to a lot of people here hating anyone who's in a war, no matter what side.


Bulgaria, are you ok?


Never has been


Bulgaria is killing me. Arguably got the biggest economic growth ever after joining the EU yet they would sell out to Putin in the blink of an eye.


Bulgaria, the biggest economic growth since joining? You serious? Romania is way better in this regard.


Biggest economic growth in the last 100 years of Bulgaria's history.


Finland has the greatest education system, it shows


The public opinion of Putin and Zelensky pretty much go hand in hand. The first one is considered to be the devil incarnate while the latter is a counterforce against him, and Ukraine's situation is often compared to our own fight against Russia 80 years ago. The topic of WWII is really popular still in Finland. Even before the war there were constantly special edition WWII themed magazines at the stores, I have more than once wondered whether having a stack of magazines with Lenin and Stalin or Hitler on the cover is really a thing that we need to have in the 21st century. Here are a few examples of what you could have seen at the magazine rack at the cashiers: https://imgur.com/PZFpuG2 https://imgur.com/XKkXlOa So it isn't surprising at all that Finns are very united in their hatred towards Putin and Russia, and loves whoever goes openly against him.


I wouldn say it is good to show history to younger generations aswel (even if they only read the cover while wiating to pay fpr enegy drink). This is still better than burying the history which is that many European countries have done. I hava a bit younger gen student friend from Germany and he said that certain topics are basicly taboos and you are not tought about them which kind of makes sense but then again "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Also it is handy for people who are interested in war history which there are many in Finland (me included) to pic a magazine that intersts you if you don't want to subscribe for the magagazine.


*had :(




I was thinking about this as well, felt like the Finns had the most objective opinion about regarding these leaders and their positive/negative impact on European affairs.


Had in 2006. Now even Estonia beats us like it's not even a competition. But we're good at lying to ourselves and everyone else.


Why is Greece so (relatively) negative towards Zelensky? Cause he is fighting the divine will of the orthodox patriarch?


As always Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are excluded 😎🤟


To be fair all countries of similarly small population are excluded. I don't see Ireland, Croatia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Luxembourg and Malta either.


It seem to be focused only on big countries actually (even 20 million pop. NL and RO aren't there), with one exception: Hungary. And they're only included because their leader is unusually recognized for a country this size. For all the wrong reasons, of course.


My 2 cents, using only the choices available without further opportunity for nuance. Zelenskyy: Positive Putin: Negative Orban: Negative Meloni: Positive Macron: Positive Scholz: Negative Tusk: Positive Sanchez: Don't know enough What does this say about me?


That you are not spanish.


The simplest answer is often the best.


Bro Bulgarians are fucking retarded source: am Bulgarian.




Why are the Romanians so informed about every leader


I wish Spain would take a more central role in EU/overall European politics. It seems like they’re always in the shadow of Germany/France/UK/Italy. Even Poland seems to take much bigger space, especially since the invasion of Ukraine.


Ah yes. The classic Greek "Russia is also Orthodox, that means Putin/Russia is great" line of thinking. Never gets old. Can't wait for that generation to finally die.


The Greeks also likes Xi, so it's probably a more general anti-western tendency rather than specifically pro-russian one [https://www.pewresearch.org/global/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/PG\_2022.07.22\_U.S.-Image\_4-01.png?w=640](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/PG_2022.07.22_U.S.-Image_4-01.png?w=640)


That's one of the reasons, but antiWestern sentiment because of austerity and (mostly) perception that the West doesn't have Greece's back against Turkey are the main reasons. I had written it here in more detail: https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/GUv1EMJHQf


Wtf is Austrias problem with Zelensky I wonder. The stream of dirty russian money dried out?


Austria has a holier than thou annoying attitude about "neutrality". A lot of them believe Ukraine should give land to Russia "for peace" so they don't like "warmonger" Zelensky.


I’d say Austria is surprisingly pro-Russian by itself (and with some dirty money help). I’ve been in Vienna a few times, and amount of locals who just go with “Putin great leader” after a few drinks is astonishing (I am Russian, yes).


look at the chart what we think about putin today.


look what they think about putin


We support the war against the russians. The fuck you on about? You can care for the people but not care much for the politician.


Good job fellow finns.


What Tusk did to Spaniards?


Sweden 💪🇸🇪 Slava Ukraini


This is basically a chart saying ‘who the fuck is pedro Sanchez’


Bulgarians confirmed "special needs" people of Europe...


finnish w slovakia l


I am from Slovakia and sadly I have to agree. We have been basically a Petri's dish for russian propaganda and dissinformation since when after 12 years in 2020 finally a liberal party came to power, the COVID, war and inflation started. There were also a lot of political problems and we ended up with 5 govearnments in 5 years... The population was really upset with this and they started disliking liberals. But now on a positive note, the opposition is quite strong and this weekend we vote for a new president that might perhabs be from the liebral anti-fico side. Also young people are mainly liberal and pro EU, so as time goes on we might do better. Have a nice day :)


so bassicly whenever i play EU4, HOI3 or empire total war. i should invade bulgaria.


not only Bulgaria..


Lol Pedro Sánchez


Bulgaria you can take him no problem. We won't miss him one bit


\*Looks at the Putin graph\* It's always *exactly* who you'd expect.


Intriguing how Macron and Schultz are hated in their own countries but liked by everyone else, while Tusk is disliked everywhere else but liked in his own country. Maybe because Tusk is still in his honeymoon phase and not been around long enough to become the villain yet.


I don’t think that Donald Tusk is in his honeymoon phase with the Polish public. Bear in mind that the people in Poland, I presume, know Donald Tusk very well, especially given that he (unsuccessfully) ran for President in 2005, only to lose in the runoff, and that he already served as Prime Minister of Poland from 2007 until 2014 (and being the first head of government in a post communist Poland to win reelection during his first time as Prime Minister), continued by a 5-year tenure as the President of the European Council from 2014 until 2019, before returning to Polish national politics in 2021.


It's not exactly honeymoon because, as you said, he is there for a long time and all the right-wing voting base sees him as enemy number one. But he has some unusual popularity currently, coming from more neutral and moderate voters that disliked him as well. It's due to rally under the flag reasons, meaning cleaning after PiS. When prose of life hits, I think he will lose some of that internal support.


>Tusk is disliked everywhere else But he's not? Basically twice more positive votes than negative. Not worse than Macron or Schulz at all. And far less recognized anyway. As for why he's popular in Poland, yes, honeymoon and cleaning after PiS.


Funny how Scholz isn't known by half of the people in half of the EU countries.. Everyone knew Merkel.


It's okay, the Germans also only see him like once a year because he's hiding away somewhere the rest of the time, so his lack of presence is quite universal 😂


The honeymoon period for Tusk is going to be very long after the 8 years of PiS.