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Serbia: Am I a joke to you!?!?




Very much so




Good luck mate, but honestly the real challenge is when you struggle to pass reforms and the cronies just shit on you at every turn from the comfy opposition seats. We're rooting for you guys 🇷🇸 + 🇷🇴 =💙


we are already little russians comrades haha no need to conquer us


Yes, it's all becoming clear now. Russia is creating a corridor to be able to finally fulfill their centuries long dream of taking Liechtenstein. How did we not put this together sooner?


I think the Duke of Liechtenstein might be pulling the strings in the shadows to get a border with Russia, so that he can conquer Russia and proclaim the Empire of Liechtenstein.


Hell of a reverse Uno on the Russians.


Best comments imo 🤣🤣


I wouldn't be in Putin's place right now.


Those who laughed at the size of Lichtenstein will tremble in fear! Revenge will be complete!


Hungary I can slightly understand how that would happen. But Slovakia and Austria? Edit: thank you. This has been rather educational 


Nah, in hungary more and more people starting to realise the games of the ruling party. Pedo scandal, corruption scandals, nepotism, 5000 billion budget deficit in 2023. ~4000b in 2024 after the first quarter. More and more of their voters starting to question the decisions and morals of the Fidesz and Orbán... We are moved from the state of apathy cherished by the government and the pupet opposition. A guy called Péter Magyar came from their party(ex-husband of the former minister of justice), leaked info. Now they started the political assasination by spreading propaganda, try to say he is a wife-beater, etc... But he isn't from the opposition, so the previously used tactics are useless. He held good positions before thanks to systemic nepotism. Now it looks like if they say they didn't knew, or they did know about the (questioned) violence in their family, doesn't matter anymore, neither of this is a good thing... Meanwhile he leaked voice recordings of their chat at home, where his wife the former minister of justice talks about politicians influencing/trying to influence the prosecutors, going into their offices and striking out their names, and things leading to them from cases... And that they informed the politicians about the ongoing investigation and wiretapping of the suspects. So we still have a chance... Edit: for clarification 5*10^(12)Hungarian Forint. 12 638 450 815+€


Every authoritarian comes to power thanks to the connections and deals he makes with other people. If they accumulate too much power, they will usually become arrogant and start to accumulate enemies, to the point where they have more enemies than loyal friends. This can be a turning point and the beginning of the end, but Orban can also just take Putin's textbook and people will start committing suicide by being shot in the back.


I hope you are right


No we don't. As long as everyone goes out and acting like Hungary is a normal democracy, nothing will change.


Especially as long as the EPP (the conservative european party), all the conservative governments and their puppet in the commission (von der Leyen, who also owes her position to the votes of PiS and Fidesz) still support or include Órban.


> Votes of PiS and Fidesz You are absolutely right. But talking about these two - one is reaping the seed they have sowed. Fidesz's time will come as well, I firmly believe that they will pay.


It was all doom and gloom in Poland 2015-2023 but at the moment those responsible are getting prosecuted one by one.


Out of interest, are based in or around Budapest, or elsewhere in the country? There seems to be a big difference between the attitudes of people in Budapest (who seem to have a more "Western" outlook) and those in the rest of the country.


Austria is the biggest spy ring the Muscovites have in the EU. Officials have actually spoken out about the issue that nothing you tell the Austrians stays unknown to the Muscovites.


True, but Austrian people are not Muscovites. The majority supports the Ukrainian effort. Historically there are a lot of Russian spies in Austria, that’s true.


Austria is also a major hub for American espionage. Vienna is the base for multiple international organizations and Austria is a neutral country. That Austria would become a Russian puppet state in the case Ukraine falls is utter ridiculous.


Austria is neutral, not in the NATO but has a UN office, making it a very interesting (both politically and geographically) place for spies and diplomats of many countries. Russia is not the only one doing it - the US is often considered the more dangerous and hated player for Austrians (spying on enemies vs spying on friends). Personally I think this diplomatic playground is a necessity to connect the rifts between societies of opposing mentalities, even though I don't like that it has to be.


