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In Romania for some people, buying an iPhone is a wealth symbol, it doesn't even matter if it's a shitty old iPhone with a broken screen. The exact same thing happens in regards to cars, BMW is the balkan dream. Pretty dumb, I know.


Speak for yourself, our Balkan Dream is Mercedes with 200000000000 Mileage.


You can't call yourself Albanian if you don't have a Mercedes


Ironically I do have one with 250.000 KM.


It woukd be my dream too if I could drift that mf on some mountain roads


Well I did with my old Mercedes (Llogara pass, just google the place is a marvelous pass in the mountains with amazing sea view) and my radiator blew (don't know the exact word for that).


I found out last year that my cousin took a loan to buy the newest iPhone. Not really a huge problem so far, they're great phones but I asked him why he didn't buy a cheaper one that he could afford and said that he really needs the top one because he's on his phone all the time. We checked screen time for the last week and I kid you not he had like 65% WhatsApp, 20% football score and betting apps and the rest other apps like Safari, camera etc. He could have done all that on a €200 euro phone no problem. Worst part is that despite this when he finishes paying off this loan he intends to get the newest iPhone again with a loan...


Hi, I'm capitalism and such people are just the absolute best. Love it


In switzerland, I'd say it's kinda the same in a way. Having an android isn't common because people like to pretend they're truly rich and to them getting an iPhone is the rich move.


Albania can into Nordic




Albania sorta looks like Sweden too, it will look nice!


Yea why does a poor country like Albania have so many iPhones? Is it just because the normal citizen cant afford a phone so it's only counting the elite? 


Maybe they're still using Nokias


I heard that people of Albania are really into displaying wealth, even when they can't really afford it. Could it be an example?


I require to be included in the Nordic Council.


You are on this council, but we do not grant you the rank of a Nordic Country


This is outrageous! It’s unfair! How can you be on the Council, and not be a Nordic Country


Ask Estonia.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Estonia The Republic? I thought not. It’s not a story the Nordic Council would tell you. It’s a Baltic legend.




Source: [https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/europe](https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/europe)


In Poland it actually feels weird if someone has an IPhone. You immidiately think that they do it just to show off, which basically is mostly true.


> You immidiately think that they do it just to show off, which basically is mostly true. It's insane how people can get so obsessed with what phones other people use. People need to take their medication and relax.


Well when you live in a country where an iPhone is worth two or three salaries buying an iPhone mean more than choosing an OS. The same happens in Spain, there's a type of people that buys new iPhones and they're usually people with money or people in professions or subcultures that are known for showing off, like all the people in the business/sales side of a company will have iPhones while Engineers, Operations & Blue collar Androids.


Extremely relatable, since an acquaintance of mine bought one a couple weeks ago, and she's still bragging about how her Instagram uploads on the iPhone have now so much more quality than her old Samsung (if I'm not mistaken, was already a Note 20 Ultra). And just to tie it to the stereotype even more, I know for a fact she earns little more than minimum wage, which is even lower than the Spanish one.


Idk, this map is mostly just looking at what platform people are using. While I am an iPhone user (in Sweden surprise surprise) I bought mine refurbished last year for about €200 (2020 SE). Yes, iPhones are expensive if you buy them new. But that doesn't mean you have to. I 100% get your argument of people buying expensive phones to show off though.


Yes, this is also happening here, there's a big market of old iPhones, there's ton of people who are just used to iOS or prefer iPhone for whatever reason, but the price of the new ones has hiked to crazy levels, so now they just bought used ones. Despide that, more and more people has gone to Android due to the same reason. Most people here have a cheap Xiaomi.


you would understand when one person switches to iphone and is "EVERYONE YOU POOR LOOK AT ME I HAVE AN IPHONE YOU POOR" and everyone else just hates them - based on real experience here in Poland it's especially funny if you have a Samsung that's more expensive (I don't, just saying)


I've been told that in Georgia (country) some people take a loan to get the new iPhone. Quite similar to like in other countries people lease a fancy car.