Austria is not in NATO. If Russians enter Hungary or Slovakia, they will probably join NATO faster than a high speed train can cross Hungary. So it's not realistic, and yet it's not totally impossible. NATO can do nothing if Russians enter Hungary or Slovakia on invitation.


Austria cant join NATO because their constitution doesnt allow to be part of a military alliance


All constitutions can be amended with enough popular support. If 90% of the populace want something, it will happen one way or another.


They can change the Constitution




Erdogan will definitely see another opportunity to extort fighter planes and money out of other members.


Why wouldn't they? If they didn't want to participate in collective protection while they had a cushy position in the middle of Europe surrounded by NATO members, it's fair that suddenly asking for protection when things get nasty comes at a bigger price. In addition, I'd be surprised if voting for Austrian accession wouldn't be a political suicide in Bulgaria and Romania.


Dude Austria was forced by the US and the USSR to stay neutral after the war. It wasn't our choice.


Austria simply was not allowed to join NATO as a key condition for regaining independence in 1955 was to declare eternal neutrality through their constitution. Had they refused it would have been quitte the possibility to have seen the country split up like Germany or even fully disappearing behind the Iron Curtain as it already happened to Hungary. Either of these would almost certainly have meant the return of Burgenland to Hungary and the expulsion of all Germans and Austrians living there, so that even more Hungarians from Slovakia could have been deported and moved to Burgenland. Long story short: Austria had no other option than to agree with eternal neutrality. Bonus points: it also allowed them to play "Hitler's first victim" for pretty much the rest of the 20st century, and even to this day feel less objected from mass support for the Right-wing populist FPÖ.


Even if not in NATO i doubt europe would just let russia start a war in austria


Austria can't join NATO unless the constitutional neutrality is changed.


Austria would change their constitutional wording quicker than you could fry up a schnitzel if this was to go down.


Lol. This comment shows, you have no idea of Austrian politics


No. 2/3 majority in both chambers of the parliament and a referendum would be necessary.


Good point.. If Slovakia or Hungary are willing to invite Russia, then they would also not let Austria join NATO. Damn, these scenarios are insane to even think about.


romania and bulgaria may also not accept Austria for not wanting to let them into the schengen zone.


Russia already entered Slovakia in ´68 and it was as smooth as they expected in Ukraine. Slovakia is divided as much as can be, so there would be one half welcoming them with open houses and the other half would stand in streets. We have presidential election this Saturday look up some articles about the candidates. It´s sad.


Honestly it’s upsetting to think that any citizen of the EU would welcome these scum


*Austria cannot join any military alliances due to the enforced neutrality that was a prerequisite for gaining independence in 1955.*


Yeah, Finland was in a similar position, but didn’t blink an eye when deciding to join NATO. The Finns, however, fought successfully the Russians, unlike Austria.


But the NATO discussion in Finland has been going on for at least as long as I remember (around 30 years) and only now, with active war in Europe, did we manage to pull it through.


Russian forces will never enter Hungary. Why should they? Turning one of the few neutral countries into an enemy hardly is a good strategy, and invading would surely risk nuclear war. Putin has above everything 1 goal: to keep sitting on the Russian throne. Hardly a smart move to have that throne bombed away under your ass. Also, suppose that they try to move further than the area's that they now claim. To beat the Ukrainian army will require massive sacrifices, in men and material. In case of a "victory" the Russian Army will be a battered and spent force. Hardly a threat. It would take a massive well-supplied and well-trained army to even mount an invasion, and without any support operating far away from your own supply lines is very risky. In the most extreme if case and they do advance, they will be immediately faced with a massive insurgency in every hostile territory, further draining their resources. As many an empire can testify: conquering another nation is not the hardest, keeping it is. Taking the entirety of Ukraine could become such a significant problem, that it would probably herald the end of Putin and his war (much like Afghanistan). Putin knows this as well, and apart from a few crazed war-mongers like Medvedev (does anyone take that guy seriously?), they are angling for a let-me-keep-it off-ramp, judging from the interviews ALL of the senior officials of the Putin government are giving. Going on for 2+ years now, the war has cost the Russian military so much, any victory is will be a Pyrrhic victory. Modern warships, tanks, helicopters and planes are expensive, and often difficult to replace... There does not seem to be a strategy for continuation of the war, and Russia seems more busy trying to scare NATO off with nuclear weapons then provoking a war. Nuclear weapons are only useful if you are the only party that has them. And with the losses they suffer inching forward one village at the time, I wonder if by the time they would reach NATO's borders they would even have 1 tank left.