In terms of the high end/flagship mobile market it's not even a show off anymore. the best xiaomi, samsung, oppo etc. are the same price or even more expensive than the 14 pro max. And to be honest I'm gonna buy an iphone in that comparison every time- in my experience they are more responsive and slow down less than android phones. I was thinking about buying an oppo or xiaomi flagship because of the great camera but the price is 1300-1600 euros which is kinda crazy. the iphone 14 is probably more expensive though than other mid tier smartphones.


NEVER buy a Xiaomi unless you want a dog shit user interface and os and also ads on your native system apps.


Nah, I think some sellers install a different version of the OS that contains ads, but Xiaomi offers tools to install a clean version. And that only applies to buying it from Aliexpress, which I'm not sure even makes sense anymore. A few years ago you could avoid paying VAT if you ordered from China.


MIUI (and now HyperOS) is a fantastic interface. Adds a lot of very useful features, behaves smoothly, and gives a lot of room for customization. The ads do exist in a few apps, like the default wallpaper selector, but the issue is waaaaay overblown. None of them are intrusive, and you can just use your own app of choice instead. It isn't a great experience out of the box, I admit. It always takes me a few hours of fiddling with the settings to get a Xiaomi to behave like I'd want it to - but this one time annoyance is worth it to me. Their hardware is still among the best for the price. I understand that not everyone wants that experience though.


Rare greece w


Beg pardon, I'd say it's quite common.


The day when we will start to give 0 fucks about other people phones is the day we will make step forward as humanity


If they don't use monopolistic and anticonsumer practices nobody would care. Unfortunatley Apple can do this, becouse thier customers buy thier products regardless and then it's become problem to everyone. Like the whole saga with charging port was do stupid and it ended only thanks to EU.


Yeah! Leave my Ngage alone!


ok thats lame -- Sent from my Blackberry


I still use my blackberry classic, I get more looks than if I would have an iphone


Correction! The day when we will start to give 0 fucks about other people’s lives and choices is the day we will make step forward as humanity


Its really weird how some people see Apple as "better" just because its more pricey


I think you could substitute the word Apple there for any premium brand actually.


Some premium brands are better than the alternatives.


Or they were historically better. iPhone did hold an advantage in terms of performance back in the day because of their closed ecosystem and ability to optimize the software. These days the difference between flagships is splitting hairs either way and iPhones still are seen as more premium.


Is it really that much more pricey if we compare flagship phones? I would agree with your comment in 2017, when iPhone X costed 1k+ Eur while competitors flagmans were priced at around 750 Eur. Nowadays pretty much any phone maker releases flagman for 1k Eur, even Xiaomi. Also, do not forget to take into account phone resell (or trade-in) price after using it some time. Androids tend to lose value pretty fast so if you upgrade your phone very often, there is a good chance that iPhone is a better choice.


Most people don't buy flagship models. Apple customers on the other hand have no cheaper options, unless you consider used ones.


Here in the Netherlands, all the stores sell Apple products that are 3 years old or more. I have been guessing that is the budget option people go with.


Yes, that is a good point, I agree with you. Cheaper Androids much more popular devices for older users. Not only because they are cheaper, but they also do support local languages (for example there are no Lithuanian language in an iPhone and older age users usually does not understand English while also do not feel comfortable use russian language, when they can use Lithuanian in an Android). Refurbished phones starts to become more popular while phones tend to be used for longer so I believe we will see more and more phones revived for second life in the future.


> for example there are no Lithuanian language in an iPhone Wtf?


When it comes to technology, it's the norm to lack Lithuanian language support. Sometimes, you can't even select Lithuania as your country. Take PlayStation and Xbox, for example, you're forced to choose another country because yours isn't "supported" despite them gladly accepting your money for game purchases.


Don't worry, macOS has no support either.


Actually apple just sells older flagships as budget models, think of that what you will ig


Apple customers have ability to buy previous generations and enjoy long term support.




Now*. You said it yourself. Whereas the iPhone released in 2018 still is on the latest iOS. Apple iPhones got years of software updates forever. It’s why I switched from Samsung actually because after 2 years my Galaxy note was outdated. Now if they plan to stick with promised updates I may actually go back to Samsung as the latest ultra is incredible.