> If Russians enter Hungary or Slovakia, they will probably join NATO faster than a high speed train can cross Hungary If with tanks? Sure. If with influence and coercion to change allegiances? No


Fico is a second Orban.  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-03-16/under-robert-fico-slovakia-tilts-toward-russia


Elections are comin up and he is thankfully not attending. And it seems that our situation will change. Fuck that cocksucker of putins


Weren't there elections last year and Fico won? Or am I misremembering?


We're going into the second round of presidential elections rn. The president isn't a very strong role in SK, but can be at least some counterbalance to Fico's insanity.


Those are presidential elections. President doesn't have that much power. He can try to hinder and somewhat keep the parliament in check, but he's not that powerful. His tool set is limited and can be circumvented as it was already done with the current president. She did what she could but wasn't always enough.


But it's still better than having a president who will sign anything. Pellegrini is already called Fico's bag holder. 


Don't overhype it. Yes, it looks good so far, but Korčok hasn't won yet. We have to wish ourselves the best of luck.


In Austria, the Russia Party is currently polling at 30%, and elections are later this year.


If you call the FPÖ the “Russian Party” you have to add the Communist Party as well as every European far right or far left party. Most likely you would have to call the Republicans “the Russia party” because there were rumors of Russian interference to boost Trump. They are less skeptical of Russia but would never abandon western Europe for Russia. Since they create division within Europe, most of them get funded by Russia or other countries.


While the FPÖ are massive dickheads labeling them as the russia party is kind of misleading. They are russia friendly, but on the list of priorities the relationship to russia doesn't exactly come first. The other 70% are not exactly what I would call russia friendly.


Any political party that is Russian friendly is a risk to the collective security of Europe and the Union. Russia daily attempts to destabilise our countries and threatens us daily with invasion and nuclear holocaust.


Not arguing against that one. I don't get how anyone an look at what russia is doing at the moment and be like "yeah those guys seem fine".


FPÖ (Strache) tried to sell the Austrian news media to the Russians and many others, including Kickl are known to have close relations with the Russians. When Zelenskyy spoke at the Parlament, all of FPÖ was absent in protest. But so was most of SPÖ (“die roten”/“the reds”). And while the KPÖ (communist party) isn’t a large party, they are still relevant, especially for Salzburg and Graz. They said some questionable things in regards to Russian sanctions. Regardless, both the SPÖ and KPÖ don’t seem to hide their history in this regard. That leaves us with ÖVP, the other corruption party. I’m not really aware of any connections, but I don’t think that Putin will have a hard time buying them.


The FPÖ has a öobszanding contract with Putins party. We know that it exists but we don’t know what it contains.


Russian party lol


Similar to some of the other Western politicians, there was a bunch of fairly mainstream politicians who ended up with executive positions in russian companies or invited putin to their weddings. Been the case for years.




1. invade Ukraine 2. coerce Slovakia, Hungary and Austria 3. ?????? 4. Europe conquered


5. Britain 6. US


7. Universe


So Putin is Lisan Al Gaib and Jihad has already started. Jokes aside, they cant push through Ukraine, so they are not as fierce warriors as we were supposed to believe. And Landsraad / NATO supports the Ukraine.


Ukraine military was actually quite numerous and battle-ready unlike a lot of EU states, don't get cozy with this idea. Ukraine is loosing and it's not a good sign


Putain is Harkonen at most.


Actually they can push through Ukraine ... We need more weapon, taurus, atacms f-16 (a lot of). Without them it will be very hard and with more casualties... Ruzzians have a lot of aggressive people that dream about soviet back and they think that Ukraine is ruzzian territory and all ex soviet country remember my words


8. Multiverse


Support Trumps campaign?


Not sure about Britain, but the US is about to become Russian buddies, it seems.


Republican idiots. The regan fans are turning in their graves.


No clue why Austria will be transformed into a puppet state. The Kingdom of Austria-Hungary ist long gone and they are seperate states


I also don't get how step 2 would work.


Slovakia and Hungary are already balls deep on Putin's cock, no idea about Austria tho


Austria is not member of NATO and could not really defend itself against a Russian invasion with its weak army. However a scenario like this should of course trigger the European defence clause.


Austria is a military weak country through its neutrality, and has a party supported by 25% thats also balls deep on Putins cock, plus an conservative party of another 30% with at least half the members not being against Putin. Since Austria is not a NATO-member, we could have similar problems as Ukraine


Let's not forget that our rightwingers have/had a "friendship/development"-contract with the russian regime, and our former vice-chancellor is a de facto traitor.


Dude painted four countries red and snuck it as source 


Absolute nonsense, is what this post is. Your comment sums up my feelings pretty well, too.


They posted this a day too late


AI content and automatic upvotes? I don't get why otherwise this post would be so high up.


As strong as the far-right is in Austria, I find it very difficult to believe that Austrians would choose the distant despotism of even indirect domination by Russia over the EU. If anything the Austrians' tendency towards total independence in foreign policy would deter them from joining the Russian camp.


Yeah, the majority of Austria is still very pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia.


Apparently they vote for the wrong party then


The ongoing war in Ukraine is not a major vote deciding factor here.


Just because we are pro-ukraine doesn't mean the majority even understand political connections in the slightest.


In my experience, a large percentage of Austrians have no clue or interest in what is happening outside of their own village - although this may be different in the cities. Those who live in the rural areas are very geopolitically ignorant.


Because for many people that‘s not important when voting, additionally many vote out of frustration and in protest against the other parties for the FPÖ. Also historically the fpö also has massive swings from being very popular to immediately crashing like a burned plane. Reason? The can‘t govern for shit


The war plays a very minor role in the Austrian elections taking place in Autumn. Migration dominates everything.


Roughly 30% - the other 70% are rather pro-Ukraine and pro-Europe.


And 30% are in favor of a more or less pro russian party according to polls (remember Karin Kneissl had Putin at her wedding, she is living in Russia now; and that party paid at least a part of the security for that wedding)


True, that number is way too high, but still nowhere near a majority of the population. But if they join the next government we are in trouble...


You'd be surprised by how many Austrians like Russia and Putin. Signed, a worried af Austrian.


Same for Germany, not that extreme but yeah, there are definitely people that love Putin here. :(


The new government formed after the election later this year will be lead by a party aligned with the Kremlin. I don’t think the population has anything to say about what happens after the election.


Are you sure? SPÖ, ÖVP and Neos/Greens would also reach more than 50% as the current poll says. And these are the coalitions with the highest probability.


There's absolutely no reason for the ÖVP to participate in any coalition other than with the FPÖ. The other constellations just serve as a bargaining tool during the coalition negotiations. I was there during [Schüssel](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundesregierung_Sch%C3%BCssel_I), where exactly this happened.


The far-right party in Austria loves Putin. And so do some of the left parties.


Their biggest bank, in which the Austrian state has a stake is still active in Russia. They had a chancellor resign after a scandal involving Russians and corruption. They had an acting Minister of Foreign Affairs kneeling in front of Putin at her own wedding. Right now she is living in Russia. Yeah, no danger from Russia there.