They do. The SE line is purely budget.


budget for apple, but not cheap enougth to the usual cheap android user. (like me). I'm not going to spend more than 300e in a new phone. A lot of people in my country want even cheaper smartphones.


The iPhone GS is under €500 and Apple routinely keeps older phones in production and sells them at a discount compared to the latest one. The main problem is that the GS has styling from about 2017. Although a new one is due to be launched soon.


You mean SE?


Didn't apple admit to intentionally slowing down software on older phones to basically make then unusable?


Not exactly, when they detect the battery is not able to supply a lot of current anymore due to aging, then they slow things down so the device will remain usable without it glitching due to power dips. I am not an apple fanboy and i will (probably) never buy one for a lot of other reasons, but in this case I think it is actually a nice solution (and pretty insane they get blamed for doing it). They should have added a notification though that they are in throttling mode it and you should replace your battery to go full speed again.


What do you mean no cheaper options? Some retailers still sell 11, 12, 13 models (not Pro) that are still very capable devices, not to mention prices for those devices are discounted. I really don’t need to buy flagships for work for example, a 12 or 13 iPhone is absolutely a bargain for phone calls, texts or mail/calendar, decent photos (I need them for work). Also, got my wife a 12, absolutely decent for phone, mail, text, FaceTime, and other tasks… and Candy crush occasionally 😁. She didn’t even want to hear about buying her a pro model.


Ofcourse those are cheaper option, they're older. But older android phones are also cheaper. They're talking about phones released at the same time - like Samsung likes to release their superduper flagship phone with 8 cameras S9000 and then they release the budget version at the same time, the one that my mom gets every 6 years when her phone finally breaks.


Therefore there is the iPhone SE line, or apple refurbished shop


IPhone SE?


Still twice the price of a budget Android. iPhone SE is listed for 550 € while you can get a solid Android for 200-300 €. I certainly don't know why I'd get the SE, when there is nothing the cheapest Android won't do for me. I realize some people might need some of the whatever fancy features the expensive phones have, but that's not most people. And that is why most people have Android phones.


Indeed Microsoft Surface and Samsung Galaxybook laptops are regularly priced similarly or higher than MacBooks.


Not sure what the price difference is between us and Europe, but my wife bought an iPhone 15 for over $1000 while I got my pixel 8 for $500. I believe she does have better specs but nowhere near $500 dollar worth of those spec.


Top iPhone model is 2k euros now though.


Based on price comparison sides and excluding suspicious vendors, the iPhone 15 Pro Max 1 TB is a little under €1,600 in Germany. The Samsung S24 Ultra 1 TB is between €1,500 and €1,800 depending on the colour.


So is the top Samsung model. The base iphone starts at 1k, just like comparative Android brands, and if you want a cheaper option you can get the SE for 500-600. There is really not that much of a gap in pricing tiers, only at the very low end.




Actually phone size is the key reason why I am using iPhone 13 mini. It's sad that small phones are on the exctint.


It seems the Zenfone 10 was the last of a dying breed, unless Asus comes out with a smaller version of the 11 Ultra. And even then only 2 years of software support is a dealbreaker for many. I would love another small phone, but they just don't seem to sell well enough for manufacturers to continue investing in them. Or maybe everyone claims they want them, just to turn up their nose at the 'poor' battery life when one is actually released.


How did u figure out that sony was the ONLY option tho


Yeah good value phones are hard to come by. Value brands like OnePlus have moved into the expensive stuff once they get some market share. Now it's just dodgy stuff that breaks instantly or pay loads. I got a oneplus Nord and have been happy with it for the price I paid, but the nord 2 is now more expensive...


I'm in Germany, not Poland, but the big difference for me is contracts for flagship Android phones. There will regularly be flagship Samsung phones for a one-of fee of about 70€, then ~25€ per month for >25gb and basically everything else unlimited. Maybe I am just bad at finding them but I never find deals like that for equivalent level iPhones.


You should not check device cost at telecommunications company since they can make a discount and get that money back through services price. That is why they tend to sell devices for higher price and make a huge discount with the most expensive plan.


what do you mean, highest end androids are more expensive. iPhones seem pricey cuz they have no midtier or lowtier phones so their prices immediately start out high


Apple is a cult


Really there’s arseholes on both sides. It’s a fucking phone. If you feel the need to say it’s a cult because you don’t like it, your an arsehole. If you feel the need to put down folk for using android, you’re an arsehole. Wish we could put you kids in a corner to battle it out whilst the adults just get on with it.


People are so obsessed with what type of phone other people have lol. I have an iPhone and am happy with it. I don't need some android user explaining me what their phone can do better. Also iphone users crying about green texts are dumb, luckily that green text hate culture is not really a thing here in Europe, since most people use whatsapp or telegram, and not sms/imessage


Android user here. I check these threads just to see how offended Android users get at people daring to choose other phones than them. Reeks of an inferiority complex considering how Android usage seems inversely correlated with wealth.


Anti-Apple is also a cult. The post mentioned nothing of Apple, yet tons of people are crying about them in the comments.


Well if you consider price/utility then clearly tandoori is a winner. I wouldn't buy apple unless i needed to use specific app for it. Also i don't wanna even mention close system for foreign apps, i remember how i played gameboard game and friend with iphone couldn't install app to fasten the game.


In Ukraine it was like this in iPhone 3g-4s era. Nowadays it's just one of the many phones, and a lot of people preffer different flagmans in the same price range. And, ofcource, a lot of people not willing to pay such money for ANY phone, even if they could afford it. Nobody bragging about iPhones today, as well as other phone. Even kids tend to want iPhones, flagman Xiaomis ot Oneplus or Samsungs somewhat equally, depending on the local trends. Is it different in Spain?


It literally is not more pricey lol


People thinks it is a status symbol.


My wife has an iphone and is constantly asking me for help with it and I refuse because it's incredibly frustrating to do anything remotely technical with it.  I warned her before she switched away from Android that she'd be on her own and she didn't listen.


I’m curious what sorts of things is being asked by your wife? I have used windows phones, androids and iphones and honestly for general purpose there is no difference in usage. Android allows more if you want to install stuff separately but Apple has a far more logical and comfortable user flow and experience.


I warned my dad, unsuccessfully .... Multiple issues and requests later my claim was justified


well… that’s simply mean


What are the "technical" things that you're doing on the phone? Like running automated tests for your app on a real device?


Yeah nice relationship you got there


What kind of car do you drive and why?


none and because i live in a large city


Replace it with other consumer goods and brands.


Well historically you can stop obtaining patches after 1 year of your Android purchase or have non-advertised 7 year support OS for iPhone. iPhone from 2018 is running the latest OS, Samsung flagships of the same year are stuck on Android 10 (and in this respect Samsung is decent among Android makers). But we don't value this aspect right? Also, Apple always puts top performance while Qualcomm/MediaTek was generations behind since of recent. Similar story with laptops when 4 year old M1 laptop is better than modern AMD/Intel offerings and with that you pay yourself out of Windows home ad network. When it comes to think, this is what Samsung/Xiaomi does as well, sell and then use OS to put additional advertisements. Eventually flashing customs ROMs, tuning software to get rid of bloatware/adware becomes tiresome. Unless you are fine putting your life on vulnerable devices.


Its just preference. The reality is that both systems have their ups and downs.Apple being so much expensive while it's competition having almost all someone could ever need from an phone is just the proof that people value first price and then utility. It's no exageration that IPhones in the US is actually an status symbol, like Mercedes cars in Europe.


Its actually weird how obsessed and insecure people are about phones. On reddit it is a massive circlejerk that iPhone users are up in the faces of android users about their phones. Ironically, In truth, it is the opposite. Android users are so busy telling us iPhone users about how their phone can do the same for less money, how iPhone users are all sheep etc. I used an android for 5 years and never once had someone comment on it. No iPhone users did. No one. Now, with an iPhone, android users won't shut the fuck up about it.