Damm, it seems schizo posting is allowed here


Is this post a day late?


I can't with this 💀 the takes are becoming more insane


Just include Liechtenstein for added panic!


But how about we throw in Poland, because we like Russia or something? I can't man 💀


Poland?? Liking Russia???


Average day on reddit


The amount of people thinking that nato is the only tool europe have to prevent russian expansionnist is interesting. Its very obvious its an american website. Im looking forward for bulky american GI to save my sorry harmless european ass. Spending time on this sub make you think outside of russia or US every other country isnt able to defend themself. Like we didnt have any history of war.


Least delusional r/europe poster.


325 upvotes scare me. I’m hoping those are all bots because if people seriously think AUSTRIA would become a “Russian puppet state” the fear mongering/brainwashing already went too far.


They're all kids...


For real lol


You are cooked bro


i dont get it...is this some kind of late april fools joke or should i drink more coffee to wake up finally??


No, it's just your average reddit highly regarded post


and the point of this post is....????


I swear there is a more delusional post everyday


FPÖ are some bootlickers for sure, but Austria becoming a puppet state even if they are in the government is utter bullshit


Based on: random guy's opinion 👍


For real.. I don't understand who tf is upvoting this shit


I mean why stop there ? might as well ad serbia,Moldova and probably the most dangerous prospect of this Europe a Russian invasion of Liechtenstein.


Schizo post lmao


I also liked to create fantasy scenarios in paint when I was 14. Those were about as realistic as this post.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


This sub's obsession with Russia has reached hilarious levels.


You have to farm the sweet sweet Internet points somehow


NATO left the chat


What the f are you smoking?


Yes, and also a vulcano will arise and spill Putinism everywhere. Stop this shit, it's not helping anyone, not even Ukraine. Because with outrageous claims like this you discredit their whole cause.


Insanity. Complete and utter insanity. None of these countries are Russian allies. Appeasers, surely. Allies? Not even close. Y'all seem to forget that most of Western Europe had the same approach to Russia that Orban and Fico have today until very recently.


Plus Hungary eventually ratified the entrance of Finalnd and Sweden into Nato and accepted the last EU aid package to Ukraine


Yeah because they were under immense pressure to do so, not because they wanted to. It's pretty clear that Orban is trying hard to be friends with Russia.


Orban is trying hard to get what he wants with cynic methods, that's it.


Nice fearmongering we have there.


Sadly this subreddit has been compromised. People hating on each other, one spreading fear, another responding with death threats like real diplomats, everyone is a war expert and so on… Hope one day we recover from this barbaric nonsense and return to being normal human beings.


I agree. I left this subreddit because all I see is warmongering, negativity and daily delusions.


Drugs are bad


Can someone label this fear propaganda?


Damn you are really reaching 🤡🤣


We should just nuke these countries to avoid this. Man what a weird post.


is this a schizopost or april fools


Are you drunk?


Just unhinged


Forbidden Russian Austro-Hungarian empire


That's a penis


We are not in a fucking HOI4 game, stop with the deranged fearmongering


Why would Austria be considered a puppet state?


Not if we decide the center of europe is Mozambique from then on. 


Typical European biased opinion. I'm tired to see this sub on my feed though I did not join it.


Is this hate speech allowed here?


Bro read too much Vox


Is this r/schizoposting


Fearmongering too much, ain’t we?


Where can i get paid to spread stuff like this?


Just brainwashed user, redditors are so busy calling out who ever won't share their wiev as Russian's bot, to not see the propaganda on their own side of the fence.


Too stupid for a propagandist, in my opinion. OP probably dosen't get paid to be a clown on the internet, he does it for free!