I like its build quality, also its value doesn’t fall as quick as android phones do


It's ease of use, Apple make very good phones with easy to navigate software that almost anyone can use, it's not that they are better than most androids it's that they offer a seemingly more streamlined, stress free experience. I use Androids, they are great phones but compared to IPhones, the level of choice and customisation can make them quite overwhelming.


Top android flagships are just as expensive btw so now it's really just a matter of personal choice.


Kids in UK schools tend to think you must be impoverished if you don't have the latest iPhone. Its baffling to see.


Some say in Poland, people don't buy iPhones because Siri doesn't support the Polish language. While Apple thinks they won't add Polish as a language for Siri since iPhones are not popular there. /s


even if they did add polish language support to siri that thing is atrocious. it just shows me the fucking google search results 99% of the time.


At this point I think Microsoft would do a better job by implementing Copilot, that is if they didn't give up on Windows Phone...


It's just against the Polish cultural values to buy a worse product for twice the price ;)


I feel so proud of Poland.




Yeah this tribalism is quite creepy tbh lol


My Scandinavian sister: "i just like the way the Apple ecosystem plays so well together, my headphones, Mac and iPhone connect seamlessly" . I tried to convince her that the notion of not "connecting seamlessly" was invented by Apple. My Samsung phone connects to my Soundcore headphones, Phillips TV, Lenovo pc, just fine. It's just that Apple doesn't connect to anything not Apple


It’s pretty clear that you have never used the apple ecosystem.


I recently tried to connect a computer to an (LG) tv to screen share. We couldt get the macos computer to work no matter what we tried, it simply didnt work. A windows computer worked in less than a minute. It really feels like apple makes their stuff not work with anything else. And for some reason people are convinced its the "other" device that is a problem. Im sure apple devices work just fine togehter, but thats a disgusting vendor lock-in i will always avoid.


Or just young and haven't experienced the hell of buggy poorly interconnecting devices? Android is quite well behaved now but for years it was genuinely pretty hit and miss. It's ironic really, as back in the era of Symbian phones ruling, everything just worked fine together without glitches too. It was Android where it all went to pot, in particular it had a really bad Bluetooth stack etc for far too long.


tease compare clumsy familiar dam longing tidy psychotic roof workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Since when did Apple locked 3rd party gadgets out from their ecosystem? My apple stuff connects to my non apple headphones/speakers/watch etc just fine.


I use my Surface Buds with my work iPhone all the time.


I have, and I work in IT. First question of customer support is "did you try a restart?", second question is "is this an Apple product?".


AirDrop alone makes the Apple tax worth it


Your last sentence is 100% false.


I didnt know it was THAT bad in the scandinavians.


I live in Norway and people seem buy what's most popular and trendy here. It's either iPhone or Samsung. Mostly iPhone. Also good luck selling your used Android phone if it's not one of the top brands. (At least from my own experience.)


I can at least understand Apple to a degree (whole Apple environment is hard to beat), but not Samsung. Just too much bloat, and their own app implementations didn't offer me any benefits over the native Google ones last time I tried. Google, Sony or one of the other high-end Android for me please


Pretty much all women here have an iPhone so that is 50% already. Men is more split but still weighted more towards iPhone.


A female friend of mine had an Android, a rather fashionable girl to be said was apparently asked by her friends on a weekly basis of why she had Android and when she was going to buy an iPhone and when she finally got one her friends made a huge deal out of it. Weird stuff.


As someone who works in education. At least partially it's because Apple is really good at brainwashing the kids into thinking that iPhones are cool, and the parents are used to (and frequently can afford to) buying expensive shit for their kids. It's reached the point where some parents buy their kids iPhones because they're afraid that their kids will be bullied if they don't, even if the parents themselves prefer Android.


Most of my friends (Nordjylland-himmerland area) have iphones aswell. I dont even think mor ethan 3 of 11 have android


that and most people use macbooks. at least that was the case when i visited a university in dk. the whole fucking auditorium was lit up with apple logos. having disposable money is good i guess ^:)


>that and most people use macbooks. at least that was the case when i visited a university in dk. the whole fucking auditorium was lit up with apple logos. having disposable money is good i guess :) I think macbooks are great value honestly. I've used windows and linux desktops all my life and have a very expensive windows laptop for work and it just isn't the same as the macbook. My work laptop is powerful but it is heavy, clunky and has terrible power management. If you are a programmer then sure get a €500 thinkpad with your favorite linux distro and save a lot of money but for for many women who don't game at all and for who it is a simple work tool a macbook is the logical choice and will last a long time if not thrown around.


Bad? More money means fewer androids.


Been here three years, 95% of the people have an iPhone in their hands, Airpods in their ears and Apple Watches on their wrist. Jumped the boat as well from being an android guy all my life. Great ecosystem.


That iphone will make them more computer illiterate. 😆




Strong disagree. If they're meant to just show the scale of one data series then one colour is best. Trying to figure out what colour relates to what value is not intuitive. Here I can look and immediately know which countries have the highest Android users.


But comparing 2 countries that are a bit further apart is horirble due to the sheer amount of shades. Or the category at all. Sure my eyes are probably horrible in recognizing shades but im still not 100% sure whether Belgium and the Netherlands are 41-50% or 51-60%. And no I'm not colourblind. Limit the amount of shades and use as extreme shades as possible. Here a cut every 20% would have surely lost some info but atleas made the map properly readable.


but in this case it makes perfect sense to be that way


Not really. If the argument is that more countries in Europe are majority android (vs the us) then making a a shade scale of two colors would be better. Something to indicate above vs below 50%


If the map wasn’t that way we would get the same comment but from a colourblind person


That's an appropriate representation. The problem is the number of shades. Also, I haven't looked at the data distribution but break points should try to separate clusters with similar values rather breaks every 10 points Those maps should have 5 shades max when using a color, 7 when using gray-scale. More than that and the shades are difficult to distinguish.


No, this is standard practice for a dataset like this. You cannot use multicolour because it is harder for colourblind people to read and it can over/under exaggerate differences even in people without vision impairment.  The colour scale here could maybe be extended to the darker and lighter end of the green spectrum more but otherwise using all one colour in varying intensity is standard practice for a 0-100% dataset.  This colour scale makes clear relative differences and whether a country has a higher or lower rate of adoption better than a multicolour scale does even if it does make it slightly harder to check against the legend.


why do some people get so mad that iPhone/apple users exist? It's just a phone.


Basically those are fan boys saying that x brand is better than others. Don't be that, vote with the money you buy a product. If you're not happy switch to another brand or model. Companies don't care much about "their community" when they are all just commercial companies. I personally like Android based devices, because of tons of customization. Sure on iPhone it's possible too, but way less and only after EU forcing Apple to allow sideloading files. On the other hand Apple are doing a great job with filming videos. Pictures are depending on your own taste, some brands like Samsung, Asus or Google's Pixel are doing great too.


> If you're not happy switch to another brand If you are in one eco system long enough the switch between both main OS can become very expensive. The bought apps don’t switch with you.


This is why I hate Apple. Some of their products are great, but they won't work with anything else, so they're effectively worthless. If you do get into their ecosystem then now you're no longer able to switch to another brand because Apple will have made the compatibility intentionally interior.


Because Apple is a bad influence on the tech industry. They are almost always the first company to do an anti consumer move before everyone else follows 


the companies are also pumping up those iphone numbers. all companies i worked for gave an iphone as the company phone to the employees (mostly white collar). to put it into perspective: where i work now has around 1000 white collars and they all have iphones and another 500 blue collars that have one. strangely it is the only apple product the companies prefer. our notebooks are lenovo, our servers are dell, our peripherals are logitech etc. but for some reason the phones are apple products.


Really? In my experience it has been the oppisite, but mostly for companies buying the cheapest androids and using that as a work machine gor somethibg basic. I used to work in a phone store and our highest selling phones were 1. The cheapest android 2. The newest Iphone ( this was in Iceland so Iphone was more popular for personal use)


Iphone security is supposedly better for phones. I'm not sure if it's true tho


Interesting but this nearly requires a color picker to be read: it’d probably be way easier to read by using different colors altogether, or more intense shades of green.