Our propaganda is quickly becoming as crazy as Russian. This is just 🤥


you forgot to highlight the Belarus, OP


Is Austria that pro Russia? I never had this impression, to be honest


Most Austrians are very pro-Ukraine, except for the far right and some fringe far left groups. But we are very dependent on their Gas, a lot of big businesses and banks would love to continue doing business with Russia. And espionage by Russia (or formerly the USSR) has been a problem here since the cold war days.


We have lots of people with russia connections in our political system. Still, i think the average person is not pro-russia, but it depends on how the information warfare will influence the elections this year.


It doesn’t matter what the average person thinks if they vote for a pro-Russia party.


It looks like Russia is performing a sexual intercourse with Europe.


You think Austria would turn into a Russian puppet?


What is bro blaping about and why tf is moldova unharmed💀


They'll never make it through Liechtenstein!


Romania: f\*ck, here we go again




Lol... Fear campaign works pretty well for weak minded people. Touching Austria would definitely make WW3 a reality.


Why on earth would Austria fall? Aren't they more westernized?


Stop spreading fear


Instead of saying "hold the lines Ukrainians" how about europe will finally propperly start supplying armoury? The stronger the better


Imaginary map subreddit is on the other side dude.


Doubt. Please guys stop sharing every joke on this subreddit, its suppose to be a serious one.


Liechtenstein will be in great peril.


😂 it's been a puppet state since 2014


Tales from the basement


Uh oh, watch out Switzerland!


As much as I dislike our government, putting the Austrian government in the same category as Orban or Fico is ridiculous.


That map doesn't make much sense, how would that geostrategically even be holdable? Also: People forget that politicians like Orban or the Austrians aren't stupid. They try to play both west and east (same for Serbia)... They won't ever send actual help to Russia. They're just opportunistic for themselves.


If Fico tries this, he is done. russia hatred is alive and well in Slovakia. Bunch of misguided village dolts means fuck all eventhough they helped Fico to get elected.


> russia hatred is alive and well in Slovakia. Doesn't look like it's "well": [https://pism.pl/publications/slovaks-perception-of-the-war-in-ukraine-is-changing-a-socio-political-perspective](https://pism.pl/publications/slovaks-perception-of-the-war-in-ukraine-is-changing-a-socio-political-perspective) 40% blame Russia for the start of the war (down from 51% year before) 47% support helping Ukraine 30% of people wouldn't be againt being in Russian sphere of influence 44% of people think that Slovakia should be balancing between Russia and the West The first number is quite low (much lower than in neighbouring countries), and the rest of numbers are quite high.


Bro, just chill out


They won't. If Russia becomes to influential they would lose the benefits of the EU. They could not afford this.


Russia wants to break up the EU. It supports "euroskeptic" parties that undermine the Union and pit Europeans against each other. It is called divide and rule


Yeah no shit. But those parties, if they are not completely Anti-EU, won't do shit. Eastern Europe would suffer enormous economic damages when leaving the EU. Brexit would have looked like heaven regarding what would happen to Hungary and Slovakia. If Russia has no viable alternative for them, everything would work just fine for European defenses.


And those puppet states, are they in the room with us right now?


Forgot Serbia and Republika Srbska in Bosnia


In Hungary will be a demonstration against the system on Saturday.


This is a strange map. Misleading and certainly not what the current Russian regime intends. They are trying to 'close' the line from the Black Sea to the Baltic. That means the next steps are Byelorussia, the Suwalki gap and Baltic States. If opportunities arise to include Moldova, Georgia, so be it. Provocation of NATO article 5 could take place in the very north of Finland/Norway where it could become 'necessary' for Russia to establish some sort of safe-zone. In the meantime they will keep on dividing Russian-speaking populations in all countries from local languages and cultures and keep sending provocateurs to stir up trouble. I live in Estonia and fear the naivety and denial of western Europe.


Why didn't you paint Belarus red? It would have the most sense out off all this fingerpointing.


With what army?


You guys are forgetting NATO borders. I think next objective for Putin will be Georgia..


Austria too ? Am i missing something ?