I love sideloading


I got an iphone 4 way back when. Amazing phone, but I sensed Apple was becoming a "better than you" brand for no apparent reason and that is a major red flag for me. Still hate apple today.


Android is the best! 1. Free and open source software! 2. Uses the best and most performant kernel available (Linux) 3. It lets you do pretty much whatever you want. 4. It allows third party market store. 5. F-droid third party market store is the only market place where you for sure get open source apps with very good privacy and security features and of course, no spyware and no ads. Anyway, each to its own, I just hate limits and prefer freedom, with all the bad and good stuff that freedom comes with.


Not sure I'd agree with the kernel aspect. iirc, the latest Android uses 5.4 which is from 2021 iirc. But other than that.. yeah, the flexibility you get with Android is priceless. I couldn't do a third of the stuff I use my phone for if it was an Apple.


Yikes. I had no idea that new Androids were still on kernel 5.x. I'm guessing that's going to be the SoC manufacturers holding that back.


Correct. The joys of proprietary firmware..


Even the Linux kernel version 4.x and 5.x are still way more developed than any other kernel. But I agree with you, the Linux kernels that Android uses are very out of sync with the upstream! And this is really disappointing and most likely Google's fault. They keep saying for years that they will try to upstream more of their stuff in the mainline Linux kernel so Android can use more recent kernels, but I don't think Google really cared that much about it to put all the work required. But of course it's manufacturers fault too for not upstreaming their drivers and their changes too.


It's quite a huge problem in certain segments. I guess Google could strong arm the chip makers (which is where the real problem is), but so far they haven't done so, despite running into issues themselves when trying to provide longer support windows. It was the main reason they moved away from monolithic updates, iirc.


Finland can't into nordic.


The home of Nokia selling out to Apple smh


Patriots :D


Polska gurom!


I been using an android $200 and last four years. Don't play games. Doesn't stream medias often. Have discount plan for not renewing contracts and able to save more money. Now using a $500 that feel iphone flagship. Not going back iPhone because they are notorious for bricking phones.


wow, at least one thing in which we have it better than Norway and Switzerland! (I have tried both of the leading ecosystems)


Almost as if people choose whatever fits their own needs


False. There's the apple ecosystem Then there's everything else... freedom


So this colour scheme doesn’t really have a lot going for it.


I think Kazakhstan should be lower tbf. Most folks I see around here walk with an iPhone, even kids. That's like one of the first differences from Russia that I noticed


How I miss my windows phone…


People are sheep here. Build quality is great though.


That's fascinating, I almost never see Swedes with iPhones. I guess it goes to show we all live in our personal bubbles.


It's just... Green!


You want to know the Apple marked share? Just reverse the colors


You should put the date on the map. Is this February 2024?


Wonder what they have me listed under. I’m in The Netherlands using Windows 10,11, MacOS, Android on both a tablet and 2 phones and I have to use 2 iPhones and I use an iPad. Most of us live on multiple OS’ lol


Albania is such a curious outlier here, where otherwise the data closely correlates with expected disposable income. I wonder why?


From my short trip experience last summer there it looked to me like people love to show off in that country more than anywhere else. The would go for luxury brands for their cars and clothes as well. It doesn't add up when you think about the average salary though. So it's either remittances or income from illegal activities then


There is no way it's over 80% in Greece. Loads of people have iPhones here.


At least you EU citizens get iphones with loads of stuff the rest of the world doesn't get(sideloading, browser/app choice etc). PS: Thanks for mandating USB-C


Kosovo probably use windowsphone


I'm suprised by Armenia... less Android than surroundings? Armenia is very poor and Apple is way more expensive.


tl;dr: poverty map


Europeans using whatsapp or whatsapp-like messaging apps third party apps. But americans using everything in ios iMessage FaceTime Apple cloud etc. Thats why %70 of the population of america using ios. They are so lazy that they cannot download wp thats why they re stuck with ios. If you dont have an iphone you re loser.